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2020-12-29 23:58:43 +00:00
約12:3741 他雖然在他們面前行了許多神蹟,他們還是不信他。 這是要應驗先知以賽亞的話,說:主阿,我們所傳的有誰信呢?主的膀臂向誰顯露呢? 他們所以不能信,因為以賽亞又說: 主叫他們瞎了眼,硬了心,免得他們眼睛看見,心裡明白,回轉過來,我就醫治他們。 以賽亞因為**看見他的榮耀**,就指著他說這話。
羅10:20 又有以賽亞**放膽**說:沒有尋找我的,我叫他們遇見;沒有訪問我的,我向他們顯現。
# 歷史脈絡
## 作者
- 以賽亞 (Isaiah)(יְשַׁעְיָהוּ)、Ἠσαΐας ,意思是:耶和華是拯救
- 亞摩斯 (Amoz) 的兒子 (賽1:1; 2:1; 13:1)
- 已婚,至少有兩個兒子 (
- 賽7:3; 8:3, 18
## 年代
- 主前八世紀,大約從 740-690+ BC
- 賽1:1 當烏西雅(792-740 BC)、約坦(750-735 BC)、亞哈斯(735-715 BC)、希西家(727-686 BC)作猶大王的時候,亞摩斯的兒子以賽亞得默示,論到猶大和耶路撒冷。
- 賽6:1 當烏西雅王崩的那年,我見主坐在高高的寶座上。他的衣裳垂下,遮滿聖殿。 => 740 BC
- 賽 7:1 烏西雅的孫子、約坦的兒子、猶大王亞哈斯在位的時候,亞蘭王利汛和利瑪利的兒子、以色列王比加上來攻打耶路撒冷,卻不能攻取。 => 735 BC
- 賽36:1 希西家王十四年,亞述王西拿基立上來攻擊猶大的一切堅固城,將城攻取。 => 701 BC
# 神學脈絡
# 文學脈絡
- 大綱:
- (1-39)
- (1-6)
- (7-39)
- 信靠亞哈斯 (7-12)
- (13-35)
- 希西家 (36-39)
- (40-55)
- (56-66)
- 三大段Ch. 1-39、Ch. 40-55、Ch. 56-66
- Oswalt 大綱 --- John N. Oswalt, Isaiah, The NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 2003), 6566.
- I. Introduction: Gods Servants, Now and Then (1:15:30)
- A. Gods Denunciation, Appeal, and Promise (1:131)
-B. The Problem: What Israel Is Versus What She Will Be (2:14:6)
- 1. The Destiny of the House of Jacob (2:15)
- 2. The House of Jacob Forsaken (2:64:1)
- 3. Israel Restored (4:26)
- C. A Harvest of Wild Grapes (5:130)
- II. A Call to Servanthood (6:113)
- III. Lessons in Trust—the Basis of Servanthood (7:139:8)
- A. God or Assyria? No Trust (7:112:6)
- 1. Children, Signs of Gods Presence (7:19:7)
- 2. Measured by Gods Standards (9:810:4)
- 3. Hope for Restoration (10:511:16)
- 4. The Song of Trust (12:16)
-B. God: Master of the Nations (13:135:10)
- 1. Gods Judgment on the Nations (13:123:18)
- 2. Gods Triumph over the Nations (24:127:13)
- 3. The Folly of Trusting the Nations (28:133:24)
- 4. Trusting God or the Nations: Results (34:135:10)
- C. God or Assyria? Trust (36:139:8)
- 1. The Assyrian Threat (36:137:38)
- 2. The Human Limits of Trust (38:139:8)
- IV. The Vocation of Servanthood (40:155:13)
- A. Introduction: The Servants Lord (40:131)
-B. Motive for Servanthood: Grace (41:148:22)
- 1. The Servants of the Lord: His Witnesses (41:144:22)
- 2. The Lord Delivers His Servants (44:2346:13)
- 3. The Lords Testimony (47:148:22)
- C. Means of Servanthood: Atonement (49:155:13)
- 1. Anticipation of Reconciliation (49:152:12)
- 2. Revelation of the Means of Reconciliation (52:1353:12)
- 3. Invitation to Reconciliation (54:155:13)
- V. The Marks of Servanthood: Divine Character (56:166:24)
- A. Human Inability (56:159:21)
- 1. Humility and Holiness (56:157:21)
- 2. Righteousness and Ritual (58:159:21)
-B. The Lord Has Glorified You (60:162:12)
- C. Divine Ability (63:166:24)
- 1. Israels Faithfulness; the Lords Faithfulness (63:165:16)
- 2. The Final Judgment (65:1766:24)
Outline of Isaiah
2021-01-11 07:20:48 +00:00
## 經文大綱