# OGNTa (OpenGNT Abridged) This is an abridged and updated version of OpenGNT Version 3 [OGNT 3.3 Base Text](https://github.com/eliranwong/OpenGNT/blob/master/OpenGNT_BASE_TEXT.zip) ## Structure changes - OGNT3.3 abridged to the following tab-separated columns: - OGNTsort = sort numbers of all words of the base text of OGNT. - Book-Chapter:Verse = scripture reference. - PMpWord-OGNT-PMfWord = OGNT and punctuation marks. - PMpWord = punctuation mark(s) preceding the main word. - [[ changed to ⟦ - ]] changed to ⟧ - OGNT = Greek word of OGNT in accented form. - PMfWord = punctuation mark(s) following the main word. - lexeme = Greek word of OGNT in lexical form. - rmac = Robinson's Morphological Analysis Codes. - TBESG = context-insensitive glosses (from Tyndale House's TAGNT). - IT = context-sensitive glossess (from Berean Interlinear Bible) | OGNTsort | Book-Chapter:Verse | PMpWord OGNTa PMfWord | lexeme | rmac | TBESG | IT | |----------|--------------------|-----------------------|----------------------|---------|--------------|--------------------| | 000001 | 40-1:1 | Βίβλος | βίβλος | N-NSF | book | [The] book | | 000002 | 40-1:1 | γενέσεως | γένεσις | N-GSF | origin | of [the] genealogy | | 000003 | 40-1:1 | Ἰησοῦ | Ἰησοῦς | N-GSM-P | Jesus/Joshua | of Jesus | | 000004 | 40-1:1 | Χριστοῦ | Χριστός | N-GSM-T | Christ | Christ, | | 000005 | 40-1:1 | υἱοῦ | υἱός | N-GSM | son | son | | 000006 | 40-1:1 | Δαυὶδ | Δαυείδ, Δαυίδ, Δαβίδ | N-GSM-P | David | of David, | | 000007 | 40-1:1 | υἱοῦ | υἱός | N-GSM | son | son | | 000008 | 40-1:1 | Ἀβραάμ . ¶ | Ἀβραάμ | N-GSM-P | Abraham | of Abraham: | ## Content changes - `018408 41-1:5 Ἰουδαία N-NSF-L` ⇒ `A-NSF-L` - `044656 42-19:21 αὐστηρὸς P-NSM` ⇒ `A-NSM` - `044681 42-19:22 αὐστηρός P-NSM` ⇒ `A-NSM` - --- ## License : The entire text of OGNTa is released under the following license: Creative Commons Licence
OGNTa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. --- ## Attribution : Creative Commons Licence
Open Greek New Testament Project by Eliran Wong is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://github.com/eliranwong/OpenGNT.