checking: checking_entity: [Rev. Rosa M. Rosado, "Sonia Enid Garc\xECa Esquilin", Rev. Reinaldo Santana Rabell, "Rev. Jos\xE9 A. Torres Rodr\xEDguez"] checking_level: '3' dublin_core: conformsto: rc0.2 contributor: [Door43 World Missions Community] creator: Door43 World Missions Community description: Comprehension and theological questions for Open Bible Stories. It enables translators and translation checkers to confirm that the intended meaning of their translations is clearly communicated to the speakers of that language. format: text/markdown identifier: obs-tq issued: '2017-03-14' language: {direction: ltr, identifier: es-419, title: Latin American Spanish} modified: '2017-09-05' publisher: unfoldingWord relation: [en/obs] rights: CC BY-SA 4.0 source: - {identifier: obs-tq, language: en, version: '4'} subject: OBS Translation Questions title: OBS translationQuestions type: help version: '4.1' projects: - categories: identifier: 'obs' path: './tq_OBS.tsv' sort: 0 title: 'unfoldingWord® Open Bible Stories Preguntas de traducción' versification: "ufw"