Auto saving at wordAlignment chapter_1 php 1:20

This commit is contained in:
cor_2020 2022-07-29 09:43:05 +07:00
parent e381f7611d
commit e2a0fc9aeb
7 changed files with 93 additions and 3 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"verseBefore": "Vii gô xet varơuq neq hnoq tawaay hlê varơuq wơơt ka gô, e apok apôôy di oh ay ji varơuq wak xing Yaak Kơy Plêêk di Kơy Jê-xu Krist.\n\\ts\\*",
"verseAfter": "Vii gô xet varơuq neq hnoq tawaay hlê varơuq \nwaak wơơt ka gô, gamưh apok apôôy kua oh ay ji varơuq waak rơơy xing Yaak Plêêk kua \nLôôk Wơơt Dêh Jêê-Xuu.\n\\ts\\*",
"tags": [
"username": "cor_2020",
"activeBook": "php",
"activeChapter": 1,
"activeVerse": 19,
"modifiedTimestamp": "2022-07-29T02:39:17.714Z",
"gatewayLanguageCode": "en",
"gatewayLanguageQuote": "",
"contextId": {
"reference": {
"bookId": "php",
"chapter": 1,
"verse": 19
"tool": "wordAlignment",
"groupId": "chapter_1"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"verseBefore": "Vii gô xet varơuq neq hnoq tawaay hlê varơuq wơơt ka gô, e apok apôôy di oh ay ji varơuq wak xing Yaak Kơy Plêêk di Kơy Jê-xu Krist.\n\\ts\\*",
"verseAfter": "Vii gô xet varơuq neq hnoq tawaay hlê varơuq \nwaak wơơt ka gô, gamưh apok apôôy kua oh ay ji varơuq waak rơơy xing Yaak Plêêk kua \nLôôk Wơơt Dêh Jêê-Xuu.\n\\ts\\*",
"tags": [
"username": "cor_2020",
"activeBook": "php",
"activeChapter": 1,
"activeVerse": 19,
"modifiedTimestamp": "2022-07-29T02:39:17.714Z",
"gatewayLanguageCode": "en",
"contextId": {
"reference": {
"bookId": "php",
"chapter": 1,
"verse": 19
"tool": "wordAlignment",
"groupId": "chapter_1"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"verseBefore": "Vii gô xet varơuq neq hnoq tawaay hlê varơuq \nwaak wơơt ka gô, gamưh apok apôôy kua oh ay ji varơuq waak rơơy xing Yaak Plêêk kua \nLôôk Wơơt Dêh Jêê-Xuu.\n\\ts\\*",
"verseAfter": "Vii gô xet varơuq neq hnoq tawaay hlê varơuq \nwaak wơơt ka gô, gamưh apok apôôy kua oh ay ji varơuq jưp waak xing Yaak Plêêk kua \nLôôk Wơơt Dêh Jêê-Xuu.\n\\ts\\*",
"tags": [
"username": "cor_2020",
"activeBook": "php",
"activeChapter": 1,
"activeVerse": 19,
"modifiedTimestamp": "2022-07-29T02:41:31.697Z",
"gatewayLanguageCode": "en",
"gatewayLanguageQuote": "",
"contextId": {
"reference": {
"bookId": "php",
"chapter": 1,
"verse": 19
"tool": "wordAlignment",
"groupId": "chapter_1"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"verseBefore": "Vii gô xet varơuq neq hnoq tawaay hlê varơuq \nwaak wơơt ka gô, gamưh apok apôôy kua oh ay ji varơuq waak rơơy xing Yaak Plêêk kua \nLôôk Wơơt Dêh Jêê-Xuu.\n\\ts\\*",
"verseAfter": "Vii gô xet varơuq neq hnoq tawaay hlê varơuq \nwaak wơơt ka gô, gamưh apok apôôy kua oh ay ji varơuq jưp waak xing Yaak Plêêk kua \nLôôk Wơơt Dêh Jêê-Xuu.\n\\ts\\*",
"tags": [
"username": "cor_2020",
"activeBook": "php",
"activeChapter": 1,
"activeVerse": 19,
"modifiedTimestamp": "2022-07-29T02:41:31.697Z",
"gatewayLanguageCode": "en",
"contextId": {
"reference": {
"bookId": "php",
"chapter": 1,
"verse": 19
"tool": "wordAlignment",
"groupId": "chapter_1"

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"reference": {
"bookId": "php",
"chapter": 1,
"verse": 19
"verse": 20
"tool": "wordAlignment",
"groupId": "chapter_1"

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"16": "Kaluh manih jêêk bơơy thưq vaar neq dơơp anưq vii xuum xung xiaq, xet aneq gô jah ataq muut đneng xôq bing rơy Hêêl Kaxaay.",
"17": "Bơh khơl dro hơq, yôôych padoh taboon Lôôk Wơơt Dêh vii haam hmưưt kamuk dik ji thiêêuq dong dik. Oot biit hnoq khieenq gô pơơl raơh athêêp đom hnhư karuk\n\\ts\\*",
"18": "Nưp yôôych aleq? Long laa đa leq- jo varơuq dơơp trăk long dong dik - yôôych Lôôk Wơơt Dêh kung jah padoh taboon, ji gô hlaah laa vii aneq! Tameng, ji gô hnoq kưq hlaah hlaak.",
"19": "Vii gô xet varơuq neq hnoq tawaay hlê varơuq wơơt ka gô, e apok apôôy di oh ay ji varơuq wak xing Yaak Kơy Plêêk di Kơy Jê-xu Krist.\n\\ts\\*",
"19": "Vii gô xet varơuq neq hnoq tawaay hlê varơuq \nwaak wơơt ka gô, gamưh apok apôôy kua oh ay ji varơuq jưp waak xing Yaak Plêêk kua \nLôôk Wơơt Dêh Jêê-Xuu.\n\\ts\\*",
"20": "Xuum takôô ji biit e di gô neq, nưq ji hnoq leh e varơuq gô kamưưl, nưq gô hnoq athêêt tưq jo, dong leq kung đa nưq, bơh gô riilh long kaxêêt, Kơy Krist hnoq jah adoo vnê đom xak gô.",
"21": "Vii Kơy Krist ji varơuq riilh di gô, yôôych varơuq kaxêêt nưq ji varơuq yuôôl ka gô.\n\n\\ts\\*",
"22": "Bơh atoh gô măn riilh đom xak neq, nưq varơuq dơơp gô kung măn vlôh raak plaay. Yôôych gô be xet duh rơơlh xok varơuq leq.",