{ "verseBefore": "And the Festival of the Harvest: the firstfruits of your labors which you sowed in the field. \n\\p\nAnd the Festival of the Gathering: in the exiting of the year, in you gathering of your labors from the field. \n\\p", "verseAfter": "And the Festival of the Harvest: the firstfruits of your labors which you sowed in the field. \n\\p\nAnd the Festival of the Gathering: in the exiting of the year, in your gathering of your labors from the field. \n\\p", "tags": [ "word_choice" ], "username": "deferredreward", "activeBook": "exo", "activeChapter": 23, "activeVerse": 16, "modifiedTimestamp": "2021-07-27T17:31:36.820Z", "gatewayLanguageCode": "en", "contextId": { "reference": { "bookId": "exo", "chapter": 23, "verse": 16 }, "tool": "wordAlignment", "groupId": "chapter_23" } }