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.. _stem:
The stem formation of a verb indicates both the *kind* of verbal action
(simple, intensive, causative, etc.) and its *voice* (active, passive,
reflexive, etc.).
In Biblical Hebrew, all
have both a stem formation (Qal, Niphal, Piel, etc.) and a conjugation
(Prefix Conjugation, Suffix Conjugation, Imperative, etc.). These work
together like two "layers", and each layer supplies different
information about the verb. In Biblical Hebrew, there are seven major
stems and several rare ones.
Here is a brief overview of the most common stems and their most common
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<tbody valign="top">
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<tr class="row-odd">
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Active Voice
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Passive/Reflexive Voice
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<tr class="row-even">
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Simple Action
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Qal (simple action, active voice)
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Niphal (simple action, passive voice)
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<tr class="row-odd">
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Causative Action
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Hiphil (causative action, active voice)
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Hophal (causative action, passive voice)
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<tr class="row-even">
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Intensive Action
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Piel (intensive action, active voice)
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Pual (intensive action, passive voice)
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<tr class="row-odd">
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Intensive Action
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Hithpael (intensive action, reflexive voice)
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.. include:: ../includes/consult_dictionary.txt
This is a brief overview on how to quickly recognize the simplest forms
of each stem:
The simplest form of the verb, often has "a" vowels (qamets or patah).
Adds נִ (nun with hireq) to the beginning of the verb. If the form also
adds a prefix (like in the prefix conjugation), the נ disappears and
causes the 1st radical to double (with a daghesh).
Here the 2nd radical of the verb is doubled (with a daghesh), and
usually have a shewa or a hireq under the 1st radical.
Also doubles the 2nd radical but often has a qibbuts under the 1st
Often has הִ (he with hireq) before the verb, or a patah under the
letter that the form adds before the root.
Also adds a ה before the verb, but with a qamets hatuf (or sometimes
qibbuts) vowel.
It adds הִתְ (he with hireq and taw with shewa) before the verb, and
puts a qamets or patah under the 1st radical.
Uncommon stems
Most of these stems occur only a few times in the Hebrew Bible. Their
function is usually similar to one of the above stems, or a combination
of two of them. One simple rule that can help with a first guess as to
its function is this: If it sounds similar to one of the seven common
stems, it probably means something similar as well.
The uncommon stems are:
- :ref:`stem_qal_passive`