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Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
1:1 m71f Who is the writer of Song of Songs? Solomon is the writer of Song of Songs.
1:2 hgyj For what does the young woman ask her lover to do? The young woman asks her lover to kiss her with the kisses of his mouth.
1:2 mq6s What does the young woman say is better than wine? The young woman says her lovers love is better than wine.
1:3 mzlf What does the young woman say her lovers name is like? The young woman says his name is like flowing perfume.
1:4 kl7h Where has the king brought the young woman? The king has brought the young woman into his rooms.
1:5 l9jl How does the young woman describe her skin? The young woman describes her skin as dark but lovely like tents of Kedar, like curtains of Solomon.
1:6 i4hb Why does she not want the other women to stare at her? She does not want the other women to stare at her because her skin is scorched.
1:6 rcdr What did the young womans brothers do when they were angry with her? The young womans brothers made her a keeper of the vineyards.
1:7 z3wl What does the woman ask her lover? She asks him where he feeds his flock and where he rests his flock at noontime.
1:8 a2bi How does her lover say the young woman can find him? He tells her to follow the tracks of his flock to the shepherds tents.
1:9 p12i To what does the young womans lover compare her? He compares her to a mare among Pharaohs chariots.
1:10 ubor What does her lover say is on her cheeks and neck? He says ornaments are on her cheeks and strings of jewels are on her neck.
1:11 h2dt What does her lover say he will make for her? He says he will make for her gold ornaments with silver studs.
1:12 ih62 Where was the king lying while the woman was speaking to herself? The king was lying on his couch while the woman was speaking to herself.
1:13 lklc Where does her beloved spend the night? Her beloved spends the night lying between her breasts.
1:14 y5y7 To what does the young woman liken her beloved? Her beloved is like a cluster of henna flowers in the vineyards of En Gedi.
1:15 d0ky How does her lover describe her eyes? He says her eyes are like doves.
1:16 xejw What does the woman say serves as their bed? Lush plants serve as their bed.
1:17 tpux Of what does the woman say the beams and rafters are made? The beams and rafters are made of cedar tree branches and fir branches.
2:1 xx7j How did the woman describe herself? She described herself as just a flower of in a plain, just a lily in a valley.
2:2 gymu What does the man say she was like among the daughters of his countrymen? He said she was like a lily among thorns.
2:3 wbxs How did the woman describe her beloved among the young men? The woman described her young man as the apricot tree among the trees of the forest.
2:3 szks Where did the woman sit? She sat down under his shadow with great delight.
2:3 jhdr What was sweet to her taste? His fruit was sweet to her taste.
2:4 kwdp Where did her young man bring her? Her young man brought her to the banqueting hall.
2:4 jmpv What was his banner over her? His banner over her was love.
2:5 fh97 What did the young woman want to revive and refresh herself? The young woman wanted raisin cakes to revive her and apricots to refresh her.
2:6 uott Where were the young mans left and right hands? His left hand was under her head and his right hand embraced her.
2:7 ix29 What did the young woman want the daughters of Jerusalems men to swear? The young woman wanted the young women to swear that they would not interrupt the young woman and her beloveds lovemaking until it was over.
2:8 xebm What sound did the young woman hear? The young woman heard the sound of her beloved.
2:8 fk1v What did she say her beloved was doing? He was leaping over the mountains and jumping over the hills.
2:9 a2u9 What did she say her beloved was like? She said her beloved was like a gazelle or a young stag.
2:10 kg69 What did her beloved want her to do with him? He wanted her to get up and go away with him.
2:11 vfph What did he say was past and what was over and gone? He said he winter was past and the rain was over and gone.
2:12 mg1x What had appeared in the land? Flowers had appeared in the land.
2:12 tttt For what was it time? It was time for pruning and the singing of birds.
2:13 qoao What ripened and was in blossom? The green figs ripened and the vines were in blossom.
2:13 wv8l What did her beloved want his beautiful one to do? He wanted her to arise and come away.
2:14 a534 What does her beloved call her? Her beloved calls her his dove.
2:14 nsfj What does her beloved want to see and hear? Her beloved wanted to see her lovely face and hear her sweet voice.
2:15 yxw3 What did the woman want him to catch? The woman wanted him to catch the jackals.
2:16 z97w To whom did the womans beloved belong? Her beloved belonged to her.
2:16 s1a9 To whom did the woman belong? She belonged to her beloved.
2:16 km96 What did her beloved do among the lilies? He grazed among the lilies with pleasure.
2:17 p4fx What did she want her beloved to do? She wanted her beloved to go away.
2:17 rdrq When did she want her beloved to go away? She wanted her beloved to go away before the soft winds of dawn blew and the shadows fled away.
2:17 a1qn What did she want him to be like? She wanted him to like a gazelle or a young stag on the rugged mountains.
3:1 bnf8 For whom was the woman longing but could not find? The woman was longing for the one whom she loved but could not find him.
3:2 utoo For whom was the woman searching through the streets and squares but could not find? The woman was searching through the streets and squares but could not find her beloved.
3:3 qy7y What did the woman ask the watchmen when they found her? She asked them, “Have you seen my beloved?”
3:4 n0ss When did she find the one whom her soul loved? She found the one whom her soul loved a little while after she passed the watchmen in the city.
3:4 ifu2 What did she do with her beloved? She held him and would not let him go until she had brought him into her mothers house.
3:5 l61u What did the woman want the daughters of Jerusalems men to promise? The woman wanted the daughters of Jerusalems men to promise they would not interrupt their lovemaking until they were finished.
3:6-7 c55r What did the young woman see coming from the wilderness that was perfumed with myrrh and frankincense and powders? She saw the portable litter of Solomon with 60 warriors around it.
3:8 kasu At what were the warriors good? The warriors were good with the sword and in warfare.
3:9 c16j What did King Solomon make for himself? King Solomon made a sedan chair from wood from Lebanon.
3:10 n2g7 What did King Solomons sedan chair look like? The chair had posts of silver, a back of gold, a seat of purple cloth, and was decorated with love.
3:11 qmcu At what did the young woman want the women of Jerusalem to look? She wanted them to look at King Solomon.
3:11 b4y0 What was King Solomon wearing on his marriage day? He wore a crown with which his mother crowned him on his marriage day.
4:1 uui2 How did the womans lover describe her eyes? Her eyes were as doves behind her veil.
4:1 pyvp How did the womans lover describe her hair? Her hair was like a flock of goats going down Mount Gilead.
4:2 lr74 How did her lover describe her teeth. Her teeth were like newly shorn and washed female sheep.
4:3 uw0k What did the womans beloved say about her lips and mouth. He said her lips were like a thread of scarlet and that her mouth was lovely.
4:3 nzb1 How did the womans beloved describe her cheeks. He described her cheeks like pomegranate halves behind her veil.
4:4 lejg How did the womans beloved describe her neck? He described her neck as the tower of David built in rows of stone with a thousand soldiers shields hanging on it.
4:5 z789 How did the womans beloved describe her two breasts? He described her two breasts as two fawns, twins of a gazelle, grazing among the lilies.
4:6 rn57 Where would her lover go until dawn comes and the shadows flee? He said he would go to the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense.
4:7 vofp In what way was his love beautiful? His love was beautiful in every way.
4:7 twmi What did his beautiful love not have? His beautiful love did not have any blemish.
4:9 j4su What did Solomon call his bride? Solomon called her his sister.
4:9 dvq1 What did Solomon tell his bride she had stolen from him? He said she had stolen his heart.
4:9 mfbw What did Solomon say was beautiful and what was it better than? Solomon said her love was beautiful and better than wine.
4:10 hsfs What was the smell of her perfume better than? The smell of her perfume better than any spice.
4:11 pdtr With what did he say his brides lips dripped and what was under her tongue? He said his brides lips dripped with honey and she had honey and milk under her tongue.
4:11 fy1q What did the womans clothes smell like? Her clothes smelled like the fragrance of Lebanon.
4:12 v9ds What kind of garden and what kind of spring did Solomon say his sister, his bride, was like? Solomon said she was like a garden locked up and a spring that was sealed.
4:13-14 crq6 To what did he liken the womans branches? He likened her branches to a grove of pomegranate trees with choice fruit and plants and all the finest spices.
4:15 rtha With what kinds of water does Solomon describe his lover? He described her as a garden spring, a well of fresh water, and streams flowing down from Lebanon.
4:16 oav0 On what does the young woman want the north and south winds to blow and why? She wanted the north and south winds to blow on her garden so that its spices would give off their fragrance.
4:16 vtra What did she want her beloved to do and to eat? She wanted her beloved to come into his garden and to eat some of its choice fruit.
5:1 egc9 Where had Solomon come? Solomon had come into his garden.
5:2 xzsj Of what was Solomons bride dreaming? She was dreaming of her beloveds knocking and talking.
5:3 b7ak What had Solomons love already done? She had already taken off her robe and washed her feet.
5:4 ex2d Where had Solomon put his hand? Solomon had put his hand through the opening of the door latch.
5:5 nqtx With what were the brides hands dipping when she opened the door? Her hands were dripping with moist myrrh.
5:6 ocv9 What did the bride find when she opened the door and how did she feel? She found that her beloved had turned and gone, so her heart sank and she became sad.
5:7 qanf What did the watchmen do when they found Solomons bride? They struck and wounded her and took away her cloak.
5:8 mfws What did the bride ask the women of Jerusalem to promise? She asked the women of Jerusalem to promise that they would tell her if they found her beloved.
5:8 kqzc How did the young womans beloved make her feel? The young womans beloved made her feel sick with love.
5:9 eda8 What did the young women ask of the bride? They asked her how and why her beloved is better than another.
5:10 tbiu How did the young woman describe her beloved? She described him as radiant, ruddy, and outstanding.
5:11 tazy How did the woman describe her beloveds head and hair? She described his head as pure gold and his hair as curly and black.
5:12 kixv How did the woman describe her beloveds eyes? She described his eyes like doves washed in milk.
5:13 n7zy How did Solomons bride describe his cheeks and lips? She described his cheeks like spice gardens and his lips as myrrh soaked lilies.
5:14 u1uz How did the woman describe her beloveds arms and abdomen? She described his arms as gold with jewels and his abdomen as ivory covered with sapphires.
5:15 ypky How did the woman describe her beloveds legs and his appearance? She described his legs as marble pillars with gold bases and his appearance like Lebanon, as special as the cedars.
5:16 voqe How did Solomons bride describe her beloveds mouth and Solomon to Jerusalems daughters? She described his mouth as most sweet and that Solomon was completely lovely.
6:1 z9n8 What questions do the women of Jerusalem ask of the young woman? They ask her where her beloved has gone and in what direction has he gone?
6:1 qpwg For what did the young women want to seek? The young women wanted to seek for the young womans beloved.
6:2 g745 What does the young woman say her beloved was doing? The young woman said he was in his spice gardens to graze in the garden and gather lilies?
6:3 pexd To whom did the young woman and her lover belong? The young woman and her lover belonged to each other.
6:3 rgj3 Where did the young womans lover graze? The young womans lover grazed among the lilies.
6:4 aksf What two cities did the womans lover use to describe her? He described her as two cities, Tirzah and Jerusalem.
6:4 as68 How did her beloved feel about her? He felt that she was completely fascinating.
6:5 bdre Why did the womans lover want her to turn her eyes away from him? The womans lover wanted her to turn her eyes away from him because her eyes overwhelmed him.
6:5 p5hg How did the womans lover describe her hair? He described her hair as a flock of goats on the slopes of Mount Gilead.
6:6 m6pm How did her lover describe her teeth? He described her teeth as a flock of ewes coming up from the washing place.
6:7 r72i How did her lover describe her cheeks? Her lover described her cheeks as pomegranate halves behind her veil.
6:8 i7zx How many other women did the womans lover say there were? He said there were 60 queens, 80 concubines, and young women without number.
6:9 uhu7 How did the womans lover describe his dove? The womans lover described her as his undefiled, the only one, and the special and favorite daughter of her mother.
6:9 k32n What did the queens and the concubines say about her when they saw her? The queens and concubines praised her.
6:10 mrmw How did the womans lover describe her? The womans lover described her like the dawn, the moon, the sun, and completely fascinating.
6:11 m082 Why did the womans lover go into the grove of nut trees? The womans lover went into the grove of nut trees to see if the vines had budded and the pomegranates were in bloom.
6:12 a7d9 How did the womans lover feel. The womans lover felt as though he were riding in the chariot of a prince.
6:13 nd2b What did the womans lover want her to do? The womans lover wanted her to turn back to him.
6:13 ajyb Why did the womans lover want her to turn to him? The womans lover wanted her to turn to him so that he may gaze on her.
6:13 mybs What did the young woman say about herself? The young woman described herself as the perfect woman who seemed to be dancing between two rows of dancers.
7:1 waby How did Solomon describe his lovers feet in her sandals and the curves of her thighs? He described her feet in her sandals as beautiful and the curves of her thighs like jewels.
7:2 a73z How did Solomon describe his loves navel and belly? Solomon described his loves navel as a round bowl which never lacks mixed wine and her belly as mound of wheat surrounded with lilies.
7:3 i59u How did Solomon describe his lovers two breasts? Solomon described her two breasts like two fawns, twins of a gazelle.
7:4 xw0h How did Solomon describe his lovers neck, eyes, and nose? Solomon described her neck as an ivory tower, her eyes like a pool, and her nose like the tower in Lebanon.
7:5 xcpx How did Solomon describe his lovers head and hair? Solomon described her head like Mount Carmel and her hair as dark.
7:7 hy8t How did Solomon describe his lover and her breasts? He described her as a date palm tree and her breasts as clusters of fruit.
7:8 kbdw What did he also want his lovers breasts and breath to be like? He also wanted his lovers breasts to be like grape clusters and her breath to be sweet like the smell of apricot fruit.
7:9 iu8k What did he want his lovers mouth to be like? He wanted her mouth to be like the best wine.
7:10 zgw1 To whom did the young woman belong and whom did he desire? The young woman belonged to her beloved and her beloved desired her.
7:11 t5h6 Where did the young woman want her beloved to go with her? She wanted him to go into the countryside to spend the night in the villages.
7:12 lnc4 Why did she want her beloved to rise early? She wanted him to rise early to see if the vines in the vineyards and the pomegranates had budded.
7:12 y6on What did she say she would give her beloved when they got to the vineyards? She said she would give him her love.
7:13 d46g What did she say the mandrakes would do? She said the mandrakes would give off their fragrance.
7:13 ayne What did she say was at the door where she and her lover were staying? She said that at the door where they were staying there were all sorts of choice fruits, new and old, that she had stored up for him.
8:1 dnlh What did the woman wish that her lover was like and why? She wished he were like her brother so that she could kiss her lover at any time and no one would despise her.
8:2 ksh6 Where would the woman have liked to bring her lover? She would have liked to bring him to her mothers house so he could teach her.
8:3 xkmh What were her lovers left and right hands doing? His left hand was holding his head and his right hand is hugging her.
8:4 sk0u What did the woman want Jerusalems women to promise? The woman wanted Jerusalems women to promise that they would not interrupt her and her lovers lovemaking until they were finished.
8:5 jnlm What did the women of Jerusalem ask? They asked who was coming up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved.
8:5 zdcq What did the young woman tell her lover when she woke him under the apricot tree? She told him that his mother had conceived and given birth to him under the apricot tree.
8:6 nbql What did the young woman want her lover to do and why? She wanted him to set her as a seal over his heart because love is as strong as death and a hot flame.
8:7 jbpi What couldnt stop love? Huge amounts of moving water could not stop love.
8:8 dued What did the womans brothers say about their little sister? They said that her breasts had not yet grown and that they wondered what they would do for her when she was promised in marriage.
8:9 zldu What would the womans brothers do if she were a wall? If she were a wall, they would build a tower of silver on her.
8:9 r6bj What would the womans brothers do if she were a door? If she were a door, they would adorn her with boards of cedar.
8:10 u41y How did the young woman describe herself? She described herself as a wall with breasts like fortress towers and completely mature.
8:11 wyn6 What did the young woman say that Solomon did with his vineyard at Baal Hamon? Solomon leased his vineyard to those who would take care of it.
8:12 zm31 What does the young woman say about her own vineyard and those who maintained it? She said the 1000 shekels that it brought belonged to Solomon and that those who maintained it would get 200 shekels.
8:13 ga8b What did the womans lover say to her who lived in the gardens about what his friends, as well as he, wanted to hear? He said that his friends, as well as he, wanted to be the ones to hear her voice.
8:14 k16v What did the young woman want her beloved to do and be like? She wanted her beloved to hurry and to be like a deer.