diff --git a/en_tn_60-JAS.tsv b/en_tn_60-JAS.tsv index 6fa9ed8..bd39229 100644 --- a/en_tn_60-JAS.tsv +++ b/en_tn_60-JAS.tsv @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Book Chapter Verse ID SupportReference OrigQuote Occurrence GLQuote OccurrenceNote -JAS front intro exs3 0 # યાકૂબના પત્રની પ્રસ્તાવના 

## ભાગ ૧: સર્વસાધારણ પ્રસ્તાવના 

### યાકૂબના પત્રની રૂપરેખા 

1. શુભેચ્છા (1:1)
2. કસોટીઓ દ્વારા ધીરજ પામવી (1:2-4)
3. જ્ઞાન માટે ઈશ્વર પર ભરોસો રાખવો (1:5-8)
4. ગરીબ અને ધનવાન વ્યક્તિઓએ શા વિષે અભિમાન કરવું (1:9-11)
5. પરીક્ષણોમાં ટકી રહેવું/સ્થિર રહેવું (1:12-15)
6. ઈશ્વરના વચનો જે કહે છે તે સાંભળવું અને કરવું (1:16-27)
7. ધનવાન લોકોની તરફેણ કરવા વિરુદ્ધ એક ચેતવણી (2:1-13)
8. વિશ્વાસ અને કરણીઓ (2:14-26)
9. બોલવામાં સ્વ નિયંત્રણની જરૂરીયાત (3:1-12)
10. દુન્યવી જ્ઞાન અને સ્વર્ગીય જ્ઞાનનો વિરોધાભાસ (3:13-18)
11. જગિક ઈચ્છાઓ અને તે પાપ તથા લડાઈને જન્મ આપે (4:1-12)
12. આવતીકાલ વિષે અભિમાન કરવા વિરુદ્ધ એક ચેતવણી (4:13-17)
13. ધનવાન લોકોને ઠપકો (5:1-6)
14. પ્રભુના પુનરાગમન સબંધી ધીરજથી રાહ જોવી (5:7-11)
15. સમ ખાવા વિષે પ્રતિબંધ (5:12)
16. પ્રાર્થના, માફી અને સાજાપણું (5:13-18)
17. પાપીનું પુનસ્થાપન (5:19-20)

### યાકૂબનો પત્ર કોણે લખ્યો? 

આ પત્રનો લેખક યાકૂબ હતો તે વિષે બાઈબલના વિદ્વાનો મધ્યે વ્યાપક સંમતિ છે. યાકૂબ, ઈસુનો સાવકો ભાઈ તથા શરૂઆતની મંડળીમાં યરુશાલેમ મુકામે એક આગેવાન હતો. તે તેના જ્ઞાન તથા અધિકાર વિષે માનીતો હતો. ઉદાહરણ તરીકે, યરુશાલેમ પરિષદ, શરૂઆતની મંડળીની એક અગત્યની સભા, જેનું વર્ણન પ્રેરીતોના કૃત્યો ૧૫:૧૩-૨૧ માં કરવામાં આવ્યું છે, તે સભામાં તેના શબ્દો નિર્ણાયક હતા. ગલાતીઓને પત્ર ૨:૯ માં પ્રેરિત પાઉલ તેને મંડળીના એક સ્તંભ, એટલે મંડળીના આગેવાનોમાંના એક મહત્વના આગેવાન તરીકે ઉલ્લેખે છે. જો કે, યાકૂબ મંડળીનો એક પ્રભાવશાળી આગેવાન તથા ઈસુનો સાવકો ભાઈ હતો તેમ છતાં આ પત્રમાં તે પોતાની પ્રસ્તાવના, નમ્રપણે "ઈશ્વર તથા પ્રભુ ઈસુ ખ્રિસ્તના એક સેવક" તરીકે કરે છે.

આ માણસ, પ્રેરિત યાકૂબ, જે પ્રેરિત યોહાનનો ભાઈ હતો, તે હતો નહિ. ઈસુની હત્યા અને મરણમાંથી તેમના પુનરુત્થાન પછીના થોડાક જ વર્ષો બાદ તે યોહાનને તો તેના વિશ્વાસને લીધે મારી નાખવામાં આવ્યો હતો. તેના મરણની ઘટના પછીના ઘણાં વર્ષો બાદ આ પત્ર લખવામાં આવ્યો હતો.

### યાકૂબના પત્રનું લખાણ કેવા પ્રકારનું છે?

યાકૂબના પત્રનો આરંભ તેના સમયના પત્રોની લાક્ષણિક શરૂઆત મુજબનો  છે, પરંતુ જેમ એક પત્ર ક્રમિક અને તાર્કિક રીતે વિકાસ પામે તે રીતનું મુખ્ય બંધારણ આ પત્રનું નથી. તેનાથી વિપરીત, આ પત્ર ટૂંકી વાતોનું સંકલન અને વિવિધ વિષયો પર પ્રતિબિંબ પ્રસ્તુત કરે છે. (તે રીતે આ પુસ્તક નીતિવચનોના પુસ્તક સમાન છે.) આ પ્રસ્તાવનાની શરૂઆતમાં રૂપરેખા જે દર્શાવે છે તેમ, આ પુસ્તક ઘણાં નાના વિભાગોનું બનેલ છે જે વિષય થી વિષયની આસપાસ ફરે છે. 

James uses many of the devices that speakers used in his time, such as anticipating and answering a question that someone might ask. He also uses many vivid examples drawn from both nature and everyday life. For this reason, many interpreters believe that for the content of this book, James drew on sermons he had preached and on wise advice he had given. He wanted to share all of that wisdom with Christians living in different parts of the Roman Empire to help them face difficult times. It is also possible that James wrote this letter because he was nearing the end of his life and he wanted his wisdom to be preserved and shared after his death.

### To whom was the book of James written?

James wrote this letter to believers in Jesus who had a Jewish background. This is clear from many of the things that he says in the letter. For example, he addresses his readers figuratively as “the twelve tribes” in [1:1](../01/01.md). He speaks of their meeting place as a “synagogue” in [2:2](../02/02.md). He assumes in [2:19](../02/19.md) that they are familiar with the essential Jewish affirmation that “God is one,” and in [2:21](../02/21.md) he calls Abraham “our father.” He calls God by the Hebrew title the Lord of Sabaoth in [5:4](../05/04.md). He assumes that his readers will be familiar from the Hebrew Scriptures with the stories of people such as Job ([5:11](../05/11.md)) and Elijah ([5:17](../05/17.md)). These notes will call attention to the places where James engages his readers in light of their Jewish background.

### What is the book of James about?

In this letter, James writes to believers living all over the Roman Empire who are suffering. He tells them that God is working through their sufferings to help them become more mature Christians. James also writes much in this letter about how believers should live in this world and treat one another. He urges them to treat other people fairly, not to quarrel and fight, and to be compassionate and generous.

### How should the title of this book be translated?

Translators may choose to call this book by its traditional title, “James.” Alternatively, they may choose a different title such as “A Letter from James” or “The Letter James Wrote.” But note that “James” is actually the English form of the author's name. In the letter itself, he calls himself “Jacob,” which is the original Hebrew form of his name. So you may want to refer to him in the title of the book by the same name that you will use in your translation for the character of Jacob in the book of Genesis. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])

## Part 2: Important Religious and Cultural Concepts

### Did James disagree with Paul about how a person is justified before God?

Paul taught in Romans that Christians are justified by faith and not by works. James seems to teach that Christians are justified by works. This could be confusing. However, a better understanding of what Paul and James each taught shows that they actually agree with one another. Both of them taught that a person needs faith in order to be justified. They both also taught that true faith would lead a person to do good works. Paul and James taught about these things in different ways because they had different audiences who needed to know different things about being justified. James wrote primarily to Jewish Christians, while Paul wrote to communities in which there were many Gentile Christians. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/justice]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/works]])

## Part 3: Important Translation Issues

### How should the translator signal transitions between topics in the book of James?

James moves briskly from one topic to another. Often he does not end his discussion of one topic with a summary and then begin the discussion of the next topic with an introduction. It might be helpful to your readers if you set topics apart by putting blank lines between them. However, your readers would have the same experience of the letter that its original audience did if you allowed the transitions between topics to remain abrupt. Just as happens in the book of Proverbs, James seems to have wanted each new thought to strike his audience with fresh force. So you may also choose not to put any blank lines between topics in your translation.

James often makes the link between topics through key words, for example, “rejoice” in 1:1 and “joy” in 1:2; “lacking” in 1:4 and “lacks” in 1:5; and so forth. If you can find ways to translate these key words similarly in both of their occurrences, this should help your readers appreciate the link and the transition.

### Changes from the present tense to the past tense

In several places where James offers an illustration of a point he has just made, he narrates that illustration in the past tense as if he were telling the story of something that had happened. If this would be confusing for your readers, you could translate these illustrations in the present tense. Notes will identify each of these places and make that suggestion.

### Textual issues in the book of James

See the General Notes to chapter 2 for a discussion of one important textual issue in this book. +JAS front intro exs3 0 # યાકૂબના પત્રની પ્રસ્તાવના 

## ભાગ ૧: સર્વસાધારણ પ્રસ્તાવના 

### યાકૂબના પત્રની રૂપરેખા 

1. શુભેચ્છા (1:1)
2. કસોટીઓ દ્વારા ધીરજ પામવી (1:2-4)
3. જ્ઞાન માટે ઈશ્વર પર ભરોસો રાખવો (1:5-8)
4. ગરીબ અને ધનવાન વ્યક્તિઓએ શા વિષે અભિમાન કરવું (1:9-11)
5. પરીક્ષણોમાં ટકી રહેવું/સ્થિર રહેવું (1:12-15)
6. ઈશ્વરના વચનો જે કહે છે તે સાંભળવું અને કરવું (1:16-27)
7. ધનવાન લોકોની તરફેણ કરવા વિરુદ્ધ એક ચેતવણી (2:1-13)
8. વિશ્વાસ અને કરણીઓ (2:14-26)
9. બોલવામાં સ્વ નિયંત્રણની જરૂરીયાત (3:1-12)
10. દુન્યવી જ્ઞાન અને સ્વર્ગીય જ્ઞાનનો વિરોધાભાસ (3:13-18)
11. જગિક ઈચ્છાઓ અને તે પાપ તથા લડાઈને જન્મ આપે (4:1-12)
12. આવતીકાલ વિષે અભિમાન કરવા વિરુદ્ધ એક ચેતવણી (4:13-17)
13. ધનવાન લોકોને ઠપકો (5:1-6)
14. પ્રભુના પુનરાગમન સબંધી ધીરજથી રાહ જોવી (5:7-11)
15. સમ ખાવા વિષે પ્રતિબંધ (5:12)
16. પ્રાર્થના, માફી અને સાજાપણું (5:13-18)
17. પાપીનું પુનસ્થાપન (5:19-20)

### યાકૂબનો પત્ર કોણે લખ્યો? 

આ પત્રનો લેખક યાકૂબ હતો તે વિષે બાઈબલના વિદ્વાનો મધ્યે વ્યાપક સંમતિ છે. યાકૂબ, ઈસુનો સાવકો ભાઈ તથા શરૂઆતની મંડળીમાં યરુશાલેમ મુકામે એક આગેવાન હતો. તે તેના જ્ઞાન તથા અધિકાર વિષે માનીતો હતો. ઉદાહરણ તરીકે, યરુશાલેમ પરિષદ, શરૂઆતની મંડળીની એક અગત્યની સભા, જેનું વર્ણન પ્રેરીતોના કૃત્યો ૧૫:૧૩-૨૧ માં કરવામાં આવ્યું છે, તે સભામાં તેના શબ્દો નિર્ણાયક હતા. ગલાતીઓને પત્ર ૨:૯ માં પ્રેરિત પાઉલ તેને મંડળીના એક સ્તંભ, એટલે મંડળીના આગેવાનોમાંના એક મહત્વના આગેવાન તરીકે ઉલ્લેખે છે. જો કે, યાકૂબ મંડળીનો એક પ્રભાવશાળી આગેવાન તથા ઈસુનો સાવકો ભાઈ હતો તેમ છતાં આ પત્રમાં તે પોતાની પ્રસ્તાવના, નમ્રપણે "ઈશ્વર તથા પ્રભુ ઈસુ ખ્રિસ્તના એક સેવક" તરીકે કરે છે.

આ માણસ, પ્રેરિત યાકૂબ, જે પ્રેરિત યોહાનનો ભાઈ હતો, તે હતો નહિ. ઈસુની હત્યા અને મરણમાંથી તેમના પુનરુત્થાન પછીના થોડાક જ વર્ષો બાદ તે યોહાનને તો તેના વિશ્વાસને લીધે મારી નાખવામાં આવ્યો હતો. તેના મરણની ઘટના પછીના ઘણાં વર્ષો બાદ આ પત્ર લખવામાં આવ્યો હતો.

### યાકૂબના પત્રનું લખાણ કેવા પ્રકારનું છે?

યાકૂબના પત્રનો આરંભ તેના સમયના પત્રોની લાક્ષણિક શરૂઆત મુજબનો  છે, પરંતુ જેમ એક પત્ર ક્રમિક અને તાર્કિક રીતે વિકાસ પામે તે રીતનું મુખ્ય બંધારણ આ પત્રનું નથી. તેનાથી વિપરીત, આ પત્ર ટૂંકી વાતોનું સંકલન અને વિવિધ વિષયો પર પ્રતિબિંબ પ્રસ્તુત કરે છે. (તે રીતે આ પુસ્તક નીતિવચનોના પુસ્તક સમાન છે.) આ પ્રસ્તાવનાની શરૂઆતમાં રૂપરેખા જે દર્શાવે છે તેમ, આ પુસ્તક ઘણાં નાના વિભાગોનું બનેલ છે જે વિષય થી વિષયની આસપાસ ફરે છે. 

તેના સમયના વક્તાઓએ ઉપયોગ કર્યો હોય તેવા ઘણાં ઉપકરણોનો ઉપયોગ યાકૂબ કરે છે, જેમ કે કોઈક કદાચ કોઈ પ્રશ્ન પૂછે તેવી ધારણા રાખી તે પ્રશ્નનો જવાબ આપવો. પ્રકૃતિ અને રોજબરોજના જીવન, આ બંનેમાંથી તારવવામાં આવેલ ઘણાં આબેહૂબ ઉદાહરણોનો ઉપયોગ, યાકૂબ કરે છે. આ કારણથી, For this reason, many interpreters believe that for the content of this book, James drew on sermons he had preached and on wise advice he had given. He wanted to share all of that wisdom with Christians living in different parts of the Roman Empire to help them face difficult times. It is also possible that James wrote this letter because he was nearing the end of his life and he wanted his wisdom to be preserved and shared after his death.

### To whom was the book of James written?

James wrote this letter to believers in Jesus who had a Jewish background. This is clear from many of the things that he says in the letter. For example, he addresses his readers figuratively as “the twelve tribes” in [1:1](../01/01.md). He speaks of their meeting place as a “synagogue” in [2:2](../02/02.md). He assumes in [2:19](../02/19.md) that they are familiar with the essential Jewish affirmation that “God is one,” and in [2:21](../02/21.md) he calls Abraham “our father.” He calls God by the Hebrew title the Lord of Sabaoth in [5:4](../05/04.md). He assumes that his readers will be familiar from the Hebrew Scriptures with the stories of people such as Job ([5:11](../05/11.md)) and Elijah ([5:17](../05/17.md)). These notes will call attention to the places where James engages his readers in light of their Jewish background.

### What is the book of James about?

In this letter, James writes to believers living all over the Roman Empire who are suffering. He tells them that God is working through their sufferings to help them become more mature Christians. James also writes much in this letter about how believers should live in this world and treat one another. He urges them to treat other people fairly, not to quarrel and fight, and to be compassionate and generous.

### How should the title of this book be translated?

Translators may choose to call this book by its traditional title, “James.” Alternatively, they may choose a different title such as “A Letter from James” or “The Letter James Wrote.” But note that “James” is actually the English form of the author's name. In the letter itself, he calls himself “Jacob,” which is the original Hebrew form of his name. So you may want to refer to him in the title of the book by the same name that you will use in your translation for the character of Jacob in the book of Genesis. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])

## Part 2: Important Religious and Cultural Concepts

### Did James disagree with Paul about how a person is justified before God?

Paul taught in Romans that Christians are justified by faith and not by works. James seems to teach that Christians are justified by works. This could be confusing. However, a better understanding of what Paul and James each taught shows that they actually agree with one another. Both of them taught that a person needs faith in order to be justified. They both also taught that true faith would lead a person to do good works. Paul and James taught about these things in different ways because they had different audiences who needed to know different things about being justified. James wrote primarily to Jewish Christians, while Paul wrote to communities in which there were many Gentile Christians. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/justice]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/works]])

## Part 3: Important Translation Issues

### How should the translator signal transitions between topics in the book of James?

James moves briskly from one topic to another. Often he does not end his discussion of one topic with a summary and then begin the discussion of the next topic with an introduction. It might be helpful to your readers if you set topics apart by putting blank lines between them. However, your readers would have the same experience of the letter that its original audience did if you allowed the transitions between topics to remain abrupt. Just as happens in the book of Proverbs, James seems to have wanted each new thought to strike his audience with fresh force. So you may also choose not to put any blank lines between topics in your translation.

James often makes the link between topics through key words, for example, “rejoice” in 1:1 and “joy” in 1:2; “lacking” in 1:4 and “lacks” in 1:5; and so forth. If you can find ways to translate these key words similarly in both of their occurrences, this should help your readers appreciate the link and the transition.

### Changes from the present tense to the past tense

In several places where James offers an illustration of a point he has just made, he narrates that illustration in the past tense as if he were telling the story of something that had happened. If this would be confusing for your readers, you could translate these illustrations in the present tense. Notes will identify each of these places and make that suggestion.

### Textual issues in the book of James

See the General Notes to chapter 2 for a discussion of one important textual issue in this book. JAS 1 intro pz2q 0 # James 1 General Notes

## Structure and formatting

1. Greetings (1:1)
2. Gaining endurance through trials (1:2-4)
3. Trusting God for wisdom (1:5-8)
4. What poor and rich people should boast about (1:9-11)
5. Enduring temptation (1:12-15)
6. Hearing and doing what God’s Word says (1:16-27)

James begins this letter in [1:1](../01/01.md) by giving his name, identifying the people to whom he is writing, and offering a greeting. That was the way people typically began letters at this time. However, as Part 1 of the Introduction to James explains, the letter does not then develop the way other letters did. Instead, it is a collection of short sayings and reflections.

## Special concepts in this chapter

### Testing and temptation

James uses a word in this chapter that can mean both “trial,” as in [1:2](../01/02.md) and [1:12](../01/12.md), and “temptation,” as in [1:13-14](../01/13.md). In both cases the word speaks of the situation of a person who needs to choose between doing something good and doing something evil. The difference between the two senses is important. When ULT translates the word as “trial,” God is testing the person and wants him to do what is good. When ULT translates the word as “temptation,” Satan is tempting the person and wants him to do what is evil. JAS 1 1 pkt2 figs-123person Ἰάκωβος 1 James In this culture, letter writers would give their own names first, and they would refer to themselves in the third person. If that would be confusing in your language, you could use the first person. If your language has a particular way of introducing the author of a letter, you could also use that if it would be helpful to your readers. Alternate translation: “I, James, am writing this letter” or “From James” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) JAS 1 1 j000 translate-names Ἰάκωβος 1 James This is the name of a man, the half-brother of Jesus. See the information about him in Part 1 of the Introduction to James. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])