{ "verseBefore": "And you, you shall speak to all of the wise of heart, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, and they shall make the garments of Aaron to set him apart to serve me as my priest.\n\n\\ts\\* ", "verseAfter": "And you, you shall speak to all of the wise of heart, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, and they shall make the garments of Aaron to set him apart to serve as priest for me.\n\n\\ts\\* ", "tags": [ "word_choice" ], "username": "deferredreward", "activeBook": "exo", "activeChapter": 28, "activeVerse": 3, "modifiedTimestamp": "2021-09-02T19:23:22.087Z", "gatewayLanguageCode": "en", "contextId": { "reference": { "bookId": "exo", "chapter": 28, "verse": 3 }, "tool": "wordAlignment", "groupId": "chapter_28" } }