## The Brothers Bought Food [08-11] ## ![Image](https://api.unfoldingword.org/obs/jpg/1/en/360px/obs-en-08-11.jpg) So __Jacob__ sent __his older sons__ to __Egypt__ to buy food. The brothers __did not recognize Joseph__ when they stood before him to buy food. But Joseph recognized them. 雅各派他的儿子们去埃及地买食物。当约瑟的兄弟们在他面前买食物时,竟没有认出约瑟。约瑟却认出了他们。 ## Important Terms: ## * __[Jacob](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/other/Jacob.md)__ * __[Egypt](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/other/Egypt.md)__ * __[Josephot](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/other/Josephot.md)__ ### Translation Notes: ### * __his older sons__ - These were Joseph's older brothers who had sold him into slavery. * __did not recognize Joseph__ - They did not know that the man was Joseph, because now Joseph was much older than when they last saw him, and he was dressed as an Egyptian ruler.