Auto saving at wordAlignment chapter_13 rev 13:4

This commit is contained in:
cor_2020 2023-08-08 11:09:01 +07:00
parent bc85320b98
commit aca9436062
10 changed files with 139 additions and 4 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"verseBefore": "Muuyq đom kaluh akoq ku koot ôôq dang đaji heq hmưưq biq păk kaxêêt, bơh plee xưưl ku ni heq jah yơơh, Dêq ka dêh araak raay dơơp pakêh đơu hooy tyauq ni.",
"verseAfter": "Muuyq đom kaluh akoq ku koot ôôq dang đaji heq hmưưq biq hmot kaxêêt truh kaxêêt, đơu hlêêl plee xưưl ku ni heq jah payơơh. Dêq ka dêh araak raay dơơp pakêh đơu hooy tyauq ni.",
"tags": [
"username": "cor_2020",
"activeBook": "rev",
"activeChapter": 13,
"activeVerse": 3,
"modifiedTimestamp": "2023-08-08T03:44:58.033Z",
"gatewayLanguageCode": "en",
"gatewayLanguageQuote": "",
"contextId": {
"reference": {
"bookId": "rev",
"chapter": 13,
"verse": 3
"tool": "wordAlignment",
"groupId": "chapter_13"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"verseBefore": "Muuyq đom kaluh akoq ku koot ôôq dang đaji heq hmưưq biq păk kaxêêt, bơh plee xưưl ku ni heq jah yơơh, Dêq ka dêh araak raay dơơp pakêh đơu hooy tyauq ni.",
"verseAfter": "Muuyq đom kaluh akoq ku koot ôôq dang đaji heq hmưưq biq hmot kaxêêt truh kaxêêt, đơu hlêêl plee xưưl ku ni heq jah payơơh. Dêq ka dêh araak raay dơơp pakêh đơu hooy tyauq ni.",
"tags": [
"username": "cor_2020",
"activeBook": "rev",
"activeChapter": 13,
"activeVerse": 3,
"modifiedTimestamp": "2023-08-08T03:44:58.033Z",
"gatewayLanguageCode": "en",
"contextId": {
"reference": {
"bookId": "rev",
"chapter": 13,
"verse": 3
"tool": "wordAlignment",
"groupId": "chapter_13"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"verseBefore": "Muuyq đom kaluh akoq ku koot ôôq dang đaji heq hmưưq biq hmot kaxêêt truh kaxêêt, đơu hlêêl plee xưưl ku ni heq jah payơơh. Dêq ka dêh araak raay dơơp pakêh đơu hooy tyauq ni.",
"verseAfter": "Muuyq đom kaluh akoq ku ni dang đaji heq hmưưq biq hmot kaxêêt truh kaxêêt, đơu hlêêl plee xưưl ku ni heq jah payơơh. Dêq dêh araak raay dơơp pakêh đơu hooy tyauq ni.",
"tags": [
"username": "cor_2020",
"activeBook": "rev",
"activeChapter": 13,
"activeVerse": 3,
"modifiedTimestamp": "2023-08-08T03:49:54.752Z",
"gatewayLanguageCode": "en",
"gatewayLanguageQuote": "",
"contextId": {
"reference": {
"bookId": "rev",
"chapter": 13,
"verse": 3
"tool": "wordAlignment",
"groupId": "chapter_13"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"verseBefore": "Muuyq đom kaluh akoq ku koot ôôq dang đaji heq hmưưq biq hmot kaxêêt truh kaxêêt, đơu hlêêl plee xưưl ku ni heq jah payơơh. Dêq ka dêh araak raay dơơp pakêh đơu hooy tyauq ni.",
"verseAfter": "Muuyq đom kaluh akoq ku ni dang đaji heq hmưưq biq hmot kaxêêt truh kaxêêt, đơu hlêêl plee xưưl ku ni heq jah payơơh. Dêq dêh araak raay dơơp pakêh đơu hooy tyauq ni.",
"tags": [
"username": "cor_2020",
"activeBook": "rev",
"activeChapter": 13,
"activeVerse": 3,
"modifiedTimestamp": "2023-08-08T03:49:54.752Z",
"gatewayLanguageCode": "en",
"contextId": {
"reference": {
"bookId": "rev",
"chapter": 13,
"verse": 3
"tool": "wordAlignment",
"groupId": "chapter_13"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"verseBefore": "Muuyq đom kaluh akoq ku ni dang đaji heq hmưưq biq hmot kaxêêt truh kaxêêt, đơu hlêêl plee xưưl ku ni heq jah payơơh. Dêq dêh araak raay dơơp pakêh đơu hooy tyauq ni.",
"verseAfter": "Muuyq đom kaluh akoq ku ni dang đaji heq hmưưq biq hmot kaxêêt truh kaxêêt, đơu hlêêl plee xưưl ku ni heq jah payơơh. Dêq dêh araak raay dơơp akêh đơu hooy tyauq ni.",
"tags": [
"username": "cor_2020",
"activeBook": "rev",
"activeChapter": 13,
"activeVerse": 3,
"modifiedTimestamp": "2023-08-08T04:08:50.188Z",
"gatewayLanguageCode": "en",
"gatewayLanguageQuote": "",
"contextId": {
"reference": {
"bookId": "rev",
"chapter": 13,
"verse": 3
"tool": "wordAlignment",
"groupId": "chapter_13"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"verseBefore": "Muuyq đom kaluh akoq ku ni dang đaji heq hmưưq biq hmot kaxêêt truh kaxêêt, đơu hlêêl plee xưưl ku ni heq jah payơơh. Dêq dêh araak raay dơơp pakêh đơu hooy tyauq ni.",
"verseAfter": "Muuyq đom kaluh akoq ku ni dang đaji heq hmưưq biq hmot kaxêêt truh kaxêêt, đơu hlêêl plee xưưl ku ni heq jah payơơh. Dêq dêh araak raay dơơp akêh đơu hooy tyauq ni.",
"tags": [
"username": "cor_2020",
"activeBook": "rev",
"activeChapter": 13,
"activeVerse": 3,
"modifiedTimestamp": "2023-08-08T04:08:50.188Z",
"gatewayLanguageCode": "en",
"contextId": {
"reference": {
"bookId": "rev",
"chapter": 13,
"verse": 3
"tool": "wordAlignment",
"groupId": "chapter_13"

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"reference": {
"bookId": "rev",
"chapter": 13,
"verse": 3
"verse": 4
"tool": "wordAlignment",
"groupId": "chapter_13"

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"1": "Atêq nưq, gô hloq muuyq poop ôôq hooy tok klơlh tahlii, e kưl akê ji pơh akoq, ji tol kaluh akê ku ni laa kưl đoat tađnah, đơu tol kaluh akoq ku ni laa muuyq yal katơk dalơh. \\f + \\ft Some manuscripts include, \\fqa Then he stood on the sand of the seashore. \\fqa* at the beginning of this verse, but the best manuscripts include it as 12:18. \\f*",
"2": "Poop ôôq đơu gô hloq yôôych dang đaji ôôq beeo. plaa jôôk ku ni dang đaji ku ôôq xagơu, măn huuy ni yôôch dang huuy ôôq vomq, ji ôôq vayaa pahnap paraat kalh ni ka ni, kung dii ngaai ni ji da uuh qwuyen thier kôt.\n\n\\ts\\*",
"3": "Muuyq đom kaluh akoq ku koot ôôq dang đaji heq hmưưq biq păk kaxêêt, bơh plee xưưl ku ni heq jah yơơh, Dêq ka dêh araak raay dơơp pakêh đơu hooy tyauq ni.",
"3": "Muuyq đom kaluh akoq ku ni dang đaji heq hmưưq biq hmot kaxêêt truh kaxêêt, đơu hlêêl plee xưưl ku ni heq jah payơơh. Dêq dêh araak raay dơơp akêh đơu hooy tyauq ni.",
"4": "Oot kung kuh kwaay ôôq vayaa vii heq kahniq da uuh qwuyen ka ôôq. Oot kung kuh kwaay ôôq, ji kưq đnooy: \"E kơyq dang đaji ôôq?\" ji \"Akơyq hnoq ik tadơơp tachơơl hlê ni ik?\"\n\n\\ts\\*",
"5": "Ôôq jah kahniq ăm poop huuy hnoq ik đnooy apok kôt xơơk lar ji katơk dalơh. Ni jah kahniq qwuyen xôq dưk dơơp đom poot kưưl vaar xiêk.",
"6": "Vii anưq, ôôq luh huuy đnooy kaluh apok katơk dalơh Kơy Plêêk, đnooy paq ra kajoq yal Kadraq, aduq Kadraq măn, kung khơl manih riilh tol plêêk.\n\\ts\\*",