Install and Test.md
Serialize ULT.md
User Model.md


Proskomma Notes

Proskomma documentation is here: https://doc.proskomma.bible/en/dev/index.html

NPM Package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/proskomma

Link to Mark Howe's Proskomma repo: https://github.com/mvahowe/proskomma-js

There is a react demo here: https://github.com/mvahowe/proskomma-react

This link is to a demo I created using Bruce McLean's sandbox demo of the bible reference component: https://github.com/mandolyte/bible-ref-pk-demo

There are some box3 items as well: https://github.com/unfoldingWord-box3/proskomma-scripture-resources-rcl and https://github.com/unfoldingWord-box3/uw-proskomma