# ---> Actionscript # Build and Release Folders bin-debug/ bin-release/ [Oo]bj/ [Bb]in/ # Other files and folders .settings/ # Executables *.swf *.air *.ipa *.apk # Project files, i.e. `.project`, `.actionScriptProperties` and `.flexProperties` # should NOT be excluded as they contain compiler settings and other important # information for Eclipse / Flash Builder. # ---> Agda *.agdai MAlonzo/** # ---> Magento1 # gitignore template for Magento v1 projects # # It is recommended that you use `Magento.gitignore` as this is the latest version /PATCH_*.sh /app/etc/local.xml /media/* !/media/.htaccess !/media/customer /media/customer/* !/media/customer/.htaccess !/media/dhl /media/dhl/* !/media/dhl/logo.jpg !/media/downloadable /media/downloadable/* !/media/downloadable/.htaccess !/media/xmlconnect /media/xmlconnect/* !/media/xmlconnect/custom /media/xmlconnect/custom/* !/media/xmlconnect/custom/ok.gif !/media/xmlconnect/original /media/xmlconnect/original/* !/media/xmlconnect/original/ok.gif !/media/xmlconnect/system /media/xmlconnect/system/* !/media/xmlconnect/system/ok.gif /var/* !/var/.htaccess !/var/package /var/package/* !/var/package/*.xml