:github_url: https://git.door43.org/User./uk_uhg/src/branch/master/content/verb.rst .. _verb: Verb ==== Висновок -------- .. include:: includes/verb-summary.rst Визначення ---------- .. include:: includes/verb-article.rst Форма ----- In Biblical Hebrew, the root of a verb consists of three consonants, sometimes called the tri-literal (meaning "three letters") root. In "strong" verbs, the three root consonants always stay the same and are easy to recognize, but "weak" verbs have one or more consonants that disappear in certain forms. Verbs in Biblical Hebrew change form according to both conjugation (:ref:`Perfect`, :ref:`Imperfect`, :ref:`Infinitive Absolute`, etc.) and stem formation (:ref:`Niphal`, :ref:`Hiphil`, etc.). Generally speaking, changes in verb forms happen by adding prefixes/suffixes, by changing the vowels, or both. These changes in form show the :ref:`stem formation` of a verb with its conjugation, which includes the person (:ref:`first`, :ref:`second`, or :ref:`third`), the gender (:ref:`чоловічий` or :ref:`жіночий`), the number (:ref:`однина` or :ref:`множина`), and sometimes the state (:ref:`absolute` or :ref:`construct`). The person, gender, and number of a verb always agree with the subject. Unlike English (but similar to other languages like Spanish), verbs in Biblical Hebrew do not require a separate :ref:`personal pronoun` if the subject is not identified; this is because the form of the verb itself includes the subject. A :ref:`pronominal suffix` attached to a verb can function as its object. .. _verb-finite: Finite verbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: includes/verb-finite.rst Their form shows tense as well as person and number. Biblical Hebrew has 7 finite verb forms: :ref:`Perfect`, :ref:`Imperfect`, :ref:`Sequential Perfect`, :ref:`Sequential Imperfect`, :ref:`Imperative`, :ref:`Jussive`, and :ref:`Cohortative`. .. _verb-non-finite: Non-finite verbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: includes/verb-non-finite.rst The non-finite verb forms in Biblical Hebrew include the :ref:`infinitive_absolute`, the :ref:`infinitive_construct`, and the participles (both :ref:`active ` and :ref:`passive `). Non-finite verbs can sometimes describe an action or an event in such a way that the word functions like a :ref:`noun `. .. note:: In Biblical Hebrew, the non-finite verb forms are sometimes used as finite verbs, and the imperfect form is sometimes used as a non-finite verb. Types ----- Grammarians often distinguish between different types of verbs. When considering the best way to translate a sentence, it is helpful to understand what kind of verb is being used in any given instance. .. _verb-dynamic: Dynamic (or action) verbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dynamic verbs describe a subject performing an action. The subject is *doing* something. .. csv-table:: Приклад: 2KI 1:5 וַיָּשׁ֥וּבוּ הַמַּלְאָכִ֖ים אֵלָ֑יו **wayyashuvu** hammal'akhim 'elayw **And-they-returned** the-messangers to-him When the messengers **returned** to him .. csv-table:: Приклад: JON 1:4 וַֽיהוָ֗ה **הֵטִ֤יל** רֽוּחַ־גְּדֹולָה֙ אֶל־הַיָּ֔ם wayhwah **hetil** ruah-gedowlah 'el-hayyam And-Йагве **cast** wind-great on-the-sea But Йагве **sent** out a great wind on the sea .. _verb-stative: Stative (or non-action) verbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rather than describing a specific action, stative verbs describe the subject's state of being (the way the subject is). The subject is *not* doing anything. .. csv-table:: Приклад: GEN 48:10 –– stative verb "to be heavy" וְעֵינֵ֤י יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ **כָּבְד֣וּ** מִזֹּ֔קֶן we'ene yisra'el **kovdu** mizzoqen And-the-eyes-of Israel **were-heavy** from-age Now Israel's eyes **were failing** because of his age .. csv-table:: Приклад: NUM 13:33 –– stative verb "to be" וַנְּהִ֤י בְעֵינֵ֨ינוּ֙ כַּֽחֲגָבִ֔ים **wannehi** ve'enenu kahagavim **And-we-were** in-our-eyes like-grashoppers In our own sight **we were** like grasshoppers .. _verb-transitive: Transitive verbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A transitive verb is a dynamic verb that requires an object that receives the verbal action. A sentence with a transitive verb is not complete without the object. Stative verbs are never transitive. The phrase "And they lifted up" is unclear without an object. They lifted up...\ *what?*, for example: .. csv-table:: Приклад: RUT 1:14 וַתִּשֶּׂ֣נָה קֹולָ֔ן **wattissenah** qowlan **And they lifted up** their voice **Then they lifted up** their voices The phrase "[you must] keep" is unclear without an object. You must keep...\ *what?*, for example: .. csv-table:: Приклад: PRO 7:1 שְׁמֹ֣ר אֲמָרָ֑י **shemor** 'amaray **keep** my-words **keep** my words .. _verb-intransitive: Intransitive verbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An intransitive verb is a verb that does NOT require an object to receive the verbal action. A sentence with an intransitive verb is complete without an object. Dynamic verbs can be either transitive or intransitive, but stative verbs are always intransitive. .. csv-table:: Приклад: EXO 11:1 וַיֹּ֨אמֶר יְהוָ֜ה אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֗ה **wayyomer** yehwah 'el-mosheh **And-he-said** Йагве to\_Moses Then Йагве **said** to Moses .. csv-table:: Приклад: DAN 9:4 וָֽאֶתְפַּֽלְלָ֛ה לַיהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהַ֖י **wa'ethpalelah** layhwah 'elohay **And-I-prayed** to-Йагве my-God **I prayed** to Йагве my God .. _verb-linking-verbs: Linking verbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Linking verbs are verbs that link two :ref:`noun`, or a noun and an :ref:`adjective`. Hebrew has very few linking verbs, so often a linking verb has to be supplied in English. .. csv-table:: Приклад: RUT 2:6 –– linking verb "is", not present in the Hebrew text נַעֲרָ֤ה מֹֽואֲבִיָּה֙ הִ֔יא na'arah mow'aviyyah hi Young-woman Moabite she She **is** the young Moabite woman .. csv-table:: Приклад: 1SA 11:10 –– linking verb "seems", not present in the Hebrew text כְּכָל־הַטֹּ֖וב בְּעֵינֵיכֶֽם׃ kekhol-hattowv be'enekhem like-all\_the-good in-your-eyes. whatever **seems** good to you. .. _verb-helping-verb: Helping verbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Helping verbs are extra verbs that "help" express the meaning of the main verb. Biblical Hebrew does not use helping verbs, but English does. Often, it is necessary to supply a helping verb in English to express the meaning of a Hebrew verb. helping verbs in questions and negations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following example in English adds the helping verb "have" (not present in the Hebrew text): .. csv-table:: Приклад: 1SA 13:11 מֶ֣ה עָשִׂ֑יתָ meh 'asitha What you-did? What **have** you done? The following example in English adds the helping verb "did" (not present in the Hebrew text): .. csv-table:: Приклад: EZR 5:5 וְלָא־בַטִּ֣לוּ הִמֹּ֔ו wela-vattilu himmow and-not\_they-stopped them and they **did** not stop them helping verbs to express possibility or desirability ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ English uses helping verbs to express varying degrees of possiblity or desirability of verbs. This includes a vast range from strong possibility (*He **can** do this* or *He **would** do this*) to weak possibility (*He **might** do this* or *He **could** do this*) or from strong desirability (*He **should** do this* or ***Let** him do this*) to weak desirability (***May** he do this* or *He **wants** to do this*). In Biblical Hebrew, this sense of possibility or desirability is implied by the context and already present in the form of the verb itself. The following examples in English add the helping verb "may" (not present in the Hebrew text): .. csv-table:: Приклад: GEN 3:16 מִכֹּ֥ל עֵֽץ־הַגָּ֖ן אָכֹ֥ל תֹּאכֵֽל׃ mikkol 'ets-haggan 'akhol tokhel from-every tree-of\_the-garden eating you-eat From every tree in the garden you **may** freely eat .. csv-table:: JOB 38:34 וְֽשִׁפְעַת־מַ֥יִם תְּכַסֶּֽךָּ׃ weshif'ath-mayim tekhassekka and-large-amount-of\_water cover-you so that an abundance of rainwater **may** cover you