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2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
.. _suffix_paragogic_nun:
Suffix Paragogic Nun
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
2019-02-11 10:52:39 +00:00
The paragogic נ (nun) suffix can only attach to a finite verb, and its meaning is unknown.
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
2019-02-11 10:52:39 +00:00
This suffix is an unexplained feature of Biblical Hebrew grammar with no discernible meaning or function.
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
2019-02-11 10:52:39 +00:00
The paragogic נ (nun) is a simple consonant appearing either as a suffix or an infix. When appearing as a suffix, it stands at
the end of the word, following the verb conjugation ending (as in the examples below). When appearing as an infix, the paragogic
נ (nun) is usually represented by a daghesh forte inside the initial letter of a pronominal suffix.
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
2019-02-11 10:52:39 +00:00
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
.. csv-table:: Приклад: EXO 15:14
שָֽׁמְע֥וּ עַמִּ֖ים יִרְגָּז֑וּן
shame'u 'ammim **yirgazun**
They-will-hear peoples **they-will-tremble**
"The peoples will hear, and **they will tremble**"
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
.. csv-table:: Приклад: DEU 1:17
כַּקָּטֹ֤ן כַּגָּדֹל֙ תִּשְׁמָע֔וּן
kaqqaton kaggadol **tishma'un**
like-the-small like-the-great **you-will-hear**
**you will hear** the small and the great alike
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
.. csv-table:: Приклад: PSA 104:28
תִּתֵּ֣ן לָ֭הֶם יִלְקֹט֑וּן
titten lahem **yilqotun**
You-give to-them **they-gather**
"When you give to them, **they gather**"