## HW❺ (Mar 1:9–13) Mar 1:9 ΚαὶAndκαίCONJ ἐγένετοit came to passγίνομαιV-2ADI-3S ἐνinἐνPREP ἐκείναιςthoseἐκεῖνοςD-DPF ταῖς-T-DPF ἡμέραιςdaysἡμέραN-DPF ἦλθεν[that] cameἔρχομαιV-2AAI-3S ἸησοῦςJesusἸησοῦςN-NSM-P ἀπὸfromἀπόPREP ΝαζαρὲτNazarethΝαζαρέθ, ΝαζαράN-GSF-L τῆς-T-GSF Γαλιλαίαςof GalileeΓαλιλαίαN-GSF-L καὶandκαίCONJ ἐβαπτίσθηwas baptizedβαπτίζωV-API-3S εἰςinεἰςPREP τὸνtheT-ASM ἸορδάνηνJordanἸορδάνηςN-ASM-L ὑπὸbyὑπόPREP Ἰωάννου .JohnἸωάννηςN-GSM-P Mar 1:10 καὶAndκαίCONJ εὐθὺςimmediatelyεὐθέωςADV ἀναβαίνωνgoing upἀναβαίνωV-PAP-NSM ἐκfromἐκPREP τοῦtheT-GSN ὕδατοςwaterὕδωρ, ὕδατοςN-GSN εἶδενhe sawεἴδωV-2AAI-3S σχιζομένουςtearing openσχίζωV-PPP-APM τοὺςtheT-APM οὐρανοὺςheavensοὐρανόςN-APM καὶandκαίCONJ τὸtheT-ASN ΠνεῦμαSpiritπνεῦμαN-ASN ὡςasὡςCONJ περιστερὰνa doveπεριστεράN-ASF καταβαῖνονdescendingκαταβαίνωV-PAP-ASN εἰςuponεἰςPREP αὐτόν ·HimαὐτόςP-ASM Mar 1:11 καὶAndκαίCONJ φωνὴa voiceφωνήN-NSF ἐγένετοcameγίνομαιV-2ADI-3S ἐκout ofἐκPREP τῶνtheT-GPM οὐρανῶν ·heavensοὐρανόςN-GPM ΣὺYouσύP-2NS εἶareεἰμίV-PAI-2S theT-NSM ΥἱόςSonυἱόςN-NSM μουof MeἐγώP-1GS theT-NSM ἀγαπητός ,belovedἀγαπητόςA-NSM ἐνinἐνPREP σοὶYouσύP-2DS εὐδόκησα . ¶I am well pleasedεὐδοκέωV-AAI-1S

Mar 1:12 ΚαὶAndκαίCONJ εὐθὺςimmediatelyεὐθέωςADV τὸtheT-NSN ΠνεῦμαSpiritπνεῦμαN-NSN αὐτὸνHimαὐτόςP-ASM ἐκβάλλειdrives outἐκβάλλωV-PAI-3S εἰςintoεἰςPREP τὴνtheT-ASF ἔρημον .wildernessἔρημοςA-ASF Mar 1:13 καὶAndκαίCONJ ἦνHe wasεἰμίV-IAI-3S ἐνinἐνPREP τῇtheT-DSF ἐρήμῳwildernessἔρημοςA-DSF τεσσεράκονταfortyτεσσαράκονταA-APF-NUI ἡμέραςdaysἡμέραN-APF πειραζόμενοςbeing temptedπειράζωV-PPP-NSM ὑπὸbyὑπόPREP τοῦ-T-GSM Σατανᾶ ,SatanΣατανᾶςN-GSM-T καὶAndκαίCONJ ἦνHe wasεἰμίV-IAI-3S μετὰwithμετάPREP τῶνtheT-GPN θηρίων ,wild animalsθηρίονN-GPN καὶandκαίCONJ οἱtheT-NPM ἄγγελοιangelsἄγγελοςN-NPM διηκόνουνwere ministeringδιακονέωV-IAI-3P αὐτῷ . ¶to HimαὐτόςP-DSM ## HW❺ 單字背誦 (9 個) **ἀναβαίνω (82)**
ἀναβαίνω (aor. ἀνέβην ; pf. ἀναβέβηκα) go up, come up, ascend; grow; go aboard (of ships); arise (Lk 24.38); enter, occur to (1 Cor 2.9)
**ἀπό (646)**
ἀπό prep. with gen. from; away from; by means of; of; because of, as a result of; since, ever since; about, for; with; ἀπὸ μιᾶς πάντες one after another, one and all (Lk 14.18)
**εἶδον (341)**
εἶδον see εἶδος
ἴδε Look! See! Listen!; here is; here are
ὁράω (impf. 3 pl. ἑώρων ; fut. ὄψομαι ; aor. εἶδα and εἶδον , ptc. ἰδών , impv. ἴδετε ; pf. ἑώρακα and ἑόρακα ; aor. pass. ὤφθην , ptc. ὀφθείς ; fut. pass. ὀφθήσομαι) trans. see, observe, notice (pass. appear); perceive, understand, recognize; experience; visit, come to see (He 13.23); intrans. make sure, see to, take care ( ὅρα μή do not do that)
**ἐκβάλλω (81)**
ἐκβάλλω (fut. ἐκβαλῶ ; aor. ἐξέβαλον ; plpf. ἐκβεβλήκειν ; aor. pass. ἐξεβλήθην ; fut. pass. ἐκβληθήσομαι) force or drive out, expel, exclude, reject; without exercise of force: send away or out; lead out; take out; bring out; ἐ. ἔξωθεν leave out, omit (Re 11.2); ἐ. εἰς νῖκος τὴν κρίσιν cause justice to triumph (Mt 12.20)
**ἡμέρα (389)**
ἡμέρα , ας f day ( καθ ἡμέραν daily; διὰ τριῶν ἡ. in three days; δῖ ἡμερῶν some days later); time; legal day ( ἀνθρωπίνη ἡ. human court 1 Cor 4.3)
**οὐρανός (273)**
οὐρανός , οῦ m heaven (also used of God to avoid mention of the sacred name); sky
οὐρανός , οῦ m heaven (also used of God to avoid mention of the sacred name); sky
**πνεῦμα (379)**
πνεῦμα , τος n Spirit (of God); spirit, inner life, self; disposition, state of mind; spirit, spirit being or power, power (often of evil spirits); life ( ἀφίημι τὸ π. die Mt 27.50); wind (He 1.7; perhaps Jn 3.8); breath (2 Th 2.8); ghost, apparition (Lk 24.37, 39)
**σύ (2905)**
σύ 2 pers. pro. σοῦ (σου), σοί (σοι), σέ (σε); pl. ὑμεῖς , ὑμῶν , ὑμῖν , ὑμᾶς you
**ὑπό (220)**
ὑπό prep. with: (1) gen. by, by means of; at the hands of; (2) acc. under, below; under the authority of; ὑπὸ τὸν ὄρθρον at daybreak (Ac 5.21)