Edit 'translate/translate-discover/01.md' using 'tc-create-app'

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EdBussarde 2021-06-11 00:01:52 +00:00
parent efc0154e1b
commit 4296533582
1 changed files with 9 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
Il y a beaucoup de choses différentes que nous pouvons faire pour nous aider à découvrir le sens du texte, c'est-à-dire pour nous assurer que nous comprenons ce que le texte essaie de dire. Voici quelques suggestions :
1. Read the whole passage through before you translate it. Understand the main point of the whole passage before you begin to translate it. If it is a narrative passage, such as a story of one of Jesus miracles, picture the original situation. Imagine you were there. Imagine how people felt.
1. When translating the Bible, always use at least two versions of the Bible together as your source text. Comparing two versions will help you to think about the meaning, so that you do not just follow the words of one version literally. The two versions should be:
* One version that follows the form of the original language fairly closely, such as the unfoldingWord® Literal Text (ULT).
* One meaning-based version, such as the unfoldingWord® Simplified Text (UST).
1. Use the unfoldingWord® Translation Words resource to learn about terms that you are not familiar with. Words sometimes have more than one meaning. Make sure that you have understood the right meaning of the word in the passage.
1. Also use the unfoldingWord® Translation Notes that are with the ULT. These are available in the translationStudio program and the Door43 website. These will explain things about the passage that may not be clear. If possible, also use other reference books, such as other versions of the Bible, a Bible dictionary, or Bible commentaries.
1. Lisez tout le passage et comprenez son point principal avant de commencer à le traduire. S'il s'agit d'un passage narratif, comme l'histoire d'un des miracles de Jésus, imaginez la situation à l'époque. Imaginez que vous y étiez. Imaginez ce que les gens ressentaient.
2. Lorsque vous traduisez la Bible, utilisez toujours au moins deux versions de la Bible comme texte source. Comparer deux versions vous aidera à réfléchir au sens, de sorte que vous ne vous contenterez pas de suivre littéralement les mots d'une version. Les deux versions doivent être :
* Une version qui suit d'assez près la forme de la langue d'origine, telle que le texte littéral unfoldingWord® (ULT).
* Une version basée sur le sens, comme le unfoldingWord® Simplified Text (UST).
3. Use the unfoldingWord® Translation Words resource to learn about terms that you are not familiar with. Words sometimes have more than one meaning. Make sure that you have understood the right meaning of the word in the passage.
4. Also use the unfoldingWord® Translation Notes that are with the ULT. These are available in the translationStudio program and the Door43 website. These will explain things about the passage that may not be clear. If possible, also use other reference books, such as other versions of the Bible, a Bible dictionary, or Bible commentaries.