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Katya_Tsvetaeva 2018-04-03 04:25:34 +00:00
parent accdba7ff2
commit c5ace0cfcb
1 changed files with 5 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
# What trouble did Paul and his companions have in Asia?
# Какие неприятности были у Павла и его товарищей в Асии?
Павлу и его товарищам был вынесен смертный приговор.
They were completely crushed beyond what they could bear. They had the sentence of death on them.
# For what reason was the sentence of death on Paul and his companions?
The sentence of death caused them to not put their trust in themselves, but instead to trust in God.
# Как повлиял смертный приговор на Павла и его товарищей?
Они перестали надеяться на себя и начали надеяться на Бога.