## God Made Adam [01-10] ## ![Image](https://api.unfoldingword.org/obs/jpg/1/en/360px/obs-en-01-10.jpg) So __God took some dirt__, __formed it__ into __a man__, and __breathed life__ into him. This man's name was __Adam__. God planted a __garden__ where Adam could live, and put him there to __care for it__. 神用灰土形成人,对他吹一口生气。这人的名字叫作亚当。神种植了一个乐园给亚当住,安置他在那里看守。 ## Important Terms: ## * __[God](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/kt/God.md)__ * __[life](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/kt/life.md)__ * __[Adam](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/other/Adam.md)__ ### Translation Notes: ### * __took some dirt__ - God made man from the dust, or dry dirt from the ground. This word should probably be different from the general word used for earth. * __formed it__ - This word expresses that God personally fashioned the man, comparing this to how a person creates something with his hands. Make sure that a different word from "create" is used. Note that this is very different from how he created everything else through a simple spoken command. * __a man__ - Only the man was created at this time; the woman was created later by a different method. * __breathed life__ - This phrase expresses God's very personal, intimate action as he transferred life from himself into Adam's body, comparing this to how a human being breathes out air. * __life__ - In this event, God breathed both physical and spiritual life into the man. * __Adam__ - Adam's name is the same as the Old Testament word for "man," and similar to the word for "dirt" from which he was formed. * __garden__ - An area of land planted with trees and plants for a purpose–usually to produce food or to provide beauty. * __care for it__ - To maintain the garden by tending, weeding, watering, harvesting, planting, etc.