
24 lines
731 B

"verseBefore": "Đanưq be aalq bơyh khơl drơơy trôôch long charơơk kađnen charơơk kahơơ đơu jah, bơh bơyh Kơy Plêêk kahnoq xuum biit angơuq.",
"verseAfter": "Đanưq be aalq bơyh khơl drơơy trôôch long chrơơk kađnen chrơơk kahơơ đơu jah, bơh xing Kơy Plêêk kahnoq xuum biit angơuq.",
"tags": [
"username": "cor_2020",
"activeBook": "rom",
"activeChapter": 9,
"activeVerse": 16,
"modifiedTimestamp": "2022-07-27T06:47:47.109Z",
"gatewayLanguageCode": "en",
"gatewayLanguageQuote": "",
"contextId": {
"reference": {
"bookId": "rom",
"chapter": 9,
"verse": 16
"tool": "wordAlignment",
"groupId": "chapter_9"