\id FRT EN_BSB Berean Standard Bible - Aligned \usfm 3.0 \ide UTF-8 \h Front matter \toc1 Front Matter \toc2 Front Matter \toc3 Front Matter \mt Front Matter \imt1 Berean Standard Bible - English \im \em an unrestricted version of the Bible intended for translation into any language as a tool for use by Bible translators and Bible study\em* \imt1 Overview \ip The Berean Bible is a completely new English translation of the Holy Bible, effective for public reading, study, memorization, and evangelism. Inspired by the words in the Book of Acts, and based on the best available manuscripts and sources, each word is connected back to the Greek or Hebrew text to produce a transparent text that can be studied for its root meanings. \ip This version of the BSB is a fork of the original BSB to test USFM3 alignment of the text to the original NT Greek and OT Hebrew. The purpose of the test alignment is to see prepare the BSB to be displayed and linked in open-source translation and Bible study tools developed by [Worldview](https://worldview.info/home), [unfoldingWord](https://www.unfoldingword.org/), and other organizations. \ip For the purposes of this test, the text of the BSB has not been changed. Only the metadata has been updated from USFM2 to USFM3 to include alignment of the UGNT Greek text and the UHB Hebrew text, including the lexical data from those texts.