From 540f9e35c7b71895a67f3e1ed347fb9cc02dd080 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andley Chang Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2021 20:23:13 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] vault backup: 2021-04-04 20:23:13 --- 03 利未記.md | 0 | 105 ------------------------------------------------ 立祂名的居所.md | 29 +++++++++++++ 聖經神學筆記.md | 11 +++++ 4 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-) create mode 100644 03 利未記.md delete mode 100644 create mode 100644 立祂名的居所.md diff --git a/03 利未記.md b/03 利未記.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0cb0f09..0000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -If you saw my previous post, [“What Should I Read on New Testament Textual Criticism?”](, you know what to expect here. This time the subject is discourse analysis (DA) and particularly for its use in NT exegesis. These are my categorized recommendations according to the path I’ve taken in my own study. Know that there is a lot of stuff out there. And there are surely many, many wonderful resources I’ve omitted. But this is what I’ve read and found helpful so far. - -**Start Here** -============== - -[“Why Your Exegesis Needs Discourse Analysis”]( - -Maybe I should have chosen a better title for this post since my first recommendation requires a listen. This is a _Tool Talk_ podcast from 2018 and a nice point of entry. Todd Scacewater says, “Discourse analysis is the examination of language above the level of the sentence.” And why should we care? Todd says, - -> The Bible is written in language and discourse analysis is one of the best \[linguistic\] tools that we have…to understand language better. Discourse analysis can help us better understand the Bible because it’s written in language. - -Give it a listen! - -[_Advances in the Study of Greek: New Insights for Reading the New Testament_]( - -Constantine Campbell’s survey of the discipline is my recommended read that offers a thorough and accessible introduction. - -[_Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament_]( - -Steve Runge’s practical guide equips the reader to identify and understand a slew of discourse features in the Greek New Testament. With simple explanations and plenty of examples, this one is highly recommended. - -_[Discourse Features of New Testament Greek: A Coursebook on the Information Structure of New Testament Greek]( - -Stephen Levinsohn also brings out some specific discourse features in a book brimming with examples. - -[_Exegetical Gems from Biblical Greek_]( - -Benjamin Merkle succinctly introduces the reader to discourse analysis in three and a half pages. - -[_Linguistics & Biblical Exegesis_]( - -Douglas Mangum and Josh Westbury’s edited volume includes two short sections surveying discourse analysis, both authored by Jeremy Thompson and Wendy Widder. - -[_Linguistics and New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Discourse Analysis_]( - -This is an edited volume from Black, Barnwell, and Levinsohn that includes chapters on both general methodology and specific applications to NT texts. - -[_Linguistics & Biblical Interpretation_]( - -Cotterell and Turner wrote two solid chapters on DA in which they define and illustrate key concepts. - -[_Analyzing Discourse: A Manual of Basic Concepts_]( - -In what is a really fun read, Robert Dooley and Stephen Levinshohn offer a useful guide to their grab-bag approach to discourse analysis. Bonus points for drawing illustrative material from Graham Greene and Albert Camus. - -[Intermediate Greek Grammar: Syntax for Students of the New Testament]( - -David Mathewson and Elodie Ballantine Emig, in their recent intermediate Greek grammar, include an entire chapter on DA. - -[_Going Deeper with New Testament Greeek_]( - -Kostenberger, Merkle, and Plummer also introduce discourse analysis in their intermediate Greek grammar by briefly discussing discourse boundaries, prominence, and cohesion. - -[_New Testament Greek for Preachers and Teachers: Five Areas of Application_]( - -Neal Windham included a chapter on DA in this handy introduction to putting your Greek to work in NT exegesis. - -**Advanced Reading** -==================== - -[_Discourse Analysis_]( - -Gillian Brown and George Yule’s book is a standard work on discourse analysis in general. It is technical and covers many important concepts in depth. - -[_The Semantic Structure of Written Communication_]( - -I’ve only started this one, but I’ve used several of the commentaries from SIL that apply the Semantic and Structural Analysis (SSA) of identifying a text’s components and the relationships these components bear to one another. - -[_Ancient Greek Grammar for the Study of the New Testament_]( - -You can read my review of Heinrich von Siebenthal’s grammar [here]( There I noted: - -> After examining sentences, the organization and structure of the text is the next logical step. It’s nice to see a grammar include discourse grammar as one of its parts and devote some genuine attention to the topic. For the actual work of analyzing discourse, the author’s methodology of choice is Semantic and Structural Analysis (SSA). This approach is “aimed not only at considering individual propositions and their relations to their immediate neighbours, but also highlighting the way in which they relate to the overall content communicated by the text” ([629]( - -[_Current Trends in Textlinguistics_]( - -This edited volume from Wolfgang Dressler from 1978 is “current” no more, but it does contain some interesting chapters worth reading. Ridiculously expensive new, but you can probably find an affordable used copy. - -[The Greek Verb Revisited: A Fresh Approach for Biblical Exegesis]( - -I almost overlooked including this one until a friend on Twitter (Thanks Vincent!) reminded me that this edited volume from Steve Runge and Chris Fresch does, in fact, speak to discourse considerations. There’s even a chapter by Steve Runge entitled “Discourse Function of the Greek Perfect.” - -**Applications of Discourse Analysis** -======================================= - -[_The Book of James: A New Perspective_]( - -Want to see DA in action? Will Varner’s commentary applies discourse analysis across the entire book of James. - -_High Definition Commentaries_ - -Steve Runge has written several “High Definition” commentaries in which he puts his DA methodology into action in whole books of the NT. He’s done [James](, [Romans](, [Philippians](, and [Galatians]( You can read my review of his commentary on Galatians [here]( - -[_Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament Datasets_]( - -Steve Runge combed the entire text of the Greek New Testament tagging every discourse featured discussed in his [_Discourse Grammar_]( along the way. Impressive! This is a dataset for use in Logos Bible Software. - -[_Discourse Analysis of the New Testament Writings_]( - -I haven’t read this one (yet!) from Todd Scacewater, but I felt like not including it would be a glaring oversight. A lineup of contributors tackle every writing in the NT. It’s about time someone took this on! - -**Conclusion** -============== - -DA is a hot topic. And, while it has its proponents and naysayers, I appreciate its focus and contribution to understanding the structure of a text. These resources demonstrate how there are many ways to go about doing this. If you’re just wading into the field, some of these suggested resources will help you to get started. Let me know what books, articles, podcasts, etc. you’ve found helpful that I’ve left out. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/立祂名的居所.md b/立祂名的居所.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1f2e45 --- /dev/null +++ b/立祂名的居所.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +**Q> 神選擇立祂名的居所是在哪裡?** + +**A> 先是示羅,後來改成耶路撒冷。** + +最早提到神要選擇一個「立祂名的居所」的經文是在申命記,但沒有指名是哪個地點 (申 12:5, 11, 14; 14:23; 16:2, 6, 11; 26:2)。 +- 申 12:5 但耶和華-你們的上帝從你們各支派中選擇何處為立他名的居所,你們就當往那裏去求問, +- 申 12:11 那時要將我所吩咐你們的燔祭、平安祭、十分取一之物,和手中的舉祭,並向耶和華許願獻的一切美祭,都奉到耶和華-你們上帝所選擇要立為他名的居所。 +- 申 12:14 惟獨耶和華從你那一支派中所選擇的地方,你就要在那裏獻燔祭,行我一切所吩咐你的。 +- 申 14:23 又要把你的五穀、新酒、和油的十分之一,並牛群羊群中頭生的,吃在耶和華-你上帝面前,就是他所選擇要立為他名的居所。這樣,你可以學習時常敬畏耶和華-你的上帝。 +- 申 16:2 你當在耶和華所選擇要立為他名的居所,從牛群羊群中,將逾越節的祭牲獻給耶和華-你的上帝。 +- 申 16:6 只當在耶和華-你上帝所選擇要立為他名的居所,晚上日落的時候,乃是你出埃及的時候,獻逾越節的祭。 +- 申 16:11 你和你兒女、僕婢,並住在你城裏的利未人,以及在你們中間寄居的與孤兒寡婦,都要在耶和華-你上帝所選擇立為他名的居所,在耶和華-你的上帝面前歡樂。 +- 申 26:2 就要從耶和華-你上帝賜你的地上將所收的各種初熟的土產取些來,盛在筐子裏,往耶和華-你上帝所選擇要立為他名的居所去, + + +(1) 示羅 (耶 7:12, 14; 書 18:1; 19:51) +- 耶 7:12 你們且往示羅去,就是我先前立為我名的居所,察看我因這百姓以色列的罪惡向那地所行的如何。」 +- 耶 7:14 所以我要向這稱為我名下、你們所倚靠的殿,與我所賜給你們和你們列祖的地施行,照我從前向示羅所行的一樣。 +- 書 18:1 以色列的全會眾都聚集在示羅,把會幕設立在那裏,那地已經被他們制伏了。 +- 書 19:51 這就是祭司以利亞撒和嫩的兒子約書亞,並以色列各支派的族長,在示羅會幕門口,耶和華面前,拈鬮所分的地業。這樣,他們把地分完了。 + +(2) 耶路撒冷 (王上 8:16, 29; 代下 6:5–6; 33:4; 亞 1:17; 2:12 +- 王上 8:16 他說:『自從我領我民以色列出埃及以來,我未曾在以色列各支派中選擇一城建造殿宇-為我名的居所,但揀選大衛治理我民以色列。』」 +- 王上 8:29 願你晝夜看顧這殿,就是你應許立為你名的居所;求你垂聽僕人向此處禱告的話。 +- 代下 6:5 他說:『自從我領我民出埃及地以來,我未曾在以色列眾支派中選擇一城建造殿宇為我名的居所,也未曾揀選一人作我民以色列的君; +- 代下 6:6 但選擇耶路撒冷為我名的居所,又揀選大衛治理我民以色列。』」 +- 代下 33:4 在耶和華的殿宇中築壇-耶和華曾指着這殿說:「我的名必永遠在耶路撒冷。」 +- 亞 1:17 你要再宣告說,萬軍之耶和華如此說:我的城邑必再豐盛發達。耶和華必再安慰錫安,揀選耶路撒冷。」 +- 亞 2:12 耶和華必收回猶大作他聖地的分,也必再揀選耶路撒冷。 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/聖經神學筆記.md b/聖經神學筆記.md index 3dffc5f..e255ffd 100644 --- a/聖經神學筆記.md +++ b/聖經神學筆記.md @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ #### 妥拉 - [01 創世記]( - [02 出埃及記]( +- [03 利未記]( +- #### 先知 ##### aa @@ -27,5 +29,14 @@ [[亞伯拉罕]] + +## 聖經難題 +[[立祂名的居所]] + + ## 參考資料 +高偉勳(Graeme Goldsworthy)。《聖經神學與解經講道》。金繼宇譯。加州:美國麥種,2014。 + +———。《認識聖經神學》。林向陽譯。台北市:校園,1998。 +