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@ -30,25 +30,25 @@ front:intro gtn1 0 # Titus Study Questions\n\nThe Apostle Paul left Titus in C
1:4 f3g1 basic,observe τοῦ Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν 1 What title does Paul use for Jesus in this verse? How does that affect your understanding of the title for God in verse 3?
1:5 ux1x basic,observe ἵνα τὰ λείποντα ἐπιδιορθώσῃ, καὶ καταστήσῃς κατὰ πόλιν πρεσβυτέρους 1 Why did Paul leave Titus in Crete?
1:5 yi1f basic,interpret ἐπιδιορθώσῃ 1 What does it mean to set things in order?
1:5 u1cq basic,interpret τὰ λείποντα 1 What do you think might have been **not yet complete** in Crete?
1:5 u1cq basic,interpret τὰ λείποντα 1 What do you think might have been **unfinished** in Crete?
1:5 ru3x basic,observe κατὰ πόλιν 1 Where was Titus to ordain elders?
1:6 gnu7 basic,apply ἀνέγκλητος 1 How would you describe a person who is **blameless**?
1:6 j96v advanced,interpret μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἀνήρ 1 What does Paul mean when he says an elder must be **the husband of one wife**? Who would qualify?
1:6 s4bm basic,observe πιστά 1 What does it mean for children to be **faithful**?
1:6 mm2f advanced,interpret ἐν κατηγορίᾳ ἀσωτίας ἢ ἀνυπότακτα 1 Why might it be important that the children of an elder not be **accused of reckless behavior or rebellion**? How might those things hinder his ministry?
1:6 j96v advanced,interpret μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἀνήρ 1 What does Paul mean when he says an elder must be **the husband of but one wife**? Who would qualify?
1:6 s4bm basic,observe πιστά 1 What does it mean for children to be **believers**?
1:6 mm2f advanced,interpret ἐν κατηγορίᾳ ἀσωτίας ἢ ἀνυπότακτα 1 Why might it be important that the children of an elder not be **open to accusation of indiscretion or insubordination**? How might those things hinder his ministry?
1:6 h7nu basic,apply εἴ τίς ἐστιν ἀνέγκλητος, μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἀνήρ, τέκνα ἔχων πιστά, μὴ ἐν κατηγορίᾳ ἀσωτίας ἢ ἀνυπότακτα 1 If you have a family, would it meet these conditions for you to be an elder? Why or why not?
1:7 f5x9 basic,interpret ἀνέγκλητον 1 Why is it important that Paul says for a second time (see verse 6) that an overseer must be **blameless**?
1:7 sz5b basic,interpret ἐπίσκοπον 1 Paul here refers to an elder as an **overseer**? Is there any difference in the meaning of these words?
1:7 ii3m basic,apply Θεοῦ οἰκονόμον 1 Paul describes an elder as **the household manager of God**. How does that influence your understanding of the role of an elder?
1:7 h38h basic,apply μὴ αὐθάδη, μὴ ὀργίλον, μὴ πάροινον, μὴ πλήκτην, μὴ αἰσχροκερδῆ 1 Paul says an elder should not be **arrogant**, **easily angered**, **addicted to wine**, **a brawler**, or **a greedy man**. How might each of those bad character traits hinder a man from being a good elder in the church?
1:7 f5x9 basic,interpret ἀνέγκλητον 1 Why is it important that an overseer must be **above reproach**?
1:7 sz5b basic,interpret ἐπίσκοπον 1 Paul here refers to an elder as **an overseer**? Is there any difference in the meaning of these words?
1:7 ii3m basic,apply Θεοῦ οἰκονόμον 1 Paul describes an elder as **a household manager of God**. How does that influence your understanding of the role of an elder?
1:7 h38h basic,apply μὴ αὐθάδη, μὴ ὀργίλον, μὴ πάροινον, μὴ πλήκτην, μὴ αἰσχροκερδῆ 1 Paul says an elder should not be **self-absorbed**, **quick-tempered**, **given to drunkenness**, **violent**, or **greedy for money**. How might each of those bad character traits hinder a man from being a good elder in the church?
1:7 igg9 basic,apply μὴ αὐθάδη, μὴ ὀργίλον, μὴ πάροινον, μὴ πλήκτην, μὴ αἰσχροκερδῆ 1 Do you have any of these weaknesses that Paul listed? If so what do you plan do about that?
1:8 hbv6 basic,apply φιλόξενον, φιλάγαθον, σώφρονα, δίκαιον, ὅσιον, ἐγκρατῆ 1 Would you be willing to receive counsel of teaching from a man with the characteristics listed in this verse? Why?
1:8 gqv3 basic,interpret φιλόξενον 1 Why would it be important for an elder to be **hospitable**?
1:8 r15v basic,apply φιλόξενον, φιλάγαθον, σώφρονα, δίκαιον, ὅσιον, ἐγκρατῆ 1 Do these characteristics of an elder also describe you? Why or why not? How could you do better?
1:9 c69s basic,interpret ἀντεχόμενον 1 What does it mean to **hold tightly** to a message?
1:9 wzy3 basic,interpret πιστοῦ 1 What kind of message would be **trustworthy**?
1:9 rn72 advanced,interpret τοῦ κατὰ τὴν διδαχὴν πιστοῦ λόγου 1 Paul said **the trustworthy message** must be in accordance with **the teaching**. What **teaching** do you think Paul was referring to?
1:9 tbu2 basic,observe ἀντεχόμενον τοῦ & πιστοῦ λόγου 1 According to Paul in this verse, what two things will an elder be qualified to do if he **holds tightly to the trustworthy message**?
1:9 c69s basic,interpret ἀντεχόμενον 1 What does it mean to **hold firmly** to a message?
1:9 wzy3 basic,interpret πιστοῦ 1 What kind of message would be **faithful**?
1:9 rn72 advanced,interpret τοῦ κατὰ τὴν διδαχὴν πιστοῦ λόγου 1 Paul said **the faithful word** must be **as it was taught**. What teaching do you think Paul was referring to?
1:9 tbu2 basic,observe ἀντεχόμενον τοῦ & πιστοῦ λόγου 1 According to Paul in this verse, what two things will an elder be qualified to do in order to **hold tightly to the faithful word**?
1:9 u8z3 basic,apply ἀντεχόμενον τοῦ & πιστοῦ λόγου 1 Are you **holding tightly to the trustworthy message**? In what way? How can you improve?
1:9 szu6 advanced,interpret τῇ ὑγιαινούσῃ 1 The word **sound** can also be translated as “healthy.” How might teaching be “healthy?”
1:9 wk7u basic,observe τοὺς ἀντιλέγοντας ἐλέγχειν 1 Why would it be important for an elder to **rebuke those who oppose him**? (See verses 10-11)

1 Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
30 1:4 f3g1 basic,observe τοῦ Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν 1 What title does Paul use for Jesus in this verse? How does that affect your understanding of the title for God in verse 3?
31 1:5 ux1x basic,observe ἵνα τὰ λείποντα ἐπιδιορθώσῃ, καὶ καταστήσῃς κατὰ πόλιν πρεσβυτέρους 1 Why did Paul leave Titus in Crete?
32 1:5 yi1f basic,interpret ἐπιδιορθώσῃ 1 What does it mean to set things in order?
33 1:5 u1cq basic,interpret τὰ λείποντα 1 What do you think might have been **not yet complete** in Crete? What do you think might have been **unfinished** in Crete?
34 1:5 ru3x basic,observe κατὰ πόλιν 1 Where was Titus to ordain elders?
35 1:6 gnu7 basic,apply ἀνέγκλητος 1 How would you describe a person who is **blameless**?
36 1:6 j96v advanced,interpret μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἀνήρ 1 What does Paul mean when he says an elder must be **the husband of one wife**? Who would qualify? What does Paul mean when he says an elder must be **the husband of but one wife**? Who would qualify?
37 1:6 s4bm basic,observe πιστά 1 What does it mean for children to be **faithful**? What does it mean for children to be **believers**?
38 1:6 mm2f advanced,interpret ἐν κατηγορίᾳ ἀσωτίας ἢ ἀνυπότακτα 1 Why might it be important that the children of an elder not be **accused of reckless behavior or rebellion**? How might those things hinder his ministry? Why might it be important that the children of an elder not be **open to accusation of indiscretion or insubordination**? How might those things hinder his ministry?
39 1:6 h7nu basic,apply εἴ τίς ἐστιν ἀνέγκλητος, μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἀνήρ, τέκνα ἔχων πιστά, μὴ ἐν κατηγορίᾳ ἀσωτίας ἢ ἀνυπότακτα 1 If you have a family, would it meet these conditions for you to be an elder? Why or why not?
40 1:7 f5x9 basic,interpret ἀνέγκλητον 1 Why is it important that Paul says for a second time (see verse 6) that an overseer must be **blameless**? Why is it important that an overseer must be **above reproach**?
41 1:7 sz5b basic,interpret ἐπίσκοπον 1 Paul here refers to an elder as an **overseer**? Is there any difference in the meaning of these words? Paul here refers to an elder as **an overseer**? Is there any difference in the meaning of these words?
42 1:7 ii3m basic,apply Θεοῦ οἰκονόμον 1 Paul describes an elder as **the household manager of God**. How does that influence your understanding of the role of an elder? Paul describes an elder as **a household manager of God**. How does that influence your understanding of the role of an elder?
43 1:7 h38h basic,apply μὴ αὐθάδη, μὴ ὀργίλον, μὴ πάροινον, μὴ πλήκτην, μὴ αἰσχροκερδῆ 1 Paul says an elder should not be **arrogant**, **easily angered**, **addicted to wine**, **a brawler**, or **a greedy man**. How might each of those bad character traits hinder a man from being a good elder in the church? Paul says an elder should not be **self-absorbed**, **quick-tempered**, **given to drunkenness**, **violent**, or **greedy for money**. How might each of those bad character traits hinder a man from being a good elder in the church?
44 1:7 igg9 basic,apply μὴ αὐθάδη, μὴ ὀργίλον, μὴ πάροινον, μὴ πλήκτην, μὴ αἰσχροκερδῆ 1 Do you have any of these weaknesses that Paul listed? If so what do you plan do about that?
45 1:8 hbv6 basic,apply φιλόξενον, φιλάγαθον, σώφρονα, δίκαιον, ὅσιον, ἐγκρατῆ 1 Would you be willing to receive counsel of teaching from a man with the characteristics listed in this verse? Why?
46 1:8 gqv3 basic,interpret φιλόξενον 1 Why would it be important for an elder to be **hospitable**?
47 1:8 r15v basic,apply φιλόξενον, φιλάγαθον, σώφρονα, δίκαιον, ὅσιον, ἐγκρατῆ 1 Do these characteristics of an elder also describe you? Why or why not? How could you do better?
48 1:9 c69s basic,interpret ἀντεχόμενον 1 What does it mean to **hold tightly** to a message? What does it mean to **hold firmly** to a message?
49 1:9 wzy3 basic,interpret πιστοῦ 1 What kind of message would be **trustworthy**? What kind of message would be **faithful**?
50 1:9 rn72 advanced,interpret τοῦ κατὰ τὴν διδαχὴν πιστοῦ λόγου 1 Paul said **the trustworthy message** must be in accordance with **the teaching**. What **teaching** do you think Paul was referring to? Paul said **the faithful word** must be **as it was taught**. What teaching do you think Paul was referring to?
51 1:9 tbu2 basic,observe ἀντεχόμενον τοῦ & πιστοῦ λόγου 1 According to Paul in this verse, what two things will an elder be qualified to do if he **holds tightly to the trustworthy message**? According to Paul in this verse, what two things will an elder be qualified to do in order to **hold tightly to the faithful word**?
52 1:9 u8z3 basic,apply ἀντεχόμενον τοῦ & πιστοῦ λόγου 1 Are you **holding tightly to the trustworthy message**? In what way? How can you improve?
53 1:9 szu6 advanced,interpret τῇ ὑγιαινούσῃ 1 The word **sound** can also be translated as “healthy.” How might teaching be “healthy?”
54 1:9 wk7u basic,observe τοὺς ἀντιλέγοντας ἐλέγχειν 1 Why would it be important for an elder to **rebuke those who oppose him**? (See verses 10-11)