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front:intro wy83 0 # Introduction to 1 Timothy\n\n## Part 1: General Introduction\n\n### Outline of the book of 1 Timothy\n\n1. Letter opening (1:12)\n2. Paul urges Timothy to condemn false teachers (1:311)\n3. Paul thanks Jesus and praises God (1:1217)\n4. Paul warns and encourages Timothy (1:1820)\n5. Paul gives instructions about prayer and behavior in public worship (2:115)\n6. Paul gives instructions about qualifications for church leaders (3:116)\n7. Paul gives instructions about how Timothy should behave and what he should teach (4:116)\n8. Paul gives instructions about how to treat different types of believers (5:16:2)\n9. Paul condemns false teachers and lovers of money (6:310)\n10. Paul encourages Timothy (6:1116)\n11. Paul gives commands for rich people (6:1719)\n12. Final exhortation and letter closing (6:2021)\n\n### Who wrote the book of 1 Timothy?\n\nThe author identifies himself as Paul the apostle. Paul was originally from the city of Tarsus but lived in Jerusalem. He had been known as Saul in his early life. Before becoming a Christian, Paul was a Pharisee, and he persecuted Christians. After he became a Christian, he traveled several times throughout the Roman Empire, telling people about Jesus. Eventually, he was arrested and taken to Rome, the capital of the empire. After several years in jail, he was released. Paul wrote this letter sometime after his release and before he was arrested again and executed.\n\nPaul wrote this letter to Timothy, who was Pauls disciple and his close friend. Timothy was in Ephesus during this time. Paul may have written other letters to Timothy, but this is the earliest one that we still have. That is why it is known as 1 Timothy or First Timothy.\n\n### What is the book of 1 Timothy about?\n\nPaul had left Timothy in the city of Ephesus to help the believers there. Paul wrote this letter to instruct Timothy about various matters. The topics he addressed included church worship, qualifications for church leaders, and how to deal with false teachers. This letter shows how Paul was training Timothy to be a leader among the churches while Timothy himself trained other leaders.\n\n### How should the title of this book be translated?\n\nTranslators may choose to call this book by its traditional title, “1 Timothy” or “First Timothy.” Or they may choose a different title, such as “Pauls First Letter to Timothy” or “A First Letter from Paul to Timothy.” (See: [[rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])\n\n## Part 2: Important Religious and Cultural Concepts\n\n### Who were the false teachers?\n\nThe only information we have about who these false teachers were and what they taught comes from this letter and from the letters called 2 Timothy and Titus. These false teachers were Christians, or at least claimed to be Christians. They taught by using texts and stories that Paul considered unreliable, and they spoke about and debated things that Paul considered unimportant. According to this letter, they told people not to marry and to avoid eating certain kinds of food. Paul critiques them for causing divisions and for desiring to gain money. Since the only information about the false teachers and what they taught come from this letter and 2 Timothy and Titus, it is best not to specify precisely what false teaching this was. You should preserve what Paul said about the false teaching without making it fit into a type of false teaching that might be familiar in your area.\n\n### What kind of church structure was Paul describing?\n\nSome Christian churches are organized with strictly defined roles and hierarchies for leaders and relationships between individual churches. Other Christian churches are organized with fewer defined roles and loose relationships between individual churches. What Paul says in this letter relates to these differing church structures, since Paul speaks about several types of leaders and what their qualifications are. He specifically mentions “overseers,” “elders,” and “deacons.” Christ
1:intro a4v2 0 # 1 Timothy 1 General Notes\n\n## Structure and Formatting\n\n1. Letter opening (1:12)\n2. Paul urges Timothy to condemn false teachers (1:311)\n * Paul commands Timothy to silence the false teachers (1:37)\n * The purpose of the law (1:811)\n3. Paul thanks Jesus and praises God (1:1217)\n4. Paul warns and encourages Timothy (1:1820)\n\n## Special Concepts in This Chapter\n\n### The prophecies about Timothy\n\nIn [1:18](../01/18.md), Paul indicates that there were prophecies about Timothy. Paul implies that the prophecies are related to how Timothy will faithfully serve God by proclaiming the gospel. It is not clear when these prophecies were given. They may have been given before Timothy was born, when he was a child, when he became a believer, or when he was commissioned to serve with Paul. It is also not clear who gave these prophecies. When you translate this verse, it is best to refer to these prophecies with as few details as Paul gives.\n\n## Important Figures of Speech in This Chapter\n\n### Spiritual children\n\nIn [1:2](../01/02.md), Paul calls Timothy a “genuine child in the faith.” He means that Timothy is like a legitimate son to him in the context of their faith in Jesus. The phrase implies that Paul is a mentor to Timothy and that Timothy is a good student. When Paul again calls Timothy “child” in [1:18](../01/18.md), he means something very similar: Paul is Timothys mentor in the context of their faith in Jesus. Since the use of family language for fellow believers is an important metaphor in the New Testament, if possible preserve the metaphor or express the idea in simile form. See the notes on these verses for translation options. (See: [[rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])\n\n### Fighting the good fight\n\nIn [1:18](../01/18.md), Paul exhorts Timothy to “fight the good fight.” He compares how Timothy must serve God by proclaiming the gospel to how soldiers fight in a war. He implies that Timothy will experience conflict, danger, and hardship and that he must obey God and Paul as a soldier obeys his commanders. Since Paul uses warfare language to refer to the Christian life in many verses, if possible preserve the metaphor or express the idea in simile form. See the notes on this verse for translation options. (See: [[rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])\n\n### Shipwrecked regarding the faith\n\nIn [1:19](../01/19.md), Paul refers to people who “have shipwrecked regarding the faith.” As a ship breaks apart and sinks, the faith of these people has ceased to function properly. They do not believe in Jesus any longer. If your readers would not be familiar with shipwrecks, you could consider using a comparable metaphor or stating the meaning plainly. See the notes on this verse for translation options. (See: [[rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])\n\n## Other Possible Translation Difficulties in This Chapter\n\n### The list in [1:910](../01/09.md)\n\nIn these verses, Paul provides a list of some of the kinds of people for whom the law was given. Paul gives four pairs of words connected with “and,” six individual words, and then a concluding phrase. You may need to break this long list into multiple different sentences, as the UST does. If you do, you could still preserve the general structure of Pauls list, as the UST does in most places. Consider how you would include a list of this kind in your language.
1:1 i3zz rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-123person\t Παῦλος, ἀπόστολος 1 In this culture, letter writers would give their own names first, referring to themselves in the third person. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use the first person here. Or if your language has a particular way of introducing the author of a letter, and if it would be helpful to your readers, you could use it here. Alternate translation: “From Paul. I am an apostle”\n
1:1 xl6d rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns κατ’ ἐπιταγὴν Θεοῦ Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν, καὶ Κυρίου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **command**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “as it was commanded by God our Savior and by the Lord Jesus Christ”
1:1 wb8j rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **Savior** who saves us. If this is not clear in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “who saves us”
1:1 t9cr rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-exclusive ἡμῶν & ἡμῶν 1 In this letter, Paul uses the words **our**, “we,” and “us” to refer either to Timothy and himself or else to all believers, which would also include the two of them. So, use the inclusive forms of those words throughout your translation if your language marks that distinction.
1:1 sw77 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy Κυρίου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ τῆς ἐλπίδος ἡμῶν 1 Here, **our hope** refers to the person in whom we have hope. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use an equivalent expression from your language or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translations: “of the Lord Jesus Christ, the one in whom we have hope”\n
1:1 kdwn rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns Χριστοῦ τῆς ἐλπίδος ἡμῶν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **hope**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “Christ, in whom we hope”
1:2 p3h5 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-123person Τιμοθέῳ 1 In this culture, after giving their own names, letter writers would name those to whom they sent the letter, referring to them in the third person. If that is confusing in your language, you could use the second person here. Or if your language has a particular way of introducing the recipient of a letter, and if it would be helpful to your readers, you could use it here, starting a new sentence. Alternate translation: “This letter is for you, Timothy”
1:2 pyi6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor γνησίῳ τέκνῳ 1 Paul speaks of his close relationship to Timothy as though Timothy were his **genuine child**. Paul means that he is Timothys spiritual father, and Paul loves Timothy in the way a father loves his **child**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in simile form or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “who is like a genuine child to me” or “truly my spiritual son”
1:2 lf30 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown γνησίῳ 1 Here, the word **genuine** indicates that the **child** is considered to be someones child in the full legal sense. For example, a chlid born to an unmarried woman would not be considered **genuine**. In the context of the metaphor, the word indicates that Timothy has acted as a son should act toward Paul. If your readers would not be familiar with the concept of a **genuine child**, you could use the name of a similar concept in your culture or you could use a more general phrase. Alternate translation: “legitimate” or “true”
1:2 sbnq rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐν πίστει 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **faith**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “since we both believe” or “as we together believe”
1:2 rd5v rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-blessing χάρις, ἔλεος, εἰρήνη ἀπὸ Θεοῦ Πατρὸς καὶ Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν 1 After stating his name and the name of the person to whom he is writing, Paul adds a blessing for Timothy. Use a form that people would recognize as a blessing in your language. Alternate translation: “May you experience grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord” or “I pray that grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord will always be with you”\n
1:2 zx37 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns χάρις, ἔλεος, εἰρήνη ἀπὸ Θεοῦ Πατρὸς καὶ Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **Grace**, **mercy**, and **peace**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “May you be treated graciously, mercifully, and peacefully by God the Father and by Christ Jesus our Lord”
1:2 p4lz rc://*/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples Θεοῦ Πατρὸς 1 **Father** is an important title for **God the Father** that describes his relationship with **Jesus**, his Son.
1:3-4 kmpv rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit καθὼς παρεκάλεσά σε προσμεῖναι ἐν Ἐφέσῳ, πορευόμενος εἰς Μακεδονίαν, ἵνα παραγγείλῃς τισὶν μὴ ἑτεροδιδασκαλεῖν & μηδὲ προσέχειν μύθοις καὶ γενεαλογίαις ἀπεράντοις, αἵτινες ἐκζητήσεις παρέχουσι μᾶλλον ἢ οἰκονομίαν Θεοῦ, τὴν ἐν πίστει 1 Here Paul begins a comparison using the phrase **Just as**, but he does not complete the comparison. However, he implies that **Just as** he **urged** Timothy to do these things at an earlier time, now he urges Timothy to continue to do these things. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make the implied part of the comparison explicit. You could include it at the beginning of the sentence, at the end of the sentence, or somewhere else. Alternate translation: “I urge you now, just as I, going into Macedonia, urged you earlier, to remain in Ephesus so that you can command certain ones not to teach differently and not to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which promote arguments rather than the stewardship of God, which is by faith.” or “Just as I, going into Macedonia, urged you to remain in Ephesus so that you can command certain ones not to teach differently, and not to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which promote arguments rather than the stewardship of God, which is by faith, so now I urge you again to do those things.”
1:3 suy8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit πορευόμενος εἰς Μακεδονίαν 1 Here Paul could be implying that, when he previously **urged** Timothy to remain in Ephesus, he was: (1) in Ephesus with Timothy and was about to leave for **Macedonia**. Alternate translation: “being about to leave Ephesus for Macedonia” (2) already on his way to Macedonia. Alternate translation: “being on my way to Macedonia”
1:3 k4tm rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-go πορευόμενος 1 In a context such as this, your language might say “coming” instead of **going**. Alternate translation: “coming”
1:3 k35a rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-yousingular σε 1 In this letter, with one exception, the words **you**, “your,” and “yourself” refer to Timothy and so are singular. A note will discuss the one exception in [6:21](../06/21.md).
1:3 v4g2 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἑτεροδιδασκαλεῖν 1 The implication is that these people were teaching different things than what Paul and Timothy taught, not that they were teaching in a different way. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “to teach what is different from what we teach” or “to teach a different doctrine”
1:4 pw2h rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown μύθοις 1 The word **myths** refers to a certain kind of story that is generally considered to be untrustworthy. This kind of story is often about what important people did a long time ago. Often, many people in a culture know these stories but do not consider them to be reliable historical narratives. If your readers would not be familiar with this type of story, you could use the name of something similar in your area or you could use a more general term. Alternate translation: “fictional narratives” or “traditional tales”\n
1:4 qpv9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole γενεαλογίαις ἀπεράντοις 1 Paul says **endless** here as an overstatement for emphasis. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different way to express the emphasis. Alternate translation: “genealogies that seem as if they will never end” or “extremely lengthy genealogies”
1:4 ft33 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown γενεαλογίαις 1 The word **genealogies** refers to lists of someones ancestors. If your readers would not be familiar with this type of list, you could use the name of something similar in your area or you could use a more general term. Alternate translation: “collections of the names of forefathers” or “lists of important people from long ago”
1:4 yjvq rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐκζητήσεις 1 Here, the word translated **arguments** could refer to: (1) debates or heated discussions. Alternate translation: “debates” (2) questions or enquiries. Alternate translation: “questions” or “speculations”
1:4 qb9l rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession οἰκονομίαν Θεοῦ 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **stewardship** that could: (1) God has and works out. Alternate translation: “the stewardship that God carries out” (2) be given by God to his people. Alternate translation: “the stewardship from God” or “the stewardship given by God”\n
1:4 eu9f rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns οἰκονομίαν Θεοῦ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **stewardship**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure your translation fits with the interpretation you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “how God is stewarding everything” or “what God is working out”
1:4 awxg rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τὴν ἐν πίστει 1 Here Paul could be implying that **the stewardship of God**: (1) is promoted or accomplished when people have **faith**. Alternate translation: “which is promoted by faith” or “which is brought about by faith” (2) is known or experienced when people have **faith**. Alternate translation: “which is known by faith” or “which people learn by faith”
1:4 p2sr rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τὴν ἐν πίστει 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **faith**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the interpretation you chose in the previous note. Alternate translations: “which we promote when we believe” or “which is promoted by believing in Jesus”
1:5 myi5 rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-background δὲ 1 Here Paul uses the word **Now** to introduce background information that will help Timothy understand the purpose of what he is commanding him to do. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces background information, or you could leave **Now** untranslated. Alternate translation: “To further explain what I am saying,”
1:5 l7un rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τῆς παραγγελίας 1 Here, the phrase **the command** refers to what Paul has instructed Timothy to tell the “certain ones” in Ephesus (see [1:34](../01/03.md)). If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “of that command” or “of what I have instructed you to command them”
1:5 i9rs rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐστὶν ἀγάπη 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **love**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “is that people care for each other”
1:5 t123 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy ἐκ καθαρᾶς καρδίας 1 In Pauls culture, the **heart** is the place where humans think and feel. If it would be helpful in your language, you could translate **heart** by referring to the place where humans think and feel in your culture or by expressing the idea plainly. Alternate translation: “from a pure mind” or “from pure thoughts”\n
1:5 ar8t rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom συνειδήσεως ἀγαθῆς 1 A **conscience** that is **good** is one that does not convict a person of doing anything wrong. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable phrase or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “a clean conscience” or “a conscience that is not guilty”
1:5 zziu rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns πίστεως ἀνυποκρίτου 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **faith**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “from sincerely believing”\n
1:6 ecoy rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-pronouns ὧν 1 The pronoun **which** refers to the pure heart, good conscience, and sincere faith in [1:5](../01/05.md). If this is not clear for your readers, you could refer to those things more directly. Alternate translation: “from which things” or “from which heart, conscience, and faith”
1:6 j4z3 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἀστοχήσαντες 1 Paul speaks as if a pure heart, good conscience, and sincere faith were a **mark** or target that some people have **missed**. Paul means that these people have failed to attain those things. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “not having gained those things”
1:6 se38 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἐξετράπησαν εἰς 1 Here Paul speaks of abandoning what is good to focus on **foolish talk** as if it were turning away from those good things **to foolish talk**. He means that these people have stopped pursuing the good things that Paul mentioned in the previous and instead are focusing on things of little consequence. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “have deviated and focused on” or “have been distracted by”
1:7 v28u rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit νομοδιδάσκαλοι 1 Here, the word **law** refers specifically to the laws that God gave the Israelites through Moses. If it would be helpful to your readers, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “teachers of the law of Moses”
1:7 t131 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives μὴ νοοῦντες μήτε & μήτε 1 The words translated **no**, **either**, and **or** are two three words. In this construction, the second and third negatives do not cancel the first to create a positive meaning. Instead, they give greater emphasis to the negative. If your language can use three negatives that do not cancel one another to create a positive meaning, you could use a triple negative here. If your language does not use three negatives in that way, you could translate with one or two negatives. Alternate translation: “understanding neither … nor”\n
1:7 t132 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism μήτε ἃ λέγουσιν, μήτε περὶ τίνων διαβεβαιοῦνται 1 Here, the clauses **what they are saying** and **what they insist on** mean similar things. Paul is using the two clauses together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single clause. Alternate translation: “anything that they are saying” or “any of the things that they insist on”\n
1:8 g1ey rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases δὲ 1 Here, the word **But** introduces the next thing that Paul wishes to write about. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces the next topic, or you could leave **But** untranslated. Alternate translation: “Now”
1:8 d6dz rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ὁ νόμος 1 Here, the word **law** refers specifically to the laws that God gave the Israelites through Moses. If it would be helpful to your readers, you could make that idea more explicit. See how you referred to this **law** in [1:7](../01/07.md). Alternate translation: “the law of Moses”
1:8 r86g rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐάν τις αὐτῷ νομίμως χρῆται 1 Here Paul indicates that **the law {is} good** when people use it as God intended it to be used, that is, **lawfully**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translations: “if one uses it as it was intended to be used” or “if one uses it in the way that God intended”
1:9 m7me rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicitinfo εἰδὼς τοῦτο, ὅτι & νόμος 1 Here, the word **this** refers directly ahead to **that the law is not made for the righteous**. Paul expresses the idea in this way to emphasize what he is about to say. If using **this** to introduce an idea in would be redundant in your language, you could omit the redundant information. Alternate translation: “knowing that”\n
1:9 xs94 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result εἰδὼς τοῦτο 1 Here, the phrase **knowing this** introduces a reason why Paul and other believers know that “the law if good” (see [1:8](../01/08.md)). If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces a reason. Alternate translation: “which we know because we also know this”
1:9 fq4i rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive νόμος οὐ κεῖται 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, it is clear from the context that it was God. Alternate translation: “God did not lay down the law”
1:9 e4h5 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit νόμος 1 Here, the phrase **the law** could refer to: (1) the laws that God gave the Israelites through Moses. Alternate translation: “the law of Moses” (2) laws in general. Alternate translation: “every law” or “law”
1:9 t139 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-nominaladj δικαίῳ & ἀνόμοις δὲ καὶ ἀνυποτάκτοις, ἀσεβέσι καὶ ἁμαρτωλοῖς, ἀνοσίοις καὶ βεβήλοις 1 Paul here uses adjectives as nouns to refer to groups of people. Your language may use adjectives in the same way. If not, you could translate these words with equivalent phrases. Alternate translation: “for righteous people, but for lawless and rebellious people, ungodly and sinful people, godless and profane people”
1:9 t141 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit πατρολῴαις καὶ μητρολῴαις, ἀνδροφόνοις 1 In this list Paul uses several compound words to express his meaning concisely and vividly. In each case the first term in the compound, a noun, is the object of the second term in the compound, a verb. Three of these compound words are in this verse, and two more are in the next verse. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express these terms by translating them either with single terms or with phrases. Alternate translations: “patricides and matricides, murders” or “people who kill other people, even their own fathers and mothers”
1:9 t142 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations ἀνδροφόνοις 1 Although the term **man** is masculine, Paul is using the word in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that makes this clear. Alternate translation: “human-slayers”
1:10 y5dx rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-nominaladj πόρνοις 1 Paul is using the adjective **immoral** as a noun to mean immoral people. Your language may use adjectives in the same way. If not, you could translate this word with an equivalent phrase. Alternate translation: “people who are immoral”
1:10 v1gh rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown ἀρσενοκοίταις 1 Here, the word **male-liers** refers to men who lie with or have sex with other men. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different word or phrase that refers to people who engage in homosexual behavior. Alternate translation: “homosexual men” or “men who practice homosexuality”
1:10 bzw4 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations ἀνδραποδισταῖς 1 Although the term **man** is masculine, Paul is using the word in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that makes this clear. Alternate translation: “people-stealers”
1:10 nco6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown ἀνδραποδισταῖς 1 Here, the word **man-stealers** refers to people who kidnap others and sell them as slaves. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different word or phrase that refers to people who kidnap and sell others. Alternate translation: “kidnappers” or “people who kidnap and sell others”
1:10 gg42 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis καὶ εἴ τι ἕτερον τῇ ὑγιαινούσῃ διδασκαλίᾳ ἀντίκειται 1 Here Paul leaves out some of the words that, in many languages, a sentence would need to be complete. You could supply these words from the context if it would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “and people who do anything else that is contrary to the healthy teaching”\n
1:10 t147 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor τῇ ὑγιαινούσῃ διδασκαλίᾳ 1 Here Paul speaks as if **teaching** could be **healthy**. He means that this kind of **teaching** is good and reliable in every way and has no defect or corruption. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in simile form or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “teaching that is like healthy food” or “the correct teaching”
1:11 mg4t rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τῆς δόξης τοῦ μακαρίου Θεοῦ 1 Here Paul could be using the possessive form to: (1) refer to **the gospel** that is about **the glory** that **the blessed God** has. Alternate translations: “the gospel about the glory that belongs to the blessed God” (2) refer to **the gospel** that has **glory** and that came from **the blessed God**. Alternate translation: “the glorious gospel from the blessed God” (3) refer to **the gospel** that has **glory** and that is about **the blessed God**. Alternate translation: “the glorious gospel about the blessed God”\n
1:11 to0k rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τῆς δόξης τοῦ μακαρίου Θεοῦ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **glory**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “the glorious gospel of the blessed God” or “the gospel of the glorious and blessed God”
1:11 bbsm rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive τοῦ μακαρίου Θεοῦ 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “of the God whom we bless”
1:11 a58d rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive ὃ ἐπιστεύθην ἐγώ 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, it is clear from the context that it was God. Alternate translation: “with which God entrusted me”
1:12 t150 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns χάριν ἔχω 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **gratitude**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “I am grateful” or “I am thankful”
1:12 uu6n πιστόν με ἡγήσατο 1 Alternate translation: “he believed that he could rely on me”
1:12 xdtt rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit θέμενος εἰς διακονίαν 1 Here, the phrase **placing me into service** could be: (1) a result from how Jesus considered him to be trustworthy. Alternate translation: “with the result that he placed me into service” (2) a reason why Paul knows that Jesus considered him to be trustworthy. Alternate translation: “which I know because he placed me into service” (3) a second thing that Jesus did for Paul. Alternate translation: “and he placed me into service”
1:12 ff1n rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns θέμενος εἰς διακονίαν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **service**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translations: “assigning me to serve him” or “appointing me as a servant”
1:13 utc1 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-contrast τὸ πρότερον ὄντα 1 Here, the phrase **formerly being** introduces something that is unexpected given what Paul said in the previous verse about how Jesus considered him to be trustworthy. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces something unexpected and contrasting. Alternate translation: “although formerly being” or “and yet formerly I was”
1:13 k8ft rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit πρότερον 1 Here Paul is referring specifically to his life before he believed in Jesus. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “before I believed” or “in my life before I had faith in Jesus”
1:13 q75p rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit βλάσφημον 1 Here Paul could be implying that he blasphemed: (1) Jesus. Alternate translation: “a blasphemer of Jesus” (2) God. Alternate translation: “a blasphemer of God”
1:13 rq2m rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result ἠλεήθην, ὅτι ἀγνοῶν, ἐποίησα ἐν ἀπιστίᾳ 1 If it would be more natural in your language, you could reverse the order of these clauses, since the second clause gives the reason for the result that the first clause describes. Alternate translation: “not knowing, I acted in unfaithfulness, so I was shown mercy”
1:13 nv6k rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive ἠλεήθην 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, you could indicate that it was: (1) Jesus. Alternate translation: “the Messiah showed me mercy” (2) God. Alternate translation: “God showed me mercy”
1:13 tqxa rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἠλεήθην 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **mercy**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “I was treated mercifully”
1:13 w5lj rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἀγνοῶν, ἐποίησα ἐν ἀπιστίᾳ 1 Here Paul could be implying that: (1) he **acted** in an ignorant way while he did not have faith. Alternate translation: “I acted ignorantly while I did not have faith” (2) he **acted** in an ignorant way because he did not have faith. Alternate translation: “I acted ignorantly since I did not have faith” (3) he **acted** ignorantly and without faith. Alternate translation: “I acted ignorantly and without faith”
1:13 g4xz rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἀγνοῶν 1 Here Paul implies that he did not fully know or understand the things that he did before he believed. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “not knowing what my actions really were” or “not realizing what I was really doing”
1:13 edh8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐν ἀπιστίᾳ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **unfaithfulness**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “while I did not believe” or “without having trusted him”
1:14 t158 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases δὲ 1 Paul here uses the word **But** to introduce an expanded description of the way Jesus treated him mercifully even though he persecuted the followers of Jesus. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces this kind of explanation, or you could leave **But** untranslated. Alternate translation: “Indeed,” or “In fact,”
1:14 c1lg rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ὑπερεπλεόνασεν & ἡ χάρις τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν 1 Paul speaks of the **grace** of the Lord as if it were a liquid that filled a container until **overflowed**. He means that he received an extraordinary amount of **grace**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “I received from the Lord so much grace” or “the Lord gave me very much grace”
1:14 b68i rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἡ χάρις τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **grace**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “our Lord acted so graciously that what he did”
1:14 trs7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν 1 Here, the phrase **our Lord** could refer to: (1) Jesus. Alternate translation: “of Jesus our Lord” (2) God the Father. Alternate translation: “of our Lord God”
1:14 ifnv rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns μετὰ πίστεως καὶ ἀγάπης τῆς 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **faith** and **love**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “and helped me believe and love, which I do”
1:14 wgzn rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τῆς ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ 1 Here, the phrase **in Christ Jesus** could describe: (1) both **faith** and **love**. Alternate translation: “that are both in Christ Jesus” (2) just **love**. Alternate translation: “that is in Christ Jesus”
1:14 z5lv rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor τῆς ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ 1 Paul uses the spatial metaphor **in Christ Jesus** to describe the union of believers with Christ. In this case, being **in Christ Jesus**, or united to **Christ Jesus**, explains how Paul has **faith** and **love**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that indicates that Paul has **faith** and **love** as one who has been united to **Christ Jesus**. Alternate translation: “that in union with Christ Jesus” or “that come from being united to Christ Jesus”\n
1:15 z48s rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy πιστὸς ὁ λόγος 1 Here, **word** represents what Paul is about to write using words. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use an equivalent expression from your language or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “What I am about to write is trustworthy” or “The following words are trustworthy”
1:15 andh rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet πιστὸς & καὶ πάσης ἀποδοχῆς ἄξιος 1 The terms **trustworthy** and **worthy of all acceptance** mean similar things. Paul is using the two terms together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translation: “is completely trustworthy” or “worthy of complete acceptance”
1:15 ox11 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession πάσης ἀποδοχῆς ἄξιος 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **word** that deserves to be accepted. If this is not clear in your language, you could express the idea in another. Alternate translation: “should receive all acceptance” or “deserves to receive all acceptance”
1:15 rh2r rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns πάσης ἀποδοχῆς 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **acceptance**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translations: “of being completely accepted”
1:15 t163 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-quotemarks Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς ἦλθεν εἰς τὸν κόσμον ἁμαρτωλοὺς σῶσαι 1 These words are the **word** that Paul shares with Timothy. To indicate this, the ULT and UST put quotation marks around these words. The ULT also uses a dash to indicate that the words **of whom I am the first** are not part of the **word** that Paul shares with Timothy. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use quotation marks or another form to indicate which words are the ones that Paul introduces as the **word**.
1:15 t164 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ὧν πρῶτός εἰμι ἐγώ 1 Here Paul speaks of the most sinful person, himself, as if he were **first** in a sequence. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable phrase or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “of whom I am the worst” or “of whom I have the most sin”
1:15 w9oh rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal πρῶτός 1 If your language does not use ordinal numbers, you could use a cardinal number here or an equivalent expression. Alternate translation: “number one”
1:16 bqft rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-pronouns διὰ τοῦτο 1 The pronoun **this** could refer to: (1) what Paul said in the previous verse about being the “first” sinner. Alternate translation: “because of that” or “because I am the first of sinners,” (2) what Paul is about to say in the rest of this verse. Alternate translation: “because of what I am about to tell you,”
1:16 z5kg rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive ἠλεήθην 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, you could indicate that it was: (1) Jesus. Alternate translation: “the Messiah showed me mercy” (2) God. Alternate translation: “God showed me mercy”\n
1:16 b6nw rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἠλεήθην 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **mercy**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “I was treated mercifully”
1:16 epe2 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἐν ἐμοὶ πρώτῳ 1 Here Paul could be: (1) again speaking of the most sinful person, himself, as if he were **first** in a sequence. See how you expressed the idea in [1:15](../01/15.md). Alternate translation: “in me, the worst” or “in me, the one with the most sin” (2) indicating that he was shown mercy **first**, before **the ones about to believe in him**. Alternate translation: “in me first”\n
1:16 ndrq rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal πρώτῳ 1 If your language does not use ordinal numbers, you could use a cardinal number here or an equivalent expression. Alternate translation: “number one”
1:16 bfb1 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τὴν ἅπασαν μακροθυμίαν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **patience**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “how patiently he always acts”
1:16 md2c rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns εἰς ζωὴν αἰώνιον 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **life**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “to live eternally”
1:17 k9sc rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases δὲ 1 Here, the word **Now** introduces the next thing that Paul wants to write about. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces the next idea, or you could leave **Now** untranslated. Alternate translation: “Next,”
1:17 ts5z rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τῷ & Βασιλεῖ τῶν αἰώνων, ἀφθάρτῳ, ἀοράτῳ, μόνῳ Θεῷ, τιμὴ καὶ δόξα, 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **honor** and **glory**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “may people honor and glorify the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God,”
1:17 tqr8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession τῷ & Βασιλεῖ τῶν αἰώνων 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **King** who rules during **the ages**. If this is not clear in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “to the King who rules during the ages”
1:17 eph0 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-textvariants μόνῳ Θεῷ 1 Many ancient manuscripts read **the only God**. The ULT follows that reading. Other ancient manuscripts read “the only wise God.” It is likely that the people who copied these manuscripts accidentally or intentionally included the word “wise” here because of the similar phrase “the only wise God” in [Romans 16:27](../rom/16/27.md). If a translation of the Bible exists in your region, you may wish to use the reading that it uses. If a translation of the Bible does not exist in your region, you may wish to use the reading of the ULT.
1:17 zdaa rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet τιμὴ καὶ δόξα 1 The terms **honor** and **glory** mean similar things. Paul is using the two terms together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translation: “be great honor” or “be much glory”
1:17 yfyf rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων 1 Here, the phrase **forever {and} ever** identifies an action that will never end, and it strongly emphasizes that it will never end. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable phrase that emphasizes that an action will never end. Alternate translation: “without ever ceasing” or “from now on and always”
1:18 s63a rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ταύτην τὴν παραγγελίαν 1 Here, the phrase **This command** could refer to: (1) the command that Paul gave to Timothy in [1:35](../01/03.md) about staying in Ephesus and what to do there. Alternate translation: “The command that I have already told you about” (2) the instructions later in this verse about fighting the good fight. Alternate translation: “The following command”
1:18 ijn8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor παρατίθεμαί σοι 1 Paul speaks of his **command** as if it were an object that he could physically put in front of Timothy. He means that he has given this **command** to Timothy. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translations: “I am giving you” or “I am ordering you to follow”
1:18 b6uq rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor τέκνον 1 Paul speaks of his close relationship to Timothy as though Timothy were his **child**. Paul means that he is Timothys spiritual father, and Paul loves Timothy in the way a father loves his child. See how you expressed the similar idea in [1:2](../01/02.md). Alternate translation: “who are like a child to me” or “my spiritual son”\n
1:18 y6jg rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τὰς προαγούσας ἐπὶ σὲ προφητείας 1 Here Paul implies that some people had given prophecies about Timothy sometime **earlier**. These prophecies may have been spoken before Timothy was born, before Timothy became a believer, or when Timothy officially joined Paul to proclaim the gospel. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. If possible, leave the exact timing of the prophecies unstated, as Paul does. Alternate translation: “the prophecies about you that people gave before” or “what some people prophesied about you some time ago”
1:18 m744 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐν αὐταῖς 1 Here, the phrase **in them** could indicate that Timothy should **fight the good fight**: (1) as the prophecies indicated that he would. Alternate translation: “in line with them” or “just as they indicated,” (2) by means of the prophecies, which function like weapons in the **fight**. Alternate translation: “by means of them” or “with them as weapons” (3) with the prophecies as his motivation. Alternate translation: “by remembering them” or “encouraged by them”
1:18 w2ex rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor στρατεύῃ & τὴν καλὴν στρατείαν 1 Paul speaks about Timothy serving God by preaching the gospel and by confronting false teachers as if he were fighting a **good fight**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in simile form or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “as a soldier fights the good fight, you might preach and defend the gospel” or “you might preach and defend the gospel well”
1:18 jubb rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τὴν καλὴν στρατείαν 1 Here, the phrase **the good fight** could indicate: (1) that someone is fighting well. Alternate translation: “the fight well” (2) that the **fight** is right or just. Alternate translation: “the just fight” or “the correct fight”
1:19 jj6k rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἔχων πίστιν καὶ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **faith**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “believing and having”
1:19 ly6q rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom ἀγαθὴν συνείδησιν 1 A **conscience** that is **good** is one that does not convict a person of doing anything wrong. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable phrase or state the meaning plainly. See how you translated this phrase in [1:5](../01/05.md). Alternate translation: “a clean conscience” or “a conscience that is not guilty”\n
1:19 h8iu rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-pronouns ἥν 1 Here, the pronoun **which** could refer: (1) just to **good conscience**. Alternate translation: “which conscience” (2) to both **good conscience** and **faith**. Alternate translation: “both of which”
1:19 e63r rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-nominaladj τινες 1 Paul is using the adjective **some** as a noun to mean some people. Your language may use adjectives in the same way. If not, you could translate this word with an equivalent phrase. Alternate translation: “some men and women”
1:19 gtmk rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown περὶ τὴν πίστιν ἐναυάγησαν 1 Here Paul refers to how ships that sailed on the ocean could break apart or sink. When this happened, people had to try to survive in the water or swim to shore. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that refers to this kind of event. Alternate translation: “have had their ship sink regarding the faith” or “have had their ship regarding the faith break apart”\n
1:19 h2wk rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor περὶ τὴν πίστιν ἐναυάγησαν 1 Paul speaks of these people and their **faith** as if they were on a ship that had sunk. He means that these people have lost their **faith**, just as people in a shipwreck lose the ship and everything on it. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “have wrecked regarding their faith” or “have destroyed their faith”
1:19 dyr6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns περὶ τὴν πίστιν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **faith**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “how they once believed”
1:20 pv7f rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-names Ὑμέναιος & Ἀλέξανδρος 1 The words **Hymenaeus** and **Alexander** are the names of two men.
1:20 ty7n rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor παρέδωκα τῷ Σατανᾷ 1 To give someone over to someone else refers to transferring a person from one authority to another. Here, then, Paul says that he has transferred these two men from under the authority of the church to under the authority of **Satan**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “I have turned over to Satan” or “I have put under Satans authority”\n
1:20 s76c rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive παιδευθῶσι μὴ βλασφημεῖν 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, you could indicate that it was their punishment. Alternate translation: “they might realize that they should not blaspheme” or “this punishment may teach them not to blaspheme”
2:intro c6rf 0 # 1 Timothy 2 General Notes\n\n## Structure and Formatting\n\n5. Paul gives instructions about prayer and behavior in public worship (2:115)\n * Command to pray for all people (2:17)\n * How men should pray (2:8)\n * How women should behave (2:915)\n\n## Special Concepts in This Chapter\n\n### “Quiet” and “quietness”\n\nPaul uses the adjective “quiet” in [2:2](../02/02.md), and he uses the noun “quietness” in [2:11](../02/11.md) and [2:12](../02/12.md). The word “quiet” describes something that is peaceful or calm. However, Christians debate what the word “quietness” describes. First, some argue that it means something similar to what the word “quiet” means: a situation in which things are peaceful and calm. In this case, Paul is commanding the women in the church to behave in peaceful and calm ways. Second, some argue that it means something stronger than what the word “quiet” means: not speaking in a public setting. In this case, Paul is forbidding the women in the church from contributing to public conversations. If possible, use a word or phrase that could have either of these meanings. See the notes on these verses for translation options.\n\n### God desires to save “all men,” and Jesus is a ransom for “all”\n\nIn [2:4](../02/04.md), Paul writes that God desires that “all men” be saved, and in [2:6](../02/06.md), he writes that Jesus is a ransom “for all.” Christians debate whether Jesus died to save certain people specifically (either those whom God has chosen or those who will believe) or whether he died to save all people (although some may not accept this salvation). So, Paul could be using the word “all” to refer to all different kinds or groups of people, or he could be using the word “all” to refer to every human. Since Paul uses general terms in these verses, it is recommended that you also use a general term that refers to all people. If this is a significant issue in your area, you could include some of this information in a footnote.\n\n### Women in the church\n\nChristians do not agree about what women should and should not do as the church worships and functions. Some Christians believe that women are prohibited from leading and teaching publicly in these settings. Other Christians believe that women can do whatever men do in these settings. Because of that, there are many different interpretations of [2:815](../02/08.md). While translators cannot ignore their own beliefs, it is important to represent what Paul wrote extremely carefully. If possible, then, a translation should allow for multiple interpretations, just as what Paul wrote allows for multiple interpretations.\n\n### Womens clothing, jewelry, and hairstyles\n\nAs in many cultures, in Pauls culture what women wore and how they did their hair and makeup indicated certain things about them. Wearing fancy hairstyles and expensive jewelry and clothes would indicate that a woman was showing off her or her husbands wealth. Further, she was drawing attention to herself. People would often criticize women for showing off more than was appropriate for their social status. When Paul prohibits certain types of clothing, hairstyles, and jewelry, he likely has this context in mind. He may be concerned that some women in the church are showing off, or he may want to prevent women in the church from being criticized by others. Either way, your translation should make it clear that Paul refers to clothing, jewelry, and hairstyles to prohibit showing off and drawing attention to oneself. See the notes on [2:9](../02/09.md) for translation options.\n\n### Adam and Eve\n\nIn [2:1314](../02/13.md), Paul refers to two stories about Adam and Eve, the first humans that God created. The first story is about how God made them. He made Adam first, and then he made Eve using one of Adams ribs. You can read this story in [Genesis 2:525](../gen/02/05.md). The second story is about how Adam and Eve first sinned. A talking serpent came to Eve and convince
2:1 iag7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result παρακαλῶ οὖν 1 Here, the word **therefore** introduces an exhortation that is based on what Paul has said in chapter 1. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different word or phrase that introduces an exhortation based on a previous section. Alternate translation: “Because of all that, I urge” or “Given what I have written, I urge”
2:1 yk2z rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor πρῶτον πάντων 1 Here Paul could be using the word **first**: (1) to indicate that what he is about to **urge** is the most important thing he will urge. Alternate translation: “most importantly” (2) to indicate that what he is about to **urge** is the first of several commands he will give. Alternate translation: “as the first of the following commands”\n
2:1 yjme rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal πρῶτον 1 If your language does not use ordinal numbers, you could use a cardinal number here or an equivalent expression. Alternate translation: “number one”
2:1 ql7a rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive ποιεῖσθαι δεήσεις, προσευχάς, ἐντεύξεις, εὐχαριστίας 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who should do the action, it is clear from the context that it should be Christians. Alternate translation: “that Christians make requests, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings”
2:1 i78f rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ποιεῖσθαι δεήσεις, προσευχάς, ἐντεύξεις, εὐχαριστίας, 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the ideas in this list, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “for believers to request things, pray, intercede, and thank God”
2:1 bmlg rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet δεήσεις, προσευχάς, ἐντεύξεις, εὐχαριστίας 1 Here Paul uses four words that refer to four types of prayer. The word **prayers** is the most general, and the word **thanksgivings** refers to thanking God for something rather than asking for something. The words **requests** and **intercessions** both refer to asking God to do something, and they mean very similar things. Paul uses these four words to indicate that believers should be praying **for all men** in many different ways. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the idea by referring to two or three types of prayer. Alternate translation: “prayers and thanksgivings” or “for prayers, requests, and thanksgivings”
2:1 t183 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations ἀνθρώπων 1 Although the term **men** is masculine, Paul is using the word in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that makes this clear. Alternate translation: “men and women”
2:2 dhaq rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns πάντων τῶν ἐν ὑπεροχῇ ὄντων 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **authority**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “all the ones being authorized to govern”
2:2 h3zt rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-goal ἵνα 1 Here, the phrase **so that** introduces the purpose for which believers should pray **for kings and all the ones being in authority**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different word or phrase that introduces a purpose. Alternate translation: “in order that”
2:2 c35r rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἤρεμον καὶ ἡσύχιον βίον διάγωμεν ἐν πάσῃ εὐσεβείᾳ καὶ σεμνότητι 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **life**, **godliness**, and **dignity**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “we may live peacefully and quietly, in a godly and dignified way”
2:2 g4va rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet ἤρεμον καὶ ἡσύχιον βίον 1 The terms **peaceful** and **quiet** mean similar things. Paul is using the two terms together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translation: “a very peaceful life” or “a completely quiet life”
2:3 i1sb rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-pronouns τοῦτο 1 The pronoun **This** refers to praying as Paul has urged in [2:12](../02/01.md). If this is not clear for your readers, you could refer to this idea more directly. Alternate translation: “That kind of prayer” or “Praying for those things”
2:3 tiq0 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit καλὸν καὶ ἀπόδεκτον ἐνώπιον τοῦ Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν, Θεοῦ 1 Here, the phrase **before God our Savior** could go with: (1) just **acceptable**. Alternate translation: “is good, and it is acceptable before God our Savior” (2) both **good** and **acceptable**. Alternate translation: “is good before God our Savior and acceptable to him”
2:3 t186 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet καλὸν καὶ ἀπόδεκτον 1 The terms **good** and **acceptable** mean similar things. Paul is using the two terms together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translation: “very good” or “extremely acceptable”
2:3 s7to rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom ἐνώπιον τοῦ Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν, Θεοῦ 1 Here, the phrase **before God** refers to Gods evaluation or view about something. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable phrase or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “in the eyes of God our Savior” or “to God our Savior”
2:3 vxzg rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession τοῦ Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **Savior** who saves us. If this is not clear in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “who saves us”
2:4 g1mu rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result ὃς 1 Here, the word **who** could primarily introduce: (1) a further description of God, who is “our Savior” (see [2:3](../02/03.md)). Alternate translation: “he who” (2) a reason why praying for all people is “good and acceptable” to God (see [2:3](../02/03.md)). Alternate translation: “since he”
2:4 i3ze rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive πάντας ἀνθρώπους & σωθῆναι, καὶ & ἐλθεῖν 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who would do the action, it is clear from the context that it would be God. Alternate translation: “that he might save all men and that they might come”
2:4 t188 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations πάντας ἀνθρώπους 1 Although the term **men** is masculine, Paul is using the word in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that makes this clear. Alternate translation: “everyone” or “all men and women”
2:4 n26m rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor εἰς ἐπίγνωσιν & ἐλθεῖν 1 Paul speaks of **knowledge of the truth** as if it were a place where people could **come**. He means that God desires that all people gain **knowledge of the truth**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable metaphor or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “to acquire knowledge” or “to gain knowledge”
2:4 z126 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns εἰς ἐπίγνωσιν ἀληθείας 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **knowledge** and **truth**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “to learn the true teachings”
2:5 ar0b rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result γὰρ 1 Here, the word **For** introduces a basis for Pauls claim in the previous verse that God desires all people to be saved and to know the truth. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different word or phrase that introduces a basis for a claim. Alternate translation: “We know that because” or “That claim is supported by this:”
2:5 t666 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession εἷς καὶ μεσίτης Θεοῦ καὶ ἀνθρώπων 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **mediator** who mediates between **God** and **men**. If this is not clear in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “and one who mediates between God and men”
2:5 t191 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations ἀνθρώπων 1 Although the term **men** is masculine, Paul is using the word in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that makes this clear. Alternate translation: “of people”
2:5 t192 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἄνθρωπος Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς 1 Here Paul uses the word **man** to emphasize that **Christ Jesus** is human, just like the **men** for whom he functions as a mediator. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “Christ Jesus, who also is human”
2:6 u8r1 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit δοὺς ἑαυτὸν 1 Here, the phrase **having given himself** implies that Jesus died willingly. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “having allowed himself to die” or “having died willingly”\n
2:6 vz12 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἀντίλυτρον ὑπὲρ πάντων 1 Here Paul speaks as if Jesus were a price or **ransom** he himself gave to free **all** from someone or something that owned or controlled them. He means that Jesus obtained forgiveness for his peoples sins and keeps those sins from controlling them. This is an important biblical image, so if possible preserve the figure of speech or express the idea in simile form. Alternate translation: “as if he were a ransom to set all free from sin”\n
2:6 ehsu rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-nominaladj πάντων 1 Paul is using the adjective **all** as a noun to mean all people. Your language may use adjectives in the same way. If not, you could translate this word with an equivalent phrase. Alternate translation: “all men and women”
2:6 fm1c rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τὸ μαρτύριον 1 Here, the word **testimony** could refer to: (1) people giving testimony about what Jesus did. Alternate translation: “about which people testify” (2) what Jesus did, giving testimony to how God wants to save all people. Alternate translation: “which testifies” or “which testifies that God desires to save all”
2:6 sgiw rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τὸ μαρτύριον 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **testimony**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “which is testified to”
2:6 fq7r rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom καιροῖς ἰδίοις 1 Here, the phrase translated **in its own times** indicates that something happens at an appropriate time or period of time. More specifically, the **times** could be appropriate because: (1) they fit with **the testimony**. Alternate translation: “at the times appropriate to it” or “during the time appropriate to it” (2) God chose them. Alternate translation: “at the times that God chose” or “during the time that God chose”
2:7 ez96 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-infostructure εἰς ὃ ἐτέθην ἐγὼ κῆρυξ καὶ ἀπόστολος (ἀλήθειαν λέγω ἐν Χριστῷ, οὐ ψεύδομαι), διδάσκαλος ἐθνῶν ἐν πίστει καὶ ἀληθείᾳ 1 In this verse, Paul interrupts himself to affirm strongly that he is telling the truth. The ULT indicates this by using dashes. Most likely, Paul is affirming that everything he writes in this verse is true. Consider where you would naturally put an affirmation like this. Alternate translation: “for which—I am speaking the truth in Christ, I am not lying—I was made a herald and an apostle, a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth”
2:7 qxv9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-pronouns εἰς ὃ 1 Here, the pronoun **which** refers back to “the testimony” in the previous verse. If this is not clear for your readers, you could refer to “the testimony” more directly. Alternate translation: “for which testimony”
2:7 iz4y rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive ἐτέθην ἐγὼ 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, Paul could be implying that: (1) Jesus did it. Alternate translation: “Christ made me” (2) God the Father did it. Alternate translation: “God made me”
2:7 cbn6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown κῆρυξ 1 A **herald** is someone who is sent out to announce a message. If your readers would not be familiar with a person who performs this kind of task, you could use the name of something similar in your area or you could use a more general term. Alternate translations: “an announcer” or “a messenger”
2:7 yllf rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism ἀλήθειαν λέγω ἐν Χριστῷ, οὐ ψεύδομαι 1 These two clauses mean basically the same thing. The second emphasizes the meaning of the first by repeating the same idea in negative form. If it would be helpful to your readers, you could connect the phrases with a word that shows that the second clause is repeating the first one, not saying something additional. Alternatively, you could combine the two clauses into one strong statement. Alternate translation: “I am speaking the whole trust in Christ” or “in Christ I am not lying at all”
2:7 jwly rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἀλήθειαν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **truth**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “truthfully”
2:7 hb97 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἐν Χριστῷ 1 Here Paul uses the spatial metaphor **in Christ** to describe his union with **Christ**. In this case, Paul claims that he is **speaking the truth** as surely as he is **in Christ**, or united to Christ. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that indicates that Paul is referring to his union with Christ to strengthen his claim to be speaking the truth. Alternate translation: “as one who is united to Christ” or “in my union with Christ”
2:7 difu rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-textvariants ἐν Χριστῷ 1 Many ancient manuscripts read **in Christ**. The ULT follows that reading. Other ancient manuscripts do not include these words. If a translation of the Bible exists in your region, you may wish to use the reading that it uses. If a translation of the Bible does not exist in your region, you may wish to use the reading of the ULT.
2:7 h18q rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐν πίστει καὶ ἀληθείᾳ 1 Here, the phrase **in faith and truth** could provide: (1) the content of what Paul teaches. Alternate translation: “who teaches about faith and truth” (2) the manner in which Paul teaches. Alternate translation: “who is faithful and true”
2:7 mbz4 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-hendiadys ἐν πίστει καὶ ἀληθείᾳ 1 Here, the phrase **faith and truth** could: (1) refer to two distinct things that Paul teaches. Alternate translation: “in faith and in truth” (2) express a single idea by using two words connected with **and**. The word **truth** tells what the **faith** is like. Alternate translation: “in the true faith”
2:7 t201 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐν πίστει καὶ ἀληθείᾳ 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **faith** and **truth**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Make sure your translation fits with the options you chose in the previous two notes. Alternate translation: “concerning what they should trust and what they should accept as true”
2:8 vu5o rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases οὖν 1 Here, the word **Therefore** introduces a further development of what Paul has said about praying for people in [2:17](../02/01.md). Now, he gives commands concerning how people should pray. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces this kind of development, or you could leave **Therefore** untranslated. Alternate translation: “Now” or “In light of that”
2:8 a841 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations τοὺς ἄνδρας 1 Here the word **men** refers specifically to males. The term does not refer to people in general, since Paul next addresses women specifically. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different word or phrase that refers specifically to adults who are male. Alternate translations: “the males”
2:8 j49h rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐν παντὶ τόπῳ 1 Here Paul implies that **every place** is any location where the believers are worshiping God. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “in every place of worship” or “in every location where worship is happening”
2:8 unw6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction ἐπαίροντας ὁσίους χεῖρας 1 In Pauls culture, **lifting up** ones **hands** was a common posture for someone who was praying. If it would be helpful in your language, you could refer to a common posture for prayer in your culture, or you could explain the meaning of this posture. Alternate translation: “folding holy hands” or “lifting up holy hands to pray”\n
2:8 yzg3 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche ἐπαίροντας ὁσίους χεῖρας 1 Paul describes as holy one part of the person, the **hands**, to indicate that the entire person is to be holy. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use an equivalent expression from your culture or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “being holy as they lift up their hands” or “lifting up their hands as men who are holy”\n
2:8 j5l3 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns χωρὶς ὀργῆς καὶ διαλογισμοῦ 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **anger** and **argument**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “without being angry and arguing”
2:8 a8cr rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit διαλογισμοῦ 1 Here, the word translated **argument** could be describing: (1) quarrels or conflicts. Alternate translation: “conflict” (2) doubts. Alternate translation: “doubt”
2:9 t207 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis ὡσαύτως γυναῖκας & κοσμεῖν 1 Paul is leaving out some of the words that in many languages a sentence would need in order to be complete. You could supply these words from the previous verse if it would be clearer in your language. If you do so, you may need to end the previous verse with a semicolon or period. Paul could be implying that: (1) what follows is how he wants the women to behave. Alternate translation: “likewise I want the women to adorn” (2) what follows is how he wants the women to pray. Alternate translation: “likewise I want the women to pray, adorning”
2:9 imj1 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns μετὰ αἰδοῦς καὶ σωφροσύνης 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **modesty** and **self-control**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “modestly and in a self-controlled way”
2:9 nlyn rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit μὴ ἐν πλέγμασιν, καὶ χρυσῷ, ἢ μαργαρίταις, ἢ ἱματισμῷ πολυτελεῖ 1 Here Paul gives examples of specific types of hairstyles, jewelry, and clothing that, in his culture, could have indicated that a woman was showing off her wealth, power, or beauty. These types of hairstyles, jewelry, and clothing may not be used in your culture, or they may not indicate that a woman is showing off in your culture. If it would be helpful in your language, you could indicate more explicitly why Paul is using these examples. Alternate translation: “not by being ostentatious or showy by wearing braids and gold or pearls or expensive clothing” or “not by showing off with braids and gold or pearls or expensive clothing”
2:9 sw21 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown μὴ ἐν πλέγμασιν 1 In Pauls culture, women used many different kinds of hairstyles. People considered some of them to be more elaborate and ostentatious than others. Paul implies with the word **braids** that he is referring to a hairstyle that people would consider to be elaborate or ostentatious. Because it is not clear exactly what kind of hairstyle Paul had in mind, you could use a general word or phrase that refers to this kind of hairstyle. Alternate translations: “not in fancy hairstyles” or “not in elaborate hairstyles”
2:9 t210 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy χρυσῷ 1 Here Paul is referring to ornaments or jewelry made out of **gold**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “gold ornaments”
2:9 rf5v rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown μαργαρίταις 1 The word **pearls** refers to beautiful and valuable mineral balls that people use as jewelry. If your readers would not be familiar with **pearls**, you could use the name of something similar in your area or you could use a more general term. Alternate translation: “jewelry” or “valuable beads”\n
2:10 j2v2 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis ἀλλ’ ὃ 1 Paul is leaving out some of the words that in many languages a sentence would need in order to be complete. You could supply these words from the previous verse if it would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “but to adorn themselves in a way which”
2:10 d4w6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ὃ πρέπει γυναιξὶν ἐπαγγελλομέναις θεοσέβειαν, δι’ ἔργων ἀγαθῶν 1 Here Paul implies that the women should “adorn themselves” **through good works**. He speaks of these **good works** as if they were articles of clothing in order to indicate that it should be **good works** that characterize these women, just as clothing characterizes people. If it would be helpful in your language, you could state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “to be characterized, as is proper for women professing godliness, by good works”
2:10 rfb7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-infostructure ὃ πρέπει γυναιξὶν ἐπαγγελλομέναις θεοσέβειαν, δι’ ἔργων ἀγαθῶν 1 If it would be more natural in your language, you could state how the women are supposed to adorn themselves before you indicate why this is **proper**. Alternate translation: “through good works, which is proper for women professing godliness”
2:10 g35m rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns θεοσέβειαν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **godliness**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “to be godly”
2:11 k6mj rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-imperative3p γυνὴ & μανθανέτω 1 If your language does not use the third-person imperative in this way, you could state this in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “A woman must learn”
2:11 poen rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-genericnoun γυνὴ 1 The word **woman** represents Christian women in general, not one particular woman. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “believing women” or “female Christians”
2:11 uo6j rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit γυνὴ 1 Here, the word translated **woman** could refer: (1) generally to any female believer. Alternate translation: “women who believe” (2) specifically to any woman who is married. This is indicated by the switch from the plural “women” in the previous verses to the singular “woman” here. Alternate translation: “a wife” or “wives”
2:11 o4md rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ 1 Here, the word translated **quietness** could describe: (1) learning unobtrusively and peacefully. Paul used a similar word (“quiet”) in [2:2](../02/02.md), where it described a life that is calm and peaceful. Alternate translation: “without interrupting” or “in peace” (2) learning without speaking. Alternate translation: “in silence” or “without speaking”
2:11 gb7a rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **quietness**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “quietly”
2:11 tasg rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐν πάσῃ ὑποταγῇ 1 Here Paul does not state to whom or what the women are to be **in all submission**. If possible, you also should not express to whom or what they are to be **in all submission**. If you must include the object of **submission**, Paul could imply that the **submission** is to: (1) the leaders and teachers of the church. Alternate translation: “in all submission to the leaders” or “in all submission to the people who teach” (2) husbands (or other close male relatives). Alternate translation: “in all submission to their husbands”\n
2:11 c7sh rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐν πάσῃ ὑποταγῇ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **submission**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “always submitting”
2:12 upkq rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases δὲ 1 Here, the word **But** introduces a development of what Paul wrote in the previous verse. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces this kind of development, or you could leave **But** untranslated. Alternate translation: “Even more,”
2:12 vjk7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-genericnoun γυναικὶ 1 The word **woman** represents Christian women in general, not one particular woman. See how you expressed the idea in [2:11](../02/11.md). Alternate translation: “believing women” or “female Christians”
2:12 j7p3 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit γυναικὶ & ἀνδρός 1 Here, just as in [2:11](../02/11.md), the word translated **woman** could refer: (1) generally to any female believer. In this case, the word **man** refers generally to any male believer. Alternate translation: “women who believe … men who believe” (2) specifically to any woman who is married. This is indicated by the switch from the plural “women” in [2:910](../02/09.md) to the singular “woman” in [2:11](../02/11.md) and here. In this case, the word **man** refers to the wifes husband. Alternate translation: “a wife … her husband” or “wives … their husbands”
2:12 j8s7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit διδάσκειν 1 Here Paul could be implying that women are not permitted **to teach**: (1) men. Alternate translation: “to teach a man” (2) anyone during a public meeting of believers. Alternate translation: “to teach anyone when believers gather together to worship”
2:12 hvzf rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit αὐθεντεῖν 1 Here, the word translated **to have authority over** could refer to: (1) any kind of rule or leadership. Alternate translation: “to be an authority over” or “to lead” (2) dominating or exercising abusive authority. Alternate translation: “to dominate” or “to control”
2:12 kkg8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis ἀλλ’ εἶναι 1 Paul is leaving out some of the words that in many languages a sentence would need in order to be complete. You could supply these words from the context if it would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “I require her to be”
2:12 t216 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit εἶναι ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ 1 Here, just as in [2:11](../02/11.md), the word translated **quietness** could describe: (1) being unobtrusive and peaceful. Paul used a similar word (“quiet”) in [2:2](../02/02.md), where it described a life that is calm and peaceful. Alternate translation: “to avoid interrupting” or “to be in peace” (2) not speaking. Alternate translation: “to be in silence” or “to avoid speaking”
2:12 fmoc rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **quietness**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “quiet”
2:13 c8p5 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result γὰρ 1 Here, the word **For** introduces a support or basis for the commands that Paul has given. This support comes from the story in the Old Testament that tells how God created the first humans. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces a support or basis for commands. Alternate translation: “In support of what I have commanded, the Scriptures record that” or “Indeed,”
2:13 r17s rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit Ἀδὰμ & πρῶτος ἐπλάσθη, εἶτα Εὕα 1 Here Paul refers to a story found in [Genesis 2:525](../gen/02/05.md). In this story, when God made the first humans, he created a man named **Adam**. After that, he created a woman named **Eve**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make the reference more explicit or include this information in a footnote. Alternate translation: “the original man, Adam, was formed first, before the original woman, Eve” or “as the story in Genesis shows, Adam was formed first, then Eve”
2:13 iv31 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive Ἀδὰμ & ἐπλάσθη 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, it is clear that it was God. Alternate translation: “God formed Adam”
2:13 v7v6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis εἶτα Εὕα 1 Paul is leaving out some of the words that in many languages a sentence would need in order to be complete. You could supply these words from earlier in the sentence if it would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “then Eve was formed”
2:14 rnkm rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit Ἀδὰμ οὐκ ἠπατήθη, ἡ δὲ γυνὴ ἐξαπατηθεῖσα, ἐν παραβάσει γέγονεν 1 Here Paul refers to a story found in [Genesis 3:17](../gen/03/01.md). In this story, a talking serpent approaches Eve and convinces her to eat fruit that God had commanded her and Adam not to eat. She ate some of it, and then she gave some to Adam, and he also ate some of it. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make the reference more explicit or include some of this information in a footnote. Alternate translation: “Adam was not deceived by the serpent, but the woman, Eve, having been deceived, came into transgression by eating the fruit that God had forbidden” or “as the next story in Genesis shows, Adam was not deceived, but the woman, having been deceived, came into transgression”
2:14 wq5k rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive Ἀδὰμ οὐκ ἠπατήθη & ἐξαπατηθεῖσα 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, the story that Paul is referring to indicates that a talking serpent, who is sometimes identified as Satan, did it. Alternate translation: “the serpent did not deceive Adam … when the serpent deceived her”
2:14 n6td rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἐν παραβάσει γέγονεν 1 Here Paul speaks as if **transgression** were a location that Eve **came into**. He means that she committed a **transgression**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “committed a transgression”
2:14 t221 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐν παραβάσει γέγονεν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **transgression**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “transgressed”
2:15 krx4 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-contrast δὲ 1 Here, the word **But** introduces something good that will happen in contrast to the bad things that Paul described in the previous verse. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces this kind of contrast, or you could leave **But** untranslated. Alternate translation: “Despite that,”
2:15 t222 rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-pronouns σωθήσεται & μείνωσιν 1 Here Paul uses both the singular form **she** and the plural form **they**. It could be that: (1) the pronoun **she** refers to Eve, and the pronoun **they** refers to women in general. Alternate translation: “the woman Eve will be saved … women remain” (2) both the pronouns **she** and **they** refer to women in general. Alternate translation: “women will be saved … these women remain” (3) the pronoun **she** refers to Eve as a representative of all women, and the pronoun **they** refers to all women. Alternate translation: “she and all other women will be saved … they remain”
2:15 u8iv rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit σωθήσεται & διὰ τῆς τεκνογονίας 1 Christians debate the meaning of this clause. For some of the possible interpretations, see the chapter introduction. The two most likely interpretations are that: (1) **she** (Eve or women in general) **will be saved** by God, who will use **childbearing** as the means by which he sends the Messiah into the world. In this case, **childbearing** describes one means by which God accomplishes salvation. Alternate translation: “she will be saved through how the Messiah came by means of women bearing children” (2) **she** (women in general) **will be saved** spiritually as they have children and act as mothers. In this case, **childbearing** describes the circumstances in which the women **will be saved**. Alternate translation: “they will be saved while they give birth and raise children”
2:15 n818 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive σωθήσεται 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, it is clear from the context that it was God. Alternate translation: “God will save her”
2:15 iqcu rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis ἐὰν μείνωσιν 1 If the word **she** earlier in this verse refers specifically to Eve, then Paul is leaving out some of the words that in many languages a sentence would need in order to be complete. You could supply these words from earlier in the sentence if it would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “and all other women will be saved too, if they remain”
2:15 i0ap rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-condition-hypothetical ἐὰν 1 Here Paul uses **if** to introduce a true possibility. He means that women might **remain in** these things, or they may not. He has already specified the result for if they do **remain in** these things: they **will be saved**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different form that introduces a true possibility. Alternate translation: “supposing that” or “given that”\n
2:15 sl57 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns μείνωσιν ἐν πίστει, καὶ ἀγάπῃ, καὶ ἁγιασμῷ, μετὰ σωφροσύνης 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **faith**, **love**, **holiness**, and **self-control**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “they persevere in believing in the Messiah, loving others, and living in a holy way along with being self-controlled”
2:15 a69o rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit μετὰ σωφροσύνης 1 Here, the phrase **with self-control** could provide: (1) the fourth and last item in the list. Alternate translation: “and self-control” (2) the manner in which the women should **remain in faith and love and holiness**. Alternate translation: “and act with self-control as they do those things” (3) the manner in which the women should remain in **holiness**. Alternate translation: “characterized by self-control”
3:intro d9db 0 # 1 Timothy 3 General Notes\n\n## Structure and Formatting\n\n6. Paul gives instructions about qualifications for church leaders (3:116)\n * Qualifications for overseers (3:17)\n * Qualifications for deacons (3:813)\n * The reason for the letter and the mystery of godliness (3:1416)\n\nSome translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with the poetry in [3:16](../03/16.md), which is probably a quotation from a Christian confession or hymn.\n\n## Special Concepts in This Chapter\n\n### Overseers and deacons\n\nIn this chapter, Paul discusses whom to select to fill the roles of “overseer” and “deacon.” The word “overseer” refers to someone with authority, and Paul indicates that an “overseer” must be able to teach. The word “deacon” refers to someone who serves or assists others. Christians use various different terms for the people who lead and serve in the church. Before you translate this chapter, consider what terms in your language might refer clearly to the roles that Paul describes in this chapter. (See: [[rc://*/tw/dict/bible/other/overseer]] and [[rc://*/tw/dict/bible/kt/deacon]])\n\n### Qualifications for overseers and deacons\n\nIn [3:17](../03/01.md), Paul provides a list of characteristics that indicate who would be a good overseer, and in [3:812](../03/08.md) he provides a similar list of characteristics that indicate who would be a good deacon. These lists are meant to be general guidelines, not precise lists of exactly every characteristic that an overseer or deacon must have. For example, Paul indicates that both deacons and overseers must be husbands “of one wife,” but most Christians believe that this does not mean that overseers and deacons must be married. Instead, most Christians believe that this means that, if they are married, they must be husbands “of one wife.” Consider what form you might use in your language to give a general list of qualifications.\n\n### Women as overseers and deacons\n\nChristians debate whether Paul intended women to function as overseers and deacons along with men. There are a number of issues related to this question.\n\n1. Paul often uses masculine forms in his list of qualifications, but in his language, masculine forms were often used by writers who wanted to refer to both men and women.\n2. More specifically, Paul indicates that both overseers and deacons must be husbands “of one wife.” Some Christians argue that this phrase indicates that overseers and deacons must be men. Other Christians argue that Paul also implied that overseers and deacons, if they are female, must be wives “of one husband.”\n3. Paul refers to a specific group of people in [3:11](../03/11.md) with a word that could refer more generally to women or more specifically to wives. Some Christians argue that the word means “women” and that Paul was giving specific qualifications for female deacons in this verse. Other Christians argue that the word means “wives” and that Paul was giving specific qualifications for the wives of deacons in this verse.\n\nIn the end, some Christians conclude that only men can serve as overseers and deacons. Other Christians conclude that only men can serve as overseers but that both men and women can serve as deacons. Other Christians conclude that both men and women can serve as overseers and deacons. While translators cannot ignore their own views, it is best to preserve the genders that Paul chose to use in these verses, if that is possible. If it would be helpful for your readers, you could include in footnotes some of the information about the issues described above. (See: [[rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations]])\n\n## Other Possible Translation Difficulties in This Chapter\n\n### The generic noun “overseer”\n\nIn [3:27](../03/02.md), Paul lists what kind of person “the overseer” must be. As the ULT illustrates, Paul uses singular forms throughout these verses to describ
3:1 ptet rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-infostructure πιστὸς ὁ λόγος: εἴ τις ἐπισκοπῆς ὀρέγεται, καλοῦ ἔργου ἐπιθυμεῖ. 1 Here, the clause **This word {is} trustworthy** could refer: (1) ahead to what Paul is about to say. Alternate translation: “Here is a word that is trustworthy: If someone aspires to be an overseer, he desires a noble work” (2) back to what Paul said in the previous verse or verses. Alternate translation: “The word I have given is trustworthy. Now if someone aspires to be an oversee, he desires a noble task”
3:1 t227 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy πιστὸς ὁ λόγος 1 Here, just as in [1:15](../01/15.md), **word** represents what Paul writes by using words. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use an equivalent expression from your language or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “What I write is trustworthy” or “These words are trustworthy”\n
3:1 t228 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-quotemarks εἴ τις ἐπισκοπῆς ὀρέγεται, καλοῦ ἔργου ἐπιθυμεῖ 1 These words are the **word** that Paul shares with Timothy. To indicate this, the ULT and UST put quotation marks around these words. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use quotation marks or another form to indicate which words are the ones that Paul introduces as the **word**.\n
3:1 g7l5 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-condition-fact εἴ τις 1 Paul speaks as if this were a hypothetical situation, but he means that this does certainly happen. If your language does not state something as a condition if it does happen, and if your readers might think that what Paul is saying is uncertain, then you could translate his words as an affirmative statement. Alternate translation: “When someone”
3:1 vflb rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations τις & ἐπιθυμεῖ 1 Here, the words translated as **someone** and **he desires** do not specify whether the person is male or female. Since Christians debate whether **overseership** is something that both men and women can have, if possible you should use words and phrases here that do not indicate the persons gender. Alternate translation: “a person … that person desires”
3:1 t229 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐπισκοπῆς 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **overseership**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “be an overseer” or “to oversee the church”
3:2 cqhk rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result οὖν 1 Here, the word **Therefore** introduces an inference based on what Paul said in the previous verse about how “overseership” is a “good work.” Since it is a good work, the people who do the work need to have certain qualifications. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces this kind of inference. Alternate translation: “So then,” or “Since overseership is a good work,”
3:2 m0hd rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-genericnoun τὸν ἐπίσκοπον 1 The word **overseer** represents overseers in general, not one particular overseer. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “for each overseer”
3:2 dff6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἄνδρα 1 Here, the phrase **a husband of one wife** could indicate that an **overseer**: (1) must be sexually faith to one woman, his **wife**. Alternate translation: “a man who is faithful to his wife” (2) must have no more than **one wife** at a time. Alternate translation: “a husband of only one wife at a time” (3) must have been married no more than once, even if the marriage ended in divorce or death. Alternate translation: “a man who has been married only once”\n
3:2 qnq9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet νηφάλιον, σώφρονα 1 The terms **temperate** and **self-controlled** mean similar things. Paul is using the two terms together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translation: “very self-controlled” or “completely temperate”
3:3 c2c7 μὴ πάροινον 1 Alternate translation: “not one who drinks much wine”\n
3:3 trtz μὴ πλήκτην 1 Alternate translation: “not one who is violent” or “not one who likes to fight”
3:3 j749 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-textvariants μὴ πλήκτην 1 Many ancient manuscripts read **not a brawler**. The ULT follows that reading. Other ancient manuscripts read “not a brawler, not greedy.” If a translation of the Bible exists in your region, you may wish to use the reading that it uses. If a translation of the Bible does not exist in your region, you may wish to use the reading of the ULT.
3:3 pc2g ἀφιλάργυρον 1 Alternate translation: “not greedy for money”
3:4 a8gu προϊστάμενον 1 Alternate translations: “managing” or “taking care of”
3:4 w3un rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐν ὑποταγῇ, μετὰ πάσης σεμνότητος 1 Here, the phrase **with all dignity** could describe: (1) another characteristic of the **children**. Alternate translation: “in submission, children with all dignity” (2) another way the **children** treat their parent, the overseer. Alternate translation: “in submission who treat him with dignity” (3) how the overseer should treat his **children**. Alternate translation: “in submission as he treats them with all dignity”
3:4 p2g9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐν ὑποταγῇ, μετὰ πάσης σεμνότητος 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **submission** and **dignity**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “who submit and are very dignified”
3:5 ma9l rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases δέ 1 Here, the word **but** introduces an explanation about why Paul included the requirement that overseers lead their own families well. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces an explanation, or you could leave **but** untranslated. Alternate translation: “I include that because,” or “indeed,”
3:5 duq8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-hypo εἰ & τις τοῦ ἰδίου οἴκου προστῆναι οὐκ οἶδεν, πῶς 1 Here Paul uses an imaginary situation to show that people who do not lead their own households well are not able to lead the church well. Use a natural method in your language for introducing an imaginary situation. Alternate translation: “suppose that someone does not know how to lead his own household well. In that case, how”\n
3:5 g5y1 προστῆναι 1 Alternate translations: “to manage” or “to take care of”
3:5 n5lt rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion πῶς ἐκκλησίας Θεοῦ ἐπιμελήσεται? 1 Paul is using the question form to strongly deny that this kind of person can **take care of the church of God**. If you would not use the question form for this purpose in your language, you could translate this as a statement or an exclamation. Alternate translation: “he will not take care of the church of God well.” or “he will certainly not be able to take care of the church of God!”
3:5 c814 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐκκλησίας Θεοῦ 1 Here Paul refers to the specific **church** whom the person would be taking care of. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “the church of God in his charge” or “the church of God to which he is assigned”
3:5 h05z rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession ἐκκλησίας Θεοῦ 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **church** that worships and belongs to **God**. If this is not clear in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “the church that worships God”
3:6 q7hu μὴ νεόφυτον 1 Alternate translations: “not having believed recently” or “mature in the faith”
3:6 v6f5 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἵνα μὴ & εἰς κρίμα ἐμπέσῃ τοῦ διαβόλου 1 Here Paul refers to experiencing **judgment** as if it were falling into a hole. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “so that he may not be overcome … by the judgment of the devil” or “so that he may not experience … the judgment of the devil”\n
3:6 t241 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor τυφωθεὶς 1 Here Paul speaks of becoming prideful as if it were **being puffed up** by air. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “becoming conceited”
3:6 t240 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τυφωθεὶς 1 Here Paul implies that **a new convert** might be **puffed up**, or prideful, because of being made an overseer so quickly. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “being puffed up by becoming a leader so quickly”
3:6 al20 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession κρίμα & τοῦ διαβόλου 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **judgment** that could be: (1) the same kind of **judgment** that **the devil** received. Alternate translation: “the judgment that the devil received” (2) a **judgment** that **the devil** administers. Alternate translation: “judgment from the devil” or “judgment given by the devil”
3:6 fgua rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns κρίμα & τοῦ διαβόλου 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **judgment**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “being judged as the devil was”
3:7 dosq rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases δὲ 1 Here, the word **But** introduces the next requirement for being an overseer. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces the next idea, or you could leave **But** untranslated. Alternate translation: “Next,”
3:7 s3w1 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns μαρτυρίαν καλὴν ἔχειν ἀπὸ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **testimony**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “for it to be testified about him that he is good by”
3:7 x9jf μαρτυρίαν καλὴν & ἀπὸ 1 Alternate translation: “a good reputation with”
3:7 si1d rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom τῶν ἔξωθεν 1 The phrase **the ones outside** identifies people who do not belong to the group of believers. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that refers to people who are not part of the group of believers. Alternate translation: “the outsiders” or “the people who are not part of your group”
3:7 qsa6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor μὴ εἰς ὀνειδισμὸν ἐμπέσῃ, καὶ 1 Here Paul refers to experiencing **reproach** as if it were falling into a hole. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “he may not be overcome by reproach and fall into” or “he may not experience reproach and fall into”
3:7 l2s9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns μὴ εἰς ὀνειδισμὸν ἐμπέσῃ, καὶ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **reproach**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “he may not be reproached and fall into”
3:7 t245 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor παγίδα τοῦ διαβόλου 1 Here Paul speaks of how **the devil** gains power or control over people as if he were trapping. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in simile form or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “be like an animal that the devil has trapped” or “the power of the devil” or “the control of the devil”
3:8 nz2w διακόνους ὡσαύτως 1 Alternate translation: “Deacons, just like overseers,”
3:8 sxq4 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor μὴ διλόγους 1 Here Paul refers to people who change what they say to match the situation as if they were **double-talkers**, or people who say two words at the same time. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “not two-tongued” or “speaking with integrity”
3:8 d96g rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit μὴ αἰσχροκερδεῖς 1 Here, the word translated as **greedy** could refer to: (1) strong desire for more money and goods than one needs. Alternate translation: “not always longing for more money” (2) gaining money and goods by shameful means. Alternate translation: “not pursuing dishonest gain” or “not being shamed by greed”
3:9 vcvb rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἔχοντας τὸ μυστήριον τῆς πίστεως ἐν καθαρᾷ συνειδήσει 1 Here, the phrase **with a pure conscience** could describe: (1) these peoples lives in general. Alternate translation: “having the mystery of the faith and having a pure conscience” (2) the manner in which these people have **the mystery**. Alternate translation: “having a pure conscience about how they have the mystery of the faith”
3:9 c44a rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἔχοντας 1 Here, the word **having** implies that these people are faithful to and continue to believe what they are **having**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “continuing to believe” or “holding firmly to”
3:9 jda1 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession τὸ μυστήριον τῆς πίστεως 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **mystery** that could: (1) contain what people accept by **faith**. Alternate translation: “the mystery that is the teaching we accept in faith” (1) be what people accept by **faith**. Alternate translation: “the mystery that we believe”
3:9 rfv7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τὸ μυστήριον τῆς πίστεως 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **mystery** and **faith**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “what we believe that was once hidden” or “the hidden things that we believe”
3:9 y91f rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom ἐν καθαρᾷ συνειδήσει 1 A **conscience** that is **pure** is one that does not convict a person of doing anything wrong. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable phrase or state the meaning plainly. See how you translated the similar phrases in [1:5](../01/05.md) and [1:19](../01/19.md). Alternate translation: “with a clean conscience” or “with a conscience that is not guilty”\n
3:10 ts3s rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases δὲ 1 Here, the word **But** introduces the next requirement for being a deacon. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces the next idea, or you could leave **But** untranslated. Alternate translation: “Next,”
3:10 wli8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-imperative3p καὶ οὗτοι & δοκιμαζέσθωσαν πρῶτον; εἶτα διακονείτωσαν 1 If your language does not use the third-person imperative in this way, you could state this in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “they also should be tested first; then they can serve”
3:10 hl1p rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive καὶ οὗτοι & δοκιμαζέσθωσαν 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who would do the action, it is clear from the context that it would be believers, perhaps those who are already leaders. Alternate translation: “let some of the believers also test them” or “let those who are already leaders also test them”
3:10 gxz0 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit διακονείτωσαν, ἀνέγκλητοι ὄντες 1 Here, the phrase **being blameless** could give: (1) the condition that must be fulfilled for them to **serve**. Alternate translation: “let them serve if they are blameless” (2) a description of the people who can **serve**. Alternate translation: “let the ones being blameless serve”
3:11 xyc9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit γυναῖκας 1 Here, the word translated **women** could refer to: (1) female deacons. Alternate translation: “women who are deacons” (2) the wives of deacons. Alternate translation: “their wives”
3:11 q5qx σεμνάς 1 Alternate translations: “must be worthy of respect”
3:12 rdzb rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-imperative3p διάκονοι ἔστωσαν 1 If your language does not use the third-person imperative in this way, you could state this in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “Deacons should be”
3:12 gjon rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit διάκονοι 1 After speaking about “women” in the previous verse, Paul could be using the word **deacons** to refer to: (1) male deacons. Alternate translation: “male deacons” (2) all deacons. Alternate translation: “all deacons”
3:12 wji2 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἄνδρες 1 Paul used a very similar phrase in [3:2](../03/02.md), and you should express the idea as you did there. He could mean that **deacons**: (1) each must be sexually faith to one woman, his wife. Alternate translation: “men who are faithful to their wives” (2) each must have no more than one wife at a time. Alternate translation: “husbands of only one wife at a time” (3) each must have been married no more than once, even if the marriage ended in divorce or death. Alternate translation: “men who have been married only once”
3:12 dv31 προϊστάμενοι 1 Alternate translations: “managing” or “taking care of”\n
3:12 zio6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τέκνων & καὶ τῶν ἰδίων οἴκων 1 The phrase **children and their own households** is not making a distinction between **children** and **households** by indicating that the **children** are not part of the **household**. Rather, the phrase emphasizes that the **children** are a particularly important part of the **households**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “children and the rest of their own households” or “their own households, and particularly their children,”\n
3:13 rfq2 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result γὰρ 1 Here, the word **For** introduces a reason why deacons should be the kind of people that Paul has described in [3:812](../03/08.md). If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces a reason to keep a set of requirements, or you could leave **For** untranslated. Alternate translation: “They should strive to be that kind of people, since” or “Here is why they should do those things:”
3:13 t259 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit οἱ & διακονήσαντες 1 Here, the phrase **the ones having served** could refer: (1) just to the deacons, whom Paul has discussed in [3:812](../03/08.md). Alternate translation: “the deacons who have served” (2) both to the deacons and to the overseers, whom he has discussed in [3:112](../03/01.md). Alternate translation: “the overseers and the deacons who have served”\n
3:13 cv34 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor βαθμὸν & καλὸν 1 Here Paul speaks as if these people will have **good standing**, that is, be able to stand in a good place. He could be indicating that they will gain: (1) respect and influence among believers. Alternate translation: “a good reputation” or “honor among believers” (2) a specific position or office that is respected. Alternate translation: “a respected position” or “an honored office”
3:13 m684 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit πολλὴν παρρησίαν ἐν πίστει 1 Here, the phrase **much confidence in the faith** could mean that these people: (1) will have **much confidence** in their **faith**. Alternate translation: “much confidence about their faith” (2) will speak with **much confidence** about **the faith**. Alternate translation: “much confidence in speaking about the faith”
3:13 i6kp rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit πίστει τῇ ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ 1 Here, the phrase **the faith {that is} in Christ Jesus** could refer to: (1) the act of having **faith** in **Christ Jesus**. Alternate translation: “the faith that they have in Christ Jesus” (2) what people believe about **Christ Jesus** when they have **faith** in him. Alternate translation: “what Christians believe about Christ Jesus”
3:13 tlpl rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns πολλὴν παρρησίαν ἐν πίστει τῇ ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **confidence** and **faith**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the options you chose in the previous notes. Alternate translation: “be able to be very confident as they believe in Christ Jesus” or “be very confident about how they believe in Christ Jesus”
3:14 qxvm rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-tense γράφω 1 Here Paul refers to the writing of this letter from his perspective, which is in the present. However, when Timothy receives the letter, the writing of this letter would be in the past. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use whatever form people would use in your language to refer to the writing of a letter. Alternate translation: “I have written”
3:14 env2 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ταῦτά 1 Here, the phrase **these things** could refer to: (1) everything that Paul has included in the letter. Alternate translation: “everything in this letter” (2) what Paul has written in the letter so far. Alternate translation: “what I have included so far” or “those things”
3:14 knu3 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-contrast ἐλπίζων 1 Here, the word **hoping** introduces something that is unexpected given what Paul has said about **writing** the letter. Usually, people in Pauls culture did not write letters to someone if they planned to visit that person soon. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces something that is unexpected. Alternate translation: “even though I hope” or “despite the fact that I hope”
3:14 zzzu rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-go ἐλθεῖν 1 In a context such as this, your language might say “go” instead of **come**. Alternate translation: “to go”
3:14 t262 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐν τάχει 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **quickness**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “quickly” or “before long”
3:15 raak rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-contrast ἐὰν δὲ βραδύνω 1 Here Paul is indicating that, instead of coming quickly to Timothy, he may **delay**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different form that indicates that Paul may **delay** in contrast to what he said in the previous verse about what he was hoping for. Alternate translation: “but knowing that I may delay” or “yet being aware that I might delay”
3:15 z9z8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit βραδύνω 1 Here Paul may be implying that: (1) he himself might choose to **delay**. Alternate translation: “I choose to wait” or “I need to stay away longer” (2) something might cause or force Paul to **delay**. Alternate translation: “I am delayed” or “anything delays me”
3:15 cycc rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit δεῖ & ἀναστρέφεσθαι 1 Here Paul could be implying that he is instructing Timothy in how: (1) believers should **behave**. Alternate translation: “it is necessary for believers” (2) Timothy should **behave**. Alternate translation: “it is necessary for you to behave”
3:15 p9u4 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἐν οἴκῳ Θεοῦ 1 Here Paul speaks of believers as if they were part of **the household of God**. He means that God considers them to be members of his own family. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in simile form or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “among people who are like the household of God” or “among Gods people”
3:15 wzk3 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-distinguish ἥτις ἐστὶν ἐκκλησία Θεοῦ ζῶντος 1 This phrase introduces further information about **the household of God**. It does not distinguish between a **household of God** that is **the church** and one that is not **the church**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a form that introduces further information, not a distinction. Alternate translation: “by which I mean the church of the living God”
3:15 g0c3 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession ἐκκλησία Θεοῦ ζῶντος 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe **the church** that worships and belongs to **the living God**. If this is not clear in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “the church that worships the living God”
3:15 sg64 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom Θεοῦ ζῶντος 1 Here, the phrase **the living God** identifies God as the one who “lives.” The primary point is that God actually “lives,” unlike idols and other inanimate things that people call “god.” If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that emphasizes that God really “lives.” Alternate translation: “of the God who lives” or “of the true God”\n
3:15 cd5r rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor στῦλος καὶ ἑδραίωμα τῆς ἀληθείας 1 Here Paul speaks as if **the truth** were the roof of a building and of the church as if it were **a pillar and support** that held up that roof. He means that the church helps to preserve and proclaim **the truth**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in simile form or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “which is like a pillar and support of the truth” or “which preserves and presents the truth”
3:15 t267 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet στῦλος καὶ ἑδραίωμα 1 The terms **pillar** and **support** mean similar things. Paul is using the two terms together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translation: “a foundation” or “a strong support”
3:15 qznv rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τῆς ἀληθείας 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **truth**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “of the true teaching”
3:16 w473 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession τὸ τῆς εὐσεβείας μυστήριον 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **mystery** that could: (1) lead to or cause **godliness**. Alternate translation: “the mystery that leads to godliness” (2) contain **godliness**. Alternate translation: “the mystery that is godliness”
3:16 t271 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τὸ τῆς εὐσεβείας μυστήριον 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **mystery** and **godliness**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous verse. Alternate translation: “what was hidden that makes us godly”
3:16 y8sp rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-quotemarks ὃς ἐφανερώθη ἐν σαρκί, ἐδικαιώθη ἐν Πνεύματι, ὤφθη ἀγγέλοις, ἐκηρύχθη ἐν ἔθνεσιν, ἐπιστεύθη ἐν κόσμῳ, ἀνελήμφθη ἐν δόξῃ 1 Here it is likely that Paul is quoting a confession or hymn. In order to indicate this, the ULT and UST put quote marks around these words and format them as poetry. Consider how you might indicate in your language that these words are from a confession or hymn.
3:16 m4xi rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive ὃς ἐφανερώθη ἐν σαρκί, ἐδικαιώθη ἐν Πνεύματι, ὤφθη ἀγγέλοις, ἐκηρύχθη ἐν ἔθνεσιν, ἐπιστεύθη ἐν κόσμῳ, ἀνελήμφθη ἐν δόξῃ 1 If your language does not use these passive forms, you could express the ideas in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the actions, it is clear from the context that either God or Jesus himself did the revealing, that the **Spirit** did the justifying, that the **angels** did the seeing, that believers did the proclaiming, that people in general did the believing, and that God did the taking up. Alternate translation: “God revealed him in flesh, the Spirit justified him, angels saw him, believers proclaimed him among the nations, people in the world believed in him, God took him up in glory”
3:16 gm36 rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-pronouns ὃς 1 The pronoun **Who** refers to Jesus Christ. If this is not clear for your readers, you could use the person's name here. Alternate translation: “Jesus” or “The Christ”
3:16 r7hg rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-textvariants ὃς 1 Many ancient manuscripts read **Who**. The ULT follows that reading. Other ancient manuscripts read “God.” If a translation of the Bible exists in your region, you may wish to use the reading that it uses. If a translation of the Bible does not exist in your region, you may wish to use the reading of the ULT.
3:16 rqp6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy ἐν σαρκί 1 Here, the word **flesh** refers to human existence in its weakness and frailty. Paul means that Jesus was human. If it would be helpful in your language, you could state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “as a human being”
3:16 pjr1 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐδικαιώθη ἐν Πνεύματι 1 Here, the phrase **was justified** could indicate that Jesus was: (1) proved by the Holy Spirit to be who he said he was. Alternate translation: “was proved right by the Spirit” (2) declared innocent by the Holy Spirit. Alternate translation: “was proved guiltless by the Spirit” or “was vindicated by the Spirit”
3:16 av4f rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐν ἔθνεσιν 1 Here, the word **nations** could refer to: (1) non-Jewish people. Alternate translation: “among the Gentiles” (2) all groups of people. Alternate translation: “among all people groups”
3:16 h9mb rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐν κόσμῳ 1 Here, the phrase **in the world** indicates that people in many places throughout **the world** believed in Jesus. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “by people throughout the world”
3:16 jz11 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἀνελήμφθη 1 Here Paul implies that Jesus **was taken up** into heaven. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “was taken up to heaven”
3:16 xk39 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐν δόξῃ 1 Here, the phrase **in glory** could describe: (1) how Jesus **was taken up**. Alternate translation: “with much glory” (2) Jesus, as he **was taken up**. Alternate translation: “as a glorious being” or “as a person with glory”
3:16 mr3a rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐν δόξῃ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **glory**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “gloriously”
4:intro b39h 0 # 1 Timothy 4 General Notes\n\n## Structure and Formatting\n\n7. Paul gives instructions about how Timothy should behave and what he should teach (4:116)\n * Condemnation of the false teachers (4:15)\n * Timothy should train himself for godliness (4:610)\n * How Timothy should act as a leader (4:1116)\n\n## Special Concepts in This Chapter\n\n### False teachers\n\nIn [4:1](../04/01.md), Paul indicates that some people will stop believing in Jesus. In [4:2](../04/02.md), he indicates that “liars” will teach them what is wrong. These “liars” are false teachers that Paul wants Timothy to confront and discredit. Paul does not include very much about what these false teachers were saying, but he does say that they were telling people not to marry and to avoid certain foods ([4:3](../04/03.md)). He also implies that these false teachers use or tell stories that Paul calls “myths” ([4:7](../04/07.md)). Christians debate what ideas these false teachers were spreading. What is clear is that they were using stories that were not in the Scriptures, and they were convincing people to abstain from things that God said were good. Make sure that this is clear in your translation.\n\n### Timothys “gift”\n\nIn [4:14](../04/14.md), Paul speaks about the “gift” that Timothy received. When he received it, someone prophesied about it, and the elders laid their hands on Timothy to commission him. It is clear in the context that God gave this “gift,” which is a special skill or ability that Timothy had. Most likely, this skill or ability enabled Timothy to teach and lead believers well. Since Paul does not state or even imply what the “gift” was, you should use a general word or phrase that refers to a special skill or ability.\n\n## Important Figures of Speech in This Chapter\n\n### Training\n\nIn [4:7](../04/07.md), Paul instructs Timothy to “train” himself for godliness. In the following verse, he indicates that “bodily training” is helpful for a little while, but godliness is always helpful. In Timothys culture, education included both physical and mental training, and people often used words and ideas related to physical training to describe mental training. Paul similarly uses a word for physical training to describe the hard work required to become godly. Since this is a common metaphor in the Bible, if possible preserve the figure of speech or express the idea in simile form. (See: [[rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])\n\n## Other Possible Translation Difficulties in This Chapter\n\n### Which verse contains the trustworthy word?\n\nIn [4:9](../04/09.md), Paul indicates that the “word,” or statement, is **trustworthy and worthy of all acceptance**. It is not clear whether Paul is referring back to something he wrote in [4:8](../04/08.md) or whether he is referring ahead to something he will write in [4:10](../04/10.md). Because of that, the ULT makes [4:9](../04/09.md) its own sentence to preserve the ambiguity. If it is possible, you could express the idea in such a way that the “word” could be either before or after verse 9. If you choose to make the reference explicit, the UST illustrates how you might express the idea if the “word” is in verse 10. Here is how you might express the idea if the “word” is in verse 8:\n * “[8] for bodily training is useful for little, but godliness is useful for all, having promise of life, now and coming. [9] That word is trustworthy and worthy of all acceptance. [10] For unto this we toil and struggle, because we have hoped in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers.”\n
4:1 jzr9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases δὲ 1 Here, the word **Now** introduces the next topic that Paul wishes to write about. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces the next topic, or you could leave **Now** untranslated. Alternate translation: “Next,”
4:1 bhj9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-extrainfo τὸ & Πνεῦμα ῥητῶς λέγει 1 Here Paul does not indicate when or where **the Spirit says** these things. He could be referring to prophecies in the Old Testament, prophecies that were given more recently by Christian prophets, or things that the **the Spirit** was revealing to him. Since it is not clear where and when **the Spirit** speaks, if possible use a general phrase here. Alternate translation: “the Spirit has spoken specifically” or “the Spirit is indicating specifically”
4:1 b739 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom ἐν ὑστέροις καιροῖς 1 Here, the phrase **later times** could refer to: (1) the last days in general, the period between Jesus resurrection and second coming. Alternate translation: “in the last days” or “near the end of this current period of time” (2) sometime **later** than when the Spirit spoke. Alternate translation: “later on” or “sometime later”\n
4:1 b931 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἀποστήσονταί & τῆς πίστεως 1 Here Paul speaks of rejecting or failing to persist in **the faith** as if it were falling away from a location where **the faith** was. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “turn away from the faith” or “will reject the faith”\n
4:1 bmbc rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τῆς πίστεως 1 Here, the word **faith** could refer to: (1) the act of having **faith** in Jesus. Alternate translation: “the faith that they have” (2) what people believe about Jesus when they have **faith** in him. Alternate translation: “what Christians believe”
4:1 hw98 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τῆς πίστεως 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **faith**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “believing in Jesus”
4:1 jgec rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit προσέχοντες 1 Here, the phrase **attending** could introduce: (1) a further description of what these people do. Alternate translation: “and they will pay attention to” (2) the reason why these people fall away. Alternate translation: “since they pay attention to” (3) the means by which these people fall away. Alternate translation: “by paying attention to”
4:1 u1ui rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit πνεύμασι πλάνοις 1 Here, the phrase **deceiving spirits** refers to evil spiritual beings who deceive people. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “deceptive devils” or “evil spirits who deceive”
4:1 ae5w rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession διδασκαλίαις δαιμονίων 1 Here Paul is using the possessive form to describe **teachings** that come from **demons**. If this is not clear in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “teachings from demons”
4:2 tkqf rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐν ὑποκρίσει ψευδολόγων 1 Here, the word **in** could introduce: (1) the means or cause by which some people will pay attention to deceiving spirits and teachings of demons. Alternate translation: “which they will pay attention to through the hypocrisy of liars” or “because of the hypocrisy of liars” (2) the means by which they learn the teachings of demons. Alternate translation: “which are taught through the hypocrisy of liars”
4:2 pw29 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐν ὑποκρίσει ψευδολόγων 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **hypocrisy**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “through liars who act hypocritically”
4:2 u2f4 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor κεκαυστηριασμένων τὴν ἰδίαν συνείδησιν 1 Here Paul could be speaking as if these peoples **conscience**: (1) had been **seared**, so that it can no longer feel anything. In this case, he means that they no longer feel convicted about what is right and wrong. Alternate translation: “who live as if they had been seared in their own conscience” or “no longer being convicted of what is right or wrong” (2) had been branded and thus marked either as belonging to Satan or as a sinner. Alternate translation: “who live as if they had been branded in their own conscience as belonging to Satan” or “having been marked as sinners”
4:2 t288 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive κεκαυστηριασμένων τὴν ἰδίαν συνείδησιν 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, you could indicate that: (1) they did it themselves. Alternate translation: “having seared their own consciences” (2) their hypocrisy and lies did it. Alternate translation: “their hypocrisy having seared their own consciences”
4:2 gp0m rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-collectivenouns τὴν ἰδίαν συνείδησιν 1 If it would not be natural in your language to speak as if a group of people had only one **conscience**, you could use the plural form of that word in your translation. Alternate translation: “in their own consciences”
4:3 t291 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis ἀπέχεσθαι 1 Here Paul leaves out some of the words that a sentence would ordinarily need in order to be complete. He does not mean that these false teachers will forbid believers to abstain from certain foods, but that the false teachers will require them to abstain from certain foods. You could supply these words if it would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “requiring to abstain”
4:3 m1d6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἀπέχεσθαι βρωμάτων 1 Here Paul implies that the false teachers were telling people **to abstain** from certain kinds of **foods**. They were not telling people to abstain from eating in general. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “to abstain from specific foods” or “to abstain from certain types of food”
4:3 wely rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-distinguish βρωμάτων ἃ ὁ Θεὸς ἔκτισεν 1 Here Paul is further describing the **foods** from which the false teachers required people **to abstain**. He is not distinguishing between some foods that **God created** and other foods that God did not create. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different form that describes something rather than distinguishes between things. Alternate translation: “from foods, those which God created” or “from foods. God created these foods”\n
4:3 t293 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns μετὰ εὐχαριστίας 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **thanksgiving**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “thankfully”
4:3 t294 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τὴν ἀλήθειαν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **truth**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “the true teaching”\n
4:4 pppf rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result ὅτι 1 Here, the word **For** introduces support for what Paul stated in the previous verse about what God made foods for. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces support for a claim, or you could leave **For** untranslated. Alternate translation: “I write that about foods because” or “In fact,”
4:4 dv4s rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns πᾶν κτίσμα Θεοῦ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **creation**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “everything that has been created by God”
4:4 xyvf rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession κτίσμα Θεοῦ 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe every **creation** that is made by **God**. If this is not clear in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “creation made by God”
4:4 a15j rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive οὐδὲν ἀπόβλητον μετὰ εὐχαριστίας λαμβανόμενον 1 If your language does not use these passive forms, you could express the ideas with active forms or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the actions, you could use an indefinite subject. Alternate translation: “people should reject nothing that they receive with thanksgiving”
4:4 n0hr rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns μετὰ εὐχαριστίας 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **thanksgiving**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “thankfully”
4:5 gwcs rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases γὰρ 1 Here, the word **for** introduces an explanation of what Paul said in the previous verse about how nothing that is received with thanksgiving should be rejected. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces an explanation, or you could leave **for** untranslated. Alternate translation: “and here is why:”
4:5 m5mb rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive ἁγιάζεται & διὰ λόγου Θεοῦ καὶ ἐντεύξεως 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “the word of God and prayer sanctify it” or “God uses his word and prayer to sanctify it”
4:5 fhd6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy λόγου Θεοῦ 1 Here, **word** represents something God has communicated using words. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use an equivalent expression from your language or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “the message from God” or “what God has spoken”
4:5 tx86 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-extrainfo λόγου Θεοῦ 1 Here, the phrase **the word of God** refers to something that God has said. It could refer more specifically to Gods declaration that everything he made was good, to the gospel in general, to passages of Scripture that were read before meals, or to Gods response to peoples prayer. However, since Paul used a very general phrase here, if possible, you should use a general phrase that could refer to anything that God has said. Alternate translation: “words from God” or “things that God has spoken”
4:5 t300 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐντεύξεως 1 Here Paul implies that this **prayer** contains the thanksgiving he referred to in [4:4](../04/04.md). If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “prayers of thanksgiving” or “thankful prayer”
4:6 ks5x rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ταῦτα ὑποτιθέμενος τοῖς ἀδελφοῖς 1 Here Paul speaks of his instructions as if they were objects that Timothy would place before other people. He means that Timothy will speak his instructions to these people. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “Passing these things along to the brothers” or “Teaching these things to the brothers”
4:6 hfx3 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-extrainfo ταῦτα 1 Here, the phrase **these things** could refer to the instructions that Paul has given in [4:15](../04/01.md), [3:144:5](../03/14.md), or to the whole letter so far. Since Paul used a general phrase, if possible you should use a general phrase that could refer to any of these sections. Alternate translation: “what I have said to you” or “these instructions”
4:6 uyeb rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor τοῖς ἀδελφοῖς 1 Paul is using the term **brothers** to mean people who share the same faith. If it would be helpful in your language, you could state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “the believers”
4:6 h6qr rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations τοῖς ἀδελφοῖς 1 Although the term **brothers** is masculine, Paul is using the word in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If you retain the metaphor in your translation, and if it would be helpful in your language, you could say “brothers and sisters” to indicate this.
4:6 lued rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession διάκονος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **servant** who could: (1) serve **Christ Jesus**. Alternate translation: “servant who obeys Christ Jesus” (2) have been appointed by **Christ Jesus** to serve others. Alternate translation: “servant appointed by Christ Jesus”
4:6 t304 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive ἐντρεφόμενος τοῖς λόγοις τῆς πίστεως, καὶ τῆς καλῆς διδασκαλίας ᾗ παρηκολούθηκας 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “the words of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed nourishing you”
4:6 gmpi rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐντρεφόμενος 1 Here, the phrase **being nourished** could introduce: (1) a description of **a good servant**. Alternate translation: “one who is nourished” (2) another condition for being **a good servant**. Alternate translation: “if you are nourished” (3) the result of being **a good servant**. Alternate translation: “and so you will be nourished” or “with the result that you will be nourished”
4:6 f8vs rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἐντρεφόμενος 1 Here Paul speaks as if **the words of the faith and of the good teaching** were food that **nourished** Timothy. He means that these **words** train Timothy and make him stronger spiritually. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in simile form or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “as if being nourished” or “being strengthened spiritually” or “being trained”
4:6 ny78 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession τοῖς λόγοις τῆς πίστεως, καὶ τῆς καλῆς διδασκαλίας 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe **words** that could: (1) be those in which believers have **faith** and that contain **the good teaching**. Alternate translation: “by the words in which we have faith and that contain the good teaching” (2) contain the good news in which believers have **faith** and **the good teaching**. Alternate translation: “by the words that contain the Christian faith and the good teaching”
4:6 ek75 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τῆς πίστεως, καὶ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **faith**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “that we have believed, the words” or “that you trust, the words”
4:6 itnc rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-distinguish τῆς καλῆς διδασκαλίας ᾗ παρηκολούθηκας 1 Here Paul is further describing **the good teaching**. He is not distinguishing between some **good teaching** that Timothy has followed and some that he has not followed. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different form that describes something rather than distinguishes between things. Alternate translation: “of the good teaching, which you have followed” or “of the good teaching. You have followed that good teaching”\n
4:7 inpk rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-contrast δὲ 1 Here, the word **But** introduces how Paul wants Timothy to treat **the profane and old-womanish myths** in contrast to how he should treat “the good teaching” ([4:6](../04/06.md)). If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces this kind of contrast, or you could leave **But** untranslated. Alternate translation: “In contrast,” or “Now”
4:7 elk7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom γραώδεις 1 The term **old-womanish** describes something that is silly or foolish. Paul does not mean that these **myths** always came from older women or that older women were more likely to believe the **myths**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable phrase or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “foolish” or “groundless”
4:7 th4i rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown μύθους 1 The word **myths** refers to a certain kind of story that is generally considered to be untrustworthy. This kind of story is often about what important people did a long time ago. Often, many people in a culture know these stories but do not consider them to be reliable historical narratives. See how you translated this word in [1:4](../01/04.md). Alternate translation: “fictional narratives” or “traditional tales”\n
4:7 enby rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-contrast δὲ 2 Here, the word **But** introduces what Paul wants Timothy to do instead of listening to the **myths**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces that kind of contrast, or you could leave **But** untranslated. Alternate translation: “Rather,” or “In contrast,”
4:7 sea5 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor γύμναζε & σεαυτὸν 1 Here Paul speaks as if Timothy were an athlete who needed to **train** himself. He means that Timothy needs to work hard, as an athlete does, in order to become godly. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “always strive”
4:7 dayb rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns πρὸς εὐσέβειαν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **godliness**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “to be godly”
4:8-10 u692 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-quotemarks ἡ γὰρ σωματικὴ γυμνασία πρὸς ὀλίγον ἐστὶν ὠφέλιμος, ἡ δὲ εὐσέβεια πρὸς πάντα ὠφέλιμός ἐστιν, ἐπαγγελίαν ἔχουσα ζωῆς τῆς νῦν, καὶ τῆς μελλούσης & πιστὸς ὁ λόγος, καὶ πάσης ἀποδοχῆς ἄξιος & εἰς τοῦτο γὰρ κοπιῶμεν καὶ ἀγωνιζόμεθα, ὅτι ἠλπίκαμεν ἐπὶ Θεῷ ζῶντι, ὅς ἐστιν Σωτὴρ πάντων ἀνθρώπων, μάλιστα πιστῶν 1 Paul could be indicating that the trustworthy word can be found in either verse 8 or verse 10. Because it is not certain which verse contains the trustworthy word, the ULT does not include quote marks. However, if it would be helpful in your language, you could use quote marks or another form to indicate which words make up the trustworthy word. These words could be: (1) **we have hoped in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers** in verse 10. Alternate translation: “for bodily training is useful for little, but godliness is useful for all, having promise of life, now and coming. The word {is} trustworthy and worthy of all acceptance, for unto this we toil and struggle: We have hoped in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers.’” (2) **bodily training is useful for little, but godliness is useful for all, having promise of life, now and coming** in verse 8. Alternate translation: “for bodily training is useful for little, but godliness is useful for all, having promise of life, now and coming. That word {is} trustworthy and worthy of all acceptance. For unto this we toil and struggle, that we have hoped in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers.”
4:8 t311 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases γὰρ 1 Here, the word **for** introduces a further explanation about why Timothy should train himself for godliness. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces an explanation, or you could leave **for** untranslated. Alternate translation: “and here is why:” or “since”
4:8 t313 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-nominaladj πρὸς ὀλίγον & πρὸς πάντα 1 The phrases **for little** and **for all** could refer to: (1) a **little** time and **all** time. Alternate translation: “for some times … for all times” or “sometimes … always” (2) **little** usefulness and **all** usefulness. Alternate translation: “in some ways … in all ways” or “for a few things … for all things”
4:8 i6rh rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἡ δὲ εὐσέβεια 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **godliness**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “but being godly”
4:8 df19 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐπαγγελίαν ἔχουσα 1 Here, the phrase **having promise** introduces something about **godliness** that supports the claim that **godliness** is **useful for all**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “since with godliness comes a promise” or “because godliness leads to a promise”
4:8 abdr rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession ἐπαγγελίαν & ζωῆς 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **promise** that could: (1) promise this **life**. Alternate translation: “a promise that guarantees life” (2) be in effect while a person has this **life**. Alternate translation: “promise for life” or “promise during life”
4:8 xnnd rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ζωῆς τῆς νῦν, καὶ τῆς μελλούσης 1 Here Paul is referring to true **life** with God that people can have **now** and in the **coming** future, when God resurrects people after they have died. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “of true life, both now and after the resurrection” or “of life in Christ now and after God renews everything”
4:9 t315 πιστὸς ὁ λόγος, καὶ πάσης ἀποδοχῆς ἄξιος 1 This verse is identical to the first clause in [1:15](../01/15.md). Express the idea as you did there.
4:9 hc1t rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ὁ λόγος 1 Here, the phrase **The word** could refer: (1) ahead to what Paul is about to write in [4:10](../04/10.md). Alternate translation: “The following word” (2) back to what Paul wrote in [4:8](../04/08.md). Alternate translation: “That word”
4:10 l2yl rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result γὰρ 1 Here, the word **For** introduces a reason why the statement is trustworthy and should be accepted (see [4:9](../04/09.md)). If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces a reason for something, or you could leave **For** untranslated. Alternate translation: “That is because” or “It is trustworthy because”
4:10 uqzu rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-pronouns εἰς τοῦτο & κοπιῶμεν καὶ ἀγωνιζόμεθα, ὅτι 1 Here, the pronoun **this** could refer: (1) to what Paul is about to say in the rest of this verse about hoping in God. Alternate translation: “the reason why we toil and struggle is this, that” (2) to what Paul said in [4:8](../04/08.md) about gaining godliness that leads to life. Alternate translation: “to gain that godliness and life we toil and struggle, because” or “for that reason we toil and struggle, because”
4:10 c9db rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet κοπιῶμεν καὶ ἀγωνιζόμεθα 1 The terms **toil** and **struggle** mean similar things. Paul is using the two terms together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translation: “we keep toiling” or “we always struggle”
4:10 ccgv rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-textvariants ἀγωνιζόμεθα 1 Many ancient manuscripts read **struggle**. The ULT follows that reading. Other ancient manuscripts read “are reproached.” If a translation of the Bible exists in your region, you may wish to use the reading that it uses. If a translation of the Bible does not exist in your region, you may wish to use the reading of the ULT.
4:10 qmj6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom Θεῷ ζῶντι 1 Here, the phrase **the living God** identifies God as the one who “lives.” The primary point is that God actually “lives,” unlike idols and other things that people call “god.” See how you translated this phrase in [3:15](../03/15.md). Alternate translation: “the God who lives” or “the true God”\n
4:10 t322 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations πάντων ἀνθρώπων 1 Although the term **men** is masculine, Paul is using the word in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that makes this clear. Alternate translation: “of all humans” or “of all men and women”
4:10 vbsj rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit μάλιστα πιστῶν 1 Here Paul could mean that God is **the Savior** of **believers**: (1) in a special way compared to how he saves **all men**. Alternate translation: “and in a special way, of believers” (2) in reality, compared to how he is the only potential **Savior** for **all men**. Alternate translation: “who acts as Savior for believers”
4:11 rbxz rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-extrainfo ταῦτα 1 Here, the phrase **these things** could refer to the instructions that Paul has given in [4:610](../04/06.md), [4:110](../04/01.md), or the whole letter so far. Since Paul used a general phrase, if possible you should use a general phrase that could refer to any of these sections. Alternate translation: “what I have said to you” or “these instructions”\n
4:12 qi8l rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-imperative3p μηδείς σου τῆς νεότητος καταφρονείτω 1 If your language does not use the third-person imperative in this way, you could state this in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “People must not despise your youth” or “You must not tolerate anyone despising your youth”
4:12 p5wb rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns σου τῆς νεότητος 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **youth**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “how young you are”
4:12 yavx rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit σου τῆς νεότητος 1 Here Paul implies that people might **despise** Timothy because of his **youth**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “you because of your youth”
4:12 g5dy rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐν λόγῳ, ἐν ἀναστροφῇ, ἐν ἀγάπῃ, ἐν πίστει, ἐν ἁγνίᾳ 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for some or all of the ideas in this list, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “as you speak, act, love, believe, and act purely”\n
4:12 t325 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy ἐν λόγῳ 1 Here, **word** represents things that Timothy speaks using words. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use an equivalent expression from your language or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “in the things you say” or “in words”
4:12 k7hy rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-textvariants ἐν ἀγάπῃ 1 Many ancient manuscripts read **in love**. The ULT follows that reading. Other ancient manuscripts read “in love, in spirit.” If a translation of the Bible exists in your region, you may wish to use the reading that it uses. If a translation of the Bible does not exist in your region, you may wish to use the reading of the ULT.
4:13 ekf4 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-go ἔρχομαι 1 In a context such as this, your language might say “go” instead of **come**. Alternate translation: “I go to you”
4:13 t326 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit πρόσεχε τῇ ἀναγνώσει, τῇ παρακλήσει, τῇ διδασκαλίᾳ 1 Here Paul implies that the **reading**, **exhortation**, and **teaching** take place in public meetings of the church where Timothy was. In these meetings, someone would read passages from the Scriptures, someone would exhort the other believers, and leaders would teach about the Scriptures and the good news. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “attend, in the gathering of believers, to the reading, to the exhortation, to the teaching” or “attend to the public reading of the Scriptures, to the exhortation of fellow believers, to the teaching of the truth”
4:13 kky7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns πρόσεχε τῇ ἀναγνώσει, τῇ παρακλήσει, τῇ διδασκαλίᾳ 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for some or all of the ideas in this list, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “attend to reading, exhorting, teaching”\n
4:14 i1ka rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives μὴ ἀμέλει 1 If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a positive expression to translate this double negative that consists of the negative particle **not** and the negative verb **neglect**. Alternate translation: “Cherish” or “Attend to”\n
4:14 t22x rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor τοῦ ἐν σοὶ χαρίσματος 1 Paul speaks of Timothy as if he were a container that could hold Gods **gift**. He means that Timothy has this **gift**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “the gift that you have”
4:14 hdd9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τοῦ ἐν σοὶ χαρίσματος 1 Here Paul implies that this **gift** is a specific ability or skill that God had given Timothy for his ministry. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “the skill that you have as a gift” or “the gift in you, your special ability”
4:14 xp1k rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive ἐδόθη 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, it is clear from the context that it was God. Alternate translation: “God gave”
4:14 jd1q rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns διὰ προφητείας 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **prophecy**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “through someone prophesying” or “when a person prophesied about you”
4:14 rr8f rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction μετὰ ἐπιθέσεως τῶν χειρῶν τοῦ πρεσβυτερίου 1 Here Paul is speaking of a ceremony during which the church leaders put their **hands** on Timothy. When they did that, they were commissioning Timothy to go with Paul and proclaim the gospel. If it would be helpful in your language, you could refer to a comparable action in your culture, or you could explain what this action means. Alternate translation: “with the laying on of the hands of the council of elders to commission you” or “when the council of elders authorized you by laying their hands on you”
4:15 sbcg rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-extrainfo ταῦτα 1 Here, the phrase **these things** could refer to the instructions that Paul has given in [4:1114](../04/11.md), [4:614](../04/06.md), or the whole letter so far. Since Paul used a general phrase, if possible you should use a general phrase that could refer to any of these sections. Alternate translation: “what I have said to you” or “these instructions”
4:15 m65m rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἐν τούτοις ἴσθι 1 Here Paul speaks as if Timothy could physically be inside the instructions he has given to Timothy. He means that Timothy always needs to focus on and perform these things. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “be absorbed by them” or “follow them consistently”
4:15 merc rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit σου ἡ προκοπὴ 1 Here Paul implies that Timothys **progress** will be in his Christian life and ministry. In other words, he will have **progress** as he believes in Jesus, learns more about the gospel, and serves others using his gift. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “your progress in your Christian life” or “your progress as a believer”
4:15 virc rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns σου ἡ προκοπὴ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **progress**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “how you are progressing” or “how you are improving”
4:15 qkli rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-nominaladj πᾶσιν 1 Paul is using the adjective **all** as a noun to mean all people, or perhaps more specifically all believers. Your language may use adjectives in the same way. If not, you could translate this word with an equivalent phrase. Alternate translation: “to all people” or “to all believers”
4:16 uq6c rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἔπεχε σεαυτῷ καὶ τῇ διδασκαλίᾳ 1 Here Paul means that Timothy should **Pay attention** to himself and to the **teaching** in order to make sure that neither he nor his teaching include anything bad or wrong. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “Pay attention so that you and the teaching are right and proper” or “Watch out lest anything corrupt you or the teaching”
4:16 vk68 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result ἐπίμενε αὐτοῖς, τοῦτο γὰρ ποιῶν, καὶ σεαυτὸν σώσεις καὶ τοὺς ἀκούοντάς σου 1 If it would be more natural in your language, you could reverse the order of these clauses since the second and third clauses give the basis for the command in the first clause. Alternate translation: “Doing this, you will save both yourself and the ones hearing you. Therefore, continue in them”
4:16 zxe7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-pronouns αὐτοῖς 1 Here, the pronoun **them** could refer to: (1) “these things” in [4:15](../04/15.md). Alternate translation: “in the things I have written about” (2) paying attention to himself and the teaching. Alternate translation: “in proper behavior and right teaching”
5:intro jx4e 0 # 1 Timothy 5 General Notes\n\n## Structure and Formatting\n\n8. Paul gives instructions about how to treat different types of believers (5:16:2)\n * How Timothy should treat various people in the church (5:12)\n * Qualifications for real widows whom the church will support (5:310)\n * Reasons for not supporting younger widows (5:1116)\n * How to treat elders (5:1721)\n * Miscellaneous instructions to Timothy (5:2225)\n\n## Special Concepts in This Chapter\n\n### The list of widows\n\nIn [5:316](../05/03.md), Paul gives instructions for how to honor certain widows by supporting them financially. He implies in [5:9](../05/09.md) that there was an official list on which widows could be “enrolled.” Christians debate whether widows who were enrolled on this list had official positions in the church or were required to perform certain responsibilities. It is likely that these widows were expected to do certain things, but it is unlikely that all of them had offices or positions in the church. In your translation, you should make it clear that the church had a list of widows that it supported, but it is not recommended that you include any further implied information.\n\n### “Real” widows\n\nIn [5:3](../05/03.md), [5:5](../05/05.md), and [5:16](../05/16.md), Paul refers to “real” widows. He is not distinguishing between widows whose husbands have died and “widows” whose husbands have not actually died. Rather, he is distinguishing between widows who have no family to support them (“real” widows) and widows who do have family to support them. Paul indicates that it is these “real” widows, and even more specifically the ones who meet the qualifications in [5:910](../05/09.md), who can be enrolled on the list of supported widows.\n\n### Qualifications for widows who are supported by the church\n\nIn [5:910](../05/09.md), Paul provides a list of characteristics that indicate which widows the church should support. This list is meant to be a general guideline, not a precise list of exactly every characteristic that a widow must have. For example, Paul indicates that widows must have raised children, but most Christians believe that this does not mean that supported widows must have had children. Instead, Paul is indicating that raising children is a good example of the kind of good works that these widows must have done. Consider what form you might use in your language to give a general list of qualifications.\n\n### Younger widows\n\nIn [5:1115](../05/11.md), Paul indicates that younger widows should not be on the list of supported widows. To support this command, he gives examples of ways in which younger widows often behaved. There are at least three primary ways to understand the situation that Paul speaks about:\n\n1. These young womens husbands have died, which leaves them poor and unable to live comfortably. Even with the support of the church, they would have to live without very much. Paul anticipates that these young women will desire to live wealthier and more luxurious lives. To do so, they would need to marry again, and Paul is concerned that they would marry any rich man, even an unbeliever. In that case, they would be abandoning their faith in Jesus so that they can have what they want. Meanwhile, they do not do anything productive but instead spend their time interfering and gossiping. Because of that, Paul wants these young widows to go ahead and get married (to fellow believers).\n2. When widows were enrolled on the list of women that the church would support, they had to promise to serve the church and never marry again. Paul anticipates that the younger widows will desire to have sex and to have husbands again. To do so, they might break their promise not to marry again. Meanwhile, they do not do anything productive but instead spend their time interfering and gossiping. Because of those things, Paul wants these widows to marry again instead of making a promise to remain widows.\n3. The term “younger widows”
5:1 enp9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-simile ὡς πατέρα & ὡς ἀδελφούς 1 Paul wants Timothy to **exhort** each **older man** as he would speak to his own **father**, and he wants Timothy to **exhort** **younger men** as he would speak to his own younger **brothers**. He means that Timothy should speak to these people as if they filled the roles of father and brothers in his own family. If it would be helpful in your language, you could state that more explicitly. Alternate translation: “as you would respectfully exhort your own father … as you would exhort your own brothers”\n
5:1 dnf2 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis νεωτέρους 1 Paul is leaving out some of the words that in many languages a sentence would need in order to be complete. You could supply these words from earlier in the sentence if it would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “and exhort younger men”
5:1 rb29 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit νεωτέρους 1 Here Paul could be implying that these men are **younger** than: (1) Timothy. Alternate translation: “men younger than you” (2) the **older** men. In this case, Paul is using the word **younger** to refer to a general category. Alternate translation: “young men”
5:2 t9zh rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis πρεσβυτέρας & νεωτέρας 1 Paul is leaving out some of the words that in many languages a sentence would need in order to be complete. You could supply these words from the previous verse if it would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “and exhort older women … and exhort younger women”
5:2 fmea rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit πρεσβυτέρας & νεωτέρας 1 Here Paul could be implying that these women are **older** or **younger**: (1) than Timothy. Alternate translation: “women older than you … women younger than you” (2) in general terms. In this case, Paul is using the words **older** and **younger** to refer to general categories. Alternate translation: “elderly women … young women”
5:2 t1pv rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-simile ὡς μητέρας & ὡς ἀδελφὰς 1 Paul wants Timothy to exhort **older women** as he would speak to his own mother, and he wants Timothy to exhort **younger women** as he would speak to his own younger **sisters**. He means that Timothy should speak to these people as if they filled the roles of mother and sisters in his own family. If it would be helpful in your language, you could state that more explicitly. Alternate translation: “as you would respectfully exhort your own mother … as you would exhort your own sisters”
5:2 qcri rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ὡς ἀδελφὰς, ἐν πάσῃ ἁγνίᾳ 1 Here, the phrase **in all purity** could describe: (1) only how Timothy should exhort **younger women**. In this case, Paul is especially concerned about sexual **purity**. Alternate translation: “in all sexual purity, as sisters” (2) how Timothy should exhort older and younger men and **older** and **younger women**. In this case, Paul is speaking about **purity** in general. Alternate translation: “as sisters, exhorting all those people in all purity”
5:2 ivl7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἐν πάσῃ ἁγνίᾳ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **purity**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “in a very pure way”
5:3 cryc rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-yousingular χήρας τίμα 1 Here, the command **Honor** is singular. However, Paul probably implies that Timothy should make sure that other believers also **Honor widows**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a form that includes Timothy and also other believers. Alternate translation: “You and the rest of the believers should honor widows”
5:3 smp5 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit χήρας τίμα 1 Here Paul implies that one of the ways to **Honor widows** is to provide for their needs. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “Honor widows, especially by providing for them”
5:3 qc6s rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τὰς ὄντως χήρας 1 Here Paul defines which category of **widows** he is particularly referring to. The word **real** indicates that these women are not only **widows** but also have no close relatives to support them. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “and I especially mean widows who have no one else to provide for them” or “I mean widows with no family left”
5:4 vv64 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τέκνα ἢ ἔκγονα 1 Here Paul implies that these **children** and **grandchildren** are adults who are able to care for others. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “grown children or grandchildren”
5:4 w38h rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit πρῶτον 1 Here, the word **first** indicates that doing what Paul commands in this verse is very important. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “first of all” or "before anything else," \n\n
5:4 uvje rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-imperative3p μανθανέτωσαν 1 If your language does not use the third-person imperative in this way, you could state this in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “they must learn”
5:4 fnab rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy μανθανέτωσαν 1 Here, **learn** represents experiencing something by doing it repeatedly. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use an equivalent expression from your language or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “let them consistently act” or “let them figure out how”
5:4 t344 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τὸν ἴδιον οἶκον εὐσεβεῖν 1 Here Paul implies that one important way to **treat** ones family in **a godly way** is to take care of and provide for them. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “to treat their own household in a godly way, especially by providing for them,”
5:4 g5mu rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἀμοιβὰς ἀποδιδόναι τοῖς προγόνοις 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **repayment**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “to repay their ancestors”
5:4 q5c8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἀμοιβὰς ἀποδιδόναι τοῖς προγόνοις 1 Here Paul speaks as if people taking care of their **ancestors** were a **repayment** for how their **ancestors** took care of them. He means that this is an appropriate way for people to treat their **ancestors** given what the **ancestors** did for them. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “to provide for their ancestors in return for how their ancestors provided for them”
5:4 t347 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result γάρ 1 Here, the word **for** introduces a reason why **children and grandchildren** should care for their **ancestors**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces a reason or basis for a command, or you could leave **for** untranslated. Alternate translation: “since” or “which they should do because”
5:4 t348 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom ἐνώπιον τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 Here, the phrase **before God** refers to Gods evaluation or view about something. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable phrase or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “in the eyes of God” or “to God”\n
5:5 vmco rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-contrast δὲ 1 Here, the word **But** introduces the **real and left-alone widow** in contrast to a widow who has living family members. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces this kind of contrast, or you could leave **But** untranslated. Alternate translation: “In contrast,” or “Now”
5:5 ggk0 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-genericnoun ἡ & ὄντως χήρα καὶ μεμονωμένη 1 The word **widow** represents widows in general, not one particular widow. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “each genuine and left-alone widow”
5:5 xp1u rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἡ & ὄντως χήρα καὶ μεμονωμένη 1 Here Paul again defines what kind of **widow** he is particularly referring to. As in [5:3](../05/03.md), the word **real** indicates that these women are not only widows but also have no close relatives to support them. The word **left-alone** similarly indicates that this kind of **widow** has no close relatives. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make those ideas more explicit. Alternate translation: “the widow who has no relatives and no one to provide for her” or “the widow with no family left and no one to support her”\n
5:5 nw0l rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet ὄντως & καὶ μεμονωμένη 1 The terms **real** and **left-alone** mean similar things. Paul is using the two terms together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translation: “really alone”
5:5 u1lj rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor προσμένει ταῖς δεήσεσιν καὶ ταῖς προσευχαῖς 1 Here Paul speaks as if **requests and prayers** were a location that a widow **remains in**. He means that this widow frequently and persistently makes **requests and prayers** to God. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “consistently makes requests and prayers”
5:5 rwp4 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet ταῖς δεήσεσιν καὶ ταῖς προσευχαῖς 1 The terms **requests** and **prayers** mean similar things. Paul is using the two terms together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translation: “in many prayers” or “in urgent requests”
5:5 rb9f rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom νυκτὸς καὶ ἡμέρας 1 Here, the phrase **night and day** indicates that this **widow** prays during both the day and the night. This means that she was praying very often every day. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable phrase or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “all the time” or “during every day and every night”\n
5:6 t2ew rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-genericnoun ἡ & σπαταλῶσα 1 The phrase **the one** represents this kind of widow in general, not one particular widow. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “each one who lives self-indulgently”
5:6 ec6s σπαταλῶσα 1 Alternate translation: “living for pleasure” or “living in a luxurious way”
5:6 qy5h rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ζῶσα τέθνηκεν 1 Here Paul describes widows who act like this as if they had **died** even though they are **living**. He means that they are like dead people because they are spiritually dead. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in simile form or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “although still living, is like someone who has died” or “living, has died spiritually”
5:7 qw6m rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit καὶ ταῦτα 1 Here, the phrase **these things** refers to the instructions about widows and their families in the preceding verses (see [5:46](../05/04.md)). Paul includes the word **also** because he earlier told Timothy to “command” other things (see [4:11](../04/11.md)). If it would be helpful in your language, you could make those ideas more explicit. Alternate translation: “what I have written about widows, too,” or “also what I have said about widows and their families”
5:7 z43h rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-pronouns ὦσιν 1 The pronoun **they** could refer to: (1) all the believers who are with Timothy. Alternate translation: “all the believers may be” (2) widows and their families. Alternate translation: “the widows and their families” (3) widows. Alternate translation: “the widows may be”
5:8 eexn rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases δέ 1 Here, the word **But** introduces a further development related to taking care of widows in ones family. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces a development, or you could leave **But** untranslated. Alternate translation: “In fact,”
5:8 z3wo rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations τῶν ἰδίων & ἤρνηται 1 Although the terms **his** and **he** are masculine, Paul is using the words in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use phrases that make this clear. Alternate translation: “for his or her own … he or she has denied” or “for his or her own … that person has denied”
5:8 p7h2 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-nominaladj τῶν ἰδίων 1 Paul is using the adjective phrase **his own** as a noun to mean someones extended family. The phrase may also include servants and close friends. Your language may use adjective phrases in the same way. If not, you could translate this adjective phrase with an equivalent phrase. Alternate translation: “for his own extended family” or “for his own people”
5:8 sco2 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit οἰκείων 1 Here, the phrase **household members** refers specifically to ones close family, the family members who live together in one house. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “for family living in his house” or “for his closest relatives”
5:8 edkb rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τὴν πίστιν 1 Here, the word **faith** could refer to: (1) the act of having **faith** in Jesus. Alternate translation: “the faith that he has” (2) what people believe about Jesus when they have **faith** in him. Alternate translation: “what Christians believe”
5:8 y645 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τὴν πίστιν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **faith**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “how he believes in Jesus”\n
5:8 evm7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἔστιν ἀπίστου χείρων 1 Here Paul implies that this person is a **worse** sinner than **an unbeliever**, since unbelievers generally do take care of their families. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “is a worse sinner than an unbeliever who does take care of his own” or “does what is wrong more than an unbeliever does”
5:9 b5jv rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-imperative3p χήρα καταλεγέσθω 1 If your language does not use the third-person imperative in this way, you could state this in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “A widow should be enrolled”
5:9 s8ql rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive χήρα καταλεγέσθω 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who would do the action, it is clear from the context that it would be the leaders of the group of believers, including Timothy. Alternate translation: “Let the leaders enroll a widow” or “You may enroll a widow”
5:9 khe1 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit χήρα καταλεγέσθω μὴ ἔλαττον 1 Here Paul implies that the church had a list of widows who truly needed the church to support them. In this and the following verse, Paul gives a list of qualifications for which widows could be put on this list. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make those ideas more explicit. Alternate translation: “Let a widow be counted as one of the widows who truly need help, as long as she is not less than” or “Let a widows name be included on the list of widows whom the church will support if she is not less than”
5:9 i27x rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives μὴ ἔλαττον 1 If it would be clearer in your language, you could use a positive expression to translate this double negative that consists of the negative particle **not** and the negative phrase **less than**. Alternate translation: “over”\n
5:9 q9dj rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession ἑνὸς ἀνδρὸς γυνή 1 Paul used a very similar phrase in [3:2](../03/02.md), and you should express the idea in a similar way here. Paul could mean that the widows: (1) each must have been sexually faith to one man, her late husband. Alternate translation: “a women who was faithful to her husband” (2) each must have been married no more than once, even if the marriage ended in divorce or death. Alternate translation: “a woman who was married only once”\n
5:10 l8nm rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive ἐν & μαρτυρουμένη 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, you could use an indefinite subject. Alternate translation: “others testifying to her good works”
5:10 vlhu rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἔργοις καλοῖς & εἰ ἐτεκνοτρόφησεν, εἰ ἐξενοδόχησεν, εἰ ἁγίων πόδας ἔνιψεν, εἰ θλιβομένοις ἐπήρκεσεν, εἰ παντὶ ἔργῳ ἀγαθῷ ἐπηκολούθησεν 1 Here the clauses that begin with **if** could be: (1) examples of **good works** that the widow should have done. Alternate translation: “good works such as raising children, receiving strangers, washing the feet of the saints, relieving the afflicted, pursuing every good work” (2) separate requirements for being enrolled as a widow in need of support. Alternate translation: “good works. Let her be enrolled if she has raised children, if she has received strangers, if she has washed the feet of the saints, if she has aided the afflicted, if she has followed every good work”
5:10 mik7 ἐξενοδόχησεν 1 Alternate translations: “she has welcomed strangers into her home” or “she has practiced hospitality”
5:10 ygl3 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown ἁγίων πόδας ἔνιψεν 1 In this culture, people walked barefoot or in sandals on roads that were dusty or muddy. When they arrived at a house, usually they or a servant would wash their feet to clean off the dust or mud. Washing off someones feet was generally considered a menial or lowly task. If your readers would not be familiar with this type of practice, you could use the name of something similar in your area or you could use a more general phrase. Alternate translation: “she has helped the saints take off their shoes when they went inside” or “she has cared for the saints who visited her”
5:10 t366 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche ἁγίων πόδας ἔνιψεν 1 Here Paul may be referring to washing feet in order to: (1) give another specific example of the **good works** that this widow has done. Alternate translation: “she has cleaned the saints feet” (2) describe more generally any kind of humble service. Alternate translation: “has done humble things to help the saints” or “she has performed menial tasks for the saints”
5:10 ey6i rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-nominaladj θλιβομένοις 1 Paul is using the adjective **afflicted** as a noun to mean people who are afflicted. Your language may use adjectives in the same way. If not, you could translate this word with an equivalent phrase. Alternate translation: “people who are afflicted”
5:10 bw4h rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive θλιβομένοις 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, you could use an indefinite subject. Alternate translation: “the ones experiencing hardship” or “those whom others have afflicted”
5:10 leru rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἐπηκολούθησεν 1 Here, Paul speaks as if **every good work** were a person whom this widow **followed**. He means that she has worked hard always to do **every good work**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “she has been eager to perform” or “she has strived to do”
5:10 h96j rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole παντὶ ἔργῳ ἀγαθῷ 1 Paul says **every** here as an overstatement for emphasis. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different way to express the emphasis. Alternate translation: “every kind of good work” or “very many good works”
5:11 rv5h rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit νεωτέρας & χήρας παραιτοῦ 1 Here Paul implies that Timothy should **refuse** to enroll the **younger widows** on the list of widows whom the church would support (see [5:9](../05/09.md)). If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “refuse to enroll younger widows” or “refuse to include younger widows on the list of widows whom the church will support”
5:11 vqq9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit καταστρηνιάσωσιν τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 Here, the phrase **indulge themselves against Christ** could mean that these widows: (1) desire to live self-indulgently in contrast to obeying Christ. Alternate translation: “they desire to live self-indulgently instead of obeying Christ” or “they want to indulge themselves” (2) desiring to have sex in contrast to serving Christ as widows. Alternate translation: “they have sexual desires that overcome their loyalty to Christ” or “their sexual desires turn them away from Christ”
5:11 dm0w rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit γαμεῖν θέλουσιν 1 Since in [5:14](../05/14.md) Paul recommends that these widows marry again, here he must have a specific situation in mind where wanting **to marry** is wrong. He could be implying that these widows **want to marry**: (1) anyone who has money and can support their self-indulgent lifestyles, even if that person is an unbeliever. Alternate translation: “they want to marry anyone who can support their self-indulgent desires” or “they want to marry even unbelievers so they can live as they desire” (2) after they have promised to serve in the church as widows without marrying again. Alternate translation: “they want to marry even though they have promised to remain widows” or “they want to marry despite their pledge to serve as widows”
5:12 gtli rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result ἔχουσαι κρίμα ὅτι τὴν πρώτην πίστιν ἠθέτησαν 1 If it would be more natural in your language, you could reverse the order of these phrases since the second phrase gives the reason for the result that the first phrase describes. Alternate translation: “and because they have annulled the first faith, they have judgment”
5:12 t372 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἔχουσαι κρίμα 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **judgment**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “being judged”
5:12 nha7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τὴν πρώτην πίστιν 1 Here, the word **faith** could refer to: (1) the **faith** that the younger widows had in Jesus. In this case, they **have annulled** this faith by marrying anyone, even an unbeliever, so that they can indulge their selfish desires. Alternate translation: “the first faith that they had in Christ” (2) a commitment that the widows made that they would remain as widows and serve the Christian community for the rest of their lives. In this case, they **have annulled** this commitment by choosing to marry when they said that they would not marry. Alternate translations: “their first commitment to remain single” or “what they first promised to do”
5:12 aaoz rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τὴν πρώτην πίστιν 1 Here, the word **first** refers to **faith** that the widows had before they wanted to get married. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “the earlier faith” or “the faith that they had earlier”
5:12 yalx rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τὴν πρώτην πίστιν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **faith**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “how they first believed in Jesus”\n
5:13 vclq rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases δὲ 1 Here, the word **But** introduces the next thing that Paul wants to write. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces the next idea, or you could leave **But** untranslated. Alternate translation: “Further,”
5:13 t4iv rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy καὶ & μανθάνουσιν 1 Here, **learn** represents experiencing something by doing it repeatedly. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use an equivalent expression from your language or state the meaning plainly. See how you translated the similar idea in [5:4](../05/04.md). Alternate translation: “they are also consistently” or “they figure out how to be”\n
5:13 t376 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit περιερχόμεναι τὰς οἰκίας 1 Here Paul implies that these young widows may visit one house after another. The rest of the verse implies that they would do this in order to gossip and learn what other people were doing. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “going from house to house”
5:13 nll4 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet φλύαροι καὶ περίεργοι, λαλοῦσαι τὰ μὴ δέοντα 1 These two terms and a phrase mean similar things. The word **babblers** refers to people who say many things that do not mean very much. The word **meddlers** refers to people who try to figure out what others are doing and interfere in it. The phrase **saying what they should not** refers to speaking about things that should not be spoken about. Paul is using these three terms together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with two phrases or one general statement. Alternate translation: “meddling and saying what they should not” or “meddling by their gossip”
5:14 te2u rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit νεωτέρας 1 Here Paul is referring to the **younger** widows whom he has been speaking about in [5:1113](../05/11.md). If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “those younger widows”
5:14 hgp0 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns μηδεμίαν ἀφορμὴν διδόναι τῷ ἀντικειμένῳ λοιδορίας χάριν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **opportunity**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “do nothing that would allow the one opposing to revile”
5:14 z79q rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit λοιδορίας χάριν 1 Here, the **reviling** could be directed toward: (1) believers in general. Alternate translation: “for reviling us” (2) just the widows. Alternate translation: “for reviling them”
5:14 u94k rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τῷ ἀντικειμένῳ 1 Here, the phrase **the one opposing** could refer to: (1) Satan. In this case, Satan probably would use other people to revile believers. Alternate translation: “to the devil” (2) any person who opposes or attacks believers. Alternate translation: “to people who oppose us” or “to enemies of the believers”
5:15 cb8l rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result γάρ 1 Here, the word **For** introduces a reason why Paul has given the instructions in the previous verses. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces a reason or basis for instructions, or you could leave **For** untranslated. Alternate translation: “In fact,” or “Here is why I have included those instructions:”
5:15 fy54 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἐξετράπησαν ὀπίσω τοῦ Σατανᾶ 1 Here Paul speaks of abandoning what God wants believers to do and instead focusing on what Satan wants them to do as if they were turning away **after Satan**. He means that these people have stopped doing what God wants and are instead doing what **Satan** wants. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “have deviated from obeying God to obeying Satan” or “have started to obey Satan instead of God”\n
5:16 ysth rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-textvariants πιστὴ 1 Many ancient manuscripts read **believing woman**. The ULT follows that reading. Other ancient manuscripts read “believing man or woman.” If a translation of the Bible exists in your region, you may wish to use the reading that it uses. If a translation of the Bible does not exist in your region, you may wish to use the reading of the ULT.
5:16 mf4s rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἔχει χήρας 1 The implication is that she **has widows** within her extended family. If it would be helpful to your readers, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “has relatives who are widows”
5:16 a6vt rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-imperative3p ἐπαρκείτω 1 If your language does not use the third-person imperative in this way, you could state this in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “she must aid”
5:16 ptc5 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases καὶ 1 Here, the word **and** introduces what the intended result is when believing women aid the widows in their own families. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces an intended result. Alternate translation: “and so” or “and thus”
5:16 y6hf rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor μὴ βαρείσθω ἡ ἐκκλησία 1 Paul speaks of the **church** having to help more widows than it is able to help as if it were carrying too much weight on its back. If it would be helpful in your language, you could state the meaning plainly. Alternate translations: “let the church not have more work than it can do” or “let the church not have to support widows whose families could provide for them”
5:16 t384 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive μὴ βαρείσθω ἡ ἐκκλησία 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say what would do the action, it is clear from the context that it would be supporting widows who have family members who could support them instead. Alternate translation: “let supporting those widows not weigh down the church”
5:16 tooq rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-imperative3p μὴ βαρείσθω ἡ ἐκκλησία 1 If your language does not use the third-person imperative in this way, you could state this in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “the church must not be weighed down”
5:16 d35m rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ταῖς ὄντως χήραις 1 Here Paul again defines the kind of widow to which he is particularly referring. As in [5:3](../05/03.md), the word **real** indicates that these women are not only widows but also have no close relatives to support them. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “the widows who have no one else to provide for them” or “the widows with no family left”\n
5:17 j2y5 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-imperative3p οἱ καλῶς προεστῶτες πρεσβύτεροι & ἀξιούσθωσαν 1 If your language does not use the third-person imperative in this way, you could state this in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “The elders having led well must be considered worthy”
5:17 u93q rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive οἱ καλῶς προεστῶτες πρεσβύτεροι & ἀξιούσθωσαν 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who would do the action, it is clear from the context that it would be the believers whom these **elders** have **led**. Alternate translation: “The believers should consider the elders having led them well to be worthy”
5:17 m5ou προεστῶτες 1 Alternate translations: “having managed” or “having taken care”
5:17 oxzr rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit διπλῆς τιμῆς 1 Here, the phrase **double honor** could refer to: (1) two different kinds of **honor**, respect and payment. Alternate translation: “of both honor and payment” (2) a large amount of **honor**. Alternate translation: “of much honor” (3) **double** the **honor** or payment given to other people whom the church supported. Alternate translation: “of double the honor given to others” or “of double the payment that is given to others”
5:17 wp9d rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns διπλῆς τιμῆς 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **honor**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “of being honored in both ways” or “of being both honored and paid”
5:17 t390 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy λόγῳ 1 Here, **word** represents what these **elders** preach using words. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use an equivalent expression from your language or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “preaching”
5:18 jmqh rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result γὰρ 1 Here, the word **For** introduces a support for the command that Paul gave in the previous verse. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces support or basis for a command, or you could leave **For** untranslated. Alternate translation: “In fact,” or “Here is why:”
5:18 zkq7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-quotations λέγει & ἡ Γραφή, βοῦν ἀλοῶντα οὐ φιμώσεις, καί, ἄξιος ὁ ἐργάτης τοῦ μισθοῦ αὐτοῦ 1 Here Paul quotes from the Old Testament scriptures, specifically from [Deuteronomy 25:4](../deu/25/04.md). Then he quotes something that Jesus said, which can be found in [Luke 10:7](../luk/10/7.md). If it would be helpful to your readers, you could format these words in a different way and include this information in a footnote. Alternate translation: “the Scripture says in Deuteronomy, You will not muzzle an ox threshing, and in the Gospel of Luke, The worker is worthy of his wages
5:18 kh55 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-personification λέγει & ἡ Γραφή 1 Here, Paul speaks of **the Scripture** as if it were a person who could say something. He means that these words can be read in **the Scripture**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “you can read in the Scripture” or “it is written in the Scripture”\n
5:18 t392 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-declarative οὐ φιμώσεις 1 The author of the quotation is using the future form to give a command. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea using a form that expresses a command or obligation. Alternate translation: “You should not muzzle” or “You must not muzzle”\n
5:18 vw3a rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor βοῦν ἀλοῶντα οὐ φιμώσεις, καί 1 When he quotes this passage, Paul is implying that the leaders of the church are like an **ox** that is **threshing**. Both are doing work, and both deserve to be supported as they do that work. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make the comparison between the **ox** and the church leaders more explicit. Alternate translation: “You will not muzzle an ox threshing, and this applies to the elders as well, who should be supported for the work they do. Also,"
5:18 g985 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown βοῦν ἀλοῶντα οὐ φιμώσεις 1 In Pauls culture, farmers often would make oxen thresh, that is, walk on harvested wheat to separate the kernels of grain from the wheat stalks. Some people would **muzzle an ox** while it was **threshing** in order to keep the ox from eating the grain. The point of the command is that the **ox** should be allowed to eat what it is working to produce: the grain. If your readers would not be familiar with this type of farming practice, you could give more information about what the **ox** is doing, or you could use a more general description. Alternate translation: “You will not muzzle an ox to keep it from eating the grain it is threshing” or “You will not prevent an animal from eating while it is working to produce food”\n
5:18 kys1 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession ἄξιος & τοῦ μισθοῦ αὐτοῦ 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe someone who is **worthy** to receive **his wages**. If this is not clear in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “deserves his wages” or “should receive his wages”
5:18 ga9v rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations αὐτοῦ 1 Although the term **his** is masculine, Paul is using the word in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that makes this clear. Alternate translation: “his or her”
5:19 ebrf rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns κατὰ πρεσβυτέρου κατηγορίαν μὴ παραδέχου 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **accusation**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “When someone accuses an elder, do not receive it”
5:19 af68 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-exceptions κατηγορίαν μὴ παραδέχου, ἐκτὸς εἰ 1 If, in your language, it would appear that Paul was making a statement here and then contradicting it, you could reword this to avoid using an exception clause. Alternate translation: “receive an accusation only if”
5:19 t399 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis ἐκτὸς εἰ μὴ ἐπὶ 1 Paul is leaving out some of the words that in many languages a sentence would need in order to be complete. You could supply these words from the context if it would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “unless it is based on the testimony of”
5:19 kmy5 δύο ἢ τριῶν 1 Alternate translations: “two or more”
5:20 d9l7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τοὺς ἁμαρτάνοντας 1 Here, the phrase **The ones sinning** could refer to: (1) elders who have sinned. Alternate translation: “The elders who are sinning” (2) believers who have sinned. Alternate translation: “Believers who are sinning”
5:20 db63 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-nominaladj πάντων 1 Paul is using the adjective **all** as a noun to mean all the believers. Your language may use adjectives in the same way. If not, you could translate this word with an equivalent phrase. Alternate translation: “all believers” or “the whole group of believers”
5:20 v5ot rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-nominaladj οἱ λοιποὶ 1 Paul is using the adjective **rest** as a noun. Your language may use adjectives in the same way. If not, you could translate this word with an equivalent phrase. Paul could be referring to **the rest** of: (1) the elders. Alternate translation: “the rest of the elders” (2) the believers. Alternate translation: “the rest of the believers”
5:20 ql4m rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit φόβον ἔχωσιν 1 Here Paul implies that these people will **have fear** of sinning. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “may have fear of themselves sinning”
5:20 t404 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns φόβον ἔχωσιν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **fear**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “may fear”
5:21 x0zp rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-oathformula διαμαρτύρομαι ἐνώπιον τοῦ Θεοῦ, καὶ Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ, καὶ τῶν ἐκλεκτῶν ἀγγέλων, ἵνα 1 Here Paul puts Timothy under oath, making him swear by **God and Christ Jesus and the chosen angels**, that he will do what Paul has written. Use a natural way in your language to express an oath. Alternate translation: “I make you swear before God and Christ Jesus and the chosen angels that” or “I require that you solemnly promise God and Christ Jesus and the chosen angels that”\n
5:21 t7jq rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive τῶν ἐκλεκτῶν ἀγγέλων 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, it is clear from the context that it was God. Alternate translation: “the angels God has chosen”
5:21 t409 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ταῦτα 1 Here, the phrase **these things** refers to the instructions that Paul has given to Timothy about how to treat elders (see [5:1720](../05/17.md)). If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “those rules about elders”
5:21 t408 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet χωρὶς προκρίματος, μηδὲν ποιῶν κατὰ πρόσκλισιν 1 The terms **prejudgment** and **partiality** mean similar things. Paul is using the two terms together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translation: “in a way that is completely fair to everyone”
5:21 dph6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns χωρὶς προκρίματος, μηδὲν ποιῶν κατὰ πρόσκλισιν 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **prejudgment** and **partiality**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “without deciding what to do ahead of time, doing nothing that benefits only some people”\n
5:22 qb71 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction χεῖρας ταχέως μηδενὶ ἐπιτίθει 1 Here Paul is speaking of a ceremony during which church leaders would **Place** their **hands** on a person. When they did that, they were commissioning that person to serve God in a specific way, usually as a leader. If it would be helpful in your language, you could refer to a comparable action in your culture, or you could explain what this action means. Alternate translation: “Place hands on no one hastily to commission him” or “Authorize no one by placing hands on him hastily”\n
5:22 pyl8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit μηδὲ κοινώνει ἁμαρτίαις ἀλλοτρίαις 1 Here, Paul implies that Timothy might **share in the sins of others** if he helps to appoint leaders who are sinning or if he does not confront leaders who are sinning. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “nor participate in the sins of others by appointing and affirming them as leaders” or “nor join in with or affirm others who are sinning”
5:23 xl32 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit οἴνῳ ὀλίγῳ χρῶ 1 Here Paul means that Timothy should have **a little wine** in addition to the water he was drinking. In Pauls culture, people believed that wine could help with certain physical problems and illnesses. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “also use a little wine as medicine”
5:23 gl5g rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-extrainfo διὰ τὸν στόμαχον καὶ τὰς πυκνάς σου ἀσθενείας 1 Paul does not imply what kind of **stomach** problems and **illnesses** Timothy was experiencing. However, it is clear that Paul thought that **a little wine** would help with these problems. Since Paul does not state what kind of health problems Timothy was having, you should use general terms for stomach problems and sicknesses. Alternate translation: “because of your digestion problems and your frequent sicknesses”
5:24 uk56 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations τινῶν ἀνθρώπων 1 Although the term **men** is masculine, Paul is using the word in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that makes this clear. Alternate translation: “of some men and women”
5:24 ug1z rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-personification προάγουσαι εἰς κρίσιν, τισὶν δὲ καὶ ἐπακολουθοῦσιν 1 Here Paul speaks of **sins** as if they were people who could be **going ahead** of or who could **follow** those who sinned **into** the place where **judgment** happens. He means that everyone knows that some people are guilty before they experience **judgment**, but with other people no one knows that they are guilty before they experience **judgment**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “being obvious before judgment, but also they are not obvious for some” or “showing that they are guilty before judgment, but also some peoples sins are hidden until judgment”\n
5:24 qa9a rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit εἰς κρίσιν 1 Here, the word **judgment** could refer to: (1) how God will judge everyone when Jesus comes back. Alternate translation: “into the final judgment” or “Gods judgment” (2) how the church or its leaders will judge people who are sinning. Alternate translation: “into the churchs judgment” or “into the judgment of the church leaders”
5:24 i1c6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns εἰς κρίσιν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **judgment**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous verse. Alternate translation: “to when they are judged”
5:25 pd8v rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit καὶ τὰ ἔργα τὰ καλὰ πρόδηλα 1 Here Paul implies that these are **the good works** of some people, since he states in the second half of the verse that some good works are not evident. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “also the good works of some are evident”
5:25 bl51 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τὰ ἄλλως ἔχοντα 1 Here Paul is referring to good works that are **otherwise** because they are not immediately **evident**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “the ones that are not immediately evident” or “the good works that are secret”
5:25 bb2t rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives κρυβῆναι οὐ δύναταί 1 If it would be clearer in your language, you could use a positive expression to translate this double negative that consists of the negative particle **not** and the negative verb **hidden**. Alternate translation: “will necessarily be revealed”
5:25 t420 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive κρυβῆναι οὐ δύναταί 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “cannot stay secret” or “are not able to remain unknown”
6:intro rks4 0 # 1 Timothy 6 General Notes\n\n## Structure and Formatting\n\n8. Paul gives instructions about how to treat different types of believers (5:16:2)\n * How slaves should treat their masters (6:12)\n9. Paul condemns false teachers and lovers of money (6:310)\n10. Paul encourages Timothy (6:1116)\n11. Paul gives commands for rich people (6:1719)\n12. Final exhortation and letter closing (6:2021)\n\n## Special Concepts in This Chapter\n\n### Slavery\n\nIn [6:12](../06/01.md), Paul teaches Christian slaves to honor and serve their masters. This does not mean that he is endorsing slavery as a good thing or as something that God approves of. Instead, Paul is encouraging believers to be godly and content in every situation that they are in. This does not mean that they cannot also work to change those situations. Be sure that your translation does not imply that Paul is encouraging people to have slaves.\n\n### Wealth and money\n\nIn [6:510](../06/05.md), Paul condemns some people for thinking that godliness is a means of gain, and he instead indicates that godliness with contentment is the real gain. Then Paul explains that loving money causes many kinds of evil desires and behavior. Later on, in [6:1719](../06/17.md), he indicates that people who are rich should focus on gaining blessings from Jesus when he returns. To do that, they should give away and share their money and possessions. So, throughout this chapter, Paul indicates that being rich and desiring to be rich are dangerous. Paul does not mean that no rich people can be believers, but he does mean that rich people must do good things, including giving and sharing what they have. Make sure that your translation expresses that idea.\n\n## Important Figures of Speech in This Chapter\n\n### Fighting the good fight\n\nIn [6:12](../06/12.md), Paul exhorts Timothy to “fight the good fight of the faith.” He compares how Timothy must act in faith to how soldiers fight in a war. He implies that Timothy will experience conflict, danger, and hardship and that he must obey God and Paul as a soldier obeys his commanders. Since Paul uses warfare language to refer to the Christian life in many verses, if possible, preserve the metaphor or express the idea in simile form. See the notes on this verse for translation options, and see how you expressed the similar idea in [1:18](../01/18.md). (See: [[rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])\n
6:1 nm4n rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ὑπὸ ζυγὸν δοῦλοι 1 Here Paul speaks of people who work as **slaves** as though they were working animals with a **yoke** around their necks. He could mean: (1) that these people truly are slaves and not just workers or servants. Alternate translation: “truly salves” (2) that these **slaves** work for cruel or strict masters. Alternate translation: “slaves under strict masters”
6:1 ep1l rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-imperative3p ἡγείσθωσαν 1 If your language does not use the third-person imperative in this way, you could state this in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “they must consider”
6:1 uw69 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession πάσης τιμῆς ἀξίους 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe **masters** who are **worthy** to receive **all honor**. If this is not clear in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “as deserving all honor” or “as those who should receive all honor”\n
6:1 pvyp rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns πάσης τιμῆς 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **honor**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “of being honored always”
6:1 he2n rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive μὴ τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ ἡ διδασκαλία βλασφημῆται 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who would do the action, it is clear from the context that it would be unbelievers. Alternate translation: “unbelievers may not blaspheme the name of God and the teaching”
6:1 xb92 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 Here, **name** represents a person, especially that persons reputation and nature. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use an equivalent expression from your language or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “the reputation of God” or “who God is”
6:2 t2v7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases δὲ 1 Here, the word **But** introduces a command that is related to what Paul said in the previous verse. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces a related command, or you could leave **But** untranslated. Alternate translation: “Further,” or “More specifically,”
6:2 zm0i rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result μὴ καταφρονείτωσαν, ὅτι ἀδελφοί εἰσιν 1 Here, the word **because** could introduce: (1) the reason why slaves might **despise** their believing masters. Alternate translation: “let them not, since they are brothers, despise them” (2) the reason why slaves should not **despise** their believing masters. Alternate translation: “because they are brothers, let them not despite them”
6:2 ujcg rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-imperative3p μὴ καταφρονείτωσαν & δουλευέτωσαν 1 If your language does not use the third-person imperative in this way, you could state this in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “they must not despise them … they must serve them”
6:2 u4vv rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἀδελφοί 1 Paul is using the term **brothers** to mean people who share the same faith. If it would be helpful in your language, you could state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “believers”
6:2 fvv7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations ἀδελφοί 1 Although the term **brothers** is masculine, Paul is using the word in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If you retain the metaphor in your translation, and if it would be helpful in your language, you could say “brothers and sisters” to indicate this.
6:2 ypgw rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result ἀλλὰ μᾶλλον δουλευέτωσαν, ὅτι πιστοί εἰσιν καὶ ἀγαπητοὶ, οἱ τῆς εὐεργεσίας ἀντιλαμβανόμενοι 1 If it would be more natural in your language, you could reverse the order of these clauses, since the second clause gives the reason for the command that the first clause gives. Alternate translation: “but rather, because the ones taking the benefaction are believers and beloved, let them serve them”
6:2 jspi rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit μᾶλλον δουλευέτωσαν 1 Here, the word translated **rather** could: (1) introduce what the slaves should do instead of despising their masters. Alternate translation: “let them serve them instead” (2) indicate that slaves should serve believing masters even better than they might serve unbelieving masters. Alternate translation: “let them serve them more” or “let them serve them even better”
6:2 tum0 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit οἱ τῆς εὐεργεσίας ἀντιλαμβανόμενοι 1 Here Paul could be indicating that: (1) the masters receive **benefaction** from the slaves. Since **benefaction** was usually something that someone with money and resources gave to someone without those things, Paul is indicating that believing slaves can actually function as benefactors for their believing masters. Alternate translation: “the ones for whom their slaves function as benefactors” or “the ones for whom their slaves do good” (2) the masters give **benefaction** to their slaves. Alternate translation: “the ones functioning as benefactors for their slaves” or “the ones doing good for their slaves” (3) the masters and slaves together give **benefaction** to others. Alternate translation: “the ones sharing with them in benefaction”
6:2 iznk rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns οἱ τῆς εὐεργεσίας ἀντιλαμβανόμενοι 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **benefaction**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “the ones who are benefited”
6:2 nmh9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive ἀγαπητοὶ 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, you could indicate that it is: (1) God. Alternate translation: “those whom God loves” (2) other believers, including the slaves. Alternate translation: “those whom believers love” or “those whom the slaves love”\n
6:2 rda3 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-extrainfo ταῦτα 1 Here, the phrase **these things** refers back to the instructions that Paul has given to Timothy. These instructions could be the ones in [6:12](../06/01.md), [5:36:2](../05/03.md), or even the whole letter so far. Since Paul used a general phrase, if possible you should use a general phrase that could refer to any of these sections. Alternate translation: “what I have said to you” or “these instructions”
6:3 b8np rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-condition-fact εἴ 1 Paul speaks as if this were a hypothetical situation, but he means that it is true. If your language does not state something as a condition if it is certain or true, and if your readers might think that what Paul is saying is uncertain, then you could translate his words as an affirmative statement. Alternate translation: “When”
6:3 xpro rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἑτεροδιδασκαλεῖ 1 The implication is that some people were teaching different things than what Paul and Timothy taught, not that they were teaching in a different way. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. See how you expressed the similar idea in [1:3](../01/03.md). Alternate translation: “is teaching what is different from what we teach” or “is teaching a different doctrine”
6:3 ncsf rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor μὴ προσέρχεται ὑγιαίνουσι λόγοις & τῇ & διδασκαλίᾳ 1 Here Paul speaks of someone agreeing with **words** and **teaching** as if that person were coming to those **words** and **teaching**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “does not agree with the healthy words … with the teaching”
6:3 t430 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ὑγιαίνουσι λόγοις 1 Here Paul speaks as if **words** could be **healthy**. He means that these **words** are good and reliable in every way and have no defect or corruption. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in simile form or state the meaning plainly. See how you expressed the similar phrase in [1:10](../01/10.md). Alternate translation: “to the words that are like healthy food” or “to the correct words”\n
6:3 t431 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy ὑγιαίνουσι λόγοις 1 Here, **words** represents things spoken using words. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use an equivalent expression from your language or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “to the healthy statements” or “to the healthy declarations”
6:3 sshf rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession τοῖς τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν, Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **words** that could: (1) have been spoken by **our Lord Jesus Christ**. Alternate translation: “the ones spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ” (2) have been spoken about **our Lord Jesus Christ**. Alternate translation: “the ones about our Lord Jesus Christ”
6:3 biga rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τῇ κατ’ εὐσέβειαν διδασκαλίᾳ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **godliness**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “to the teaching that is godly” or “to the teaching that makes people godly”
6:4 g2ht rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations τετύφωται 1 Although the term **he** is masculine, Paul is using the word in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that makes this clear. Alternate translation: “that person is puffed up” or “he or she is puffed up”
6:4 pn8n rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor τετύφωται 1 Here Paul speaks of becoming prideful as if it were being **puffed up** by air. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. See how you expressed the idea in [3:6](../03/06.md). Alternate translation: “he is conceited”\n
6:4 t433 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive τετύφωται 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “he puffs himself up”
6:4 z2rb rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole μηδὲν ἐπιστάμενος 1 Paul says **nothing** here as an overstatement for emphasis. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different way to express the emphasis. Alternate translation: “understanding almost nothing” or “having basically no understanding”
6:4 qu86 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor νοσῶν περὶ 1 Here Paul speaks as if these false teachers were **sick** and as if their illnesses were **controversies** and **word battles**. He means that they are constantly participating in these **controversies** and **word battles**, but those things are bad for them. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in simile form or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “being like people who are sick with” or “constantly seeking out”\n
6:4 i3lk rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ζητήσεις καὶ λογομαχίας 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **controversies**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “debating and battling about words”
6:4 xt1z rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor λογομαχίας 1 Here Paul refers to arguments about what **words** mean as if they were **battles**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “disputes about words”
6:4-5 we0g rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns γίνεται φθόνος, ἔρις, βλασφημίαι, ὑπόνοιαι πονηραί & διαπαρατριβαὶ & ἀνθρώπων 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for some or all of the ideas in this list, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “people become envious, quarrelsome, blasphemous, suspicious in evil ways, annoying each other as men”
6:4 kn69 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ὑπόνοιαι πονηραί 1 Here, the word **evil** could indicate that the **suspicions**: (1) themselves are **evil**. Alternate translation: “suspicions that are evil” (2) are that others have done what is **evil**. Alternate translation: “suspicions that others are evil”
6:5 x93f rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor διαπαρατριβαὶ 1 Here, Paul speaks of frequent quarrels and arguments between people as if they were **constant friction**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable metaphor or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “constant grating” or “consistent bickering”
6:5 t443 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations ἀνθρώπων 1 Although the term **men** is masculine, Paul is using the word in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that makes this clear. Alternate translation: “of men and women”
6:5 z2d8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive διεφθαρμένων & τὸν νοῦν καὶ ἀπεστερημένων τῆς ἀληθείας 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, it is clear from the context that it was they themselves. Alternate translation: “whose minds are corrupt and who no longer have the truth” or “who have corrupted their minds and who have deprived themselves of the truth”
6:5 x1tb rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-collectivenouns τὸν νοῦν 1 If it would not be natural in your language to speak as if a group of people had only one **mind**, you could use the plural form of that word in your translation. Alternate translation: “in their minds”\n
6:5 tyf7 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τῆς ἀληθείας 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **truth**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “of the true teachings”
6:5 pphc rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τὴν εὐσέβειαν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **godliness**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “being godly”
6:5 v8s1 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-textvariants πορισμὸν 1 Many ancient manuscripts end this verse with the phrase **a means of gain**. The ULT follows that reading. Other ancient manuscripts read include the following sentence after **a means of gain**: “Withdraw from such.” If a translation of the Bible exists in your region, you may wish to use the reading that it uses. If a translation of the Bible does not exist in your region, you may wish to use the reading of the ULT.
6:6 q5sq rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-contrast δὲ 1 Paul uses the word **But** to introduce a contrast between what the false teachers believe about **godliness** and what is really true about **godliness**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different word or phrase that introduces this kind of contrast. Alternate translation: “Despite what they think,” or “And yet”
6:6 ya9z rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἡ εὐσέβεια μετὰ αὐταρκείας 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **godliness** and **sufficiency**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “being godly and self-sufficient”
6:6 yb8l rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit αὐταρκείας 1 Here, the word translated **sufficiency** could refer to: (1) considering what one has to be sufficient, no matter how much or how little it is. Alternate translation: “contentment” (2) not being dependent on other people or resources to live. Alternate translation: “self-sufficiency”
6:6 o6j4 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit πορισμὸς μέγας 1 Here, the word **gain** is the same word that Paul used in [6:5](../06/05.md) for gaining money. Here, he uses the word to refer to gaining something else, which he does not state explicitly. He could be referring to salvation, spiritual blessings, or something else. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make the distinction between **gain** here and in [6:5](../06/05.md) more explicit. However, it is recommended that you do not specify exactly what is the content of the **gain** in this verse. Alternate translation: “great gain in other things” or “great gain in things besides money”
6:7 t446 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result γὰρ 1 Here, the word **For** introduces a reason why Paul focuses on gaining things besides money in the previous verse. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces a reason or basis for a claim, or you could leave **For** untranslated. Alternate translation: “I say that since” or “Trying to gain money is wrong because”
6:7 j6qv rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit οὐδὲν & εἰσηνέγκαμεν εἰς τὸν κόσμον 1 Here Paul is referring to when a person is born. At birth, a person does not own anything or contribute anything to **the world**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “we brought nothing into the world when we were born”
6:7 t448 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis ὅτι 1 Here, the word translated **that** could: (1) introduce something that is clear or obvious. In this case, Paul has omitted the words that indicate that the second sentence is clear or obvious. Alternate translation: “and it is clear that” (2) introduce a reason for the first clause. In this case, the reason why people bring nothing into the world is because they will bring nothing out of the world. Alternate translation: “because” (3) function as a simple connector. Alternate translation: “and”
6:7 q5kk rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-textvariants ὅτι 1 Many ancient manuscripts read **that**. The ULT follows that reading. Other ancient manuscripts read “it is clear that.” If a translation of the Bible exists in your region, you may wish to use the reading that it uses. If a translation of the Bible does not exist in your region, you may wish to use the reading of the ULT.
6:7 jlv8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit οὐδὲ ἐξενεγκεῖν τι δυνάμεθα 1 Here Paul is referring to when a person dies. At death, a person no longer owns anything or contributes anything to **the world**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “neither are we able to take anything out when we die”
6:7 aebd rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis ἐξενεγκεῖν τι 1 Paul is leaving out some of the words that in many languages a sentence would need in order to be complete. You could supply these words from earlier in the sentence if it would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “to take anything out of the world”
6:8 u96e rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases δὲ 1 Here, the word **But** introduces a development of the ideas from the previous verse. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces a development, or you could leave **But** untranslated. Alternate translation: “So then,” or “Given that,”
6:8 q942 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit σκεπάσματα 1 Here, the word **covering** could refer to: (1) clothing primarily. Alternate translation: “clothing” (2) any kind of protection from the elements, whether clothing, house, or shelter. Alternate translation: “shelter” or “protection from the weather”
6:8 lbk5 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-declarative ἀρκεσθησόμεθα 1 Here Paul could be using the future tense to: (1) give a command or instruction. Alternate translation: “we must be satisfied” or “let us be satisfied” (2) describe a result. Alternate translation: “we will then be satisfied”\n
6:8 t451 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive τούτοις ἀρκεσθησόμεθα 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say what would do the action, it is clear from the context that it would be **food and clothing**. Alternate translation: “with these we will find satisfaction” or “these will satisfy us”
6:9 j396 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-contrast δὲ 1 Here, the word **But** introduces what some people desire in contrast to those who are satisfied (see [6:8](../06/08.md)). If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces this kind of contrast, or you could leave **But** untranslated. Alternate translation: “On the other hand,”
6:9 pl5d rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἐμπίπτουσιν εἰς πειρασμὸν, καὶ παγίδα, καὶ ἐπιθυμίας πολλὰς ἀνοήτους καὶ βλαβεράς 1 Here Paul speaks as if **temptation and a trap and many foolish and harmful desires** were holes that people could **fall into**. He means that these people will experience these things and be unable to escape from them. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “experience temptation and a trap and many foolish and harmful desires” or “will not be able to escape being tempted and being trapped and desiring foolish and harmful things”
6:9 t456 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns εἰς πειρασμὸν, καὶ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **temptation**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “into being tempted and into”
6:9 p663 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor παγίδα 1 Here Paul speaks of how these people are not free to do whatever they want as if they had fallen into a **trap**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in simile form or state the meaning plainly. See how you translated the similar figure of speech in [3:7](../03/07.md). Alternate translation: “something like a trap” or “a lack of freedom”\n
6:9 xywv rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases καὶ 2 Here, the word **and** could introduce: (1) a third thing that these people **fall into**. Alternate translation: “and also” (2) a definition of the **trap**. Alternate translation: “that is”
6:9 nc3i rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor αἵτινες βυθίζουσι τοὺς ἀνθρώπους εἰς ὄλεθρον καὶ ἀπώλειαν 1 Here Paul speaks as if these peoples desires would **sink** or drown them in **ruin and destruction**. He means that these desires will lead to complete **ruin and destruction**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “whatever overwhelms men with ruin and destruction” or “whatever causes men to experience ruin and destruction”
6:9 t458 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations ἀνθρώπους 1 Although the term **men** is masculine, Paul is using the word in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that makes this clear. Alternate translation: “men and women”
6:9 fllx rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns εἰς ὄλεθρον καὶ ἀπώλειαν 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **ruin** and **destruction**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “so that they are ruined and destroyed”
6:9 t459 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet ὄλεθρον καὶ ἀπώλειαν 1 The terms **ruin** and **destruction** mean similar things. Paul is using the two terms together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translations: “complete destruction” or “total ruin”
6:10 t460 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result γὰρ 1 Here, the word **For** introduces a reason for what Paul stated in the previous verse. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that introduces a reason or basis for a statement, or you could leave **For** untranslated. Alternate translation: “Here is why:”
6:10 xs9d rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ῥίζα & πάντων τῶν κακῶν ἐστιν ἡ φιλαργυρία 1 Paul speaks of evil as if it were a plant, and of **the love of money** as if it were the **root** from which that plant grew. He means that **the love of money** leads to **all the evils**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in simile form or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “the love of money is like a root of all the evils” or “the love of money leads to all the evils”
6:10 t462 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole πάντων τῶν κακῶν 1 Paul says **all** here as an overstatement for emphasis. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different way to express the emphasis. Alternate translation: “of many kinds of evils”
6:10 trx6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἡ φιλαργυρία 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **love**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “loving money”
6:10 j5z9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-pronouns ἧς & ὀρεγόμενοι 1 The pronoun **which** refers to **money**. If this is not clear for your readers, you could refer to it more directly. Alternate translation: “and desiring money”
6:10 t465 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive ἧς τινες ὀρεγόμενοι, ἀπεπλανήθησαν ἀπὸ τῆς πίστεως, καὶ & περιέπειραν 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say what did the action, it is clear from the context that it was the desire for money. Alternate translations: “which desire has led some people away from the faith, and they have pierced” or “and when some people desired money, it led them away from the faith, and they have pierced”
6:10 b83v rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἀπεπλανήθησαν ἀπὸ τῆς πίστεως 1 Paul speaks of **desiring** money as if it were an evil guide that intentionally leads people down the wrong path. He means that **desiring** money causes people to stop having **faith**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “have left the faith” or “have ceased to have faith”
6:10 drsr rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἀπὸ τῆς πίστεως 1 Here, the word **faith** could refer to: (1) the act of having **faith** in Jesus. Alternate translation: “from the faith that they had” (2) what people believe about Jesus when they have **faith** in him. Alternate translation: “from what Christians believe”\n
6:10 hj6n rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἀπὸ τῆς πίστεως 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **faith**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “from how they believed in Jesus”\n
6:10 a1fx rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἑαυτοὺς περιέπειραν ὀδύναις πολλαῖς 1 Paul speaks about people who cause grief for themselves as if they were using a sword to stab themselves. He means that they are responsible for the **many sorrows** that they experience. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in simile form or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “have caused themselves many sorrows, as if they had stabbed themselves with swords” or “have caused themselves to have many sorrows”
6:10 xy7l rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ὀδύναις πολλαῖς 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **sorrows**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “by often making themselves sorrowful”
6:11 tp97 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession ἄνθρωπε Θεοῦ 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **man** who serves and obeys **God**. If this is not clear in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translations: “man who obeys God” or “man who worships God”
6:11 h9c6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ταῦτα φεῦγε 1 Paul speaks of these temptations and sins as if they were things a person could physically run away from. He means that Timothy should always avoid these things. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “make sure that you do not do these things”
6:11 a88g rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-extrainfo ταῦτα 1 Here, the phrase **these things** refers to sinful behaviors and desires that Paul has been writing about. He could be referring more specifically to everything he has written about in this section of the letter (false teachings, pride, arguments, and the love of money). On the other hand, he could be referring just to what he wrote about most recently (the love of money). Since Paul used a general phrase, if possible, you should use a general phrase that could refer to any of these ideas. Alternate translation: “these sinful things” or “the things I have been writing about”
6:11 zjl3 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor δίωκε 1 Paul speaks of **righteousness** and other good qualities as if they were things that a person could run after and catch. He means that Timothy should try very hard to be characterized by these good things. Alternate translation: “seek to acquire” or “work hard to be characterized by”
6:11 eyb2 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns δικαιοσύνην, εὐσέβειαν, πίστιν, ἀγάπην, ὑπομονήν, πραϋπαθίαν 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for some or all of the ideas in this list, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “becoming more righteous, godly, believing, loving, persistent, gentle”
6:12 w21p rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἀγωνίζου τὸν καλὸν ἀγῶνα τῆς πίστεως 1 Here, Paul speaks about how Timothy should persevere in believing in and obeying Jesus as if he were a warrior fighting at his best or an athlete doing his best to win an event. He means that Timothy will encounter opposition, pain, and problems, but he should persist and persevere in believing in and obeying Jesus. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea in simile form or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “Have faith as if you were fighting a good fight” or “Persevere in believing, no matter how hard it is”
6:12 u2ft rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τὸν καλὸν ἀγῶνα τῆς πίστεως 1 Here, the phrase **the good fight** could indicate: (1) that someone is fighting well. Alternate translation: “the fight of the faith well” (2) that the **fight** is right or just. Alternate translation: “the just fight of the faith” or “the correct fight of the faith”
6:12 kds4 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession τὸν καλὸν ἀγῶνα τῆς πίστεως 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe a **good fight** that could be: (1) the struggle of maintaining **faith**. Alternate translation: “the good fight to persist in faith” (2) caused by **faith**. Alternate translation: “that is caused by your faith” (3) the work of defending the **faith**, understood as Christianity and its teachings. Alternate translation: “the good fight for the faith”
6:12 wnkw rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τῆς πίστεως 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **faith**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “to believe in Jesus”\n
6:12 y6m8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἐπιλαβοῦ τῆς αἰωνίου ζωῆς 1 Here Paul tells Timothy to desire and focus on **eternal life** so much that it is like holding onto it firmly with his hands. Paul may be continuing the metaphor of an athlete who worked hard to win an event and now holds the trophy in his hands. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translations: “eagerly desire eternal life” or “do whatever is necessary to gain eternal life”
6:12 vgww rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τῆς αἰωνίου ζωῆς 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **life**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “being able to live eternally”\n
6:12 usd1 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive ἐκλήθης καὶ 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, it is clear from the context that it was God. Alternate translation: “God called you, and you”
6:12 i1za rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-words-phrases καὶ 1 Here, the word **and** could introduce: (1) a second thing that Timothy experienced that is related to eternal life. Alternate translation: “and for which you” (2) when it was clear that Timothy was called to eternal life. Alternate translation: “when you”
6:12 qw96 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ὡμολόγησας τὴν καλὴν ὁμολογίαν 1 Here, the phrase **the good confession** refers to what Christians would say when they publicly declared that they were Christians. Most likely, they **confessed** that they considered Jesus to be Lord and that they believed in him. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “confessed your faith in Jesus” or “confessed the good confession that Jesus is Lord”
6:12 r30g rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τὴν καλὴν ὁμολογίαν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **confession**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “the good things that we believe” or “the good things that you said”
6:12 vm6q rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἐνώπιον πολλῶν μαρτύρων 1 Here Paul implies that Timothys **confession** of his faith was binding because these **witnesses** were present and could testify that he had made it. In your translation, you could use an expression in your language for a public, legal commitment. Alternate translation: “while many people were watching” or “in a public and binding way”
6:13 t476 rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-oathformula παραγγέλλω σοι ἐνώπιον τοῦ Θεοῦ 1 Here Paul puts Timothy under oath; he makes him swear by **God** and **Christ Jesus** when he gives him a command. Use a natural way in your language to express an oath. See how you expressed the similar oath formula in [5:21](../05/21.md). Alternate translation: “I command you, asking you to swear before God” or “I command you by God”\n
6:13 ts65 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-nominaladj τὰ πάντα 1 Paul is using the adjective **all** as a noun to mean all living things. Your language may use adjectives in the same way. If not, you could translate this word with an equivalent phrase. Alternate translation: “all living things”
6:13 amy1 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τοῦ μαρτυρήσαντος ἐπὶ Ποντίου Πειλάτου τὴν καλὴν ὁμολογίαν 1 Here Paul refers to what happened when Jesus was on trial **before** the Roman governor, **Pontius Pilate**. When Pilate asked Jesus who he was, Jesus told the truth even though it was dangerous to do so. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “the one having declared the good confession about who he was when he was being examined by the governor, Pontius Pilate”
6:13 t6yn rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τὴν καλὴν ὁμολογίαν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **confession**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “the good things about himself” or “the truth”
6:14 awen rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τηρῆσαί σε τὴν ἐντολὴν ἄσπιλον ἀνεπίλημπτον 1 Here, the adjectives **spotless** and **irreproachable** could modify: (1) **you**. In this case, Timothy should be **spotless** and **irreproachable** as he keeps **the commandment**. Alternate translation: “that you keep the commandment in a spotless and irreproachable way” (2) **the commandment**. In this case, Timothy is supposed preserve **the commandment** that he obeys and teaches so that it remains **spotless** and **irreproachable**. Alternate translation: “that you preserve the commandment so that it is spotless and irreproachable”
6:14 xzgw rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-extrainfo τὴν ἐντολὴν 1 Here Paul does not specify what **the commandment** is. He could be referring to the instructions he just wrote, to the instructions in the letter as a whole, to what Timothy is supposed to do as a leader, or to what all believers are supposed to do. If possible, use a general phrase that could refer to any of these specific commands. If you need to be more specific, you could indicate that either God or Paul gave this **commandment**. Alternate translation: “the commandment that you know”
6:14 nogv rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τὴν ἐντολὴν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **commandment**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “what you were commanded” or “what we have been commanded”
6:14 p9n9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet ἄσπιλον ἀνεπίλημπτον 1 The terms **spotless** and **irreproachable** mean similar things. Paul is using the two terms together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translation: “completely blameless”
6:14 t480 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἄσπιλον 1 Here Paul speaks as if he wants Timothy to be physically clean, without any spots or defects. He means that Timothy should not commit any sins or do anything wrong. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “pure” or “without sinning”
6:14 nk52 μέχρι τῆς ἐπιφανείας τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν, Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 Alternate translation: “until our Lord Jesus Christ comes back”
6:15 htqm rc://*/ta/man/translate/writing-pronouns ἣν 1 The pronoun **which** refers to “appearance” in the previous verse. If this is not clear for your readers, you could refer to it more directly. Alternate translation: “which appearance”
6:15 t482 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom καιροῖς ἰδίοις 1 Here, the phrase translated **in its own times** indicates that Jesus appearance will happen at an appropriate time or period of time. See how you translated this expression in [2:6](../02/06.md). More specifically, the **times** could be appropriate because: (1) they fit with Jesus appearance. Alternate translation: “at the times appropriate to it” or “during the time appropriate to it” (2) God chose them. Alternate translation: “at the times that he chose” or “during the time that he chose”\n
6:15 ac6y rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive ὁ μακάριος καὶ μόνος Δυνάστης 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who does the action, it is clear from the context that it is believers. Alternate translation: “the only Sovereign whom believers bless”
6:15 xrdv rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit μόνος Δυνάστης 1 Here Paul means that God is the **only Sovereign** over whom no one else rules. He does not mean that no one else rules. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “most powerful Sovereign” or “highest Sovereign”
6:15 sayt rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet ὁ Βασιλεὺς τῶν βασιλευόντων, καὶ Κύριος τῶν κυριευόντων 1 The phrases **King of the ones reigning** and **Lord of the ones ruling** mean similar things. Paul is using the two phrases together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translation: “King and Lord of all kings and lords” or “Ruler of all rulers”
6:16 l9i8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ὁ μόνος ἔχων ἀθανασίαν 1 Here Paul means that God is **the only One** who always has and always will exist. He will never die or cease to exist. While Christians believe that those who trust in Jesus will live forever, God is the one who enables them to do that. So, God is the only one who lives forever without the help of someone elses power. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a form that makes that more explicit. Alternate translation: “the only One who has always existed” or “the only One who is by himself immortal”
6:16 zljw rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἔχων ἀθανασίαν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **immortality**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “who is immortal”
6:16 tsz3 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit φῶς οἰκῶν ἀπρόσιτον 1 Here Paul describes the **light** that fills Gods dwelling place in heaven. No one can come near this place because of how bright that **light** is. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make it more explicit that Paul is referring to Gods dwelling place in heaven. Alternate translation: “who lives in heaven in light so bright that no one can come near it”
6:16 t487 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations οὐδεὶς ἀνθρώπων 1 Although the term **men** is masculine, Paul is using the word in a generic sense that includes all humans, both men and women. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that makes this clear. Alternate translation: “no one of humans” or “no human being”
6:16 wfw9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ᾧ τιμὴ καὶ κράτος αἰώνιον 1 Here, the word **eternal** could describe: (1) **power**. Alternate translation: “to whom be honor and power that is eternal” (2) how God has **honor** and **power**. Alternate translation: “to whom be honor and power forever”
6:16 kbrm rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἰδεῖν & ᾧ τιμὴ καὶ κράτος αἰώνιον 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **honor** and **power**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Alternate translation: “to see. May he be honored and always powerful”
6:17 te3z rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-nominaladj τοῖς πλουσίοις 1 Paul is using the adjective **rich** as a noun to mean rich people. Your language may use adjectives in the same way. If not, you could translate this word with an equivalent phrase. Alternate translation: “people who are rich”
6:17 z4ec rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom ἐν τῷ νῦν αἰῶνι 1 Here, the phrase **the present age** refers to the time period in which Paul and Timothy lived, the time period before Jesus comes back and God transforms everything. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable phrase or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “during the current time period” or “in this time before Jesus returns”
6:17 qoa9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-possession πλούτου ἀδηλότητι 1 Here, Paul is using the possessive form to describe **riches** that are characterized by **uncertainty**. If this is not clear in your language, you could express the idea in another way. Alternate translation: “uncertain riches” or “riches, which are characterized by uncertainty”
6:17 drj6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns πλούτου ἀδηλότητι 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **uncertainty**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translations: “riches, which are so uncertain” or “riches, which a person can lose so easily”
6:17 drho rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis ἀλλ’ ἐπὶ Θεῷ 1 Paul is leaving out some of the words that in many languages a sentence would need in order to be complete. You could supply these words from earlier in the sentence if it would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “but to hope in God”
6:17 s607 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-textvariants Θεῷ 1 Many ancient manuscripts read **God**. The ULT follows that reading. Other ancient manuscripts read “the living God.” If a translation of the Bible exists in your region, you may wish to use the reading that it uses. If a translation of the Bible does not exist in your region, you may wish to use the reading of the ULT.
6:17 iq61 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole πάντα 1 Paul says **all** here as an overstatement for emphasis. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different way to express the emphasis. Alternate translation: “very many things”
6:17 l3h9 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns εἰς ἀπόλαυσιν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **enjoyment**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “to be enjoyed”
6:18 dda6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet ἀγαθοεργεῖν, πλουτεῖν ἐν ἔργοις καλοῖς 1 The phrases **to do good** and **to be rich in good works** mean similar things. Paul is using the two phrases together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translation: “to be rich in doing what is good” or “to do good at all times”
6:18 cii3 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor πλουτεῖν ἐν ἔργοις καλοῖς 1 Here Paul speaks of **good works** as if they were money that could make people **rich** if they did many **good works**. He means that these believers should do very many **good works**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could explain the figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “to be rich in good works instead of in money” or “to accomplish a large number of good works”
6:18 pfv8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet εὐμεταδότους εἶναι, κοινωνικούς 1 The terms **generous** and **willing to share** mean similar things. Paul is using the two terms together for emphasis. If it would be clearer for your readers, you could express the emphasis with a single phrase. Alternate translation: “to be extremely generous” or “to share everything at all times”
6:19 zc9d rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἀποθησαυρίζοντας ἑαυτοῖς θεμέλιον καλὸν εἰς τὸ μέλλον 1 Here Paul speaks about blessings that believers will receive as if they were treasure that believers were **storing up for themselves**. He means that things done in this life will ensure good things for life after Jesus comes back. Paul also speaks about these blessings as if they were **a good foundation**. He means that these blessings are something that believers will have from the moment when Jesus comes back, and they can rely upon these blessings. If it is possible, you could preserve both these metaphors. Otherwise, you could: (1) only use the metaphor of treasure. Alternate translation: “storing up for themselves good treasure for what is coming” or “ensuring that they will have good things in what is coming as if they were storing up treasure for themselves” (2) only use the foundation metaphor. Alternate translation: “building for themselves a good foundation for what is coming” or “ensuring that they will have good things in what is coming as if they were building a good foundation” (3) state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “ensuring that they will have good things in what the coming”\n
6:19 t494 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit εἰς τὸ μέλλον 1 Here Paul is referring to the **coming** age, or time period. This **coming** age contrasts with “the present age” that Paul referred to in [6:17](../06/17.md). The **coming** age is the time period after Jesus comes back and God transforms everything. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable phrase or state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “for the future time period” or “for the time after Jesus returns”\n
6:19 m2y1 rc://*/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-goal ἵνα 1 Here, the phrase **so that** could introduce: (1) the purpose for which the rich believers should do good for others and store up a good foundation. Alternate translation: “in order that” (2) the result of doing good for others and storing up a good foundation. Alternate translation: “with the result that”
6:19 z5ru rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor ἐπιλάβωνται τῆς ὄντως ζωῆς 1 Here Paul speaks about believers gaining **real life** as if they were holding onto it firmly in their hands. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. See how you expressed the similar figure of speech in [6:12](../06/12.md). Alternate translations: “they may be sure of having real life” or “they may attain real life”\n
6:19 l4n6 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns τῆς ὄντως ζωῆς 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of life, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “being able to really live”\n
6:19 fck8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-textvariants τῆς ὄντως ζωῆς 1 Many ancient manuscripts read **the real life**. The ULT follows that reading. Other ancient manuscripts read “eternal life.” If a translation of the Bible exists in your region, you may wish to use the reading that it uses. If a translation of the Bible does not exist in your region, you may wish to use the reading of the ULT.
6:20 dd1v rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τὴν παραθήκην φύλαξον 1 Here, the word **deposit** refers to something that has been entrusted to Timothy and that he must **guard**. This **deposit** could be: (1) the gospel, which God entrusted to Timothy. Alternate translation: “guard the deposit of the gospel” or “guard the gospel that God entrusted to you” (2) the instructions Paul has given in this letter. Alternate translation: “guard the deposit of these instructions” or “guard what I have instructed you to do” (3) Timothys commission or ministry. Alternate translation: “guard the deposit of your commission” or “guard the ministry that you were given”
6:20 vgr8 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit τὰς βεβήλους κενοφωνίας 1 Here Paul implies that the **sayings** are **empty** of useful or true information. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make that idea more explicit. Alternate translation: “the profane sayings that have no meaning”
6:20 t498 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit ἀντιθέσεις τῆς ψευδωνύμου γνώσεως 1 Here, the word **oppositions** could refer to: (1) things that false teachers say to contradict and critique the gospel. Alternate translations: “critiques based on falsely-named knowledge” or “opposing statements from falsely-named knowledge” (2) things that the false teachers say that are not consistent. Alternate translation: “self-contradictions found in falsely-named knowledge”
6:20 qxbv rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἀντιθέσεις τῆς ψευδωνύμου γνώσεως 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas of **oppositions** and **knowledge**, you could express the same ideas in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “the things that people falsely claim to be true that they use to oppose the gospel” or “what people use to oppose the gospel that they falsely call wise”
6:20 fqq0 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive τῆς ψευδωνύμου γνώσεως 1 If your language does not use this passive form, you could express the idea in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. If you need to say who did the action, you could use an indefinite subject. Alternate translation: “of what people falsely name knowledge”
6:21 e6rb rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor περὶ τὴν πίστιν ἠστόχησαν 1 Paul speaks as if **the faith** were a **mark** or target that some people **have missed**. Paul means that these people have failed to continue in **the faith**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable figure of speech or state the meaning plainly. See how you translated the similar phrase in [1:6](../01/06.md). Alternate translation: “have not remained in the faith” or “have ceased to have faith”\n
6:21 enjr rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit περὶ τὴν πίστιν 1 Here, the word **faith** could refer to: (1) the act of having **faith** in Jesus. Alternate translation: “regarding the faith that they had” (2) what people believe about Jesus when they have **faith** in him. Alternate translation: “regarding what Christians believe”
6:21 sidp rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns περὶ τὴν πίστιν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **faith**, you could express the same idea in another way. Make sure that your translation fits with the option you chose in the previous note. Alternate translation: “regarding how they believe”
6:21 t501 rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-blessing ἡ χάρις μεθ’ ὑμῶν 1 As was customary in his culture, Paul closes his letter with a blessing for Timothy and the believers with him. He implies that the **Grace** is from God. Use a form that people would recognize as a blessing in your language. Alternate translation: “May you experience kindness from God within you” or “I pray that you will have grace from God”\n
6:21 hix2 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns ἡ χάρις μεθ’ ὑμῶν 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of **grace**, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “May God act graciously toward you”\n
6:21 wg26 rc://*/ta/man/translate/figs-yousingular ὑμῶν 1 Because Paul gives this blessing to Timothy and all the believers who are with him, this is the only place in the letter where **you** is plural.
6:21 xiaz rc://*/ta/man/translate/translate-textvariants ὑμῶν 1 Many ancient manuscripts read **you**. The ULT follows that reading. Other ancient manuscripts read “you. Amen.” If a translation of the Bible exists in your region, you may wish to use the reading that it uses. If a translation of the Bible does not exist in your region, you may wish to use the reading of the ULT.