# 加拉太書希臘文筆記
Galatians 149 verses
### 經文閱讀
Interlinear 經文出自 OGNTa Project ([@GitHub](https://github.com/Andley/OGNTa); [@GitLab](https://gitlab.com/Andley/ognta); [@DCS](https://git.door43.org/Andley/OGNTa));經文分段和標題則是根據 [UBS5](https://www.academic-bible.com/en/online-bibles/greek-new-testament-ubs5/read-the-bible-text/bibel/text/lesen/stelle/58/10001/19999/ch/bcddc003c20c8d1ff1213d3aa3920bdd/)。
- [加拉太書 Interlinear (英文)](Galatians-Interlinear.md)
- [加拉太書 Interlinear (中文)](Galatians-Interlinear-TC.md)
### 原文特色
- [加拉太書子句結構](Galatians-Clause.md)
- [加拉太書風格特色](Galatians-Style.md)
- [加拉太書詞彙分析](Galatians-Vocabulary.md)
### 句法筆記
- Salutation
- [Gal 1:1-5](Gal.1.1-5.md)
- There is No Other Gospel
- [Gal 1:6-9](Gal.1.6-9.md)
- [Gal 1:10](Gal.1.10.md)
- How Paul Became an Apostle
- [Gal 1:11-12](Gal.1.11-12.md)
- [Gal 1:13-17](Gal.1.13-17.md)
- [Gal 1:18-24](Gal.1.18-24.md)
- Paul Accepted by the Other Apostles
- [Gal 2:1-10](Gal.2.1-5.md)
- Paul Rebukes Peter at Antioch
- [Gal 2:11-14](Gal.2.11-14.md)
- Jews, like Gentiles, are Saved by Faith
- [Gal 2:15-21](Gal.2.15-21.md)
- Law or Faith
- [Gal 3:1-6](Gal.3.1-6.md)
- [Gal 3:7-14](Gal.3.7-14.md)
- The Law and the Promise
- [Gal 3:15-20](Gal.3.15-20.md)
- Slaves and Sons
- [Gal 3:21-22](Gal.3.21-22.md)
- [Gal 3:23-25](Gal.3.23-25.md)
- [Gal 3:26-29](Gal.3.26-29.md)
- [Gal 4:1-7](Gal.4.1-7.md)
- Paul's Concern for the Galatians
- [Gal 4:8-11](Gal.4.8-11.md)
- [Gal 4:12-20](Gal.4.12-20.md)
- The Allegory of Hagar and Sarah
- [Gal 4:21-5:1](Gal.4.21-5.1.md)
- Christian Freedom
- [Gal 5:2-6](Gal.5.2-6.md)
- [Gal 5:7-12](Gal.5.7-12.md)
- [Gal 5:13-15](Gal.5.13-15.md)
- The Fruit of the Spirit and the Works of the Flesh
- [Gal 5:16-21](Gal.5.16-21.md)
- [Gal 5:22-26](Gal.5.22-26.md)
- Bear One Another's Burdens
- [Gal 6:1-10](Gal.6.1-10.md)
- Final Warning and Benediction
- [Gal 6:11-16](Gal.6.11-16.md)
- [Gal 6:17](Gal.6.17.md)
- [Gal 6:18](Gal.6.18.md)
### 主要書目
簡寫 | 出處
:------:| ---
華 | Wallace, Daniel B. Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996.
華勒斯(Daniel B. Wallace)。《中級希臘文文法》。吳存仁譯。台北市:中華福音神學院,2011。
波 | Porter, Stanley E. Idioms of the Greek New Testament. Second edition with corrections. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Academic, 1994.
斯丹利‧波特(Stanley E. Porter)。《新約希臘文的慣用語》。葉雅蓮譯。台北市:中華福音神學院,2013。
DeSilva | DeSilva, David Arthur. _Galatians: A Handbook on the Greek Text_. BHGNT. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2014.
Gupta | Gupta, Nijay, and Jonah Sandford. _Intermediate Biblical Greek Reader: Galatians and Related Texts_. Pennington ePress, George Fox University Libraries, 2018.
### 參考資料
簡寫 | 出處
:------:| ---
Silva | Silva, Moisés. _Interpreting Galatians: Explorations in Exegetical Method_. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids, Mich: Baker Academic, 2001.
Stutzman | Stutzman, Robert. _An Exegetical Summary of Galatians_. ESS. Dallas, TX.: SIL International, 2008.
Robertson | A. T. Robertson。《活泉新約希臘文解經 (卷七) 加拉太書、以弗所書、腓立比書、歌羅西書》。詹正義編。陳一萍譯。10卷。加州:美國活泉,1991。
Mathewson | Mathewson, David L., and Elodie Ballantine Emig. Intermediate Greek Grammar: Syntax for Students of the New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2016.
Runge | Runge, Steven E. Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament: A Practical Introduction for Teaching and Exegesis. Peabody, MA.: Hendrickson, 2010.