## 講道大綱#1 (Rom 8:1–17) 題目:天大好消息 - (1) 好消息 = 不定罪 (8:1-4) - (1a) 在基督耶穌裡 = 再也不定罪!(8:1) ⇒ WHY 不定罪? - (1b) 因為聖靈的能力 (8:2) - (1c) 因為耶穌的救贖 (8:3-4) - (2) 大好消息 = 得著生命 (8:5-13) - (2a) 人生只有兩條路 (8:5-8) - 活路:按聖靈而活→思念屬靈的事 - 死路:按肉體而活→思念肉體的事 - 因為:與神為敵! - e.g. 吃什麼補什麼;看什麼學什麼;想什麼拜什麼 ... etc. - (2b) **既然**你們已經走上活路 (8:9-11) - 只要讓聖靈 = 神的靈 = 基督——住在你裡面! - (2c) 千萬不要再去自尋死路 (8:12-13) - (3) 天大好消息 = 做神兒女,耶穌有的你也有! (8:14-17) - 與耶穌一同:兒女 ⇒ 後嗣 (產業) ⇒ 受苦 ⇒ 榮耀 ## 講道大綱 #2 (Outline #2) 出處: - Harvey, John D. _Romans_. EGGNT. Edited by Andreas J. Köstenberger and Robert W. Yarbrough. Nashville, TN.: B & H Academic, 2017. 題目:The Role of the Indwelling Spirit (8:1–17) 大綱: - (1).Status: No condemnation (οὐδὲν ἄρα νῦν κατάκριμα, 8:1) - (2).Reasons (8:2–11) - (a).The Spirit sets free fsin and death (γάρ, 8:2–4) - (1)Law is unable (8:3a) - (2)God condemned sin (8:3b) - By sending his son as a sin offering (8:3c) - In order to fulfill requirement of law (8:4) - (b(.Those in the Spirit are oriented to spiritual affairs (γάρ, 8:5–8) - (1)The mindset of the Spirit is life and peace (8:6b) - (2)The mindset of the flesh is death (8:6a) - It is hostile to God (8:7a) - It is not subject to God's law (8:7b) - It cannot please God (8:8) - (c).Those in the Spirit are indwelt by the Spirit (ὑμεῖς δέ, 8:9–11) - (1)The body is dead because of sin (8:10a) - (2)The spirit is alive because of righteousness (8:10b) - (3)The Spirit will give life to the body (8:11) - (3).Implications (ἄρα οὖν, ἀδελφοί, 8:12–17) - (a).No longer debtors to the flesh (8:12–13) - (1)Living according to the flesh leads to death (8:13a) - (2)Putting to death deeds of flesh by the Spirit leads to life (8:13b) - (b).Now children of God (8:14–17) - (1)They are led by the Spirit (8:14) - (2)They received the Spirit of adoption (8:15) - (3)The Spirit witnesses to their status (8:16–17)