{ "1": "And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,", "2": "“Speak to all the assembly of the sons of Israel and say to them, ‘You must be set apart ones, for I, Yahweh your God, am set apart.", "3": "A man must revere his mother and his father, and you must keep my sabbaths. I am Yahweh your God.", "4": "Do not turn to worthless idols, and do not make for yourselves gods out of metal. I am Yahweh your God.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "5": "And when you sacrifice a sacrifice of peace offerings to Yahweh, you must sacrifice it for your acceptance.", "6": "On the day of your sacrifice it must be eaten, or on the next day, and what is left until the third day must be burned up in the fire.", "7": "And if it is eaten at all on the third day, it is unclean meat. It will not be accepted.", "8": "And the one who eats it must carry his iniquity because he has profaned the holy thing of Yahweh, and that person must be cut off from his people.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "9": "And when you harvest the harvest of your land, you must not completely harvest the edge of your field, and you must not gather the gleaning of your harvest.", "10": "And you must not glean your vineyard, and you must not gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard. You must leave them for the poor and for the sojourner. I am Yahweh your God.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "11": "You must not steal and you must not deceive and you must not lie, a man with his fellow citizen.", "12": "And you must not swear by my name falsely and profane the name of your God. I am Yahweh.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "13": "You must not oppress your neighbor and you must not rob. The wages of a hired worker must not stay all night with you until morning.\n\\p", "14": "You must not curse the deaf and you must not put a stumbling block before the face of the blind. And you must fear your God. I am Yahweh.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "15": "You must not do injustice in judgment. You must not lift up the face of the poor, and you must not give preference to the face of the great. In justice you must judge your neighbor.\n\\p", "16": "You must not walk around as a slanderer among your people. You must not stand against the blood of your neighbor. I am Yahweh.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "17": "You must not hate your brother in your heart. You must surely rebuke your fellow citizen and not incur sin because of him.\n\\p", "18": "You must not take vengeance and you must not hold a grudge against the sons of your people, and you must love your neighbor as yourself. I am Yahweh.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "19": "You must keep my statutes. You must not breed together your livestock of two different kinds. Your field you must not sow with two different kinds of seed, and a garment of two different kinds of material you must not put on you.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "20": "And if a man lies with a woman so there is emission of seed and she is a slave who is promised to a man, and she has not been ransomed at all or freedom has not been given to her, there must be punishment. They must not be put to death because she was not free.\n\\p", "21": "And he must bring his guilt offering to Yahweh to the entrance of the tent of meeting—a ram as a guilt offering.", "22": "And the priest will make atonement for him with the ram for the guilt offering before the face of Yahweh, for the sin that he has sinned. And it will be forgiven him for his sin which he has sinned.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "23": "And when you come into the land and have planted all kinds of trees for food, then you must regard its fruit as being uncircumcised in its foreskin. Three years it will be uncircumcised for you. It must not be eaten.", "24": "And in the fourth year all of its fruit will be holy, offerings of praise to Yahweh.", "25": "And in the fifth year you may eat its fruit, to increase its yield for you. I am Yahweh your God.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "26": "You must not eat anything with the blood. You must not practice divination, and you must not interpret signs.", "27": "You must not round off the corners of your heads and you must not shave off the edge of your beard.\n\\p", "28": "And you must not make a cut on your body for the dead and you must not make on yourselves a mark of a tattoo. I am Yahweh.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "29": "Do not profane your daughter by causing her to be a prostitute, and the land will not fall to prostitution and the land become full of wickedness.", "30": "My sabbaths you must keep and my holy place you must fear. I am Yahweh.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "31": "Do not turn to the necromancers or to the soothsayers. Do not seek to become unclean by them. I am Yahweh your God.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "32": "From the face of the gray-haired person you must rise and you must show respect in the face of an old person. You must fear your God. I am Yahweh.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "33": "And if a sojourner sojourns among you in your land, you must not oppress him.", "34": "Like the native-born among you must be to you the sojourner who sojourns with you. And you must love him as yourself, because you were sojourners in the land of Egypt. I am Yahweh your God.\n\n\\s5\n\\p", "35": "You must not do injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, in weight, or in quantity.", "36": "Just scales, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin you must have. I am Yahweh your God, who brought you out from the land of Egypt.", "37": "And you must keep all my statutes and all my laws, and you must do them. I am Yahweh.’”\n\n\n\\s5", "front": "\\p" }