:github_url: https://git.door43.org/unfoldingWord/en_uhg/src/branch/master/content/back.rst .. _back: Bibliography ------------ The following resources were consulted in the creation and revision of the unfoldingWord Hebrew Grammar. Arnold, B.T., and J. H. Choi. *A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax.* Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2003. *Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics.* G. Khan, general editor. Leiden: Brill, 2013. Gesenius, W., E. Kautzsch, and A. E. Cowley. *Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar.* Dover ed. Dover Books on Language. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2006. Joüon, P. and T. Muraoka. *A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew.* 2nd edition. Rome: Pontifical Bible Institute, 2008. Pratico, G. D., and M. V. Van Pelt. *Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar.* Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2007. Ross, A. P. *Introducing Biblical Hebrew.* Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2001. Seow, C. L. *Grammar for Biblical Hebrew,* Revised Edition. Place of publication not identified: Abingdon Press, 2013. Van der Merwe, C.H.J., J.A. Naudé, and J.H. Kroeze. *Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar.* 2nd edition. London, England: T&T Clark, 2017. Waltke, B. K., and M. P. O’Connor. *An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax.* Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990. Williams, R. J., and J. C. Beckman. *Williams’ Hebrew Syntax.* 3rd ed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.