:github_url: https://git.door43.org/User./uk_uhg/src/branch/master/content/participle_active.rst .. _participle_active: Participle Active ================= Висновок -------- .. include:: includes/participle_active-summary.rst Визначення ---------- .. include:: includes/participle-article.rst .. include:: includes/participle_active-article.rst Форма ----- .. csv-table:: Qal Active Participle Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Синтаксичний аналіз,Іврит,Транслітерація,Переклад чоловічий однина Absolute,קֹטֵל,qotel,killing / killer жіночий однина Absolute,קֹטֶלֶת / קֹטְלָה,qotelet / qotelah,killing / killer чоловічий множина Absolute,קֹטְלִים,qotelim,killing / killers жіночий множина Absolute,קֹטְלוֹת,qoteloth,killing / killers .. csv-table:: Hiphil Active Participle Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Синтаксичний аналіз,Іврит,Транслітерація,Переклад чоловічий однина Absolute,מַקְטִיל,maqtil,causing to kill жіночий однина Absolute,מַקְטֶלֶת,maqteleth,causing to kill чоловічий множина Absolute,מַקְטִילִים,maqtilim,causing to kill жіночий множина Absolute,מַקְטִילוֹת,maqtiloth,causing to kill .. csv-table:: Piel Active Participle Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Синтаксичний аналіз,Іврит,Транслітерація,Переклад чоловічий однина Absolute,מְקַטֵּל,meqattel,slaughtering жіночий однина Absolute,מְקַטֶּלֶת,meqatteleth,slaughtering чоловічий множина Absolute,מְקַטְּלִים,meqattelim,slaughtering жіночий множина Absolute,מְקַטְּלוֹת,meqatteloth,slaughtering Функція ------- .. include:: includes/participle_active-function.rst .. include:: includes/participle_active-function-heb-aram.rst .. _participle_active-verbal: .. note:: The subject of a verbal participle usually precedes the participle, in contrast to the normal conventions of Hebrew :ref:`word order`. .. _participle_active-verbal-VC: .. include:: participle_active-verbal-VC.rst .. csv-table:: Приклад: HOS 2:10 –– expressing stative action "יָעַ֥צְתָּ בֹּ֖שֶׁת לְבֵיתֶ֑ךָ קְצוֹת־עַמִּ֥ים רַבִּ֖ים **וְחוֹטֵ֥א** נַפְשֶֽׁךָ" "ya'atsta bosheth levethekha qetsoth-'ammim rabbim **wehote** nafshekha" "you-have-devised shame to-your-house cutting-off\_peoples many **and-making-guilty** your-soul" "You have devised shame for your house by cutting off many people, **and have sinned** against yourself" .. csv-table:: Приклад: 1SA 28:14 –– expressing simple durative action "עוֹדֶ֖נּוּ **מְדַבֵּ֣ר** עִמָּ֑ם וְרָחֵ֣ל׀ בָּ֗אָה עִם־הַצֹּאן֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר לְאָבִ֔יהָ" 'odennu **medabber** 'immam werahel ba'ah 'im-hatson 'asher le'aviha "still-he **was-speaking** with-them and-Rachel came with\_the-sheep that to-her-father" "While Jacob **was** still **speaking** with them, Rachel came with her father's sheep," .. csv-table:: Приклад: NEH 1:4 –– two participles paired with finite verb היה וָֽאֱהִ֥י **צָם֙ וּמִתְפַּלֵּ֔ל** לִפְנֵ֖י אֱלֹהֵ֥י הַשָּׁמָֽיִם wa'ehi **tsam umithpallel** lifne 'elohe hashamayim and-I-was **fasting and-praying** before God-of the-heavens I **was fasting and praying** before the God of heaven. .. _participle_active-verbal-MV: .. include:: participle_active-verbal-MV.rst .. csv-table:: Приклад: 1SA 3:8 –– expressing frequentive action וַיָּ֣בֶן עֵלִ֔י כִּ֥י יְהוָ֖ה **קֹרֵ֥א** לַנָּֽעַר wayyaven 'eli ki yehwah **qore** lanna'ar and-he-understood Eli that Йагве **was-calling** to-the-boy Then Eli realized that Йагве **had called** the boy. .. csv-table:: Приклад: 1SA 28:14 –– expressing simple durative action וַתֹּ֗אמֶר אִ֤ישׁ זָקֵן֙ עֹלֶ֔ה wattomer 'ish zaqen **'oleh** and-she-said man old **is-going-up** "She said, ""An old man **is coming up**" .. csv-table:: Приклад: 1SA 3:11 –– expressing imminent action הִנֵּ֧ה אָנֹכִ֛י **עֹשֶׂ֥ה** דָבָ֖ר בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל hinneh 'anokhi **'oseh** davar beyisra'el Behold I **am-doing** thing in-Israel "See, I **am about to do** something in Israel" .. _participle_active-adjectival: .. include:: includes/participle-adjectival.rst .. csv-table:: Приклад: DEU 4:24 –– a participle functioning by itself as an adjective כִּ֚י יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ אֵ֥שׁ אֹכְלָ֖ה ki yehwah 'eloheykha 'esh **'okhelah** for Йагве your-God fire **eating** For Йагве your God is a **devouring** fire .. csv-table:: Приклад: GEN 1:12 –– a participle introducing a clause functioning as an adjective "וַתּוֹצֵ֨א הָאָ֜רֶץ דֶּ֠שֶׁא עֵ֣שֶׂב **מַזְרִ֤יעַ** זֶ֙רַע֙ לְמִינֵ֔הוּ" wattotse ha'arets deshe 'esev **mazria'** zera' leminehu "and-it-sprouted-forth the-earth grass crops **yielding** seed to-its-kind" "The earth produced vegetation, plants **producing** seed after their kind" .. _participle_active-nominal: .. include:: includes/participle-nominal.rst .. csv-table:: Приклад: GEN 1:30 –– a participle functioning by itself as a noun וּלְכֹ֣ל׀ **רוֹמֵ֣שׂ** עַל־הָאָ֗רֶץ ulekhol **romes** 'al-ha'arets and-to-all **crawlers** on\_the-earth and to everything **that creeps** upon the earth .. csv-table:: Приклад: GEN 26:11 –– a participle introducing a relative clause functioning as a noun הַנֹּגֵ֜עַ בָּאִ֥ישׁ הַזֶּ֛ה וּבְאִשְׁתּ֖וֹ מ֥וֹת יוּמָֽת **hannogea'** ba'ish hazzeh uve'ishto moth yumath "**the-one-touching** in-the-man the-this and-in-his-wife dying he-will-be-made-dead" **Whoever touches** this man or his wife will surely be put to death.