{ "1": "After that, Yahweh said to Abram in a vision,\n\\q1\n“Abram, do not be afraid.\n\\q2\nI will protect you,\n\\q2\n{and} I will give you a very great reward.” ", "2": "But Abram said {to him}, “Yahweh my Master, even if you reward me greatly, {that will not benefit me}, since I still have no children. So {when I die,} the one who will inherit all that I have {is} {my servant} Eliezer {who is} {a foreigner} from {the city of} Damascus.” ", "3": "Then Abram continued, “That’s right, you have not given me any children, so that now {when I die}, {one of} my household servants will inherit everything I own!”\n\n\\ts\\* ", "4": "But immediately Yahweh said to Abram, “{No,} your servant {Eliezer} will not inherit your property, rather it will be your very own {biological} son who will inherit it.” ", "5": "Then Yahweh took Abram outside {his tent} and said {to him}, “Look {up} at the {night} sky and count how many stars there are, if {in fact} you are able to count them {all}.” {While Abram was looking at the stars,} Yahweh said to him, “That is how many descendants you will have.”\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p", "6": "Abram trusted Yahweh, and because of that, Yahweh considered him to be righteous. ", "7": "Then Yahweh said to him, “I am Yahweh who brought you {here} from {the city of} Ur that the Chaldeans rule, to give this land to you to own.” ", "8": "But Abram asked {him}, “Yahweh my Master, how can I be sure that this land will be mine?”\n\n\\ts\\* ", "9": "Yahweh replied, “Bring me a heifer, a female goat and a male sheep, each of which is three years old, as well as a dove and a young pigeon.” ", "10": "So {the next day} Abram brought all those {animals} to Yahweh {and killed them}. Then he cut the animals’ bodies in half lengthwise and placed each half a short space across from the other half {in two rows}, except for the birds, which he did not cut in half. ", "11": "Then {some} vultures flew down {and landed} on the {animal} bodies {to eat them}, but Abram chased them away.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p", "12": "Later as the sun was going down, Abram fell into a deep sleep, and suddenly, it became completely dark, and he became terrified. ", "13": "Then Yahweh said to him, “I want you to know that your descendants will live as foreigners in a country that is not their own. They will serve the people {of that country} {as slaves}, and those people will treat them cruelly for 400 years.\n\n\\ts\\* ", "14": "But I will punish those people whom they serve. After that, your descendants will leave {that country} and take many possessions with them. ", "15": "As for you, after you have lived a good long life, you will die peacefully and join your ancestors {who have died before you}. ", "16": "Then four generations later, your descendants will return here {to live}, because that is when the Amorites will have sinned as much as I will allow {before I take away their land and give it to your descendants}.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p", "17": "When the sun had set, it became {very} dark. Then suddenly a {clay} pot {appeared} {that was full} of burning coals and had smoke coming from it, and also a blazing torch, and they {both} went between the {animal} halves. ", "18": "At that time Yahweh made a {special} agreement with Abram and said, “I am giving your descendants this land, {which extends} from Egypt’s river {in the south} to the great Euphrates River {in the north}. ", "19": "{That includes} {the land which belongs to} the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, ", "20": "the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, ", "21": "the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.”\n\n\\ts\\*", "front": "\\s1 God Makes a Covenant with Abram\n\\sr 15:1-21\n\\p" }