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2023-04-25 17:38:25 +00:00
"1": "So Joseph went to {King} Pharaoh and informed {him}, “My father and my brothers {and their families} have come {to Egypt} from the region of Canaan and {are} now in Goshen Province. {They brought with them} their sheep, {goats,} cattle, and everything {else} that they own.” ",
"2": "Then Joseph brought five of his brothers before Pharaoh and introduced them {to him}.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"3": "Then Pharaoh asked them, “What {is} your occupation?” They answered him, “Your Majesty, we raise sheep {for a living}, just like our ancestors did.” ",
"4": "They {also} said to him, “We have come {here} to live for a while in {your} country. The famine is so severe In the region of Canaan {where we come from} that there is not enough grass {in the fields} for our flocks. So then, sir, please let us live in Goshen Province.”\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"5": "Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “{Now that} your father and brothers have come {to live} near you, ",
"6": "you may choose any part of the land of Egypt {for them to live in}. {In fact,} they may live in the best land {in the country}, in Goshen Province. And if you know that some of them are especially talented {at raising livestock}, then put them in charge of raising my livestock {also}.”\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"7": "Then Joseph took his father Jacob and introduced him to {King} Pharaoh, and Jacob {asked God to} bless Pharaoh. ",
"8": "Then Pharaoh asked Jacob, “{Sir,} how old are you now?” ",
"9": "Jacob answered him, “I have been living {in this world} for 130 years. My life has been short, with many hardships. In fact, I have not lived {nearly} as long as my ancestors did during their time on earth.” ",
"10": "Then Jacob {again} {asked God to} bless Pharaoh and left him.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"11": "After that, Joseph did what Pharaoh had told him {to do}: He helped his father and brothers settle in the country of Egypt. He gave them the choicest property {in Egypt}, which was in {Goshen Province, also known as} Rameses Province. ",
"12": "Joseph {also} provided his father and brothers and all {the rest of} his fathers family {with} as much food as {each family} needed to feed {all} the people in their family.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\s1 How Joseph Ruled Egypt During the Rest of the Famine\n\\sr 47:13-26\n\\p",
"13": "Now {after a while,} the famine became so severe in the entire world that there was very little food {available} {anywhere}. {The people of} the country of Egypt and the region of Canaan were suffering badly because they did not have enough to eat. ",
"14": "So they bought grain from Joseph until there was no more money left in the country of Egypt or the region of Canaan. Joseph {had his servants} take the money to Pharaohs palace.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"15": "When {the people in} Egypt and Canaan had spent all their money, {people from} all over Egypt went to Joseph and begged {him}, “{Sir,} we have no more money! Please give us food so that we do not starve to death!” ",
"16": "Joseph responded, “Since your money is gone, bring {me} your livestock to pay for the food that I will give you.” ",
"17": "So the people brought their livestock to Joseph. They gave him {their} horses, sheep, goats, cattle, and donkeys to pay for the food that he gave them. In that way Joseph supplied the people with food that year, {and they gave him} all their livestock {to pay} for it.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"18": "After that year was over, the people went to Joseph {again} in the following year and pleaded with him, “Sir, as you know, {our} money is gone and {all} {our} livestock {belong} to you. The only way we can pay you {for food} is to give you our farmland and work for you, sir. ",
"19": "Please do not {just} watch us die or let our land {become wasteland}. {Instead,} {please} take us and our land {in exchange} for food. Then we will be {King} Pharaohs slaves, and our land {will also be his}. {Please} give {us} seeds {to plant} so that we can stay alive and not {starve} to death, and {so that} the land will not become a desert!”\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"20": "So Joseph {agreed and} acquired all the land in {the country of} Egypt for Pharaoh. All the Egyptians sold their fields {to him} {in exchange for food}, because the food shortage was {so} severe. In that way, {all} the land became Pharaohs {property}. ",
"21": "Joseph {also} relocated the people to the cities throughout the entire {country of} Egypt. ",
"22": "The only land that he did not buy was the priests {land}, because they regularly received a certain amount {of food} from Pharaoh, and they had enough to eat from what he gave to them. That is why they did not {need to} sell their land {to buy food}.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"23": "Next Joseph announced to the {Egyptian} people, “Listen, now that you and your farmland belong to {King} Pharaoh, here {are} {some} seeds for you so that you can plant {them in} the fields. ",
"24": "Then every harvest season, you must give him one-fifth {of the crops you harvest}. The rest {of what you harvest} will be yours {to use} to plant {in} the fields and as food for you and your families, including your children.”\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"25": "The people replied {to him}, “You have saved our lives! Please {continue to} be kind to us, sir, and we will {agree to} be {King} Pharaohs servants.” ",
"26": "So Joseph made a law {that required} {people to give} to Pharaoh one-fifth {of all the crops they harvested} from the fields in Egypt. {That law} is still {in effect} today. The priests land was the only {land} {in Egypt} that did not belong to Pharaoh.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\s1 Jacob Asks His Son Joseph to Bury His Body in the Land of Canaan\n\\sr 47:27-31\n\\p",
"27": "Now {Jacob, whose other name was} Israel, was living {with his family} in Goshen Province in the country of Egypt, and they acquired {many possessions} there. They had many children and became very numerous. ",
"28": "{After} Jacob had lived in the country of Egypt {for} seventeen years, he was 147 years old.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"29": "{When} it was almost time for him to die, he summoned his son Joseph and urged him, “Please do this favor for me: Put your hand under my leg, and {promise me that} {after I die,} you will be kind and faithful to me. Please {promise that} you will not bury my body {here} in {the country of} Egypt. ",
"30": "Rather, after I die and join my ancestors {who have died}, take my body out of Egypt {to the region of Canaan} and bury it in the same burial place where their bodies are.” Joseph promised {him}, “I will do what you requested.” ",
"31": "But his father insisted, “Vow to me {before God} {that you will do it}.” So Joseph vowed {that he would do it}. Then {his father} Israel bowed {down} {to worship God} beside {his} bed.\n\n\\ts\\*",
"front": "\\p"