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2023-04-25 17:38:25 +00:00
"1": "Then Abraham got married again, and his wifes name {was} Keturah. ",
"2": "She had sons with him {whom they named} Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah. ",
"3": "{Her son} Jokshan had {sons named} Sheba and Dedan. Dedans descendants became {people groups named} the Asshurites, Letushites, and Leummites. ",
"4": "{Keturahs son} Midian had sons {named} Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida, and Eldaah. All of those {were} Keturahs descendants {whom she had with Abraham}.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"5": "Abraham gave everything that he owned to Isaac. ",
"6": "He also gave {valuable} gifts to the sons that his servant wives had {with him}, but after that he made them move away to the east country {so that they would live} far away from his son Isaac.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\s1 Abraham Dies and Is Buried\n\\sr 25:7-11\n\\p",
"7": "Abraham lived to be 175 years old. ",
"8": "Then he took his last breath and died at a very old age. After he had lived a long and satisfying life, he joined his ancestors {who had already died}.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"9": "His sons Isaac and Ishmael put his body in the cave of Machpelah {which was} in the field that had belonged to Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, east of {the city of} Mamre. ",
"10": "{That is} the {same} field that Abraham had bought from the Hittites. That is {the cave} where his sons buried his body next to {the body of} his wife Sarah {whom he had buried there before}. ",
"11": "After Abraham died, God blessed his son Isaac, who lived near {the well} Beer Lahai Roi.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\s1 Ishmaels Descendants\n\\sr 25:12-18\n\\p",
"12": "What follows {is} a record of the descendants of Abrahams son Ishmael, the son Abraham had with Sarahs Egyptian slave woman Hagar.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"13": "Here is {a list of} the names of Ishmaels sons, {given} in the order that they were born: His oldest {son} {was} Nebaioth, followed by Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, ",
"14": "Mishma, Dumah, Massa, ",
"15": "Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedermah. ",
"16": "Those were Ishmaels {twelve} sons, who became the leaders of twelve tribes that were named after them, and each tribe lived in its {own} towns and villages.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"17": "Ishmael lived a total of 137 years. Then he took his last breath and died, and he joined his ancestors {who had died before him}. ",
"18": "His descendants lived {throughout the area that extended} from {the region of} Havilah to {the wilderness of} Shur that {is} east of {the country of} Egypt as you head {from there} to {the city of} Asshur. They lived as enemies against all their relatives.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\s1 The Birth of Isaacs Twin Sons Jacob and Esau\n\\sr 25:19-26\n\\p",
"19": "Here {is} {more of} the history about Abrahams son Isaac and his descendants: {After} Abraham had Isaac, ",
"20": "Isaac {grew up and} married Rebekah when he was forty years old. {She was} a daughter of Bethuel, {who was} an Aramean from {the region of} Paddan Aram, and her brother was Laban {who was also} an Aramean.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
2023-04-25 17:38:25 +00:00
"21": "However {for many years} Rebekah was not able to become pregnant, so Isaac prayed that Yahweh would give her children. Yahweh did what Isaac prayed for, so that she became pregnant {with twins}. ",
"22": "But the {two} babies wrestled with each other inside her, so she asked, “Why is this happening to me?” Then she asked Yahweh about it.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"23": "Yahweh answered her,\n\\q1\n“{The ancestors of} two {future} people groups {are} inside you.\n\\q2\nThey will be enemies {starting now} even before they are born.\n\\q1\nOne of them will be more powerful than the other,\n\\q2\nso that the older {sons descendants} will serve the younger {sons descendants}.”\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"24": "Later when it was time {for Rebekah} to give birth, sure enough, {there were} twin boys inside her! ",
"25": "The first {one} who was born was completely covered with thick red hair. So his parents named him Esau, {which means “hairy.”} ",
"26": "Next his brother was born, with his hand grabbing on {tightly} to Esaus heel. So they named him Jacob, {which means “heel-grabber.”} Isaac {was} sixty years old when Esau and Jacob were born.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\s1 Esau Sells His Rights as the Firstborn Son to Jacob\n\\sr 25:27-34\n\\p",
2023-04-25 17:38:25 +00:00
"27": "When the boys grew up, Esau became a skilled hunter and he enjoyed {being} in the open country, but Jacob had a quiet personality and {preferred} to work at home. ",
"28": "Isaacs favorite son was Esau, because he liked to eat the meat of wild animals {that Esau hunted}, whereas Rebekahs favorite son was Jacob.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"29": "{One day} when Jacob was making {some} soup, Esau came home from {hunting out in} the open country and he {felt} weak {and hungry}. ",
"30": "So Esau requested from Jacob, “Please let me have some of that very red soup because I {feel} weak {and hungry}!” That is why Esaus nickname was Edom, {which means “red.”}\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"31": "But Jacob replied, “First trade your rights as the oldest son to me {for the soup,} {then I will give you some}.” ",
"32": "Esau responded, “Look, I am about to die {from hunger}! So my birthright is of no use to me {right now}.” ",
"33": "Jacob insisted, “{First} make a vow to me today {before God} {that your rights are now mine}!” So Esau vowed to Jacob that he had traded his rights as the oldest son to him {for the soup}. ",
"34": "Then Jacob gave Esau {some of} the lentil soup with {some} bread, and Esau {quickly} ate the meal and left. In that way, Esau treated his birthright {carelessly} as if it had no value.\n\n\\ts\\*",
"front": "\\s1 Abraham and Keturahs Descendants\n\\sr 25:1-6\n\\r 1 Chronicles 1:32-33\n\\p"