
19 lines
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"1": "Blessed be Yahweh, my rock,\n\\q who trains my hands for war\n\\q and my fingers for battle.\n\\q",
"2": "You are my covenant faithfulness and my fortress,\n\\q my high tower and the one who rescues me,\n\\q my shield and the one in whom I take refuge,\n\\q the one who subdues nations under me.\n\n\\s5\n\\q",
"3": "Yahweh, what is man that you take notice of him\n\\q or the son of man that you think about him?\n\\q",
"4": "Man is like a breath;\n\\q his days are like a passing shadow.\n\n\\s5\n\\q",
"5": "Cause the sky to sink and come down, Yahweh;\n\\q touch the mountains and make them smoke.\n\\q",
"6": "Send flashes of lightning and scatter my enemies;\n\\q shoot your arrows and drive them back in confusion.\n\n\\s5\n\\q",
"7": "Reach out your hand from above;\n\\q rescue me out of many waters,\n\\q from the hand of foreigners.\n\\q",
"8": "Their mouths speak lies,\n\\q and their right hand is falsehood.\n\n\\s5\n\\q",
"9": "I will sing a new song to you, God;\n\\q on a lute of ten strings I will sing praises to you,\n\\q",
"10": "who give salvation to kings,\n\\q who rescued David your servant from an evil sword.\n\\q",
"11": "Rescue me and free me from the hand of foreigners.\n\\q Their mouths speak lies,\n\\q and their right hand is falsehood.\n\n\\s5\n\\q",
"12": "May our sons be like plants who grow to full size in their youth\n\\q and our daughters like carved corner pillars, shapely like those of a palace.\n\\q",
"13": "May our storehouses be full with every kind of produce,\n\\q and may our sheep produce thousands and ten thousands in our fields.\n\n\\s5\n\\q",
"14": "Then our oxen will have many young.\n\\q No one will break through our walls; there will be no exile\n\\q and no outcry in our streets.\n\\q",
"15": "Blessed is the people with such blessings;\n\\q happy is the people whose God is Yahweh.\n\n\n\\s5",
"front": "\\m\n\\d A psalm of David.\n\\q"