{ "1": "The heavens declare the glory of God,\n\\q and the skies make his handiwork known!\n\\q", "2": "Day after day speech pours out;\n\\q night after night it reveals knowledge.\n\\q", "3": "There is no speech or spoken words;\n\\q their voice is not heard.\n\n\\s5\n\\q", "4": "Yet their words go out over all the earth,\n\\q and their speech to the end of the world.\n\\q He has pitched a tent for the sun among them.\n\\q", "5": "The sun is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber\n\\q and like a strong man who rejoices when he runs his race.\n\\q", "6": "The sun rises from the one horizon\n\\q and crosses the sky to the other;\n\\q nothing escapes its heat.\n\n\\s5\n\\q", "7": "The law of Yahweh is perfect, restoring the soul;\n\\q the testimony of Yahweh is reliable, making the simple wise.\n\\q", "8": "The instructions of Yahweh are right, making the heart glad;\n\\q the commandment of Yahweh is pure, bringing light to the eyes.\n\n\\s5\n\\q", "9": "The fear of Yahweh is pure, enduring forever;\n\\q the righteous decrees of Yahweh are true and altogether right!\n\\q", "10": "They are of greater value than gold, even more than much fine gold;\n\\q they are sweeter than honey and the dripping honey from the honeycomb.\n\n\\s5\n\\q", "11": "Yes, by them your servant is warned;\n\\q in obeying them there is great reward.\n\\q", "12": "Who can discern all his own errors?\n\\q Cleanse me from hidden faults.\n\n\\s5\n\\q", "13": "Keep your servant also from arrogant sins;\n\\q let them not rule over me.\n\\q Then I will be perfect,\n\\q and I will be innocent from many transgressions.\n\\q", "14": "May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart\n\\q be acceptable in your sight,\n\\q Yahweh, my rock and my redeemer.\n\n\n\\s5", "front": "\\m\n\\d For the chief musician. A psalm of David.\n\\q" }