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2023-04-25 17:38:25 +00:00
"1": "Sarah lived to be 127 years old. That is how old she was ",
"2": "when she died in {the city of} Kiriath Arba, which is {now called} Hebron, in the region of Canaan. Abraham went {to her} and cried and mourned for her.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"3": "Later he stood up from {mourning} beside her and {went} to {the leaders of} the Hittites {at the city gates} and said to them, ",
"4": "“{As you know,} I {am} a foreigner who is living among you {so I do not own any property here}. {Please} sell me some of your land so I have a place to bury {the body of} my wife who has died.”\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"5": "{The leaders of} the Hittites responded to Abraham, ",
"6": "“Sir, {please} listen to what we propose: You are a powerful man {living} among us. {So} {you may} bury {the body of} your wife who has died in {any} one of our best burial sites. All of us are willing for you to use {any of} our burial sites to bury her.”\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"7": "Abraham stood up and bowed {in respect} in front of {the leaders of} the Hittites, who owned the land {in the area}. ",
"8": "Then he said to them, “If you are willing {for me} to bury my deceased {wife} {here}, {please} help me by asking Ephron the son of Zohar ",
"9": "to sell me his cave that is at the edge of his field in the Machpelah {area}. Ask him to sell it to me for its full price, with {all of} you {here} to witness {the sale}. That way I will have a place where I can bury {my wife who has died}.”\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"10": "Now Ephron the Hittite was sitting {there at the meeting} among the {other} Hittite leaders, so he replied to Abraham as the {other} leaders listened, including everyone who had gathered {there} at the city gate. He said, ",
"11": "“Thats not necessary, sir. {Please} accept this offer: I {hereby} give you the {entire} field, including the cave that {is} in it. I am giving it to you {now} as the leaders of my people watch. {You may} bury your deceased {wife} {there}.”\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"12": "Then Abraham bowed {again} before the leaders who owned the land {in the area}. ",
"13": "As they listened, he said to Ephron, “Rather {than that}, since you are willing {to let me have the field}, please accept my offer. I want to pay {you} the {full} price for the field. {Please} let me buy it from you, so that {it will be mine and} I can bury {my wife} there who has died.”\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"14": "Ephron responded to Abraham, ",
"15": "“Sir, {please} listen to me. The land {is worth} 400 shekels of silver. {However} since you and I are friends, there is no need for that. {Go ahead and} bury your deceased {wife} {there}.” ",
"16": "Abraham agreed with Ephrons price, and he paid Ephron the {amount of} silver that he had suggested while {the rest of} the Hittites listened. {Abraham weighed the} 400 shekels of silver using the standard weights that sellers used {at that time}.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p",
"17": "So Ephron sold his field {to Abraham}, including the cave that {was} in the field, as well as all the trees that {were} inside its boundaries. The field was in the Machpelah {area} near {the city of} Mamre. {Ephron sold that field} ",
"18": "to Abraham, and it became his property while the Hittites watched, including everyone who had gathered at the city gate.\n\n\\ts\\* ",
"19": "After that, Abraham put {the body of} his wife Sarah in the cave in that field in the Machpelah {area} east of {the city of} Mamre, that is, Hebron, in the region of Canaan. ",
"20": "So {that is how} that field, including the cave that {was} in the field, was {officially} sold to Abraham by the Hittites, so that he had a place where he could bury {his wife who had died}.\n\n\\ts\\*",
"front": "\\s1 Sarah Dies and Abraham Buys Some Land to Bury Her Body\n\\sr 23:1-20\n\\p"