Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response front:intro pla1 0 # Philemon Study Questions\n\nAsk yourself these questions as you carefully read this letter, and pray to God that he will open your eyes to see his message clearly. 1:1 uk55 basic,interpret Παῦλος, δέσμιος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ 1 Why does Paul describe himself as **a prisoner of Christ Jesus**? 1:1 f1b5 basic,interpret Τιμόθεος, ὁ ἀδελφὸς 1 Why does Paul describe **Timothy** as **our brother**? 1:1 qhd9 basic,interpret Φιλήμονι, τῷ ἀγαπητῷ καὶ συνεργῷ ἡμῶν 1 In what way do you think **Philemon** might have helped Paul in order to be called **our beloved fellow worker**?\n 1:1 hyp6 basic,interpret τῷ ἀγαπητῷ καὶ συνεργῷ ἡμῶν 1 What have you personally done to help spread the Gospel in such a way that committed believers wold call you a **beloved fellow worker**? 1:2 hud2 basic,observe καὶ Ἀπφίᾳ, τῇ ἀδελφῇ, καὶ Ἀρχίππῳ, τῷ συνστρατιώτῃ ἡμῶν, καὶ τῇ κατ’ οἶκόν σου ἐκκλησίᾳ 1 In addition to Philemon, to what other people did Paul address this letter? 1:2 l000 basic,interpret Ἀπφίᾳ, τῇ ἀδελφῇ 1 What does Paul mean when he says **Apphia** is **our sister**? 1:2 z9dq basic,Interpret Ἀρχίππῳ, τῷ συνστρατιώτῃ ἡμῶν 1 Why do you think Paul said **Archippus** was **our fellow soldier** rather than a “fellow worker” as he called Philemon? 1:2 fud1 basic,observe καὶ τῇ κατ’ οἶκόν σου ἐκκλησίᾳ 1 Where did Philemon’a **church** meet? 1:3 l001 basic,observe χάρις ὑμῖν καὶ εἰρήνη 1 What did Paul want **God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ** to give to Philemon? 1:4 nr63 basic,observe εὐχαριστῶ τῷ Θεῷ μου πάντοτε, μνείαν σου ποιούμενος ἐπὶ τῶν προσευχῶν μου 1 In what way does Paul thank God for Philemon? 1:5 vhj8 basic,observe ἀκούων σου τὴν ἀγάπην καὶ τὴν πίστιν, ἣν ἔχεις πρὸς τὸν Κύριον Ἰησοῦν, καὶ εἰς πάντας τοὺς ἁγίους 1 Here **because** introduces the reason that Paul thanks God for Philemon in his prayers. What is that reason? 1:5 h7q1 basic,interpret σου τὴν ἀγάπην καὶ τὴν πίστιν 1 Paul singles out Philemon’s **love** and his **faith**. why are those two things so important to the Christian life? 1:5 l002 basic,interpret πρὸς τὸν Κύριον Ἰησοῦν & εἰς πάντας τοὺς ἁγίους 1 Paul praises Philemon for his attitude toward **Jesus** and toward **all the saints**. Why is it so important that we treat both God and His children well? 1:6 l003 basic,observe ὅπως ἡ κοινωνία τῆς πίστεώς σου, ἐνεργὴς γένηται 1 What specific thing does Paul pray for God to give to Philemon? 1:6 gb16 basic,observe ἐν ἐπιγνώσει παντὸς ἀγαθοῦ τοῦ ἐν ἡμῖν εἰς Χριστόν 1 What does Paul say will enable Philemon’s **partnership in the faith** to **become effective**? 1:6 l004 basic,interpret ἐν ἐπιγνώσει παντὸς ἀγαθοῦ τοῦ ἐν ἡμῖν εἰς Χριστόν 1 Why do you think acknowledging the good things that we have in Christ would cause our **partnership in the faith** to **become effective**? 1:7 a4q9 basic,observe χαρὰν γὰρ πολλὴν ἔσχον καὶ παράκλησιν, ἐπὶ τῇ ἀγάπῃ σου 1 How has Philemon’s **love** affected Paul? 1:7 l228 basic,observe ὅτι τὰ σπλάγχνα τῶν ἁγίων ἀναπέπαυται διὰ σοῦ, ἀδελφέ 1 Who else has been affected by Philemon’s **love**? 1:8 gzw1 basic,observe διό, πολλὴν ἐν Χριστῷ παρρησίαν ἔχων, ἐπιτάσσειν σοι τὸ ἀνῆκον 1 Does Paul believe that he has the legitimate right to tell Philemon what Philemon should do? 1:8 d3ua basic,interpret διό, πολλὴν ἐν Χριστῷ παρρησίαν ἔχων, ἐπιτάσσειν σοι τὸ ἀνῆκον 1 What reason might Paul have to believe he could tell Philemon what Philemon should do? 1:9 nnu9 basic,observe διὰ τὴν ἀγάπην μᾶλλον παρακαλῶ 1 How does Paul choose **to appeal** to Philemon? 1:9 uu87 basic,observe τοιοῦτος ὢν, ὡς\n(Παῦλος πρεσβύτης νυνὶ δὲ καὶ δέσμιος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ) 1 What two reasons does Paul give for Philemon to respond with **love** to Paul’s appeal? 1:10 l009 basic,interpret παρακαλῶ σε περὶ τοῦ ἐμοῦ τέκνου 1 Why does Paul refer to **Onesimus** as **my child**? 1:10 csc9 basic,observe ὃν ἐγέννησα 1 In what way had Paul recently become the **father** of **Onesimus**? c7cj basic,observe 1 l010 basic,observe 1 l011 basic,observe 1 jr7f basic,observe 1 l012 basic,observe 1 vyl8 basic,observe 1 abc1 basic,observe 1 wed9 basic,observe 1 vq5g basic,observe 1 pa9c basic,observe 1 l013 basic,observe 1 ph9z basic,observe 1 bjl6 basic,observe 1 ntl8 basic,observe 1 uwu7 basic,observe 1 b8b7 basic,observe 1 c8ss basic,observe 1 r3aa basic,observe 1 d1zm basic,observe 1 l014 basic,observe 1 sfb1 basic,observe 1 ki8l basic,observe 1 es4l basic,observe 1 l015 basic,observe 1 l016 basic,observe 1 l017 basic,observe 1 n654 basic,observe 1 q1p8 basic,observe 1 td57 basic,observe 1 sz79 basic,observe 1 abc2 basic,observe 1 hgb9 basic,observe 1 l019 basic,observe 1 ie95 basic,observe 1 x36x basic,observe 1 l020 basic,observe 1 c52s basic,observe 1 p472 basic,observe 1 l022 basic,observe 1 w32h basic,observe 1 qe48 basic,observe 1 l024 basic,observe 1 l025 basic,observe 1 j49j basic,observe 1 ujs1 basic,observe 1 asn2 basic,observe 1 l026 basic,observe 1 l027 basic,observe 1 l028 basic,observe 1 p3jn basic,observe 1 yp6z basic,observe 1 pd7h basic,observe 1 x9qk basic,observe 1 l030 basic,observe 1 g5t1 basic,observe 1 q6y3 basic,observe 1 l031 basic,observe 1 hgu3 basic,observe 1 e14e basic,observe 1 h6vt basic,observe 1 r2ak basic,observe 1 duy9 basic,observe 1 l032 basic,observe 1 l033 basic,observe 1 sa5y basic,observe 1 l034 basic,observe 1 cda2 basic,observe 1 kpw1 basic,observe 1 w8yq basic,observe 1 z1xr basic,observe 1 pn2a basic,observe 1 lx3p basic,observe 1 v9w2 basic,observe 1 l035 basic,observe 1 rl4c basic,observe 1 l038 basic,observe 1 tzh2 basic,observe 1 l040 basic,observe 1 w9tm basic,observe 1 i7h4 basic,observe 1 bp2n basic,observe 1 jmq9 basic,observe 1 l042 basic,observe 1 ytx7 basic,observe 1 l043 basic,observe 1 d3rx basic,observe 1 a3eb basic,observe 1 l044 basic,observe 1 fi5q basic,observe 1 l045 basic,observe 1 l046 basic,observe 1 l048 basic,observe 1 hl55 basic,observe 1 ip26 basic,observe 1