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## Zechariah 12 Translation Questions ##
Q? Who is Yahweh who makes this declaration concerning Israel?
A. Yahweh is the one who stretched out the skies and laid the foundation of the earth, who fashions the spirit of mankind within him. [12:1]
Q? Who is going to gather against Jerusalem?
A. All the nations of the earth are going to gather against Jerusalem.. [12:3]
Q? On the day when all the nations gather against Judah, what specific things did Yahweh say he would do to the horses and riders of the enemy armies?
A. Yahweh said he would strike every horse with terror and each rider with madness. Yahweh also said he would strike every horse of the armies blind. [12:4]
Q? In that day, what will the leaders of Judah be like?
A. In that day, the leaders will be like fire pots among wood and like a flaming torch to standing grain. [12:6]
Q? Why will Yahweh save the tents of Judah first?
A. Yahweh will save the tents of Judah first so that the honor of the house of David and the honor of those who live in Jerusalem may not be greater than the rest of Judah. [12:7]
Q? What is Yahweh determined to do on that day?
A. Yahweh said that on that day he is determined to destroy all the nations who come against Jerusalem. [12:9]
Q? On that day, what will Yahweh pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem?
A. Yahweh will pour out a spirit of compassion and supplication. [12:10]
Q? What will the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem do when they look upon him whom they have pierced?
A. When they look on him whom they have pierced, they will lament and mourn for him as one mourns and laments for an only son or over the death of a firstborn son. [12:10]
Q? How will the land mourn in that day?
A. In that day, each family will mourn separately from other families and in each family they will mourn separately, their wives will be separate from the men. [12:12-14]
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