Edit 'translate/translate-alphabet2/01.md' using 'tc-create-app'

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EdBussarde 2021-07-06 15:56:28 +00:00
parent 0f5feb9bf8
commit 093adeca26
1 changed files with 5 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -36,22 +36,15 @@ Les sons de voyelles sont la partie de base des syllabes. Le français na que
#### The Vowels of English
| Position in the Mouth | Front | Mid | Back |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| ROUNDING | (unrounded) | (unrounded) | (rounded)
| Tongue High | I “beat” | | U “boot” |
| Tongue Mid-High | I “bit” | | U “book” |
| Tongue Middle | E “bait” | U “but” | O “boat” |
| Tongue Mid-Low | | E “bet” | O “bought” |
| Tongue Low | A “bat” | | A “body” |
| Position dans la bouche | Devant | Milieu | Arrièrre | | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | ARRONDI | (pas arrondi) | (pas arrondi) | (arrondi) | Langue haute | I “beat” | | U “boot” | | Langue Mid-Haute | I “bit” | | U “book” | | Langue au milieu | E “bait” | U “but” | O “boat” | | Laungue Mid-basse | | E “bet” | O “bought” | | Langue basse | A “bat” | | A “body” |
(Each of these vowels has its own symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet.)
(Chacune de ces voyelles a son propre symbole dans lalphabet phonétique international.)
The vowel sounds form the middle of each syllable, and the consonant sounds come before and after the vowels.
Les sons de voyelle forment le milieu de chaque syllabe, et les sons de consonne viennent avant et après les voyelles.
**Articulation** is the description of how air comes through the mouth or nose to produce the sounds that we can recognize as speech.
**L'articulation** est la description de la façon dont lair passe par la bouche ou le nez pour produire les sons que nous pouvons reconnaître comme parole.
**Points of articulation** are those places along the throat or mouth where air is constricted or its flow is stopped. Common points of articulation include the lips, the teeth, the dental (alveolar) ridge, the palate (hard roof of the mouth), the velum (soft roof of the mouth), uvula, and the vocal cords (or glottis).
**Les points d'articulation** Les points darticulation sont les endroits le long de la gorge ou de la bouche où lair est resserré ou son débit est arrêté. Les points communs d'articulation comprennent les lèvres, les dents, la crête dentaire (alvéolaire), le palais (toit dur de la bouche), le voile du palais (toit mou de la bouche), la luette et les cordes vocales (ou glotte).
**Articulators** are the moving parts of the mouth, particularly the parts of the tongue that slow the flow of air. The parts of the tongue that can do this include the tongue root, the back, the blade, and the tip. The lips can also slow the air flow through the mouth without the use of the tongue. Sounds made with the lips include consonants such as “b,” “v,” and “m.”