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2024-02-29 16:02:06 +00:00
Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
1:1-2 s10b Who were the two wives of Elkanah? The wives of Elkanah were Hannah and Peninnah.
1:2 hjmd How many children did Hannah have? Hannah had no children.
1:5 vmrz Why did Elkanah give a double portion to Hannah? He gave a double portion to Hannah because he loved her.
1:6 dka6 Why did Hannahs rival provoke her? She provoked Hannah in order to irritate her, beause Yahweh had closed her womb.
1:9-10 wvqr What did Hannah do because she was so deeply distress about not having children? She went to the house of Yahweh and prayed and wept bitterly.
1:11 wm8k What did Hannah vow to Yahweh? Hannah vowed that if Yahweh would give her a son, she would give him to Yahweh and no razor would touch his head.
1:12-14 iptr Because Hannah was speaking to Yahweh from her heart, what did Eli, the priest, think about her actions? Eli saw Hannahs lips moving but didnt hear her voice, so he thought she was drunk from wine.
1:15-16 jd1k What did Hannah assure Eli she was doing? Hannah assured Eli that she was not drunk but was speaking to Yahweh from her heart.
1:17-18 v2fu What did Eli say to Hannah that caused her to go on her way, eat and no longer feel sad? Eli told her to go in peace and asked the God of Israel to grant her the request she was asking him.
1:20 fogg When Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son, what did she name him? Hannah named her son Samuel because she asked for him from Yahweh.
1:21-23 a19c Why did Hannah not go with her husband to the temple for the yearly sacrifice? Because she was still nursing her son.
1:24-25 jwfq What did Hannah take with her, along with her son, to the house of Yahweh to give to Eli the priest? Hannah took a sacrifice of a three year old bull, one ephah of meal, and a bottle of wine to give to the priest.
1:26-28 ftp6 What did Hannah give Yahweh? Hannah gave her son to Yahweh for as long as he would live.
2:1 tume Why did Hannah speak boldly over her enemies? Hannah spoke boldly because she rejoices in Yahwehs salvation.
2:3 o5f2 Why does Hannah say that we should not boast or speak arrogantly? We should not boast or speak arrogantly because Yahweh is a God of knowledge and by him all actions are weighed.
2:5 vseh In Hannahs song, who is the one who is filled with sorrow? The woman who has many children is filled with sorrow.
2:6 u8yn Who decides death and life, if one goes down to Sheol or is raised up? Yahweh is the one who decides death and life, and Sheol or raised up.
2:7 ec6e Who makes the poor and the rich? Yahweh makes the poor, and he makes the rich.
2:8 io4k Who raises up the poor and lifts the needy to sit in the seat of honor? Yahweh raises them up to sit at the seat of honor.
2:9 kurn Who does Hannah say will guard the feet of his faithful people and silence the wicked in darkness? Yahweh will guard their feet and silence the wicked.
2:10 y2mu Who judges the ends of the earth and gives strength to his king? Yahweh judges the ends of the earth and gives strength to his king.
2:11 pjpt What child served Yahweh in the presence of Eli the priest? Samuel served Yahweh in the presence of Eli the priest.
2:12 ecfh Whose sons were evil men? Eli the priests sons were evil men.
2:13-14 hxiz What was the custom of the priests with the people at the time of sacrifice? Their custom was for the priests servant come with a three pronged fork to get the meat for the priest to take for himself.
2:15-16 fd21 What evil thing did the priests sons instruct their servants? Instead of eating the boiled meat, Elis sons instructed their servants tell the people they only ate raw meat.
2:17 jrb8 Why was the sin of Elis sons so great? Their sin was great before Yahweh because they despised Yahwehs offering.
2:18-19 ta1h What would Samuels mother make for him form year to year to cloth him? She world make him a linen ephod robe.
2:20 jvrr How would Eli bless Elkanah and his wife? Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife by praying for them to have more children by Hannah.
2:21 vu4i What was Yahwehs response to Elis prayer for Samuels parents to have more children? Yahweh once more helped Hannah and she bore three more sons and two daughters.
2:23-24 qmuh What did Eli say to his sons as he was getting very old? Eli told his sons that they were doing evil things and they caused Yahwehs people to disobey.
2:25 o40n Why did Elis sons not listen to his voice? Elis sons did not listen to his voice because Yahweh intended to kill them.
2:26 r7g1 Who grew up and increased in favor with Yahweh and also with men? Samuel grew up and increased in favor with Yahweh and with men.
2:27-28 nj86 Who told Eli that Yahweh chose Elis ancestors out of all the tribes of Israel to be Yahwehs priest? A man of God told Eli that Yahweh chose Elis ancestors.
2:29 m8w2 How had Eli scorned Yahwehs sacrifices and offerings? He scorned the sacrifices and offerings by honoring his sons above Yahweh.
2:33 cp03 What did Yahweh tell Eli would happen to the men in his family? Yahweh told Eli that all the men born in Elis family would die.
2:34 fi2d What did Yahweh say would be a sign that all the men in Elis family would die? Both of Elis sons would die on the same day.
2:35 au47 Who will walk before Yahwehs anointed king forever? A faithful priest who Yahweh raises up will walk before Yahwehs anointed king forever.
2:35 o63g Why will everyone in Elis family come and bow down to the faithful priest? They will ask him for a position as a priest so that they can have food to eat.
3:2-4 qi73 What was Samuels reply when he heard Yahweh call to him as he was lying down in his bed? Samuel replied, “Here I am.”
3:5 s4g8 What did Eli tell Samuel to do when Samuel ran to him? Eli said that he did not call Samuel, and told him to go lie down again.
3:7 ocks What had never been revealed to Samuel? A message from Yahweh had never been revealed to Samuel.
3:8 yooi What did Eli realize after the third time that Samuel came to him? Eli realized that Yahweh had called the boy.
3:9 x3xz What did Eli tell Samuel to say if Yahweh called him again? Eli told Samuel to say, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”
3:11 xner What did Yahweh say would happen to the ears of everyone when they heard what Yahweh was going to do? Yahweh said the ears of everyone that hears what he is about to do will shake.
3:13 ed3v What did Elis sons bring upon themselves? Elis sons brought a curse upon themselves..
3:14 ifx7 What would never be atoned for by sacrifice or offering? The sins of Elis house would never be atoned for by sacrifice or offering.
3:15 e6hl What was Samuel afraid to do in the morning after he opened the doors of the house of Yahweh? He was afraid to tell Eli about the vision from Yahweh.
3:17 hvxl What did Samuel do after Eli told him that he must not hide from him the words that Yahweh had spoken? Samuel told him everything and hid nothing from Eli.
3:20 plr2 What did all Israel from Dan to Beersheba know about Samuel? All Israel knew that Samuel was appointed to be a prophet of Yahweh.
4:1-2 huut What was the result of the battle between Israel and the Philistines? Israel was defeated by the Philistines.
4:3 rd6x What did the elders of Israel decide to do so that they could be kept safe from the power of their enemies? The elders decided that they should bring the ark of the testimony of Yahweh to be with them.
4:4 va6h Who was with the ark of the testimony of Yahweh of hosts? The two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas were there with the ark.
4:5-6 y7gc What did the Philistines wonder when they heard the great shout of all the people of Israel? The Philistines wondered what the loud shouting in the camp of the Hebrews meant.
4:7 dnjn Who did the Philistines say had come into the camp of the Hebrews? The Philistines said that God had come into the camp of the Hebrews.
4:8 i0hk With what did the Philistines say that God had attacked the Egyptians in the wilderness? They said that God had attacked the Egyptians with many different kinds of plagues.
4:10-11 d7ji What happened to the two sons of Eli when the Philistines fought and defeated Israel? The two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, died.
4:12-13 lumj What did the whole city do when the man from the battle line entered the city and told the news? When the man told the news, the whole city cried out.
4:14 gjv7 What question did Eli ask when he heard the noise of the outcry of the city? Eli asked what was the meaning of the uproar.
4:16-17 jm9u What did the man tell Eli had happened to his sons and to the ark of God when Israel was defeated by the Philistines? The man told Eli that this two sons were dead and the ark of God had been taken.
4:18 t6em What was the injury that took Elis life when he fell over backward from his seat by the side of the gate? Elis neck was broken and he died.
4:19 e16g What happened when Phinehas pregnant wife heard that the ark was captured and her father-in-law and husband were dead? Phinehas wife knelt down and gave birth, but her labor pains overwhelmed her.
4:21-22 do66 What name did Phinehas wife give to the baby and why did she give him that name? She named the baby Ichabod because the glory had gone away from Israel.
5:1-3 ecm0 In what position did the people find the idol Dagon the next day after the Philistines brought the ark of God into the house of Dagon? Dagon was found fallen face down on the ground before the ark of Yahweh.
5:4 y73h What remained of the idol Dagon the next morning after they had set him back in his place before the ark? Only the trunk of Dagon remained and his head and hands were lying cut off in the doorway.
5:6-7 pn6c Why did the men of Ashdod say that the ark should not stay with them? The hand of the God of Israel was hard against them and against Dagon their god.
5:8 vujt To what place did the Philistines move the ark of the God of Israel? The Philistines moved the ark to Gath.
5:9 fvkn With what did Yahweh afflict the men of the city of Gath? Yahweh afflicted them with tumors.
5:10 ycbs What did the people of Ekron say that the God of Israel would do to them because the ark was sent to their city? They said that the God of Israel would kill them and their people.
5:11 lhky To what place did the people of Ekron request the rulers to send the ark? They requested that the ark be sent to its own place.
5:12 isfz To what place did the cry of the men of the city go? The cry of the men of the city went up to the heavens.
6:1 uylw For what period of time was the ark of Yahweh in the Philistines country? The ark was in the country of the Philistines for seven months.
6:2 n3r3 Who did the Philistines call to ask advice on how the ark of Yahweh should be sent back to its own country? They called for the priests and the diviners to tell them how to send the ark back to its own country.
6:3-4 wpyt What did the priests and diviners tell the Philistine people to send as a gift to the God of Israel as a guilt offering? They told the Philistines to send five golden tumors and five golden mice.
6:6 ku6q Why did the priests and diviners say God had dealt severely with the Egyptians and Pharaoh? God had dealt severely with the Egyptians and Pharaoh because they had hardened their hearts.
6:7 uxzv What animals did the priests and diviners tell the Philistines to tie to the cart on which they were to place the ark of Yahweh? They told the Philistines to tie two nursing cows to the cart.
6:9 omjr How would the Philistines know that it was Yahweh who had executed the great disaster on them? The Philistines would know it if the cows pulling the cart went on their own to Beth Shemesh.
6:10-12 y5w6 Where did the nursing cows go with the cart carrying the ark and the box containing the golden mice and castings of tumors? The cows went straight in the direction of Beth Shemesh.
6:13 ty8i What were the people of Beth Shemesh doing when they lifted up their eyes and saw the ark? They were harvesting their wheat in the valley.
6:14 f0tn What did the people of Beth Shemesh do with the cows that had pulled the cart? They offered the cows as a burnt offering to Yahweh.
6:15 bqcq Who took down the ark of Yahweh and the box that was with it? The Levites took down the ark of Yahweh and the box that was with it.
6:16 mx31 What did the five rulers of the Philistines do when they saw what the men of Beth Shemesh had done? They returned that day to Ekron.
6:17-18 px28 What was the significance of the number of five golden tumors and the number of five golden mice? The number of the golden tumors and the golden mice were the same as the number of all the cities of the Philistines belonging to the five rulers.
6:19 pzt3 Why did Yahweh kill seventy of the men of Beth Shemesh? Yahweh killed them because they had looked into his ark.
6:21 d5jr What did the messengers ask the inhabitants of Kiriath Jearim to do about the ark that the Philistines had brought back? The messengers asked the inhabitants of Kiriath Jearim to come down and take the ark back with them.
7:1 ngq8 What did the men of Kiriath Jearim do to Abinadabs son Eleazar so that he could keep the ark of Yahweh? They consecrated him to keep the ark of Yahweh.
7:2 enfi What did all the house of Israel do during the twenty years that the ark remained in Kiriath Jearim? They lamented during that time and wished to turn to Yahweh.
7:3-4 aru0 What did the people of Israel need to remove from among them in order for Yahweh to rescue them from the hand of the Philistines? They needed to remove the foreign gods and Ashtaroth from among them and worship Yahweh only.
7:5-6 gstw What did the people of Israel admit that they had done when they gathered together at Mitzpah and poured water out before Yahweh? They admitted that they had sinned against Yahweh.
7:7-8 vsrc What did the people of Israel hear about the Philistines that made them afraid and made them ask Samuel to call out to Yahweh for them? They heard that the rulers of the Philistines attacked Israel.
7:9 x20r What did Yahweh do when Samuel took a nursing lamb, offered it as a whole burnt offering to Yahweh and cried out to Yahweh? He answered Samuel.
7:10 u38f What was it that Yahweh did that threw the Philistines into confusion as they drew near to attack Israel? Yahweh thundered with a loud sound that day against the Philistines.
7:12 r495 What did Samuel set up between Mizpah and Shen as a remembrance that Yahweh had helped them? Samuel took a stone and set it up.
7:14 xmiw What happened to the towns that the Philistines had taken from Israel? They were restored to Israel.
7:15-17 cfuo What did Samuel do as he went on a circuit to Bethel, Gilgal, Mizpah and back to Raman? Samuel decided disputes for Israel in all these places.
8:1-3 pfia In what ways did the two sons of Samuel, who were judges, not walk in the ways of their father? They chased after dishonest gain, taking bribes and perverting justice.
8:4-5 bydb What the request did the elders of Israel make of Samuel? They asked Samuel to appoint for them a king to judge them like all the nations, since he was old and his sons did not walk in his ways.
8:6 d3op What did Samuel do when he was displeased by the request from the elders of Israel to give them a king? Samuel prayed to Yahweh.
8:7 raxq Why did Yahweh tell Samuel to obey the voice of the people in everything they would say to him? Yahweh told Samuel to obey their voice because they were not rejecting Samuel, but they were rejected Yahweh from being king over them.
8:8-9 blnh What was the warning which Yahweh told Samuel to give to the people of Israel? Yahweh told Samuel to solemnly warn the people of Israel about the way in which the king would rule over them.
8:10-12 gfia What was the warning which Samuel gave to the people of Israel about the way in which the king would take their sons from them? Samuel warned the people that the king would take their sons to be horsemen and soldiers, make them plow the ground and reap the harvest, and use others to make weapons and implements of war.
8:13-15 jbmy What was the warning which Samuel gave to the people of Israel about what the king would do with their daughters? Samuel warned them that the king would take their daughters to be perfumers, cooks, and bakers.
8:16-17 pdtg What was the warning which Samuel gave to the people of Israel about what the king would do with their servants, young men, and animals? Samuel warned them that the king would take their servants, the best of their young men and donkeys, a tenth of their flocks, and make them slaves.
8:18 hm14 What did Samuel warn the people of Israel would happen when they would cry out because of the king which they had chosen for themselves? Samuel said that when they would cry out to Yahweh, Yahweh would not answer them.
8:19-20 f8on How did the people of Israel respond to the warnings from Samuel? The people insisted that they still wanted a king over them so they could be like the other nations and have a king to judge them and fight their battles.
8:21-22 hbxo What was the response of Yahweh when Samuel repeated the words of the people into his ears? Yahweh still told Samuel to obey the voice of the people and give them a king.
9:1-2 cjp5 What were the outstanding physical features of Saul, the son of Kish? Saul was a handsome young man who was taller from his shoulders upward than any of the other people.
9:3-4 t94q What was the outcome when Kish asked his son Saul to go and look for their lost donkeys? Saul took one of the servants and passed through many places without finding the lost donkeys.
9:5 hm6m What did Saul tell his servant the should do when they came to the land of Zuph? Saul told his servant that they should go back or his father would worry more about them than the donkeys.
9:6 yoss What different idea did the servant present to Saul? The servant told Saul that they should seek after a man of God in the city who might be able to tell them where they should go on their journey.
9:7-8 gqa2 What did the servant have in his possession to give to the man of God so he would tell them which way to go? The servant had with him a fourth of a shekel of silver to give to the man of God.
9:9-11 z4i1 What did Saul and his servant inquire of the young women who were coming out to draw water? Saul and his servant asked if the seer was in the city so they could seek the knowledge of Gods will.
9:12-13 m1ts Why was the seer coming to the city on that day? The seer was coming to the city on that day because the people were sacrificing at the high place and the seer would bless the sacrifice.
9:15-16 ayku What did Yahweh reveal to Samuel about Sauls role in Israel? Yahweh told Samuel that he would be anointed prince over Israel and he would save Yahwehs people from the hand of the Philistines.
9:17-19 eu0t What invitation did Samuel give to Saul after he revealed that he was the seer Saul was seeking? Samuel invited Saul to go up and eat with him at the high place.
9:20-21 isdv How did Samuel surprise Saul by what he told him? Even though Saul was from a clan which was the least of the tribe of Benjamin, all the desires of Israel were on him and his fathers house.
9:23-24 z1d3 What did Samuel tell Saul about the thigh that had been raised in sacrifice? He told Saul that it had been kept until the appointed time for him.
9:25-26 tx1k What did Samuel say to Saul after they had come down from the high place into the city? Samuel told Saul to get up so he could send him on his way.
9:27 perv Why did Samuel tell Saul he must stay on the outskirts of the city for awhile? Samuel told Saul to stay so Samuel could announce the message of God to him.
10:1 xbpr Why did Samuel pour a flask of oil on Sauls head and kiss him? He poured oil on Sauls head because Yahweh had anointed him to be a ruler over his inheritance.
10:2 wb84 What future event did Samuel share with Saul? Samuel told Saul that he would find two men near Rachels tomb who would tell him that the donkeys had been found.
10:3-4 p40k What did Samuel tell Saul would happen when he would come to the oak of Tabor? Three men would meet him carrying three young goats, three loaves of bread, and a skin of wine and they would give him two loaves of bread, which he should take.
10:5-6 f1vl What did Samuel tell Saul would happen when he came to the garrison of the Philistines? The spirit of Yahweh would rush upon him so that he would be changed into a different man and he would prophesy with a group of prophets from the city.
10:7-8 in16 What instructions did Samuel give to Saul? Samuel told Saul to go down to Gilgal and Samuel would come to sacrifice burnt offerings and peace offerings.
10:9 zs4u What happened when Saul turned his back to leave Samuel? When Saul turned to leave, God gave him another heart.
10:11-13 xn9h Why did people wonder if Saul was one of the prophets? The people wondered if he was now one of the prophets because they saw him prophesying with one of the prophets.
10:14 cfgt What did Saul tell his uncle when he was asked where he had gone? Saul told his uncle that when he and his servant could not find the donkeys, they went to see Samuel.
10:15-16 y6j7 What did Saul not tell his uncle about what Samuel said to him? Samuel did not tell his uncle about the matter of the kingdom.
10:17-19 iwhf Why did Yahweh say that Israel had rejected him? Israel had rejected Yahweh because they had demanded that he set a king over them.
10:20-21 x4i1 What happened when Saul was chosen as the next king? They looked for Saul, but he could not be found.
10:22 olzv Why couldnt they find Saul when he was chosen as the next king? Saul had hidden himself among the baggage.
10:24 fqw6 How did Samuel feel about the man whom Yahweh had chosen? Samuel said that there was no one like Saul among all the people.
10:25 vsvq How were the customs and rules of kingship established and preserved? Samuel told the people the customs and rules of kingship, wrote them down in a book, and placed it before Yahweh.
10:27 uy0v How did some worthless men show their dislike for Saul? Some worthless men despised Saul by not bringing him any gifts and questioning how he could save them.
11:1-2 m8cv What was the response of Nahash the Ammonite to the request for a treaty from the men of Jabesh? He said he would make a treaty with them if he could bring disgrace on all Israel by gouging out all their right eyes.
11:3 rpoa How did the elders of Jabesh respond to Nahashs proposal? They asked to be left alone for seven days to see if there was anyone in all the territory of Israel who would save them.
11:4-5 wvwi Why did Saul wonder what was wrong with the people in his town of Gibeah? Saul heard them crying after they had heard what might happen to the town of Jabesh.
11:6-8 s63i How did Saul respond to the threat against Jabesh? He became very angry and rallied all the men of Israel to follow him and fight against the enemies of Jabesh.
11:9 jicg What did the messengers tell the men of Jabesh? They told the men of Jabesh that they would be rescued on the next day by the time the sun was hot.
11:10 mtfz What did the men of Jabesh say to deceive Nahash? They told Nahash that they would surrender to him the next day and he could do to them whatever he wanted.
11:11 am64 What was the outcome of the battle between the people of Israel and Nahash the Ammonite? The people of Israel attacked and defeated the Ammonites and those who survived were scattered.
11:12-13 jzdl Why did Saul say that none of his opposition would be put to death? Saul said no one would be put to death because Yahweh had rescued Israel.
11:14-15 sy0u Why did Samuel, Saul and all the people of Israel go to Gilgal? They went to Gilgal to sacrifice peace offerings and to renew the monarchy by making Saul king before Yahweh.
12:4-5 qnrp Had Samuel every done anything evil against the people of Israel? The people of Israel told Samuel he had not cheated or oppressed them or stolen anything from them.
12:6-7 xlx8 Why did Samuel tell the people of Israel to present themselves before Yahweh? He told the people of Israel to present themselves so he could remind them of all the righteous deeds of Yahweh in the past.
12:8-9 e1g3 What did God do to the ancestors of the people of Israel after they forgot Yahweh their God after Moses and Aaron brought them up out of Egypt? Yahweh sold them into the hand of Sisera, into the hand of the Philistines and into the hand of the king of Moab.
12:10-11 gsj2 What did Yahweh do after Israels ancestors cried out to Yahweh and asked him to rescue them from the hand of their enemies? Yahweh sent Jerub Baal, Bedan, Jephthah, and Samuel to rescue them from their enemies.
12:12-13 iw7v What truth did Samuel want the people of Israel to remember? Samuel reminded the people of Israel that they had wanted a king to reign over them.
12:14-15 n6m0 What choice did Samuel bring before the people of Israel? They could obey the command of Yahweh and be followers of Yahweh, or they could rebel against Yahwehs commands and experience his hand against them.
12:16 nc77 What challenge did Samuel lay before the people of Israel? Samuel challenged the people to present themselves before Yahweh and see the great thing he would do before their eyes.
12:17-18 u5cr What did Samuel ask Yahweh to send so that the people of Israel would know the extent of their wickedness? He asked Yahweh to send thunder and rain.
12:19-20 w2ye How did Samuel respond when the people of Israel realized the serious nature of their sin? Samuel told the people to not be afraid, but to serve Yahweh with all their heart.
12:22 lofy What message of comfort did Samuel give to the people of Israel? Samuel comforted the people of Israel by telling them that Yahweh would not reject them.
12:23 jpwd What did Samuel decide to do for Israel? He decided teach the people the way that was good and right, and not to cease to pray for them.
12:24 d5pt What challenge did Samuel give to the people of Israel? Samuel told them to consider the great things Yahweh had done for them so they would fear him and serve him in truth with all their heart.
13:2 p4q5 What did Saul do with the soldiers he did not choose to be with him? Saul sent the rest of the soldiers home to their own tents.
13:3-4 d3en Why did Israel become a rotten smell to the Philistines? They became a rotten smell because Saul had defeated the garrison of the Philistines.
13:5 jiir How did the Philistines respond to the the defeat by the people of Israel? They gathered numerous chariots and men to fight against Israel.
13:6-7 n1u8 How did the people of Israel react to the forces of the Philistines? They were distressed so they hid in caves, in the underbrush, in rocks, in wells, and in pits, and some fled over the Jordan.
13:8-10 cipv What did Saul do when Samuel failed to come to Gilgal in seven days? Saul offered the burnt offering and the peace offerings himself.
13:11-12 a85n What excuse did Saul give Samuel for not waiting for him to offer the sacrifices? He said he saw the people leaving, so he forced himself to offer the burnt offering to Yahweh.
13:13 eeoi What did Samuel say to rebuke Saul? Samuel said Saul had acted foolishly for not keeping the command that Yahweh gave him.
13:13-14 qte5 What did Samuel say would be the consequences for Sauls actions? Because Saul did not obey Yahwehs command, his rule over Israel would not continue forever, but instead Yahweh had appointed a man after his own heart to be prince over his people.
13:17 kjr6 What strategy did the Philistines use against the people of Israel? The Philistines sent raiders from their camp to three different areas in Israel.
13:19 ibia What limitations did the soldiers of Israel face in their fight against the Philistines? The Philistines did not allow the Israelites to have any blacksmiths who could make swords or spears.
13:22 vats How were the soldiers of Israel hindered in their fight against the Philistines? The soldiers of Israel did not have any swords or spears in their hands.
14:1 jqbk What secret did Jonathan, the son of Saul, keep from his father? Jonathan and his armor bearer were going to the Philistines garrison on the other side of the pass.
14:2-3 w6xg What was unknown to the six hundred men who were with Saul? They did not know that Jonathan had gone over to the Philistines garrison.
14:6 svaw What proposal did Jonathan present to his young armor bearer? Jonathan told him that Yahweh would work on their behalf to save many people if they would cross over to the garrison of the Philistines.
14:7 xm0l What was the armor bearers response to the proposal? Jonathans armor bearer was ready to obey all his commands, so he encouraged him to do everything that was in his heart.
14:8-10 mjh5 What would be the sign to Jonathan and his armor bearer that Yahweh had given the Philistines into their hand? If the Philistines said that they should come over to them, this would be the sign that Yahweh had given them into their hand.
14:11-12 xlr6 What did Jonathan say to his armor bearer after the men of the Philistines garrison had told them, “Come up to us and we will show you something”? He told his armor bearer to follow him because Yahweh had given them into the hand of Israel.
14:13-14 rolm What was the result of the attack that Jonathan and his armor bearer made on the Philistines garrison? Jonathan and his armor bearer put to death about twenty men.
14:16-17 xvan What did Saul do when his watchmen in Gibeah of Benjamin saw the crowd of Philistine soldiers dispersing and going here and there? Saul had the people count to see who was missing from them, and they discovered it was Jonathan and his armor bearer.
14:18-19 ttsz Why did Saul command Ahijah the priest to bring the ephod of God to him? Saul commanded Ahijah the priest to bring the ephod of God so they could determine the will of God.
14:21 kvsd Who joined with the Israelites that were with Saul and Jonathan? Those Hebrews who had previously been with the Philistines, and who had gone with them into the camp joined the Israelites that were with Saul and Jonathan.
14:23 tfky Who saved Israel that day? Yahweh saved Israel that day.
14:24 k8dd What caused the hungry men of Israel to be distressed? Saul had put the people under an oath that any man that ate food until evening would be cursed.
14:27 txlr What did Jonathan do to unknowingly break the oath? Jonathan ate of the honey from the forest.
14:29-30 ggl7 How was Jonathan critical of the oath his father had made? Jonathan said that if the people had been able to freely eat of the honey and from the plunder of their enemies, there would have been a greater slaughter among the Philistines.
14:33-34 o3kn How did the people of Israel sin against Yahweh after their battle against the Philistines? The people of Israel ate the blood of the animals they killed from the plunder.
14:37 czof What caused Saul to not chase after the Philistines even though he was eager to do so? He did not receive any answers from God that day.
14:38-39 yn23 How did Saul say he would deal with this sin in Israel? He said that the man who committed this sin would surely die, even if it was Jonathan his son.
14:42 xepy How was it determined that Jonathan was the person who had sinned? It was determined by lots.
14:45 x2h2 How was Jonathan saved from death? The people of Israel who would not allow Jonathan to die because he had accomplished a great victory.
14:47-48 r7my How did Saul lead the people of Israel as their king? Saul acted with great courage and rescued Israel out of the hands of those who plundered them.
15:2-3 wk6l Why did Yahweh want Saul to attack and completely destroy Amalek? Amalek opposed Israel on the way when they came up from Egypt.
15:6-7 s7gf Why did Saul tell the Kenites to depart from the Amalekites? The Kenites showed kindness to the people of Israel when they came up from Egypt.
15:8-9 kqg9 How did Saul disobey the directions which Yahweh had given to him? Saul spared the life of King Agag as well as the best of the animals of the Amalekites.
15:10-11 i6qm Why was Yahweh grieved that he had made Saul king? Saul had turned back from following Yahwehs commandments.
15:12-13 vidj What was the lie that Saul told to Samuel? He said he had fulfilled the command of Yahweh.
15:14 i11i How did Samuel respond to the lie which Saul had told him? Samuel asked about the bleating of sheep and the lowing of oxen he was hearing.
15:15 ktei What excuse did Saul give to Samuel to try to explain his disobedience? He said the people spared the best of the sheep and oxen so they could sacrifice them to Yahweh.
15:17-19 cm0z What did Samuel say to rebuke Saul? He told Saul that Yahweh had anointed him king over Israel and told him to completely destroy the Amalekites, but instead he had seized the booty and done evil in the sight of Yahweh.
15:20-21 q1cr What was the same excuse that Saul gave to Samuel? Saul insisted it was the people who took the best of the booty to sacrifice to Yahweh.
15:22-23 y97z What was Samuels response to Saul? Obedience to Yahweh is better than sacrifice and rebellion and stubbornness are sin to Yahweh.
15:24 a5tf What was the reason Saul told Samuel he had sinned? Saul said he had broken Yahwehs commandment because he was afraid of the people.
15:26 lgm1 What was the declaration which Samuel gave to Saul from Yahweh? Yahweh had rejected Saul from being the king of Israel.
15:28 mujd Who was Yahweh going to give the kingdom of Israel to? Samuel told Saul that Yahweh was going to give the kingdom of Israel to one of Sauls neighbors, one who was better than Saul.
15:32-33 tugu What did Samuel do to finish the task that Saul had not done? Samuel used his sword to kill Agag before Yahweh.
16:1 nae2 From what did Yahweh tell Samuel he had rejected Saul? Yahweh had rejected Saul from being king over Israel.
16:2 m3h7 What did Samuel fear if Saul heard of his travel to Bethlehem? He feared that Saul would kill him.
16:3 xeqs How did Yahweh say that Samuel would know who to anoint? He told Samuel that he would anoint the one whom Yahweh told him.
16:4 zjan How did the elders of Bethlehem act when Samuel arrived at their city? They were trembling as they came to meet him.
16:6 ue60 What did Samuel say to himself when he looked at Eliab? He said to himself that Yahwehs anointed was certainly standing before him.
16:7 nt52 How did Yahweh explain to Samuel that he does not see as man sees? Yahweh said that man looks on the outward appearance, but Yahweh looks on the heart.
16:10 wo03 What did Samuel say to Jesse after he made seven sons pass before him? Samuel said that Yahweh had not chosen any of them.
16:11 nea2 Where was the youngest son before Samuel called for him? The youngest son was tending the sheep.
16:13 sni9 When did the Spirit of Yahweh rush on David? The Spirit of Yahweh rushed on David from that day forward.
16:14 iu1x What spirit troubled Saul instead of the Spirit of Yahweh? A harmful spirit from Yahweh troubled Saul.
16:16 uevs What did Sauls servants say that a skillful player could do when the harmful spirit was on Saul? The player of the harp would play it and Saul would be well.
16:19 fcy7 How did Saul say which of Jesses sons he wanted sent to him? Saul sent messengers to Jesse, saying to send him Jesses son David, who was with the sheep.
16:21 qvn2 What assignment did Saul give David since he loved him greatly? Saul made David his armor bearer.
16:23 m5e7 What would depart from Saul so he would be refreshed and well, when David played the harp? The harmful spirit would depart from Saul.
17:2 it79 Why had Saul and the men of Israel encamped in the valley of Elah? They encamped in the valley of Elah to draw up their battle line to meet the Philistines.
17:5 i55l What was on Goliaths head? He had a helmet of bronze on his head.
17:6 shly What did Goliath carry between his shoulders? He had a javelin of bronze between his shoulders.
17:8 uhpd Whom did Goliath say the ranks of Israel served? Goliath said they were servants of Saul.
17:9 z0jo What did Goliath say would happen to the ranks of Israel if their man killed him? He said the Philistines would be their servants.
17:11 s4t7 When Saul and all Israel heard what the Philistine said, how did they feel? They were discouraged and greatly afraid.
17:13 sa1y Which of Jesses sons had followed Saul to the battle? The three oldest sons of Jesse had followed Saul to the battle.
17:16 kyn9 For how long and how often did the Philistine strong man come near to present himself for battle? For forty days he came near morning and evening to present himself for battle.
17:20 yw1i What was the army doing as David arrived at the camp? The army was going out to the battlefield shouting the war cry.
17:23 e9w2 As David talked with his brothers who came out of the ranks of the Philistines? The strong man, Goliath, came out of the ranks of the Philistines.
17:25 dqgl What would the king do for the fathers house of the man who killed Goliath? The king would give the man great riches and make his fathers house free from taxation in Israel.
17:26 dj29 What did David say the man who killed the Philistine would take away from Israel? The man who killed the Philistine would take away the disgrace from Israel.
17:28 dnj2 What did Eliab say was the mischief in Davids heart? He said that he knew Davids pride, and that he came down so that he might see the battle.
17:32 r12x What did David tell Saul he would do so no mans heart needed to fail because of the Philistine? David told Saul that he would go and fight with the Philistine.
17:35 e02f What did David do to the lion or bear that rose up against him? He caught him by his beard, struck him, and killed him.
17:36 vku5 Why did David say this uncircumcised Philistine will be like the lion or the bear he had killed earlier? The Philistine had challenged the armies of the living God.
17:39 j8di Why was David not able to walk in the armor the king provided? He had not trained with it.
17:42 k2v7 Why did the Philistine despise David when he saw him? David was only a boy, and ruddy, with a handsome appearance.
17:45 pwus When the Philistine came with sword, spear and Javelin, in what did David say he came? David said that he came in the name of Yahweh of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom the Philistine had defied.
17:46 kat3 What did David say the earth would know because the dead bodies of the Philistines would be given to the birds and wild beasts? All the earth would know that there is a God in Israel.
17:48 tw9e What did David do when Goliath drew near to meet him? David ran quickly toward the enemy to meet him.
17:51 iyo7 What did the Philistines do when they saw that their strong man was dead? The Philistines fled.
17:53 atxm What did the people of Israel do as they returned from chasing the Philistines? The people of Israel plundered the Philistine camp.
17:57 dwbf What did David have in his hand when Abner brought him before Saul? David had the head of the Philistine in his hand.
18:1 ckpc How strongly was the soul of Jonathan bound to the soul of David? Jonathan loved David as his own soul.
18:4 qov4 What did Jonathan take off and give to David with his armor? Jonathan took off the robe that he was wearing and gave it to David.
18:5 a5wa Over whom did Saul set David? Saul set him over the men of war.
18:8 tgof What had the singers song ascribed to David, which displeased Saul? They ascribed to David ten thousands, but they had ascribed only thousands to Saul.
18:11 j9f3 What did Saul think as he threw the spear at David? Saul thought that he would pin David to the wall.
18:14 wsho Why did David prosper in all his ways? David prospered for Yahweh was with him.
18:17 ukbr Why did Saul think his hand would not need to be against David? Saul thought the hand of the Philistines be against David.
18:20 jd6t What did Saul think his daughter Michal would be for David if Saul gave her to him? Saul thought she could be a trap for David.
18:22 hm2w Where did Saul command his servants to speak with David about becoming the kings son-in-law? He commanded his servants to speak with David in private.
18:23 ts5u Why did David think he was not worthy to be the kings son-in-law? He was a poor man, and lightly esteemed.
18:25 h91m What was the only dowry the king desired from David? The king desired only one hundred foreskins of the Philistines.
18:27 sujt What did David and his men do that exceeded the kings dowry request? David killed two hundred Philistines and brought their foreskins.
18:30 kf1e How great was Davids success, so his name was highly regarded? David succeeded more than all the servants of Saul.
19:2 jxvs Why did Jonathan tell David to be on his guard and hide himself? Saul was seeking to kill David.
19:4 c0yi What did Jonathan tell Saul that Davids deeds brought to him? Jonathan told Saul that Davids deeds had brought Saul good.
19:6 yqjj What did Saul swear after listening to Jonathan? Saul swore that he would not put David to death.
19:8 l1ap What happened when David again went out and fought with the Philistines? David defeated the Philistines with a great slaughter.
19:11 fqdx Why did Saul send messengers to Davids house to watch him? Saul wanted to kill him in the morning.
19:12 b2l6 How did Michal help David to flee and escape? Michal let David down through the window.
19:15 rcly What did Saul plan to do when he ordered for David to be brought to him in the bed? Saul planned to kill him.
19:16 a19t What did Michal use at the head of the household idol in the bed to make it look like David? She put a pillow of goats hair at the idols head.
19:18 klb8 When David fled and escaped, who did he go to see in Ramah? David went to Samuel.
19:20 m50h What happened to the messengers of Saul that caused them to prophesy? The Spirit of God came on them.
19:21-22 j430 After sending messengers for a third time what did Saul do? Saul also went to Ramah.
19:24 b1jt How long did Saul lay naked before Samuel? He lay naked all that day and all that night.
20:2 j9ab What did Jonathan say his father did not do without telling him? He said that his father did nothing either great or small without telling it to him.
20:3 oehx How close did David say he was to death? He said that there was but a step between him and death.
20:5 cz0d What did David ask to do until the third day at evening? David asked to hide in the field until the third day at evening.
20:6 ereh What reason did David tell Jonathan to give Saul if Saul missed him? He said to tell Saul that he went to Bethlehem his city, because it is the yearly sacrifice there for the whole family.
20:8 rwfp Why did David ask Jonathan to deal kindly with him as his servant? Jonathan had brought David, his servant, into a covenant of Yahweh with him.
20:11 yh25 Where did Jonathan say to go to continue their discussion? He told David to go with him out into the field.
20:13 k26s Why did Jonathan want to make his fathers response known to David and send him away? Jonathan promises to make it known to David so that David could go in peace.
20:17 qtuf Why did Jonathan make David vow again to him? He made David vow again because of the love that he had for him.
20:21 lg2z Who does Jonathan say he would send to find the arrows he shot? He said he would send a young man to find the arrows.
20:24 tekb When the new moon came, what did the king sit down to do? The king sat down to eat food.
20:26 smwc What did Saul think could have happened to David to make him absent from the feast? Saul thought David was not clean.
20:29 wdkn Why does Jonathan say David had to attend his familys sacrifice? He said Davids brother had ordered him to be there.
20:30 nsbb How does Saul describe Jonathans mother in his burning anger? He called him the son of a wicked and rebellious woman.
20:34 rtj1 Why was Jonathan grieved over David? He was grieved over David because his father had dishonored him.
20:36 x4gd Where did Jonathan shoot the arrow as the young man ran? Jonathan shot an arrow beyond the young man.
20:42 hkfk What did Jonathan do when David stood up and left? Jonathan returned to the city.
21:2 nzyh About what did David say the king told him to let no one know? He said the king told him to let no one know anything about the business he was sending him, and what he had commanded him.
21:4 k1yf What did the priest answer David about the bread on hand? The priest said that there was no ordinary bread on hand, but there was holy bread.
21:6 a0vy From where had the bread of the presence been removed? The bread of the presence had been removed from before Yahweh.
21:7 gel6 What was the work Doeg the Edomite did for Saul? Doeg the Edomite was the chief of Sauls herdsmen.
21:8 ml0g Why did David say he had no weapons with him? He said that he had brought no weapons because the kings business was urgent.
21:10 mrty From whom was David fleeing when he went to Achish? He was fleeing that day from Saul.
21:13 qnuf What did David pretend when he changed his behavior before Achish? He pretended to be insane in their hands.
21:14 asot What did Achish ask his servants when he saw David was mad? He asked them why they brought this madman to him.
22:2 ods4 Who besides Davids fathers house gathered to him at the cave of Adullam? Everyone who was in distress, every one who was in debt, and every one who was discontented, gathered to him.
22:4 tlu4 How long did Davids father and mother stay with the king of Moab? They stayed with the king the whole time that David was in his stronghold.
22:6 nifi Who had been discovered along with David? The men who were with David were also discovered.
22:8 o6w7 What does Saul accuse his servants of not revealing to him? Saul said that none of his servants revealed to him that his son had incited his servant David against him.
22:10 x1lh What two things does Doeg the Edomite tell Saul that Ahimelech gave to David? Ahimelech gave David provisions and the sword of Goliath the Philistine.
22:13 lomq What did Saul say Ahimelech did for the son of Jesse besides giving him bread and a sword? Saul said that Ahimelech prayed to God that he might help him.
22:17 vp8p What were the servants of King Saul not willing to put out their hand to do? They would not kill the priests of Yahweh.
22:19 am57 Who did Doeg kill with the edge of the sword in Nob, the city of the priests? He killed both men and women, children and infants, and oxen and donkeys and sheep.
22:20 ipo7 Where did Abiathar go when he escaped the killing? Abiathar fled after David.
22:22 a4nk For what did David tell Abiathar he was responsible? David said that he was responsible for every death in his fathers family.
23:1-2 ydf2 From whom did David seek help when the Philistines fought against Keilah and robbed the threshing floors? David prayed to Yahweh for help.
23:3-4 dt3w Why did David pray to Yahweh again about the Philistines? Davids men told him they were afraid in Judah and were also afraid to attack the Philistines.
23:5 iwjo What was the outcome when David and his men fought with the Philistines as Yahweh had told David to do? Yahweh gave them victory over the Philistines, so David saved the inhabitants of Keilah.
23:7-8 kji4 Why did Saul think he could attack David and his men? David and his men were shut in in a city that had gates and bars.
23:9 qn0b After David knew that Saul was plotting harm against him, what did David say to Abiathar the priest? David said to Abiathar the priest, “Bring the ephod here.”
23:10-11 np3q What did David ask Yahweh concerning Saul and the men of Keilah? David wanted to know if Saul would come down to Keilah and if the men of Keilah would surrender him into Sauls hand.
23:12 oi0v What was Yahwehs reply to David concerning the men of Keilah? Yahweh told David that the men of Keilah would surrender David into the hand of Saul.
23:13-14 fp2g Why did Saul stop his pursuit of David at Keilah and search for him elsewhere? Saul was told that David had escaped from Keilah.
23:15 xksx How was Jonathan, Sauls son, a help to David in the wilderness? He went to David and strengthened his hand in God.
23:18 zeea Before Jonathan went home, what did he and David do in Horesh? They made a covenant before Yahweh.
23:25 d2mf Why was David not safe in Horesh and what did he do? He was going to be betrayed by the people and given over to Saul, so he and his men went to another wilderness.
23:26-27 zipu What happened as Saul and his men were surrounding David and his men? A messenger came to Saul and told him that the Philistines had made a raid against the land.
23:28 ft8w What was Sauls response to this news? Saul returned to fight the Philistines.
24:1-2 viuc What did Saul do when he heard that David was in the wilderness of Engedi? He took three thousand chosen men and went to find David and his men.
24:4 ynxk What did David do to Saul in the cave instead of killing him? David cut off a corner of Sauls robe without being noticed.
24:5-7 rigm Why would David not allow his men to attack Saul, but let him leave the cave in safety? Davids heart afflicted him and he felt that Yahweh would not want him to harm Yahwehs anointed.
24:8 m6sg When David left the cave after Saul, how did he show respect to Saul? David called Saul his master, the king, and then bowed his face to the ground.
24:10-11 pcuy How did David show Saul that he did not want to bring harm to him? David showed him the corner of his robe that David had been close enough to cut off.
24:16 leux What was Sauls response to David? He called David his son, then Saul lifted up his voice and wept.
24:17-18 k18a Why did Saul say that David was more righteous than himself? David had repaid Saul with good even though Saul had done evil to David.
24:20 z0io What did Saul come to know about David at this time? Saul knew that David would be king and the kingdom of Israel would be established with David.
24:21-22 coag Before Saul went home, what oath did David make to him at Sauls request? David promised he would not cut off Sauls descendants, and he would not destroy Sauls name out of his fathers house.
25:3 bxo3 What kind of man was Nabal in his dealings? He was harsh and evil.
25:3 yupn What was Habals wife Abigail like? She was intelligent and beautiful in appearance.
25:4 bhhy Who did David send to greet Nabal while he was shearing his sheep? David sent ten young men to greet Nabal.
25:7 p1e4 Why did David think that Nabal would help him and his ten young men? Davids group had protected Nabals shepherds when they were with Davids group.
25:8 t09l What did Davids young men ask Nabal to give them? They asked Nabal to give them and David whatever he has in hand for a festive day.
25:9-11 i02w What was Nabals response to Davids young men? Nabal said that he did not know David and he needed all he had for his shearers.
25:13 wg3a What did David tell his men to do when he heard about Nabals response? David ordered his men to strap on their swords.
25:14-15 macm When the young man spoke to Abigail, how did he say that David and his men treated them in the fields? He said they were good to Nabals shepherds while they were with them in the field.
25:17 yfq8 Why did the young man go to Abigail instead of to Nabal? Nabal was such a worthless fellow that no one could reason with him.
25:18-19 p7f3 What did Abigail do after hearing about her husbands response. Abigail hurriedly gathered provisions and told her young men to go before her, but she did not tell Nabal.
25:20 cop5 Who came toward Abigail as she rode her donkey bringing the provisions? David and his men came toward Abigail and she met them.
25:21-22 gnf9 What had David said that he planned to do after guarding Nabals possessions in vain? David planned to kill all the men who belonged to Nabal.
25:23-24 z2hf What did Abigail do when when she met David? Abigail hurriedly got down from her donkey, lay before David face down and asked to speak to David as his servant.
25:25-26 jy8o What did Abigail hope to prevent by talking to David? She hoped to stop the bloodshed of those with Nabal.
25:27-28 tsea What does Abigail hope to accomplish by giving David and his young men the provisions? Abigail hoped that David would forgive Nabals sins.
25:28 arqz Who does Abigail tell David will make his home sure and without evil? Abigail says that Yahweh will make Davids home sure.
25:29 z4xr Who will sling away the lives of Davids enemies, as from the pocket of a sling? Yahweh will protect David even though men rise up to take his life.
25:32 xivy Who does David say sent Abigail to meet him? David said that Yahweh sent Abigail.
25:33 lgza Why does David say that Abigail and her wisdom are blessed? Because of Abigails quick action, David kept from shedding blood and avenging himself.
25:34 j0lk Who has kept David form killing all the males in Nabals household by sending Abigail quickly? Yahweh, the God of Israel, kept David from killing the males in Nabals household.
25:36 vw7q Why did Abigail not talk to Nabal when she returned from seeing David? Nabal was holding a feast and was very drunk.
25:37-38 w13y What happened to Nabal in the morning when Abigail talked to him? His heart died and he became like stone, and ten days later Yahweh attacked Nabal and he died.
25:39-40 p76v What did David do when he heard that Nabal was dead? David sent his servants to ask Abigail to become his wife.
25:42 jok0 What did Abigail do when she heard David wanted to marry her? Abigail hurriedly arose and went by donkey following Davids messengers to become his wife.
25:44 pf98 What happened to Davids wife, Michal? Saul gave her to another man as his wife.
26:2 sbb7 Who did Saul take with him to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph? Saul took three thousand chosen men of Israel.
26:4 omme How did David know that Saul was coming after him into the wilderness? David had sent out spies and learned from them that Saul was coming.
26:5 htib Where did David go after learning that Saul had come? David arose and went to the place where Saul camped.
26:6-7 fy1w What did Joabs brother want to do when he and David saw Saul sleeping inside the camp? Joabs brother wanted to kill Saul with his spear.
26:9 y1ll Why did David not want Joabs brother to kill Saul? David said no one could extend his hand against Yahwehs anointed one and be guiltless.
26:10 coa9 How does David say Saul must die? Yahweh will kill Saul, or he will die on his own, or he will die in battle.
26:11-12 afev What did David take from Saul? David took the spear and the jar of water from near Sauls head.
26:13 eadw What did David go after left Sauls camp? He went over to the other side and stood on the top to the mountain far off.
26:15-16 jf01 Why did David say Abner, the man who was to watch over Saul, deserved to die? He did not keep watch after his master Saul when someone came to kill him.
26:17-18 cset What question did David ask Saul? David asked why Saul was pursuing David and what evil David had done.
26:19 u0y1 What did David want to happen to human beings that stirred Saul up against David? David wants them to be cursed in the sight of Yahweh.
26:21 njww What did Saul say to David? Saul said that he had sinned and would harm David no more.
26:22 rqo5 What did David tell Saul to do about his spear? He told Saul to send one of his young men over to get it.
26:24 chj3 What value did David show that he had for Sauls life? Sauls life was precious in Davids eyes.
27:1 zy9g Why did David think that he needed to escape into the land of the Philistines? David felt that was the only way he could escape Saul.
27:4 aon0 What made Saul no longer look for David? Saul heard that David and those with him had fled to Gath.
27:5-6 oxr1 What did David ask and get from Achish the Philistine? David asked for a place in one of the cities in the country, and Achish gave him Ziklag.
27:8-9 qrhu What did David and his men do with the men and women, animals and clothing from their raids? They killed the people and took the animals and clothing and then returned to Achish.
27:10 rfy0 How did David tell Achish he had been when he returned from raids? David said that he raided the south of Judah, so Achish thought he attacked Israel.
27:11 v54i Why did David keep no one alive and bring them to Gath? David killed everyone so that they would be unable to tell what David had done.
27:12 g1of Why did Achish think that David has made his people of Israel utterly hate David? Achish believed Davids lies that he had raided the people of Israel.
28:1-2 ifit What did Achish want David to do when the Philistines gathered to fight Israel? Achish wanted David to permanently be his bodyguard.
28:3 b41f Who did Saul ban from the land after Samuels death? Saul banned all those who talked with the dead or with spirits.
28:4 enog Which two countries gathered to fight? The Philistines and Israel gathered.
28:5-7 q04d Why did Saul search for a woman who claimed to talk to the dead? Saul was afraid of the Philistine army and did not hear from Yahweh.
28:8-9 gwqp What was the women afraid of when the disguised Saul and two of his men went to talk to her? She was afraid because Saul killed everyone who talked to the dead after Samuels death.
28:10 kt4x What did Saul promise to the woman? Saul promised that she would not be punished if she helped Saul.
28:11-12 h0tp How did the woman know that Saul was the man who asked for her to bring up Samuel? She knew that she was deceived when she saw Samuel.
28:13-14 dt9i What did the woman say Samuel looked like? The woman saw a god coming out of the earth, an old man clothed with a robe.
28:15 ozty Why did Saul bring up Samuel? Saul was distressed because the Philistines are going to war with him and God has left Saul.
28:16-17 pdg8 What did Samuel say Yahweh had done with Sauls kingdom? Yahweh had torn Sauls kingdom from him and given it to David.
28:19 e711 How soon were Saul and his sons going to be dead with Samuel? They would die the next day.
28:22 xqec What did the woman and Sauls servants urged him to do? They urged him to eat and gain his strength.
28:24-25 inqz What did the woman bring to Saul and his servants to eat? She killed a fatted calf and baked unleavened bread for them to eat.
29:3 q8dw What did Achish say he had not found in David? Achish said he had found no fault with David since he came to him.
29:4 mib9 What were the princes of the Philistines afraid that David would do during the battle? They feared that David would become an enemy to them in the battle.
29:6-7 jim7 What did Achish tell David to do because the princes of the Philistines did not want David there? He told David to peacefully return to his home.
29:9 hilu What was the final decision about David that Achish told David? They said David must not go up with them to the battle.
29:10 z8wm What did Achish tell David to do in the morning? He told David to rise early, take the men that had come with him, and go away.
30:1-2 iln8 What did David and his men find had happened to Ziklag while they were away? The Amalekites had raided, attacked, burned it, and captured all the women and others and took them away.
30:3-4 lpgb How did David and his men react to what they found in Ziklag? They raised their voices and wept until they could weep no more.
30:5-6 x3nr Why was David distressed? His two wives were taken captive, and the grieving people were talking about stoning him.
30:8 vjer What did David want to know when he prayed to Yahweh? David wanted to know, if he pursued after the Amalekites, would he overtake them.
30:8 z22j What was Yahwehs answer to David? Yahweh told him to pursue the troop, be successful, and recover everything that had been taken.
30:10 bc66 What happened to two hundred of Davids men at the brook Besor? They so weak that they had to stay behind.
30:12 hvvu What was wrong with the Egyptian man that David and his men found as they were pursuing the Amalekites? He had not eaten bread or drunk any water for three days and three nights.
30:13 k1zc Why had the Egyptians master left him? He said he fell sick three days ago.
30:15 qmc2 What was the Egyptians requirement before he would show David where the raiding party was? He told David to swear that he would not kill him or betray him to his master.
30:16-17 prb4 What were the raiders doing when David attacked them? They were celebrating because of all the booty they had taken from the land of the Philistines and Judah.
30:18 uroh What did David recover after his attack on the raiders? He recovered everything the Amalekites and raiders had taken.
30:22 zls5 Why didnt the wicked men think that the recovered booty should be shared with those men that were left behind? They said those left behind did not go and fight with them.
30:23-24 muys Why did David tell the wicked men they should all share and share alike? He said Yahweh had preserved them and had given them victory over the raiders that had come against them.
30:26 mj3j What did David do with the booty from Yahwehs enemies when he came back to Ziklag? David shared the booty with many elders of Judah and other places that he and his men frequently went.
31:1 wuj5 What happened to the men of Israel when they fought the Philistines? The men of Israel fled from the Philistines and fell dead.
31:2 hkal What happened to Sauls sons? The Philistines killed his sons.
31:3 v08a What happened to Saul in the battle? He was overtaken by the archers and was in severe pain.
31:4 egjl What did Saul ask his armor bearer to do because Saul was in severe pain and he was afraid his enemy would come and abuse him? Saul asked him to draw his sword and kill him.
31:4 ppl6 What did Saul do when his armor bearer was afraid and would not kill him? Saul took his own sword and fell on it.
31:5 lhyt What did the armor bearer do after he saw that Saul was dead? He fell on his own sword and died.
31:7 qfch Why did the men of Israel from the other side of the valley and beyond the Jordan abandon their cities and flea? They fled because they saw that the other men of Israel had fled and that Saul and his sons were dead.
31:9 vmlj What did the Philistines do with Sauls body that they found when they came to strip the dead? The Philistines cut off Sauls head and fastened his body to the city wall of Beth Shan.
31:11-12 dnwp What did the fighting men of Jabesh Gilead do after its inhabitants heard what happened to Saul? They went to Bethshan and took the bodies of Saul and his sons to Jabesh and burned them.
31:13 xdts What did the inhabitants of Jabesh do with the bones of Saul and his sons? They buried their bones under a terebinth tree in Jabesh and fasted for seven days.