{ "verseBefore": "Moses gave the redemption money to Aaron and to his sons. Moses did everything he was told to do by Yahweh’s word, as Yahweh had commanded him.\n\n\\s5", "verseAfter": "And Moses gave the silver of the ransoms to Aaron and to his sons in accordance with the mouth of Yahweh, just as Yahweh had commanded Moses.\n\\s5", "tags": [ "punctuation", "word_choice", "meaning", "grammar" ], "username": "avaldizan", "activeBook": "num", "activeChapter": 3, "activeVerse": 32, "modifiedTimestamp": "2020-09-01T23:58:00.206Z", "gatewayLanguageCode": "en", "gatewayLanguageQuote": "", "contextId": { "reference": { "bookId": "num", "chapter": 3, "verse": 51 }, "tool": "wordAlignment", "groupId": "chapter_3" } }