- **ὁ** (19861) —— ὁ , ἡ , τό pl. οἱ , αἱ , τά the; this, that; he, she, it; τοῦ with inf. in order that, so that, with the result that, that
- **καί** (9019) —— καί conj. and, also, but, even; that is, namely; καὶ ... καί both ... and, not only ... but also; frequently used merely to mark the beginning of a sentence
- **αὐτός** (5595) —— αὐτός , ή , ό self, of oneself, even, very; preceded by the article the same; as a third person pro. he, she, it; ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτό together; κατὰ τὸ αὐτό so the same way; at the same time
- **δέ** (2791) —— δέ but, to the contrary, rather; and; now, then, so; δὲ καί but also, but even; μὲν ... δέ on the one hand ... on the other hand
- **ἐν** (2752) —— ἐν prep. with dat. in, on, at; near, by, before; among, within; by, with; into (= είς); to, for (rarely); ἐν τῷ with inf. during, while, as; ἐν ὀνόματι ὅτι because (Mk 9.41)
- **ἐγώ** (2581) —— ἐγώ 1 pers. pro. ἐμοῦ (μου), ἐμοί (μοι), ἐμέ (με) I, me; pl. ἡμεις , ἡμῶν , ἡμῖν , ἡμᾶς we, us
- **εἰμί** (2462) —— εἰμί (impv. ἴσθι , ἔστω and ἤτω , 3 pl. ἔστωσαν ; inf. εἶναι ; impf. ἦν and ἤμην ; fut. ἔσομαι) be, exist; happen, take place; live; be located in; remain, stay; come (Jn 7.28, 29; 19.9); go (Jn 7.34, 36); οὐκ ἔστιν it is not possible (1 Cor 11.20; He 9.5); ὅ ἐστιν , τοῦτ ἔστιν that means, that is to say; εἰμὶ ἐκ belong to, be one of
- **εἰς** (1767) —— εἰς prep. with acc. into, to; in, at, on, upon, by, near; among; against; concerning; as; εἰς τό with inf. denotes purpose and sometimes result