## Joseph Met His Brothers [08-12] ## ![Image](https://api.unfoldingword.org/obs/jpg/1/en/360px/obs-en-08-12.jpg) After __testing his brothers__ to see __if they had changed__, __Joseph__ said to them, “I am your brother, Joseph! __Do not be afraid__. You tried to do __evil__ when you sold me as a __slave__, but __God__ used the __evil for good!__ Come and live in __Egypt__ so I can provide for you and your families.” 在试探出他们已经变好之后,约瑟告诉他们“我是你们的兄弟,约瑟!不要害怕。你们曾经做了很坏的事,把我当做奴隶卖掉了,但是神使坏事变成好事!来埃及吧,让我好养活大家。” ## Important Terms: ## * __[Josephot](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/other/Josephot.md)__ * __[evil](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/kt/evil.md)__ * __[servant](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/other/servant.md)__ * __[God](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/kt/God.md)__ * __[good](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/kt/good.md)__ * __[Egypt](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/other/Egypt.md)__ ### Translation Notes: ### * __testing his brothers__ - Joseph placed his older brothers in a difficult situation to see if they would protect their youngest brother, or treat him as badly as they had treated Joseph. When they protected their youngest brother, Joseph knew they had changed. * __if they had changed__ - Another way to say this would be, "if they were different than they used to be." Years ago Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery. Joseph wanted to find out if they would now do what was right. * __do not be afraid__ - Another way to say this would be, "You do not need to fear any punishment from me." Joseph's brothers were afraid because they had greatly wronged Joseph and now as a great ruler he had the power to punish them. Joseph could refuse to sell them food, or even put them in prison or kill them. * __evil for good__ - Joseph's brothers did an evil thing when they sold Joseph as a slave and he was taken to Egypt. But God allowed this so that Joseph could save thousands of people from starving during the famine, including his own family. This was a very good thing.