:github_url: https://git.door43.org/User./uk_uhg/src/branch/master/content/participle_passive.rst .. _participle_passive: Participle Passive ================== Висновок -------- .. include:: includes/participle_passive-summary.rst Визначення ---------- .. include:: includes/participle_article.rst .. include:: includes/participle_passive-article.rst .. note:: Only the :ref:`Qal` stem has a distinct passive form for the participle; in all other cases, the passive (or sometimes reflexive) meaning is determined by the :ref:`stem formation` and the specific verb. Форма ----- .. csv-table:: Qal Passive Participle Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Синтаксичний аналіз,Іврит,Транслітерація,Переклад чоловічий однина Absolute,קָטוּל,qatul,killer / killed жіночий однина Absolute,קְטוּלָה,qetulah,killer / killed чоловічий множина Absolute,קְטוּלִים,qetulim,killers / killed жіночий множина Absolute,קְטוּלוֹת,qetuloth,killers / killed .. csv-table:: Niphal (usually passive or reflexive voice) Passive Participle Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Синтаксичний аналіз,Іврит,Транслітерація,Переклад чоловічий однина Absolute,נִקְטָל,niqtal,being killed жіночий однина Absolute,נִקְטָלָה,niqtalah,being killed чоловічий множина Absolute,נִקְטָלִים,niqtalim,being killed жіночий множина Absolute,נִקְטָלוֹת,niqtaloth,being killed .. csv-table:: Hophal Passive Participle Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Синтаксичний аналіз,Іврит,Транслітерація,Переклад чоловічий однина Absolute,מָקְטָל,moqtal,being caused to kill жіночий однина Absolute,מָקְטֶלֶת,moqteleth,being caused to kill чоловічий множина Absolute,מָקְטָלִים,moqtalim,being caused to kill жіночий множина Absolute,מָקְטָלוֹת,moqtaloth,being caused to kill .. csv-table:: Pual Passive Participle Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Синтаксичний аналіз,Іврит,Транслітерація,Переклад чоловічий однина Absolute,מְקֻטַּל,mequttal,being slaughtered жіночий однина Absolute,מְקֻטֶּלֶת,mequtteleth,being slaughtered чоловічий множина Absolute,מְקֻטְּלִים,mequttelim,being slaughtered жіночий множина Absolute,מְקֻטְּלוֹת,mequtteloth,being slaughtered .. csv-table:: Hithpael (usually reflexive voice) Passive Participle Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Синтаксичний аналіз,Іврит,Транслітерація,Переклад чоловічий однина Absolute,מִתְקַטֵּל,mithqattel,killing oneself жіночий однина Absolute,מִתְקַטֶּלֶת,mithqatteleth,killing oneself чоловічий множина Absolute,מִתְקַטְּלִים,mithqattelim,killing oneself жіночий множина Absolute,מִתְקַטְּלוֹת,mithqatteloth,killing oneself Функція ------- .. include:: includes/participle_passive-function.rst .. _participle_passive-adjectival: .. include:: includes/participle-adjectival.rst .. include:: includes/participle_passive-adjectival.rst The following example shows a passive participle functioning as an attributive adjective. .. csv-table:: Приклад: PSA 149:9 לַעֲשׂ֤וֹת בָּהֶ֨ם׀ מִשְׁפָּ֬ט כָּת֗וּב la'asoth bahem mishpat **kathuv** to-do to-them judgment **written** They will execute the judgment **that is written** The following example shows a passive participle functioning as a predicative adjective. .. csv-table:: Приклад: EXO 5:16 וְהִנֵּ֧ה עֲבָדֶ֛יךָ מֻכִּ֖ים wehinneh 'avadeykha **mukkim** and-behold your-servants **beaten** "We, your servants, are even **beaten** now" The following example shows passive participles introducing an entire clause that functions as a predicative adjective. .. csv-table:: Приклад: PSA 22:7 וְאָנֹכִ֣י תוֹלַ֣עַת וְלֹא־אִ֑ישׁ **חֶרְפַּ֥ת** אָ֝דָ֗ם **וּבְז֥וּי** עָֽם׃ we'anokhi thola'ath welo-'ish **herpath** 'adam **uvezuy** 'am "and-I worm and-not\_man **scorned-of** humanity **and-despised-of** people" "But I am a worm and not a man, a **disgrace** to humanity **and despised** by the people." .. _participle_passive-verbal: .. note:: The subject of a verbal participle usually precedes the participle, in contrast to the normal conventions of Hebrew :ref:`word order`. .. _participle_passive-verbal-MV: .. include:: includes/participle-verbal-MV.rst .. include:: includes/participle_passive-verbal-MV.rst In the following example, the participle is in the first position, which is the normal Hebrew :ref:`word order` for finite verbs but not for participles. .. csv-table:: Приклад: ISA 17:2 עֲזֻב֖וֹת עָרֵ֣י עֲרֹעֵ֑ר **'azuvoth** 'are 'aro'er **being-forsaken** cities-of Aroer The cities of Aroer **will be abandoned** .. csv-table:: Приклад: 1SA 19:11 מָחָ֖ר אַתָּ֥ה מוּמָֽת mahar 'attah **mumath** tomorrow you **being-made-dead** tomorrow you **will be killed** .. _participle_passive-verbal-VC: .. include:: includes/participle-verbal-VC.rst .. csv-table:: Приклад: GEN 38:25 הִ֣וא **מוּצֵ֗את** וְהִ֨יא שָׁלְחָ֤ה אֶל־חָמִ֙יהָ֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר hiw **mutseth** wehi sholhah 'el-hamiha lemor she **being-brought-out** and-she sent to\_her-father-in-law saying "When she **was brought out**, she sent to her father-in-law a message" .. _participle_passive-nominal: .. include:: includes/participle-nominal.rst .. csv-table:: Приклад: JOS 8:34 כְּכָל־\ **הַכָּת֖וּב** בְּסֵ֥פֶר הַתּוֹרָֽה׃ kekhol-\ **hakkathuv** besefer hattowrah like-all\_\ **the-written** in-book-of the-law just as **had been written** in the book of the law