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2024-04-17 20:46:41 +00:00
front:intro pla1 0 # 2 Thessalonians Study Questions\n\nAsk yourself these questions as you carefully read this letter, and pray to God that he will open your eyes to see his message clearly.
1:1 uk55 basic,observe Παῦλος, καὶ Σιλουανὸς, καὶ Τιμόθεος 1 Who joined **Paul** in sending this letter to **the Thessalonians**?
1:1 f1b5 basic,observe τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ Θεσσαλονικέων, ἐν Θεῷ Πατρὶ ἡμῶν καὶ Κυρίῳ Ἰησοῦ Χριστῷ 1 How does Paul here address **Thessalonians**?
1:2 qhd9 basic,observe χάρις ὑμῖν καὶ εἰρήνη ἀπὸ Θεοῦ Πατρὸς καὶ Κυρίου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ. 1 What does Paul wish for the Thessalonians to receive from **God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ**?
1:3 hyp6 basic,observe εὐχαριστεῖν ὀφείλομεν τῷ Θεῷ πάντοτε περὶ ὑμῶν 1 What are Paul and his companions **obligated** to do because of the Thessalonians?
1:3 hud2 basic,observe καθὼς ἄξιόν ἐστιν, ὅτι ὑπεραυξάνει ἡ πίστις ὑμῶν, καὶ πλεονάζει ἡ ἀγάπη ἑνὸς ἑκάστου, πάντων ὑμῶν, εἰς ἀλλήλους 1 Here **because** introduces the reasons that Paul and his companions **are obligated to thank God**. What are those reasons?
1:3 z9dq basic,interpret ὑπεραυξάνει ἡ πίστις ὑμῶν, καὶ πλεονάζει ἡ ἀγάπη ἑνὸς ἑκάστου, πάντων ὑμῶν, εἰς ἀλλήλους 1 In his previous letter, Paul also praised the Thessalonians for their **faith** and **love**, but also for their hope. Why do you think he does not list hope in this letter?
1:4 l000 basic,observe ὥστε αὐτοὺς ἡμᾶς ἐν ὑμῖν ἐνκαυχᾶσθαι, ἐν ταῖς ἐκκλησίαις τοῦ Θεοῦ, ὑπὲρ τῆς ὑπομονῆς ὑμῶν, καὶ πίστεως ἐν πᾶσιν τοῖς διωγμοῖς ὑμῶν, καὶ ταῖς θλίψεσιν αἷς ἀνέχεσθε; 1 Here **That is why** introduces the reason Paul and his companions **boast among Gods churches**. What is that reason?
1:4 fud1 basic,observe ἐν πᾶσιν τοῖς διωγμοῖς ὑμῶν, καὶ ταῖς θλίψεσιν αἷς ἀνέχεσθε 1 In what circumstances were the Thessalonians demonstrating **perseverance and faith**?
1:5 l001 basic,observe ἔνδειγμα τῆς δικαίας κρίσεως τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 To what does **All this is clear evidence** refer back?
1:5 nr63 basic,interpret τῆς δικαίας κρίσεως τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 Why would **Gods** **judgment** on those who persecuted His churches be **righteous**?
1:5 vhj8 basic,interpret εἰς τὸ καταξιωθῆναι ὑμᾶς τῆς Βασιλείας τοῦ Θεοῦ, ὑπὲρ ἧς καὶ πάσχετε 1 Why would the **suffering** of the Thessalonians cause them to **be counted worthy of the kingdom of God**?
1:6 h7q1 basic,observe εἴπερ δίκαιον παρὰ Θεῷ, ἀνταποδοῦναι τοῖς θλίβουσιν ὑμᾶς θλῖψιν 1 With what will God **repay** those who afflict the Thessalonians?
1:6 l002 basic,interpret εἴπερ δίκαιον παρὰ Θεῷ, ἀνταποδοῦναι τοῖς θλίβουσιν ὑμᾶς θλῖψιν 1 Why would it be **only right for God to repay with affliction** the people who are persecuting the Thessalonians?
1:7 l003 basic,observe καὶ ὑμῖν τοῖς θλιβομένοις, ἄνεσιν μεθ’ ἡμῶν 1 To whom will God **grant relief**?
1:7 gb16 basic,observe ἐν τῇ ἀποκαλύψει τοῦ Κυρίου Ἰησοῦ ἀπ’ οὐρανοῦ, μετ’ ἀγγέλων δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ 1 When will God **grant relief** to the Thessalonians and to Paul and his companions?
1:7 l004 basic,observe μετ’ ἀγγέλων δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ 1 Who will come with **the Lord Jesus** when he **is revealed from heaven**?
1:8 a4q9 basic,observe ἐν πυρὶ φλογός διδόντος ἐκδίκησιν τοῖς μὴ εἰδόσι Θεὸν, καὶ τοῖς μὴ ὑπακούουσιν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν, Ἰησοῦ 1 In what way will Jesus repay those who have persecuted His church?
1:8 l228 basic,observe ἐν πυρὶ φλογός διδόντος ἐκδίκησιν τοῖς μὴ εἰδόσι Θεὸν, καὶ τοῖς μὴ ὑπακούουσιν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν, Ἰησοῦ 1 Upon whom will Jesus inflict **vengeance** when He returns?
1:9 gzw1 basic,observe οἵτινες δίκην τίσουσιν ὄλεθρον αἰώνιον, ἀπὸ προσώπου τοῦ Κυρίου, καὶ ἀπὸ τῆς δόξης τῆς ἰσχύος αὐτοῦ 1 What will be **the penalty** for not knowing God or obeying His gospel?
1:9 d3ua basic,interpret οἵτινες δίκην τίσουσιν ὄλεθρον αἰώνιον 1 What does Paul mean when he refers to **eternal destruction**?
1:9 nnu9 basic,interpret ἀπὸ προσώπου τοῦ Κυρίου, καὶ ἀπὸ τῆς δόξης τῆς ἰσχύος αὐτοῦ 1 What does it mean to be **separated from the presence of the Lord**?
1:10 uu87 basic,observe ὅταν ἔλθῃ ἐνδοξασθῆναι ἐν τοῖς ἁγίοις αὐτοῦ, καὶ θαυμασθῆναι ἐν πᾶσιν τοῖς πιστεύσασιν & ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἐκείνῃ 1 How will **His saints** respond to Jesus when he returns?
1:10 l009 basic,observe ὅτι ἐπιστεύθη τὸ μαρτύριον ἡμῶν ἐφ’ ὑμᾶς 1 Why will the Thessalonians be included with **His saints**?
1:11 csc9 basic,observe εἰς ὃ καὶ 1 To what does **this end** refer back?
1:11 c7cj basic,observe προσευχόμεθα πάντοτε περὶ ὑμῶν 1 What do Paul and his companions **always** do for the Thessalonians?
1:11 l010 basic,observe ἵνα ὑμᾶς ἀξιώσῃ τῆς κλήσεως ὁ Θεὸς ἡμῶν, καὶ πληρώσῃ πᾶσαν εὐδοκίαν ἀγαθωσύνης, καὶ ἔργον πίστεως ἐν δυνάμει 1 Here **that** introduces the things that Paul and his companions want to result from their prayers for the Thessalonians. What are those results?
1:11 l011 basic,interpret ὑμᾶς ἀξιώσῃ τῆς κλήσεως ὁ Θεὸς ἡμῶν 1 What does it mean for God to count someone **worthy of His calling**?
1:11 jr7f basic,observe καὶ πληρώσῃ πᾶσαν εὐδοκίαν ἀγαθωσύνης, καὶ ἔργον πίστεως ἐν δυνάμει 1 What kind of things does Paul expect God to **powerfully fulfill**?
1:11 l012 basic,apply ἔργον πίστεως 1 What would be an example of a **work of faith**?
1:12 vyl8 basic,observe ὅπως ἐνδοξασθῇ τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν, Ἰησοῦ, ἐν ὑμῖν, καὶ ὑμεῖς ἐν αὐτῷ 1 Here **so that** introduces the purpose for which God will fulfill the good desires and works of faith of the Thessalonians. What is that purpose?
1:12 abc1 basic,interpret ὅπως ἐνδοξασθῇ τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν, Ἰησοῦ, ἐν ὑμῖν, καὶ ὑμεῖς ἐν αὐτῷ 1 What does it mean for **the name of our Lord** to **be glorified** in the believers, and for them to be glorified **in Him**?
1:12 wed9 basic,observe κατὰ τὴν χάριν τοῦ Θεοῦ ἡμῶν καὶ Κυρίου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 Here **according to** introduces the means by which believers can be glorified in Christ. What is that means?
2:1 vq5g basic,observe ἀδελφοί 1 How does Paul here address the Thessalonians?
2:1 pa9c basic,observe ὑπὲρ τῆς παρουσίας τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν, Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ, καὶ ἡμῶν ἐπισυναγωγῆς ἐπ’ αὐτόν 1 What will happen to believers at **the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ**?
2:1 l013 basic,observe καὶ ἡμῶν ἐπισυναγωγῆς ἐπ’ αὐτόν 1 What does Paul mean when he speaks of **our being gathered together to Him**?
2:1-2 ph9z basic,observe ἐρωτῶμεν δὲ ὑμᾶς & εἰς τὸ μὴ ταχέως σαλευθῆναι ὑμᾶς ἀπὸ τοῦ νοὸς, μηδὲ θροεῖσθαι 1 What did Paul **ask** the Thessalonians not to do?
2:2 bjl6 basic,observe μήτε διὰ πνεύματος, μήτε διὰ λόγου, μήτε δι’ ἐπιστολῆς, ὡς δι’ ἡμῶν 1 What had **disconcerted or alarmed** the Thessalonians?
2:2 ntl8 basic,observe ὡς ὅτι ἐνέστηκεν ἡ ἡμέρα τοῦ Κυρίου 1 What was the content of the message that **disconcerted or alarmed** the Thessalonians?
2:2 uwu7 basic,interpret ἐνέστηκεν ἡ ἡμέρα τοῦ Κυρίου 1 Why would the message that **the Day of the Lord has already come** have been alarming to the Thessalonians?
2:3 b8b7 basic,observe μή τις ὑμᾶς ἐξαπατήσῃ κατὰ μηδένα τρόπον 1 What was Paul afraid would happen to the Thessalonians?
2:3 c8ss basic,observe ὅτι ἐὰν μὴ ἔλθῃ ἡ ἀποστασία πρῶτον, καὶ ἀποκαλυφθῇ ὁ ἄνθρωπος τῆς ἀνομίας, ὁ υἱὸς τῆς ἀπωλείας 1 What events must precede the Day of the Lord?
2:3 r3aa basic,interpret ἐὰν μὴ ἔλθῃ ἡ ἀποστασία πρῶτον 1 What kind of **rebellion** must occur before the Day of the Lord?
2:3 d1zm basic,interpret ἀποκαλυφθῇ ὁ ἄνθρωπος τῆς ἀνομίας, ὁ υἱὸς τῆς ἀπωλείας 1 To who does Paul refer as **the man of lawlessness—the son of destruction**?
2:4 l014 basic,observe ὁ ἀντικείμενος καὶ ὑπεραιρόμενος ἐπὶ πάντα λεγόμενον θεὸν ἢ σέβασμα, ὥστε αὐτὸν εἰς τὸν ναὸν τοῦ Θεοῦ καθίσαι, ἀποδεικνύντα ἑαυτὸν ὅτι ἔστιν Θεός. 1 In what way will the man of lawlessness do to reveal himself?
2:4 sfb1 basic,interpret ὁ ἀντικείμενος καὶ ὑπεραιρόμενος ἐπὶ πάντα λεγόμενον θεὸν ἢ σέβασμα 1 Has anyone yet revealed himself as being **above every so-called god or object of worship**?
2:4 ki8l basic,interpret ὥστε αὐτὸν εἰς τὸν ναὸν τοῦ Θεοῦ καθίσαι, ἀποδεικνύντα ἑαυτὸν ὅτι ἔστιν Θεός. 1 Has anyone yet seated himself **in the temple of God** and proclaimed himself **to be God**?
2:5 es4l basic,observe οὐ μνημονεύετε ὅτι, ἔτι ὢν πρὸς ὑμᾶς, ταῦτα ἔλεγον ὑμῖν? 1 When had the Thessalonians heard **these things** before?
2:6 l015 basic,observe καὶ νῦν τὸ κατέχον οἴδατε, εἰς τὸ ἀποκαλυφθῆναι αὐτὸν ἐν τῷ αὐτοῦ καιρῷ. 1 Here **so that** introduces the reason that the man of lawlessness is not yet revealed. What is that reason?
2:6 l016 basic,observe ἀποκαλυφθῆναι αὐτὸν ἐν τῷ αὐτοῦ καιρῷ 1 When will the man of lawlessness **be revealed*?
2:6 l017 basic,interpret ἐν τῷ αὐτοῦ καιρῷ 1 What does Paul mean when he says the man of lawlessness will be revealed **at the proper time**?
2:7 n654 basic,observe τὸ γὰρ μυστήριον ἤδη ἐνεργεῖται τῆς ἀνομίας 1 What does Paul say **is already at work**?
2:7 q1p8 basic,observe μόνον ὁ κατέχων ἄρτι\n 1 Why has the man of lawlessness not yet revealed himself to the world?
2:7 td57 basic,observe ἕως ἐκ μέσου γένηται 1 What will have to happen before the man of lawlessness can reveal himself?
2:7 sz79 basic,interpret ὁ κατέχων ἄρτι 1 Who do you think is **the one who now restrains** the man of lawlessness? Who could do that?
2:7 abc2 basic,interpret ἕως ἐκ μέσου γένηται 1 What does Paul mean when he says **the one who now restrains** the man of lawlessness will be **taken out of the way**?
2:8 hgb9 basic,observe καὶ τότε ἀποκαλυφθήσεται ὁ ἄνομος 1 What will happen to **the lawless one** when the one who restrains him is taken out of the way?
2:8 l019 basic,observe ὃν ὁ Κύριος Ἰησοῦς ἀνελεῖ τῷ πνεύματι τοῦ στόματος αὐτοῦ, καὶ καταργήσει τῇ ἐπιφανείᾳ τῆς παρουσίας αὐτοῦ 1 What will **the Lord Jesus** do to **the lawless one** when he is revealed?
2:8 ie95 basic,interpret ὃν ὁ Κύριος Ἰησοῦς ἀνελεῖ τῷ πνεύματι τοῦ στόματος αὐτοῦ 1 What does Paul mean when he says **the Lord Jesus will slay** the lawless one **with the breath of His mouth**?
2:8 x36x basic,interpret καὶ καταργήσει τῇ ἐπιφανείᾳ τῆς παρουσίας αὐτοῦ 1 What does Paul mean when he says Jesus will **annihilate** the lawless one **by the majesty of His arrival**?
2:9-10 l020 basic,observe οὗ ἐστιν ἡ παρουσία, κατ’ ἐνέργειαν τοῦ Σατανᾶ ἐν πάσῃ δυνάμει, καὶ σημείοις, καὶ τέρασιν ψεύδους, & καὶ ἐν πάσῃ ἀπάτῃ ἀδικίας 1 What signs will accompany the **coming of the lawless one** when it happens?
2:9-10 c52s basic,apply οὗ ἐστιν ἡ παρουσία, κατ’ ἐνέργειαν τοῦ Σατανᾶ ἐν πάσῃ δυνάμει, καὶ σημείοις, καὶ τέρασιν ψεύδους, & καὶ ἐν πάσῃ ἀπάτῃ ἀδικίας 1 Do these signs sound like things that have already happened, or that are yet to come?
2:9 p472 basic,interpret ἐνέργειαν τοῦ Σατανᾶ 1 What does Paul mean when he speaks of **the working of Satan**?
2:9 l022 basic,apply ἐν πάσῃ δυνάμει, καὶ σημείοις, καὶ τέρασιν ψεύδους 1 Are you surprised that Satan has the power to do **every kind of power, sign, and false wonder**?
2:10 w32h basic,observe καὶ ἐν πάσῃ ἀπάτῃ ἀδικίας, τοῖς ἀπολλυμένοις 1 Against whom does Satan direct **every wicked deception**?
2:10 qe48 basic,observe ἀνθ’ ὧν τὴν ἀγάπην τῆς ἀληθείας οὐκ ἐδέξαντο, εἰς τὸ σωθῆναι αὐτούς 1 Here **because** introduces the reason Satan is able to deceive **those who are perishing**. What is that reason?
2:10 l024 basic,observe τὴν ἀγάπην τῆς ἀληθείας & εἰς τὸ σωθῆναι αὐτούς 1 According to Paul, what **would have saved** these people?
2:11 l025 basic,observe καὶ διὰ τοῦτο 1 To what does **this reason** refer back?
2:11 j49j basic,observe πέμπει αὐτοῖς ὁ Θεὸς ἐνέργειαν πλάνης, εἰς τὸ πιστεῦσαι αὐτοὺς τῷ ψεύδει 1 What will God **send** upon these people who have refused His truth?
2:11 ujs1 basic,interpret εἰς τὸ πιστεῦσαι αὐτοὺς τῷ ψεύδει 1 What is **the lie** that these people have heard, which God will cause them to believe?
2:12 asn2 basic,observe ἵνα κριθῶσιν πάντες οἱ μὴ πιστεύσαντες τῇ ἀληθείᾳ, ἀλλὰ εὐδοκήσαντες τῇ ἀδικίᾳ. 1 Here **in order that** introduces the reason God will cause these people who have rejected His truth to believe Satan. What is that reason?
2:12 l026 basic,observe πάντες οἱ μὴ πιστεύσαντες τῇ ἀληθείᾳ 1 How have these people treated **the truth** of God?
2:12 l027 basic,observe ἀλλὰ εὐδοκήσαντες τῇ ἀδικίᾳ 1 How have these people responded to **wickedness**?
2:13 l028 basic,observe ἡμεῖς δὲ ὀφείλομεν εὐχαριστεῖν τῷ Θεῷ πάντοτε περὶ ὑμῶν 1 What does Paul say he and his companions **should always** do for the Thessalonians/
2:13 p3jn basic,observe ἀδελφοὶ ἠγαπημένοι ὑπὸ Κυρίου 1 How does Paul here address the Thessalonians?
2:13 yp6z basic,observe ὅτι εἵλατο ὑμᾶς ὁ Θεὸς, ἀπαρχὴν εἰς σωτηρίαν ἐν ἁγιασμῷ Πνεύματος καὶ πίστει ἀληθείας 1 Here **because** introduces the reason that Paul and his companions should always give thanks for the Thessalonians. What is that reason?
2:13 pd7h basic,interpret ὅτι εἵλατο ὑμᾶς ὁ Θεὸς, ἀπαρχὴν 1 What does Paul mean when he says God chose the Thessalonians **from the beginning**?
2:13 x9qk basic,observe εἰς σωτηρίαν ἐν ἁγιασμῷ Πνεύματος καὶ πίστει ἀληθείας 1 What two means did God choose to use to save the Thessalonians?
2:14 l030 basic,observe εἰς\n\n 1 To what does ** To this** here refer back?
2:14 g5t1 basic,observe ὃ ἐκάλεσεν ὑμᾶς, διὰ τοῦ εὐαγγελίου ἡμῶν 1 What did God use to call the Thessalonians?
2:14 q6y3 basic,observe εἰς περιποίησιν δόξης τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν, Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 Here **so that** introduces the purpose for which God called the Thessalonians. What is that purpose?
2:14 l031 basic,interpret εἰς περιποίησιν δόξης τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν, Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 What does it mean to **share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ**?
2:15 hgu3 basic,observe ἄρα οὖν 1 To what does ** Therefore** here refer back?
2:15 e14e basic,observe στήκετε καὶ κρατεῖτε τὰς παραδόσεις ἃς ἐδιδάχθητε 1 What two things does Paul command the Thessalonians to do?
2:15 h6vt basic,observe τὰς παραδόσεις ἃς ἐδιδάχθητε, εἴτε διὰ λόγου, εἴτε δι’ ἐπιστολῆς ἡμῶν 1 What two means did Paul and his companions use to teach the Thessalonians?
2:15 r2ak basic,interpret εἴτε διὰ λόγου, εἴτε δι’ ἐπιστολῆς ἡμῶν 1 When did Paul and his companions teach the Thessalonians **by speech** and when did they do so **by letter**?
2:16-17 duy9 basic,observe δὲ & παρακαλέσαι ὑμῶν τὰς καρδίας, καὶ στηρίξαι ἐν παντὶ ἔργῳ καὶ λόγῳ ἀγαθῷ 1 What two things does Paul desire for God to do for the Thessalonians?
2:16 l032 basic,observe ὁ Θεὸς ὁ Πατὴρ ἡμῶν, ὁ ἀγαπήσας ἡμᾶς καὶ δοὺς παράκλησιν αἰωνίαν, καὶ ἐλπίδα ἀγαθὴν ἐν χάριτι 1 What has **God our Father** done for believers **by grace**?
2:16 l033 basic,interpret ἐλπίδα ἀγαθὴν 1 Throughout this letter, what is the **good hope** about which Paul has been reminding the Thessalonians?
2:17 sa5y basic,interpret στηρίξαι ἐν παντὶ ἔργῳ καὶ λόγῳ ἀγαθῷ 1 What does Paul mean when he speaks of **every good word and deed**?
3:1 l034 basic,observe ἀδελφοί 1 How does Paul here address the Thessalonians?
3:1 cda2 basic,observe προσεύχεσθε & περὶ ἡμῶν, ἵνα ὁ λόγος τοῦ Κυρίου τρέχῃ καὶ δοξάζηται, καθὼς καὶ πρὸς ὑμᾶς 1 Here **that** introduces the first result for which Paul asks the Thessalonians to pray. What is that result?
3:1 kpw1 basic,interpret δοξάζηται 1 What does it mean for **the word of the Lord** to **be held in honor**?
3:2 w8yq basic,observe ἵνα ῥυσθῶμεν ἀπὸ τῶν ἀτόπων καὶ πονηρῶν ἀνθρώπων 1 Here **that** introduces the second result for which Paul asks the Thessalonians to pray. What is that result?
3:2 z1xr basic,interpret ἵνα ῥυσθῶμεν ἀπὸ τῶν ἀτόπων καὶ πονηρῶν ἀνθρώπων 1 Why do you think Paul asks the Thessalonians to pray for the word of the Lord before he asks the to pray for his personal deliverance from danger?
3:2 pn2a basic,observe οὐ γὰρ πάντων ἡ πίστις 1 Here **for** introduces the reason why Paul needs to be **delivered from wicked and evil men**. What is that reason?
3:3 lx3p basic,observe πιστὸς δέ ἐστιν ὁ Κύριος 1 How does Paul here describe **the Lord**?
3:3 v9w2 basic,observe ὃς στηρίξει ὑμᾶς, καὶ φυλάξει ἀπὸ τοῦ πονηροῦ 1 What will **the Lord** do for the Thessalonians because He **is faithful**?
3:3 l035 basic,interpret φυλάξει ἀπὸ τοῦ πονηροῦ 1 Why is it necessary for the Lord to **guard** believers?
3:4 rl4c basic,observe πεποίθαμεν δὲ ἐν Κυρίῳ ἐφ’ ὑμᾶς, ὅτι ἃ παραγγέλλομεν, ποιεῖτε καὶ ποιήσετε. 1 What **confidence** do Paul and his companions have **in the Lord**?
3:4 l038 basic,interpret πεποίθαμεν δὲ ἐν Κυρίῳ 1 Why does Paul here say he has **confidence in the Lord** rather than confidence in the Thessalonians?
2024-04-17 20:46:41 +00:00
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yuu2 basic,observe 1
z2he basic,observe 1
d8g6 basic,observe 1
l070 basic,observe 1
g5u1 basic,observe 1
hyt3 basic,observe 1
qc9k basic,observe 1
by4a basic,observe 1
l072 basic,observe 1
l073 basic,observe 1
nt87 basic,observe 1
hfk3 basic,observe 1
l074 basic,observe 1
dd2i basic,observe 1
j2xc basic,observe 1
l075 basic,observe 1
f4ul basic,observe 1
l076 basic,observe 1
gm1k basic,observe 1
ya7d basic,observe 1
ip8w basic,observe 1
l077 basic,observe 1
l078 basic,observe 1
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l079 basic,observe 1
ium2 basic,observe 1
w3kq basic,observe 1
gn28 basic,observe 1
qu93 basic,observe 1
sdg1 basic,observe 1
l080 basic,observe 1
mi2u basic,observe 1
l081 basic,observe 1
qw1j basic,observe 1
l082 basic,observe 1
l083 basic,observe 1
g7uh basic,observe 1
pz97 basic,observe 1
c7xf basic,observe 1
l6lt basic,observe 1
dgq4 basic,observe 1
xm9c basic,observe 1
lvd6 basic,observe 1
l084 basic,observe 1
fs5y basic,observe 1
l085 basic,observe 1
jx5n basic,observe 1
d67v basic,observe 1
l086 basic,observe 1
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fb9f basic,observe 1
l087 basic,observe 1
l088 basic,observe 1
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l089 basic,observe 1
d13g basic,observe 1
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l090 basic,observe 1
l091 basic,observe 1
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l092 basic,observe 1
sk92 basic,observe 1
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v55j basic,observe 1
l5n2 basic,observe 1
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l093 basic,observe 1
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l094 basic,observe 1
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l095 basic,observe 1
l096 basic,observe 1
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l097 basic,observe 1
l098 basic,observe 1
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l099 basic,observe 1
k46q basic,observe 1
l100 basic,observe 1
cnh7 basic,observe 1
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l101 basic,observe 1
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eh9j basic,observe 1
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l102 basic,observe 1
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l103 basic,observe 1
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l106 basic,observe 1
l107 basic,observe 1
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l108 basic,observe 1
l109 basic,observe 1
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l110 basic,observe 1
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l111 basic,observe 1
l112 basic,observe 1
l113 basic,observe 1
qq48 basic,observe 1
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yj6j basic,observe 1
l114 basic,observe 1
l115 basic,observe 1
l116 basic,observe 1
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l117 basic,observe 1
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l118 basic,observe 1
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l119 basic,observe 1
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l122 basic,observe 1
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l125 basic,observe 1
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l126 basic,observe 1
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l128 basic,observe 1
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l129 basic,observe 1
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l130 basic,observe 1
l131 basic,observe 1
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l132 basic,observe 1
ytp9 basic,observe 1
l133 basic,observe 1
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l134 basic,observe 1
l135 basic,observe 1
l136 basic,observe 1
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l137 basic,observe 1
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l138 basic,observe 1
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l140 basic,observe 1
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l142 basic,observe 1
l143 basic,observe 1
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l144 basic,observe 1