:github_url: https://git.door43.org/unfoldingWord/en_uhg/src/branch/master/content/stem_hithpolel.rst .. _stem_hithpolel: Stem Hithpolel ============== Summary ------- The Hithpolel is a rare stem formation that is similar to the Hithpael. It expresses the reflexive voice of the Polel stem. Article ------- The Hithpolel stem is a variation of the :ref:`stem_hithpael` and expresses the reflexive voice of the verbal action of the :ref:`stem_polel`. The Hithpolel stem is formed from the Hithpael by dropping the 2nd radical and repeating the 3rd radical (with a vowel change). It is a rare verbal form in Biblical Hebrew. It is recommended to *always* consult a dictionary or lexicon for the precise nuance of any verb in the Nithpael stem. .. note:: The Hithpolel stem conjugates exactly like the Polel stem, but with the reflexive prefix (הִתְ) added. Form ---- .. csv-table:: Hithpolel Suffix Conjugation Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Parsing,Hebrew,Transliteration,Gloss masculine singular third person,הִתְכּוֹנֵן,hithkonen,he established himself feminine singular third person,הִתְכּוֹנֲנָה,hithkonanah,she established herself masculine singular second person,הִתְכּוֹנַנְתָּ,hithkonanta,you established yourself feminine singular second person,הִתְכּוֹנַנְתְּ,hithkonant,you established yourself common singular first person,הִתְכּוֹנַנְתִּי,hithkonanti,I established myself common plural third person,הִתְכּוֹנֲנוּ,hithkonanu,they established themselves masculine plural second person,הִתְכּוֹנַנְתֶּם,hithkonantem,you established yourselves feminine plural second person,הִתְכּוֹנַנְתֶּן,hithkonanten,you established yourselves common plural first person,הִתְכּוֹנַנּוּ,hithkonannu,we established ourselves .. csv-table:: Hithpolel Prefix Conjugation Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Parsing,Hebrew,Transliteration,Gloss masculine singular third person,יִתְכּוֹנֵן,yithkonen,he will establish himself feminine singular third person,תִּתְכּוֹנֵן,tithkonen,she will establish herself masculine singular second person,תִּתְכּוֹנֵן,tithkonen,you will establish yourself feminine singular second person,תִּתְכּוֹנֲנִי,tithkonani,you will establish yourself common singular first person,אֶתְכּוֹנֵן,'ethkonen,I will establish myself masculine plural third person,יִתְכּוֹנֲנוּ,yithkonanu,they will establish themselves feminine plural third person,תִּתְכּוֹנֵנָּה,tithkonenah,they will establish themselves masculine plural second person,תִּתְכּוֹנֲנוּ,tithkonanu,you will establish yourselves feminine plural second person,תִּתְכּוֹנֵנָּה,tithkonennah,you will establish yourselves common plural first person,נִתְכּוֹנֵן,nithkonen,we will establish ourselves .. csv-table:: Hithpolel Sequential Prefix Conjugation Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Parsing,Hebrew,Transliteration,Gloss masculine singular third person,וַיִּתְכּוֹנֵן,wayyithkonen,(and) he established himself feminine singular third person,וַתִּתְכּוֹנֵן,wattithkonen,(and) she established herself masculine singular second person,וַתִּתְכּוֹנֵן,watithkonen,(and) you established yourself feminine singular second person,וַתִּתְכּוֹנֲנִי,watithkonani,(and) you established yourself common singular first person,וָאֶתְכּוֹנֵן,wa'ethkonen,(and) I established myself masculine plural third person,וַיִּתְכּוֹנֲנוּ,wayyithkonanu,(and) they established themselves feminine plural third person,וַתִּתְכּוֹנֵנָּה,watithkonennah,(and) they established themselves masculine plural second person,וַתִּתְכּוֹנֲנוּ,watithkonanu,(and) you established yourselves feminine plural second person,וַתִּתְכּוֹנֵנָּה,watithkonennah,(and) you established yourselves common plural first person,וַנִּתְכּוֹנֵן,wannithkonen,(and) we established ourselves .. csv-table:: Hithpolel Imperative Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Parsing,Hebrew,Transliteration,Gloss masculine singular,הִתְכּוֹנֵן,hithkonen,you must establish yourself feminine singular,הִתְכּוֹנֲנִי,hithkonani,you must establish yourself masculine plural,הִתְכּוֹנֲנוּ,hithkonanu,you must establish yourselves feminine plural,הִתְכּוֹנֵנָּה,hithkonennah,you must establish yourselves .. csv-table:: Hithpolel Participle Paradigm :header-rows: 1 Parsing,Hebrew,Transliteration,Gloss masculine singular absolute,מִתְכּוֹנֵן,mithkonen,establishing himself / he who establishes himself feminine singular absolute,מִתְכּוֹנְנֶת / מִתְכּוֹנְנָה,mithkoneneth / mithkonenah,establishing herself / she who establishes herself masculine plural absolute,מִתְכּוֹנְנִים,mithkonenim,establishing themselves / men who establish themselves feminine plural absolute,מִתְכּוֹנְנוֹת,mithkonenoth,establishing themselves / women who establish themselves Examples -------- .. csv-table:: Example: EXO 9:17 –– מִסְתּוֹלֵל comes from the root סלל עֹודְךָ֖ **מִסְתֹּולֵ֣ל** בְּעַמִּ֑י 'owdkha **mistowlel** be'ammi Still-you **lifting-up-yourself** against-my-people You **are** still **lifting yourself up** against my people .. csv-table:: Example: PSA 143:4 –– יִשְׁתּוֹמֵם comes from the root שׁמם בְּ֝תֹוכִ֗י **יִשְׁתֹּומֵ֥ם** לִבִּֽי׃ bethowkhi **yishtowmem** libbi in-my-midst **despairs** my-heart my heart **despairs**