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2023-04-25 17:38:25 +00:00
"1": "One day when Isaac was an old man and he could no longer see, he sent for his older son Esau and said to him, “My son.” Esau answered him, “Yes, {sir}?” ",
"2": "Then Isaac told {him}, “Please listen {closely}: I am an old man {now} {and} I do not know when I will die.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"3": "So then, get your bow and arrows, go out in the open country and hunt {some} deer {meat} for me. ",
"4": "Next {use the meat to} cook a delicious meal for me the way that I like it, and bring it to me to eat so that I can bless you before I die.”\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"5": "Rebekah overheard what Isaac said to his son Esau. So after Esau had gone out to the open country to hunt, ",
"6": "she said to her son Jacob, “Listen, I {just} overheard your father tell your brother Esau ",
"7": "to get him {some} deer {meat} and {use it to} cook a delicious meal for him to eat. Then before he dies, he wants to bless Esau with Yahweh as his witness.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"8": "So then, my son, listen to me and do what I tell you {to do}. ",
"9": "Please go {out} to our flock {of goats} and get for me two of the best young goats. I will {use the meat from them to} cook a delicious meal for your father, {just} the way that he likes it. ",
"10": "Then you can take the meal to your father to eat, so that he will bless you before he dies.”\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"11": "But Jacob responded to his mother, “As you know, my brother Esau has hairy skin, but I have smooth skin. ",
"12": "What if my father feels my skin? He will {recognize me and} realize that I am trying to deceive him. Then he will curse me instead of blessing me.”\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"13": "But his mother replied, “{If that happens,} may God curse me instead of you, my son. Just listen to me, and go get {two goats} for me!” ",
"14": "So Jacob went {to the flock} and selected {two goats} and took {them} to her. Then she cooked a delicious meal the way that his father liked it.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"15": "She also got her older son Esaus finest clothes that she had in the house and had her younger son Jacob put them on. ",
"16": "And she used the goat skins to cover Jacobs arms and the part of his neck that had no hair {on it}.\n\n\\p",
"17": "Then she handed the delicious meal to Jacob, including some bread that she had baked.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"18": "He took the meal to his father and said, “Father.” His father answered, “Yes? Which of my sons {are} you?” ",
"19": "Jacob replied to his father, “I am Esau, your oldest son. I have done what you requested me {to do}. {So now} please sit up and eat some of the deer {meat} that I have cooked {for you}, so that you can bless me.”\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"20": "But Isaac asked him, “How were you able to find {the deer} so quickly, my son?” Jacob answered, “Yahweh, {who is} the God who takes care of you, helped me to succeed.”\n\\p",
"21": "Then Isaac said to him, “My son, please come here so that I can feel you and make sure that you are really my son Esau.”\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"22": "So Jacob stepped closer to his father Isaac, and his father felt him and thought {to himself}, “{Hmm,} his voice {sounds like} Jacobs voice, but {his} arms {feel like} Esaus arms.” ",
"23": "So Isaac was not able to identify who Jacob was because his arms felt hairy like his brother Esaus. Isaac was about to bless Jacob,\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"24": "but {first} {he wanted to be completely sure, so} he asked {him}, “Are you really my son Esau?” Jacob answered, “{Yes,} I am.” ",
"25": "So Isaac said {to him}, “Serve me {the meal} so that I can eat some of your deer meat and bless you.” Then Jacob served {the meal} to his father and he ate {it}. Jacob also served him wine and he drank {it}.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"26": "Then Isaac said to Jacob, “Come here and kiss me, my son.” ",
"27": "So Jacob went over {to his father} and kissed him {on the cheeks}. {As he did that,} his father recognized the fragrance of Esaus clothes, so he blessed him and said,\n\\q1\n“Ahh, my son, you smell {wonderful}\n\\q2\nlike the fragrance of a field\n\\q2\nthat Yahweh has caused to flourish!\n\\ts\\* \n\\q1 ",
"28": "I ask God to provide you {and your descendants} {plenty of} rain from the sky {for your crops and animals}\n\\q2\nand riches from the earth,\n\\q2\nincluding abundant harvests and {much} wine.\n\\ts\\*\n\\q1 ",
"29": "I also ask God to cause nations to serve\n\\q2\nand honor you {and your descendants}.\n\\q1\nYou will rule over your brothers descendants,\n\\q2\nand they will {submit to you and} bow down to you.\n\\q1\nWhoever curses you {God} will curse,\n\\q2\nbut whoever blesses you {he} will bless.”\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\s1 Esau Gets “Blessed” Too by His Father Isaac\n\\sr 27:30-40\n\\p",
"30": "As soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, and right after Jacob had left his fathers presence, Jacobs brother Esau returned {home} from hunting. ",
"31": "Then he too cooked a delicious meal, and he took {it} to his father {Isaac} and said to him, “Father, {please} sit up and eat some of your sons deer meat so that you can bless me.”\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"32": "But his father asked him, “Which son {are} you?” Esau answered, “I {am} your oldest son Esau.” ",
"33": "Then Isaac {became so upset that his body} shook very violently, and he asked {Esau}, “Who {was} it then that hunted deer meat and brought a meal to me? I finished eating it just before you came, and I blessed him. So God will definitely bless him.”\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"34": "When Esau heard what his father said, he shouted out with a very loud and distressed shout and begged his father, “{Please} bless me too, father!” ",
"35": "But his father responded, “Your brother came {to me} and tricked {me} and stole the blessing that I was planning to give you.”\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"36": "Then Esau exclaimed, “The name Jacob fits him exactly, because he has tricked me like this two times {now}! {First} he stole my rights as the oldest son, and now look {what he has done}: he has stolen my blessing!”\n\\p\nThen Esau begged {his father}, “Is there still a way you can {ask God to} bless me?” ",
"37": "Isaac answered, “Listen, I have {already} appointed Jacob to be your master. In fact, I have asked {God to make it so} that you and all your descendants will serve him {and his descendants}. Besides that, I have {also} blessed him with {abundant} harvests and wine. So then, there is no way left for me to bless you, my son!”\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"38": "But Esau continued to beg his father {and say}, “Father, isnt there {just} one more way that you can bless {me}? {Please} bless me too, father!” Then Esau started crying loudly.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"39": "Finally his father said to him,\n\\q1\n“Listen, you {and your descendants} will live\n\\q2\nin a place where the land is not good {for farming}\n\\q2\nand where there is not much rain.\n\\q1 ",
"40": "You {and your descendants} will have to fight battles to stay alive,\n\\q2\nand you will serve your brother {and his descendants}.\n\\q1\nBut when you rebel {against them},\n\\q2\nyou will get free from their control over you.”\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\s1 Jacob Flees from Esau\n\\sr 27:41-28:5\n\\p",
"41": "After that Esau held a grudge against Jacob because their father had blessed him. So Esau thought to himself, “Soon my father will die; then after we {bury him and} mourn for him, I will kill my brother Jacob.” ",
"42": "But Rebekah heard about what her oldest son Esau was planning, so she sent for her youngest son Jacob and told him, “Listen, your brother Esau is planning to take revenge on you and kill you.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"43": "So then, my son, listen to me: Hurry {and} escape to {the city of} Haran to my brother Laban! ",
"44": "Live with him for a short time until your brother is no longer angry {with you}. ",
"45": "When he is not angry with you anymore and he forgets what you did to him, I will send word that it is safe for you to come {back home} from there. I do not want to lose both of you {on} the same day!”\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"46": "Then Rebekah complained to Isaac, “My life is {very} miserable because of our Hittite daughters-in-law {whom Esau married}! If Jacob were to {also} marry a local Hittite woman like that, I would not want to keep on living!”\n\n\\ts\\*",
"front": "\\s1 Jacob Steals Esaus Blessing from Their Father Isaac\n\\sr 27:1-29\n\\p"