:github_url: https://git.door43.org/User./uk_uhg/src/branch/master/content/adjective.rst .. _adjective: Adjective ========= Висновок -------- .. include:: includes/adjective-summary.rst .. include:: includes/hebrew/adjective-summary-hebrew.rst Визначення ---------- In Bibical Hebrew, adjectives match the :ref:`noun` they describe in gender (:ref:`чоловічий` or :ref:`жіночий`) and number (:ref:`однина` or :ref:`множина`). However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If a noun is :ref:`подвійне`, its accompanying adjective will be множина. Also, the gender of some nouns does not match their apparent form (as in נָשִׁים "women", which is grammatically-жіночий although it appears grammatically-чоловічий); in these cases, an accompanying adjective will match the gender of the noun itself rather than the apparent form. Similarly, for nouns with either :ref:`collective однина` (as in עַם, meaning "people") or :ref:`majestic множина` (as in אֱלֹהִים, meaning "God"), the accompanying adjective may match the implied number rather than the apparent form. Форма ----- .. include:: includes/adjective-form.rst Paradigm ~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: Adjective Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Синтаксичний аналіз,Іврит,Транслітерація,Переклад чоловічий однина absolute,טוֹב,tov,good чоловічий однина construct,טוֹב,tov,good чоловічий однина determined,הַטּוֹב,hattov,the good жіночий однина absolute,טוֹבָה,tovah,good жіночий однина construct,טוֹבַת,tovath,good жіночий однина determined,הַטּוֹבָה,hattovah,the good чоловічий множина absolute,טוֹבִים,tovim,good чоловічий множина contruct,טוֹבֵי,tove,good чоловічий множина determined,הַטּוֹבִים,hattovim,the good жіночий множина absolute,טוֹבוֹת,tovoth,good жіночий множина construct,טוֹבוֹת,tovoth,good жіночий множина determined,הַטּוֹבוֹת,hattovoth,the good Функція ------- Describes a noun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _adjective-attributive: .. include:: includes/adjective-attributive.rst .. include:: includes/adjective-attributive-hebrew-aramaic.rst .. include:: includes/notes/adjective-number.rst .. csv-table:: Приклад: 1SA 18:17 בִתִּ֨י הַגְּדוֹלָ֤ה vitti **haggedolah** my-daughter **the-old** my **older** daughter .. csv-table:: Приклад: JOS 10:2 כִּ֣י עִ֤יר **גְּדוֹלָה֙** גִּבְע֔וֹן for city **great** Gibeon because Gibeon was a **large** city .. _adjective-predicative: .. include:: includes/adjective-predicative.rst .. include:: includes/notes/adjective-congruence.rst .. csv-table:: Приклад: 2SA 14:20 וַאדֹנִ֣י חָכָ֗ם wadoni **hakham** And-my-lord **wise** My master is **wise** .. csv-table:: Приклад: 2KI 20:19 טֹ֥וב דְּבַר־יְהוָ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר דִּבַּ֑רְתָּ **towv** devar-yehwah 'asher dibbarta **Good** word-of\_Йагве that you-spoke. The word of Йагве that you have spoken is **good**. .. _adjective-nominal: .. include:: includes/adjective-nominal.rst .. csv-table:: Приклад: PSA 3:2 רַ֝בִּ֗ים קָמִ֥ים עָלָֽי **rabbim** qamim 'alay **many** are-rising-up against-me **many people** are rising up against me .. csv-table:: Приклад: ISA 30:12 לָכֵ֗ן כֹּ֤ה אָמַר֙ **קְד֣וֹשׁ** יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל Therefore thus he-says **holy-of** Israel "Therefore the **Holy One** of Israel says," .. _adjective-adverbial: .. include:: includes/adjective-adverbial.rst .. csv-table:: Приклад: JOS 21:10 כִּ֥י לָהֶ֛ם הָיָ֥ה הַגּוֹרָ֖ל רִיאשֹׁנָֽה for to-them it-was the-lot **first** For the **first** casting of lots had fallen to them. Other uses of adjectives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _adjective-comparative: .. include:: includes/adjective-comparative.rst .. include:: includes/hebrew/adjective-comparative-hebrew.rst .. csv-table:: Приклад: JDG 14:18 מַה־\ **מָּת֣וֹק** מִדְּבַ֔שׁ וּמֶ֥ה **עַ֖ז** מֵאֲרִ֑י mah-\ **mmathoq** middevash umeh **'az** me'ari What\_\ **sweet** than-honey and-what **strong** from-lion "What is **sweeter** than honey, and what is **stronger** than a lion" .. csv-table:: Приклад: GEN 3:1 וְהַנָּחָשׁ֙ הָיָ֣ה **עָר֔וּם מִכֹּל֙** חַיַּ֣ת הַשָּׂדֶ֔ה wehannahash hayah **'arum mikkol** hayyath hassadeh And-the-serpent was **shrewd from-all** beings-of the-field Now the serpent was **more shrewd than any other** beast of the field .. _adjective-intensive: .. include:: includes/adjective-intensive.rst .. include:: includes/hebrew/adjective-intensive-hebrew.rst .. csv-table:: Приклад: GEN 1:31 וְהִנֵּה־ט֖וֹב מְאֹ֑ד wehinneh-\ **tov me'od** And-behold\_\ **good very** "Behold, it was **very good**" .. csv-table:: Приклад: JON 3:3 עִיר־גְּדוֹלָה֙ לֵֽאלֹהִ֔ים 'ir-**gedolah lelohim** city\_\ **great to-God** a **very large** city .. _adjective-superlative: .. include:: includes/adjective-superlative.rst .. include:: includes/hebrew/adjective-superlative-hebrew.rst .. csv-table:: Приклад: 1SA 16:11 –– adjective with the :ref:`definite article` עֹ֚וד שָׁאַ֣ר הַקָּטָ֔ן 'owd sha'ar **haqqatan** Still remains **the-young** There remains yet **the youngest** .. csv-table:: Приклад: MIC 7:4 –– adjective with a :ref:`pronominal suffix` טוֹבָ֣ם כְּחֵ֔דֶק **tovam** kehedeq **good-their** like-brier **the best of them** is like a brier .. csv-table:: Приклад: SNG 1:8 –– adjective with a :ref:`prepositional` phrase הַיָּפָ֖ה בַּנָּשִׁ֑ים **hayyafah** bannashim **the-fair** among-women **the fairest** among women