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2016-10-01 13:38:00 +00:00
## Isaiah 27 Translation Questions ##
Q? On that day what will Yahweh do with his sword?
A. Yahweh will punish Leviathan the serpent, and he will kill the monster that is in the sea. [27:1]
Q? In that day what will Yahweh do with a vineyard of wine?
A. He will protect it, water it every moment and guard it day and night. [27:2-3]
Q? What will Yahweh do if the briars and thorns don't grasp his protection and make peace with him?
A. Yahweh will march against them and burn them altogether. [27:4-5]
Q? What will Jacob and Israel do in the coming day?
A. Jacob will take root; Israel will blossom and bud; and they will fill the surface of the ground with fruit. [27:6]
Q? What will be the full fruit of Jacob turning away from his sin?
A. He will make all the altar stones as chalk and pulverized, and no Asherim or incense altars will remain standing. [27:9]
Q? Why will the Maker of Israel not have compassion on them?
A. Because they are not a people of understanding Yahweh will not have compassion on them. [27:11]
Q? On that day how will the people of Israel be gathered?
A. They will be gathered one by one. [27:12]
Q? Who will worship Yahweh on the holy mountain in Jerusalem?
A. The perishing ones in the land of Assyria and the outcasts in the land of Egypt will worship Yahweh on the holy moutain in Jerusalem. [27:13]
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