:github_url: https://git.door43.org/User./uk_uhg/src/branch/master/content/stem_poal.rst .. _stem_poal: Stem Poal ========= Висновок -------- The Poal is a rare stem formation that is similar to the Pual. It expresses the passive voice of the Poel stem. Визначення ---------- The Poal :ref:`stem` is a variation of the :ref:`Pual` and expresses the :ref:`passive` voice of the verbal action of the :ref:`Poel`. The Poal stem is formed from the Pual by a vowel change. It is an extremely :ref:`rare stem formation` in Biblical Hebrew. .. include:: includes/consult_dictionary.txt .. warning:: The Poal stem appears exactly the same as the Poel stem in all conjugations; only the 3rd-person чоловічий однина forms are different. Форма ----- .. csv-table:: Poal Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Conjugation,Синтаксичний аналіз,Іврит,Транслітерація,Переклад Perfect,чоловічий однина третя особа,הוֹלַל,holal,he is humiliated Imperfect,чоловічий однина третя особа,יְהוֹלַל,yeholal,he will be humiliated Participle,чоловічий однина absolute,מְהוֹלָל,meholal,being humiliated / he who is humiliated Приклад ------- .. csv-table:: Приклад: JER 12:2 נְטַעְתָּם֙ גַּם־שֹׁרָ֔שׁוּ neta'tam gam-\ **shorashu** you-plant-them also\_\ **they-took-root** You planted them and **they took root**.