## Leaving the Boat [03-13] ## ![Image](https://api.unfoldingword.org/obs/jpg/1/en/360px/obs-en-03-13.jpg) __Two months later__ __God__ said to __Noah__, “You and your family and all the animals may leave the boat now. __Have many children__ and grandchildren and __fill the earth__.” So Noah and his family came out of the boat. 两个月后,神对挪亚说现在是打开门的时候了,与自己的家人和所有动物离开船吧。挪亚遵从了。 ## Important Terms: ## * __[God](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/kt/God.md)__ * __[Noah](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/other/Noah.md)__ ## Translation Notes: ## * __Two months later__ - This means two months after Noah released the dove from the ark. It may be necessary to say this explicitly if it is not clear. * __Have many children__ – To make sure it is clear that this was God's command and desire, you could say, "You must have many children." or, "I want you to have many children." * __fill the earth__ - If this is not clear, it may be necessary to say, "and fill the earth with people" or, "so that there will be many people living on the earth."